CRank: 5Score: 14490
4132d ago Show

I didnt read that crap but please, no one care what you have to cry about.. Videogames dont matter at all and are for fun. I already know that sony has won next gen. I don't like sony fanboys at all, and will be buying a ps4 next get first no matter what and not buying an xbox-1 at all.

IM sure many see it my way too and I know sony fanboys wont understand that. There are plenty of people who bought 360s that will be buying a ps4 instead. Im guessing most sony fanb...

4132d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Geez, videogames are probably the only industry where 3 other cooperations will get a part of the money if I sell the object I already paid for when they dont do anything to deserve that money. People hate on gamestop but at least they deserve the money as they are actually in the business and put up tons of money to buy games and give credit with no guarantee that those games wont just sit on shelvs and loose value. WHy do people think its such a rip off? Because their prices are what the...

4133d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

Well if people here in the US dont like the idea of kinnect possibly spying on them then I bet people from other countries like it even less. I dont care about that because I just dont like kinnect at all and it being mandatory is enough to make me not buy this thing because I never want to use it. Combined with weaker hardware and other horrible stuff im safe in not getting this thing.

I knew I was getting ps4 first, but now im gonna buy a wiiu instead of ever getting xbox...

4135d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

It was like that with the sub on ps3 last two years, but it cost 300$. They asked me if I could get direc tv and I said no and it worked. I know we can get direcTV here as we had it at this house long ago. I already preordered my madden anniversary to get the ticket. 100$ with a game, vs 300$ without a game. Ill take it.

4136d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This game is one of the best ever. I still have it on SNES and it is still kick ass.

edit- megaman X is not megaman 10 tho.

4136d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment

PS4 will dominate the xbox-1. Thats my prediction

4136d ago 26 agree9 disagreeView comment

our souls!!!!!!

4136d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ill be getting infamous as my first game, I think its my favorite ps3 exclusive(infamous 1 and 2).

4136d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

except they wont run the same. You will see. Thats the main reason im getting ps4 over xbox-1, power. All the other things just make it that much easier.

4137d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

Yeah was gonna get ps4 first anyways but now I know to get a wiiu instead of an xbox-1 for my second console.

4137d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

I dont even care about the games as I know they will be coming and most games I care about are multiplats.

What I learned is that it needs to connect to the Internet at least once a day, comes with a kinnect that is mandatory, probably cost alot to use a used game, is LESS POWERFULL THAN A PS4.

The last one is big for me to determine what I will get first. I mostly play multiplats and will get the stronger console first. Infamous is also one of my favorit...

4137d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

kinnect 2 can detect my morning wood and then activate the coffee maker for me with an update maybe.

Im not into kinnect or motion controls at all but this could be awesome with a rifle or handgun add on and a game like TIME CRISIS. I always loved playing time crisis at the arcade and then that other game too where you have an SMG was awesome.

4137d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

oh yeah awesome free vita games is why I got ps+. I even started looking at the ps3 games and got sleeping dogs free.

4137d ago 8 agree0 disagreeView comment

wonder if it will get a boost thsi month from the xbox1 announcement of crap. I will get a wiiu now after a ps4 instead of xbox-1

4137d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment

I just came up with a good reason too. Probably because bungie know the ps4 is more powerful so they want to show off the best looking console version. It could just be running on a PC anyways but if its running on ps4 then it could be a good reason to want to show the superior ps4 version.

4137d ago 40 agree8 disagreeView comment

HAAHAHAHAH now that is funny. If I get another console after i get ps4 it will be a wiiu as well. I like touchscreen better than a kinnect anyways.

4137d ago 10 agree0 disagreeView comment

Im drinking some MTn Dew right now HAAHHAHAHA, you are probably jealous and wish you had some ice cold dew right now too. I will not buy the xbox one as it blows. PS4 is more powerful as well so I will get that and a wiiu mayb instead of an xbox-1

4138d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

well they might change their minds one the xobx one flops and MS exits teh console business in two years.

4138d ago 11 agree6 disagreeView comment

never heard of them, do they make TV shows or something.

4138d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment