
TouchReview - Tapper World Tour Review

TouchReview - Tapper World Tour for iPhone harkens its 1980s arcade roots and creates a stunning atmosphere with addictive gameplay. The new age remake brings amazing presentation with constantly changing environments and sounds with the old school gameplay.

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TMA - Tapper World Tour Review

TMA - The moment I heard that Tapper World Tour was coming to the iOS, I was flooded with fond memories of my early days. And by “early” I do mean – about 3-4 years old. My dad built our first computer (I think it was some kind of Soviet Amiga clone or something) literally from scratch and I was lucky to be introduced to the IT world at such a young age. All of that is water under the bridge now, of course, but Tapper was one of the first games I laid my little hands on all those years ago.

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STP: Tapper World Tour Review

STP: Tapper World Tour is nostalgia overload. It takes a classic arcade game, blends it with art from legendary animator Don Bluth, and turns it into an experience that fits incredibly well on the iPhone. The touch controls feel natural, and the structure is perfect for pick-up-and-play sessions. Tapper World Tour may not do anything drastically new, but it is a lot of fun.

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148apps: Tapper World Tour Review

148apps: Having not played the original Tapper, I wasn’t sure what to expect from Tapper World Tour. Judging the metaphorical book by its cover however, I liked the look of a cartoon-like time management game, and that’s exactly what you get. Tapper World Tour is all about serving drinks as fast as possible while collecting up the empties and all round keeping everyone happy.