
Sega gauging interest for Guardian Heroes on Playstation 3

Sega is gauging interest as to whether or not fans would buy the Playstation 3 version of the recently announced Xbox 360 remake of Guardian Heroes.

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Hitman07694762d ago

SEGA should definitely drop it on both!

Spitfire_Riggz4762d ago

more money for them why the heck not!

miyamoto4762d ago (Edited 4762d ago )

a true spiritual sequel to Gunstar Heroes for the Sega Genesis.
So whether or not this comes to PS3 is no big deal for me
because I care about how much many of you gamers who have not played this game are missing - I would tell Sega to publish GH to the millions of unsuspecting PS3 gamers.

I have a hunch this is a timed exclusive.

But true or not please vote that Sega publish this game for the PS3. Here is the forum link: http://forums.sega.com/show...

Its one of the most original, creative & fun games of the 32-bit era. Make no mistake about that.
Treasure make games you will really treasure.

Also vote on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/hom...

Thanks : )

DarkSniper4762d ago

Guardian Heroes is an indefinite classic that gamers were lucky to embrace on the Sega Saturn. However, Sega is gauging their interest in the wrong game. They should be focusing their interests on Shenmue III. That is the single most requested Sega title that fans want.


Legion4762d ago

I disagree... I have enjoyed Guardian Heroes and it is one of only a few Saturn games that I still have and play to this date.,,, and though Shenmue III is a much sought after game I don't see it as needing to take any lime light away from GH as it stands on it's own merits.

And Shenmue III needs to come out as a new formulated game experience that matches current generation graphics and game play. It does not need to be an XBLA game or PSN version but instead a full blown next generation sequal that it deserves. GH would be a welcome addition to any gamers library while they wait for Sega to get their heads out of their asses and make Shenmue III.

Godmars2904762d ago

Why do they need to think about something like this?

LegendarySins4762d ago

Sega couldn't make a good decision to save their lives.

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Games of the Past Review: Guardian Heroes | oprainfall

oprainfall writes: "Guardian Heroes is a classic, and is considered one of the best Saturn games ever released. I bought the original in 1996, and still boot my Saturn from time to time for a play through. The XBLA release takes the game and molds it into something even better, removing the slowdown, tweaking the combat in meaningful ways, and adding online functionality to the already fun multiplayer, all while being far less expensive than the original ever was. This is a game that deserves to be in everyone’s collection, and I highly recommend Guardian Heroes to anyone with an Xbox 360."

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Fullmetalevolust4008d ago

I still play the original on my Sega Saturn, great time with friends, the versus multiplayer was a blast.

HacSawJimThugin4008d ago

Just beat it with some random yesterday and its well worth the time and little money it cost me. Got it off of the marketplace for 160 points...best deal ever.


Gaming History 101: The Treasure Box

This week Trees returns and we are talking about the Japanese developer Treasure, best known for some of the most impressive games on Sega’s consoles (Gunstar Heroes, Radiant Silvergun, Guardian Heroes, and Ikaruga) as well as Nintendo’s later consoles (Bangai-O and Sin & Punishment). We discuss the company origins, values, and of course the entire library of this innovative developer.

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Time Extend: Guardian Heroes

EDGE - Scrolling beat ‘em ups are one of gaming’s longest-serving genres – not yet in retirement but teetering on the pensionable as each blundering Final Fight: Streetwise turns up to undo the good work of an Urban Reign. One-on-one scrappers have settled down into a stable domestic relationship with gamers, but the dedicated scrolling beat ‘em up still remain marginalised. The art of one-on-many thumping has moved on: absorbed into myriad action games, it’s always the bridesmaid and never the bride. It features in many games but stars in few, long divorced from the arcades where it once achieved a blissful, balanced existence, able to wow the punters with instant, tap-tap-tap combo gratification while siphoning the credits out of their pockets with cruel boss scraps.

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zerocrossing4148d ago

Man I loved Guardian Heroes! used to play it all the time with my kid brother, I think the only VS character we never managed to unlock was Han with the mystic sword.

Would be great to see some more games like this making a return.