
Battlefield 3: PS3 Version Is Graphically Far Behind The PC

It might be no surprise that Battlefield 3 on consoles (especially PS3) lacks graphical features. But PC Games shows you screenshots and a video from Battlefield 3 Beta (PS3) that let you ask yourself seriously: Shouldn't Frostbite Engine 2.0 be much better? Well, on PC it certainly is. Check the PS3 version.

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Winter47th4635d ago

The PC butterflies are so butthurt throughout all these years of abuse by crappy games that they're finally striking back with the most retarded argument in console wars' history: 1080Pz gayming!1

Autodidactdystopia4635d ago

you are only allowed to rub better graphics in the face of other gamers if you own a ps3.

If you do that when you own a PC then your a troll.

here are some comments you are guarunteed to find below this comment.

1"we know the pc is better"

2"But the ps3 still looks great"

3"still looks good for a console"

4"What about the 360? my ps3 still looks better than 360"

5"Someone needs to make fun of the 360 because my ps3 fanboy ears cant take hearing the truth"

and as a last resort....

"Well Pcs cost 10 bashillion dollars."
False=statement=is false

Pixel_Pusher4635d ago

Why are they comparing the PC and PS3 versions? Shouldn't it be more 360, PS3? Yeah.

BulletToothtony4635d ago (Edited 4635d ago )

people disagree with me but before fanboys kept trying to say how the 360 was superior in graphics.. multiplatform games were such a huge deal and fanboys held on to hope, after Killzone 2 and Uncharted came out and all rumors were put to sleep the got no choice left than to compare a $800 high end pcs to ps3.

This is pathetic. Give it up fanboys. TRUE pc gamers (which i am) we know that pcs can do freaking great things graphically, we don't need these articles. Only insecure fanboys would come up with crap like this. And guess who that is.

SMH stop this ps3 to pc bs, we know the differences. And for $250 the ps3 can keep its own very damn well. Uncharted 2 on my high end pc would still impress me so stfu.

Ranshak4635d ago (Edited 4635d ago )

Question why is it PS3 fans are saying Graphics dont matter, and then turning their back on the same statement and comparing PS3 and Xbox 360 in terms of graphics then trying to convince everyone how PS3 is graphically superior even though differences are minimal at best.

However when the PC is clearly way ahead the same folks turn their backs and say oh but the graphics dont matter. I bet every each one of them would be throwing an orgasim right now if PS3 had 64 players ran the game at max settings with 60fps+ and the other to platforms where sub 720p minimal graphics settings. Hell they would be throwing a orgasim even if PS3 had a minor lead over the other platforms.

Washington-Capitals4635d ago

The biggest thing console fanboys are not mentioning or noticing is, how much of a difference 30FPS vs 60FPS makes. Go watch some vids of PC version vs Console, its huge. The console versions seem like someone is slowing them down while pc is very fluid like.

4635d ago
Ranshak4635d ago (Edited 4635d ago )

For some reason console gamers feel you require super human eyes to tell the difference between 30 and 60fps. Even though the same console gamers will praise a game when it is 60fps on their console of choice(note they will bash it if its actually 60fps on the other console, saying 30fps is enough), Check out all the praise Rage is getting for being 60fps.

Unfortantely they dont have a first person shooter (aside COD or Halo) that runs at 60fps. Which may be a reason why those 2 games sell so well since they actually offer fluid first person shooter experience on console.

kikizoo4635d ago

"differences are minimal at best."

yeah right, but only in your dream....

or, you can tell the same thing for pc games, since most of the time, they don't have battlefield level ! (and don't forget that some reviewers looking at battlefield gameplay on a tv screen, was surprised when they saw a ps3 controler = not so different when you play from your couch)

by the way, the only article where you can see that kind of statement is "PCGAME.DE" what a surprise :)

killcycle4635d ago

It actually really is, i played it at the Eurogamer expo last week and can honestly say that the Ps3 version has lower textures, jagged lines and feels alot slower in general.

It's still alot of fun though, just don't expect what you see in the trailers for the Ps3.

Dee_914635d ago (Edited 4635d ago )

What !! how is this so
what a shock !!

Hayabusa 1174634d ago


because that's how PS3 fanboys argue.

PS3 sells millions:

"We win, we outsell 360!"

360 sells millions:

"We win, Sales don't matter!"

PS3 game looks crap:

"It's about gameplay, not graphics!"

360 game looks crap:

"lol PS3 does the best graphics!"

PS3 has no exclusives:

"It's about quality, not quantity!"

360 has no exclusives:

"We have loads of exclusives!"

vyke34634d ago

@Hayabusa 117
And 360 users never said any crap like this, right? /s

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 4634d ago
Corax4635d ago

Wonder if this was posted by this guy.

saladthieves4635d ago

Sure it is. But you have to admit that Dice did a fantastic job on the console versions, considering you're getting frostbite 2.0 destruction and new lightning techniques under the hood.


Oh my God can they just stop it. Really!!! We all know PC is more powerful. Just stop it. Jesus this is getting stupid.

BrutallyBlunt4635d ago (Edited 4635d ago )

What's even more stupid are the console elitists who love to argue back and forth about their preferred platform.


Oh wait a minute, you're one of them.

Convas4635d ago

WAANAGETHIGH vs the PC Master Race: WAAAH, stop beating up on my console. You're hurting my feelings QQ.

