CRank: 5Score: 780

why wait a year the prices are not even that high as it is. both consoles will cost you around 1,000 with tax.

I spent double that just on my 2 titans for my gaming PC. What I find crazy is that people complain about the prices as it is now. 400 for a console that will give you 6-10 years of amazing game play is nothing.

If people would be willing to fork out more money and IMO stop being so cheap maybe these consoles could actually have some very sweet hard...

3815d ago 0 agree6 disagreeView comment

I saw today at my local walmart around 12 PS4s behind the glass and just as many Xbox Ones. Was shocked to see that many PS4's honestly. Not sure if they are there anymore since it was early in the day and now all stores are closed but I almost bought a second one just to have it.

3815d ago 5 agree11 disagreeView comment

This thread was about the power brick causing x1 owners issues so I posted "mine's been perfect so far" and bam I got flodded with bs pms. Give me a break honestly.

If my console was having issues I would state it was but so far it's been good "crosses fingers". I'm deleting my account the fanboyism here is pathetic and u fanboys are immature. Good luck

3815d ago 6 agree5 disagreeView comment

I disagree with Ign and cinemablend. I felt there reviews were complete bs even the commenters on Ign all said the review was bs. Max imo is a fantastic game well worth the 15.00

3815d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I'm getting tired of the messages from people. Listen folks I bought an x1 so what my choice get over it. Mines been perfect so far. It sucks people are having issues tho. Stop pming me with nonsense tired of blocking users for stupidity

3815d ago 6 agree5 disagreeView comment

Mine has been perfect so far no issues

3815d ago 8 agree12 disagreeView comment

im tired of N4G fanboyism. i think its time for me to find a new site for news because you cant even talk about a game with out Playstation users going ape shit on MS. Its no longer about the games anymore but stupid specs.

When did gaming change from "playing hardware rather then playing games". Ahh forget it enjoy sitting here all day pissing and moaning about hardware im going to play my PS4/X1 as I have been since launch and have fun doing it

3816d ago 17 agree25 disagreeView comment

Titanfall is #1 for me. Can't wait

3816d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

I love how any decent news on x1 and ps fanboys. One in and trash x1 at every turn.pathetic honestly. I have both ps4 and x1 and they ate both fantastic machines. It's pathetic to choose one system imo cause u short yourself on great games that will come to both platforms.

Oh well enjoy your single console world whole I enjoy all variations of gaming. This is why n4g sux at times to many ps fanboys. I'm not a fanboy of any console I own all from high end pc to the x1 ...

3816d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

That's because this site is pro Sony rather then playing games they focus on trashing ms. I'm loving both consoles equally and both have flaws and both are impressive in there own way.

Oh well that's just my opinion. Glad they are both doing well

3817d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

i dont care about this anymore honestly. I am a gamer and I play games not consoles. I bought the PS4 & the X1 and im enjoying them both equally.

Silly being a fanboy cause all youll do is miss out on great games the other platform will get.

3817d ago 2 agree7 disagreeView comment

i dont go based on reviewers at all i go based on my own experience. I loved killzones graphics but i felt the game play was boring.

as for Ryse it had its beauty moments and i loved the story/scenery tho very repetitive combat. Just my oinion tho killzone for my was not that great

3817d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

this is just my own personal opinion but for me killzone SF looked amazing but the game play was boring. Was just not my cup of tea

3817d ago 3 agree5 disagreeView comment

even tho the DS4 is impressive for my own personal taste I very much sill love the Xbox controller. I have a PS4 & X1 so you cant say oh your a bias douche. I like em both but I like Xboxs better

3817d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I bought the PS4 on launch and I am enjoying the hell out of it AS WELL as my Xbox One. I did not get an Xbox One at launch because I honestly am a playstation guy and really did NOT like what MS tried to pull over its fans.

Anyways I Purchased an X1 about 1 week ago and honestly I am pleased I did because its a great system. I understand that the PS4 is all about gaming and thats cool but the X1 is very impressive in its own right.

Anyways enjoying both plat...

3817d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

i have killone shadowfall and ryse and imo i feel killzone graphically takes ryse. Ryse is great looking but IMO I feel that it just is not as clear or sharp as killzone.

Now Im sure some will hate me on this but while Killzone has amazing GFX the game play for me personally stunk. I was bored big time.

While Ryse has great GFX but is not as clear or sharp as killzone I like the story MUCH better.

Disagree or not thats just my opinion so take...

3818d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

my PS4 & X1 have been running flawless since launch. Electronics are not 100% failure proof so its to be expectedd that something will fail.

Sucks for him that his X1 is borked right now. I love N4G such a bias site its crazy. I love how everyone knocks the X1 and wants it to fail and die but my personal opinion of the X1 is been positive. Having a great time with both platforms.

I dont see why people limit themselves to one platform when knowing both pl...

3818d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

stupid IMO. A real gamer does not limit themselves to one console but buys all for different experiences.

I have a high end gaming PC & I bought a PS4 as well as a Xbox One. Im enjoying all variations of gaming.

3819d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

I'm a pc gamer with a very nice setup and im going to be honest I also love my consoles. Ps4 and Xbox onebut pc gamers even tho I am one are jackasses. Consoles have there place and the exclusives are awesome imo.

I'm enjoying my pc and consoles ea can bite one imo.

3819d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

This is n4g the playstation home so any decent news on x1 and everyone thinks your an enemy

3820d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment