
STP Review: Rage HD Review

Andrew Podolsky from Slide To Play writes:

Rage HD, as an iPhone game, is pretty good. It's got absolutely jaw-dropping graphics, and in a fun half hour you'll clear through the game's three levels and slay every mutant in sight. But as a promotional tool, Rage HD is incredible-- we're left wanting so much more that we can't wait for the full PC game.

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NecrumSlavery4945d ago

I have a 3G so I only bought the SD version for $.99

But I have to admit, it is the best railshooter on the iPhone. The graphics are good, and the lighting is really nice. I though it was going to be a bigger game @ around $10. I am happy to see it so cheap. It is clearly a promo App game to get folks immersed in this amazingly terrifying world.

Rage looks really sexy. I am hoping it has enough RPG elements to be player immersive on top of the FPS part of it. I loved Fallout, I really loved the outstanding Borderlands game, and I hope id(not doubtinbg here) poors everything into this gorgeous game to make it a long and forever epic experience.


Mobile Game Bargains: August 3, 2012

John Bedford (Modojo): Another World, Total War and RAGE HD are just three of the great bargains on the App Store today.


The future of Doom, Rage and id | Gamereactor UK

GR-UK: We caught up with id's studio director Sam Willits at Bethesda's booth at E3 to talk the company's upcoming re-release of Doom 3 with the BFG Edition and the studio's other titles.

Watch the full GRTV interview as we talk going 3D ("I think it's actually better than some modern day first-person 3D games"), Rage iOS plans ("we need to evaluate to see if we want to continue it") and readying for the future ("we're trying to structure our engineering team, our core tech team, to prepare") amongst other things. Most heartbreaking of all? No chance of the Doom movie making it into the BFG Edition ("there's not enough space on the disc").

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Dark_Overlord4351d ago

'On Rage's future

"We have a few things that we may announce soon. We haven't forgotten about the title."'

How about the DLC you promised before and after launch?

konnerbllb4350d ago

They made doom 3 more noob friendly.. sums up what he said about it.

flashlight + weapon
more ammo
more lighting


-less suspense between checking the dark environment
-burn ammo! who cares! There's more just around the corner
-Why have dark areas where enemies can hide when we can just light it all up so you don't even need a flashlight.