
Critical Gamer at Nintendo 3DS pre-launch event: Glasgow

Critical Gamer writes: With the imminent arrival of the 3DS, Nintendo have been setting up pre-launch events across the country to give gamers a chance to play on their new console. Critical Gamer was at the event held in Glasgow on Saturday 12th February. So is the new glasses free 3D console a gimmick too far, or a truly groundbreaking experience?

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IDesertFoxI4856d ago

I'm really in two minds as to whether or not to grab the 3DS at launch (probably sold out by then anyway though). On one hand, it looks awesome. On the other, it's a fair bit of cash for a handheld that I might not feel as inclined to play on as I would with a home console.

scruffy_bear4856d ago

Same boat as you not sure what to do

Cubes4856d ago

It's a mighty impressive piece of kit, I have to say. But it is a lot of cash to fork out for a handheld right enough. I'd say if you've got the cash, go for it.


Nintendo 3DS XL Super NES Edition still discounted on Amazon

The Amazon-exclusive version of Nintendo's handheld console has retailed for $149.99 almost consistently since being reduced during Prime Day in July.

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ApexWolf222103d ago

duly noted kind sir, that is a cool skin...


Pokémon Gold and Silver Review — Returning to Johto - Gaming Ape

Pokémon Gold and Silver came out on the Nintendo 3DS Virtual Console, and these two are just as good of games as they ever were.

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DigitalRaptor2447d ago

Never played any of these versions, but if they're as good as everyone says, I will have to pick them up for 3DS.


New Pokemon Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon Key Art From a Retail Poster

This image basically confirms that in Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon we will be seeing an alternate story. While it has been stated by Nintendo multiple times that this was the case, they were never really clear on it.

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Antnee5342452d ago

Why in fucks name did the designs for the mc make it through the planing stages of development? They are by far the worse thing pokemon have produced.

MeteorPanda2451d ago

but...you customize your own characters now? l dont like that boys neck. holy shit it's about as strong as a twig

Antnee5342451d ago

I understand that, but if you pick a boy you get the worse choices.

MeteorPanda2450d ago

oh for sure. The franchise just shits on the male version more and more per new entry, lol

Antnee5342450d ago

It's so weird being that the player base is 70/30 male you know. You would think that they would give the males a better choice selection.