
Windows Phone 7: A Gamer’s Review | Technologizer

Jared Newman: If Windows Phone 7 gaming was superior or at least equal to its competitors in every way — better games, real multiplayer matchmaking, more integration with the Xbox 360 — there’s a good chance I’d forgive the phone’s general shortcomings and get on board. The phone is halfway there, with some good exclusive titles, a clever interface and an addictive Achievement system, but I’m still waiting for the day that Xbox Live, like Windows Phone 7 in general, realizes its full potential.

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8-bit4967d ago

PSphone will kill this thing. I can't wait for it to be unveiled. A true gaming machine


Angry Birds Relaunched for Windows Phone 8 with 100 New Levels and is free till May 15

Mobotalks : Angry Birds re-launched on Windows Phone, gets 100 new levels and is free till May 15.Rovio Entertainment today re-launched Angry Birds on Windows Phone with 100 new levels, Xbox Live Achievement and Leaderboards and has also tweaked the game so it can work on entry-level Windows Phones with 256MB of RAM. The game developer also announced it will be offered for free till May 15

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unchartedxplorer4052d ago

Oh yeah! I'm so going to get that!
Said nobody ever.

blackmanone4052d ago (Edited 4052d ago )

"Oh yeah! I'm so going to get that!
Said nobody ever."

I don't know if the blind hate is directed towards Microsoft or Angry Birds, but you DO realize that it's going to get millions of downloads, right?

Not saying I'm a fan, just saying that because we don't like something doesn't mean it's going to fail.

a_bro4052d ago

i think he's directing that hate towards the game itself, not microsoft.

it has to do with the game's casual focus, and how investors are stating that games like these are the future, even though they suck.


TechImperia - Top 5 Free Games For Windows Phone

TechImperia - We All Know How Hard it is to find the best Games from the Windows Phone Marketplace that comes at no cost. But, Today here we are with the Top 5 Free Games For Windows Phone Devices. Read Now!

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Windows Phone Central: Collapsticks - A match stick puzzle for your Windows Phone

Collapsticks is an addictive Windows Phone game that you may find hard to put down.

The puzzle game has you collapsing stacked match sticks in an effort to drop a set number of matches off the bottom of the screen. But the fall isn't exactly straight forward and with each puzzle, the match sticks has to be dropped in a particular order. Otherwise you're stuck with too many sticks.

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