
Gamezebo: Celebrity Bodyguard Review

Gamezebo: It's all about the sunglasses, the high-priced suit and the big, beefy musculature that comes part and parcel with the territory. Although I never was the right gender to want to take Kevin Costner's place in the Bodyguard, I can understand why such a position could be so appealing.

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Pocket Gamer: Celebrity Bodyguard Review

Pocket Gamer: Celebrity Bodyguard fancies itself as a satire, but the caricatured A-listers you’re tasked with protecting are hardly the work of a searing wit.

Yet, as your burly bouncer strolls down a never-ending red carpet ahead of Rustin Beaver, Lady BlaBla and Robér Parkson (TwiHards rejoice), it’s easy to read a little more into their seemingly random assailants.

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Celebrity Bodyguard Review- GameZone

Celebrity Bodyguard is a great title for the experience offered: you’re a bodyguard who protects celebrities. You play as a broad shouldered, sunglass bespectacled ruffian in a black suit, with the telltale twirly wire sticking out from behind your ear. It’s your job to guide your chosen celebrity though a never-ending barrage of snipers, angry rednecks, protesters, and of course, paparazzi. You don’t have to protect anyone from overzealous fans, though. Apparently those guys know their boundaries.

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Celebrity Bodyguard Review | GameDynamo

GameDynamo - "Celebrity Bodyguard places you in the sunglasses of a huge, pistol-wielding guardian in charge of offering protection to caricatures of stars, including “Rustin Beaver”, ”Lady BlaBla”, and “Rober Parkson”, with future plans to update with new characters. "

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