WANNAGETHIGH on BF3 360: Har har, BF3 looks better on PS3! *Victory Dance*

Too bad DICE's statements about the console version looking alike were true.

You don't deserve any sympathy, you give, but can't take. Get out of the kitchen.

gumchewinasskikr4635d ago

You pc boys need to just chill. Serously I have a high end pc and I love it to death but guess what I bought at least ten games this year that just isn't on PC so just stop the nonsense. If you are a gamer you play games you like no matter the platform. Sure pc looks great but it not like you are playing lifelike vs garbage unplayable or something.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4635d ago
fluffydelusions4635d ago

Isn't this pretty much commonsense at this point?

aquamala4635d ago

anyone that thinks it's "obvious" a gaming PC would look better than PS3 need to look at the other comments of bf3 articles here on N4G. you really have delusional console fanboys that think PS3 bf3 look "no different" than PCs, one actually said he prefers having only 24 players lol.

Oxymoron0284635d ago

Why is it when ever there is anything big that happens to be battlefield 3 related, these sort of topics pop up?

It's common sense that the PC version will look better then the console ports, everyone and their fucking dog knows this. In fact if there is anyone out there that doesn't know this, then that automatically makes them a grade A spasticated arsehole.

BlackTar1874635d ago


BF1942, BF2 and BF2142 are far from average FPS. I don't know where you keep score on this stuff but those games are awesome

I think the BC series is overrated but def. not the PC only BF's those are head and shoulders above almost all FPS's

JsonHenry4635d ago (Edited 4635d ago )

I mean, does this surprise anyone? The PS3 tech is 5 years old. And obviously the CELL is not the end-all-be-all everyone said it was going to be.

miDnIghtEr20C_SfF4635d ago

This is hilarious. For years I've read that if you don't have a 360, you just buy that same game for the PC. LMAO.. and now it's, why bring PC's up? It's between PS3 and 360! Not a PC. Yet when 360 fanboys talk about their exclusives, they get "I'll buy it for the PC" shoved in their faces.

Now the PC doesn't matter. :) CLassic.

BlackTar1874634d ago

Endoran that doesn't really make sense.

Were comparing a game that's on all systems so the i'll buy it on pc over 360 argument/you point doesn't even make sense.

when 360 exclusives are talked about they are on pc more often then not or coming so it makes sense that people would say that.

I swear do you people even think before you post. I mean really you pretty much nulled your whole comment at the end EXCLUSIVES and your in a article compiling about something that is so far irrelevant its hilarious because the game is on all 3 so your point means nothing its not even 100% complete thought

one2thr4634d ago

Everybody seem to have forgotten about that part :(

InNomeDiDio4634d ago

PC Version of Battlefield 3 makes the Console Version look like Winnie the Pooh.

Thank God I'm playing on PC and don't get the Noob-Version.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 4634d ago
xX-StolenSoul-Xx4635d ago

Pc does look far better but Ps3 looks great still.

evrfighter4635d ago (Edited 4635d ago )

lol win^

btw I like how now console gamers don't care about graphics when other than the old school NPD reports Lens of Truth articles on AAA titles can get up to 1k degrees easy.

InNomeDiDio4634d ago

But Drake plays Battlefield 3 on a PC right now

JellyJelly4635d ago (Edited 4635d ago )

This shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone, unless you're a deluded fanboy with no sense of logic.

If it wasn't better on PC something would be detrimentally wrong.

xX-StolenSoul-Xx4635d ago (Edited 4635d ago )

They have said that Battlefield 3 has next gen graphics. I truly don't see how that is possible to implement into a 6-7 year old console. But on Pc it's obvious. I believe their was an article the other day saying that 85% of pc gamers had to update their pc just to play BF3 now that's a big number and should really say what kind of System Battlefield 3 needs to be on.
We are just lucky we got it and i cannot wait to play. :)

decrypt4635d ago

The 85% figure was pure bull crap. Steam reports verified nearly 80% PC gamers already have DX10 capable GPUs, which means there should be no issue running the game better then console.

Now console gamers may get lucky enough to get a remake of this game next gen on their new hardware. However whenever a PC gamer decides to upgrade they basically get a free upgrade to the game if their previous hardware was entry level to mid range(still ahead of console).

Autodidactdystopia4635d ago

from what I recall about that article it said they would "want" to upgrade

TrevorPhillips4635d ago

Still looks really good!

Instead of complaining just enjoy the game.

Fishy Fingers4635d ago

No shit. But the PC version also takes £500 worth of GPU(s) to max it out. You can hardly complain about what your getting from a £200 piece of kit.

Brawler4635d ago

its true sadly my i7 870 and ati 5850 can only run this game on high with fps ranging from 40-60.

death2smoochie4635d ago

"its true sadly my i7 870 and ati 5850 can only run this game on high with fps ranging from 40-60."

And thats running at a level the PS3 and Xbox360 can never achieve....

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Battlefield Needs the Glory Days of BF3 and Bad Company 2 Back

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masterfox569d ago

hmmm I think there will be no old BF glory days for EA since they are loyal to their greediness and laziness :D

Knightofelemia568d ago

You're asking for a miracle with EA that will never happen unless they can exploit the money making schemes behind it.

MadLad568d ago

We'll see what happens now that Zampella is overlooking the series.

568d ago Replies(1)
Father__Merrin568d ago

Anyone that wants to plat bf3 you can still go ahead and play it

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MadLad694d ago

There's fun to be had here.
