
Kingdom Under Fire II Fact Sheet Released

Continuing the stream of new assets for BLUESIDE Inc.’s forthcoming Kingdom Under Fire II, the developer has revealed a new fact sheet detailing a number of previously unannounced features set to be included in the game. Kingdom Under Fire II is expected to launch in 2011, with a beta testing phase confirmed for later this year.

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Myst4988d ago

This game looks pretty cool, I didn't play the first one but I may go back and play it just so that I understand this one.

NegativeCreepWA4988d ago

Theres actually three games before this one, if you want to play the good ones play the first two which are original Xbox games. The third isn't that good. I dont why they call this number 2.

radphil4988d ago (Edited 4988d ago )

Circle of Doom wasn't exactly made by the creators nor fit into the main storyline.

It was an off-shoot game. Kinda like how there's the Final Fantasy series, and 4 Heroes of Light if that helps explain things.

Myst4987d ago

Yeah I heard Circle of doom should be passed but the others should at least be looked into. Will definitely try to get my hands on those if possible.

radphil4987d ago

Just to give a heads up, KUF: Crusades is BC on the 360, however KUF: Heroes isn't.

The order in terms of those atm is Heroes, Crusades, and then KUFII.

tplarkin74987d ago

But, I'd still eat it. (If I was married to her.)

Anti-Fanboyer4988d ago

previous ones were xbox exclusives but they never really sold well

The Maxx4988d ago

@ Anti-Fanboyer

The "fact" sheet states that under platforms it's: PC and Console. Not "consoles". It would appear this IP is still exclusive to the MS console and PC.

Chubear4988d ago (Edited 4988d ago )

I've been following this game since 2007 and I too thought this was PC/360 only but recently found out it's coming to the PS3 too.

Now plans may change or alter (as in 360 timed exclusive) but it looks like this gen version of Kingdom under fire will be on the Playstation too.

The Maxx4988d ago

@ Chubear

I too have been following this game since it was first announces and I have yet to have read anywhere where it was confirmed to be on the PS3. I have read articles based on rumor and speculation, but the ONLY platforms that have been confirmed is 360 and PC.

Please supply the link where you have the confirmation that it was coming to PS3.

EXID4988d ago

@ The Maxx

while you may be correct, the term "console" can be plural and often is when referring to muliplat releases. just saying.

The Maxx4988d ago

That is speculation that that is what they mean.

It has been confirmed for PC and 360 with no confirmation yet to a PS3 release. Only articles of rumor and speculation. Now I know that the game has been recently delayed until 2011 when it was to have been released this year, so that could be an indication of it being developed for the PS3, but there is still no confirmation of a PS3 release. Just saying.

Jeff-Ryan4988d ago


IGN listed as coming to "PC and console platforms," which means its coming to PS3 as well and may not come to Xbox. Just saying.

Tony P4988d ago

When KUFII was first announced it was officially slated for release on PC/360. There's absolutely no reason to think it's suddenly not an Xbox game. Over time, the wording has been carefully changed to possibly include PS3. I personally haven't seen the PS3 mentioned by name in any official capacity. But neither was it for ME2 for a long time and look how that turned out.

That said... Who cares?

This only matters to people who care about exclusivity. Not the franchise itself. If more people bought the game than argued over it, maybe such solid games wouldn't be so horribly overlooked.

The Maxx4988d ago (Edited 4988d ago )

Straight from the article that you are linking as YOUR source which you CLEARLY FAILED to read.

"No specific consoles were mentioned in the release except to say that KUF II is coming to "PC and console platforms."

PC and console platforms. Platforms is plural. PC is a "platform" thus the term platforms is just iterating that it's coming to 1 console and 1 PC thus being "platforms".

This is NOT confirmation that it is coming to the PS3.

Now most likely it is coming to the PS3 like I said earlier up top since the game has been pushed back quite a long time since it's original speculated release date of 2010. The extra year in development could be because of the IP now going multiplat. But the link you provided IS NOT A CONFIRMATION. Just saying.

Like I said.

"Please supply the link where you have the >>>"CONFIRMATION "<<< that it was coming to PS3."

Now on the official Phantagram site under press and release, they do list the PS3 as 1 of the consoles as seen here http://game.sanook.com/game... (which is a better source than your piss poor IGN source) but the article only mentions the 360 and PC so far.

"Games Kingdom Under Fire II. or formerly. Kingdom Under Fire Dominion. is a game-half other online Xbox360 and PC, the game sequel to the series as on the Xbox released the first since 2001, when it is a games console. genuine But in these two sectors have done is support for online play with. Get to a war that has great graphics, it is no less grand play Single-Player or Online Multiplayer was fun too."

@ Tony P

I don't care if it's multi or not, I am just correcting the ignorance. It has NEVER been stated for PS3 and people like Jeff-Ryan and Chubear are spreading mis-information that it has been confirmed which like you and I both know it has not been confirmed.

radphil4988d ago

See it's crap like stuff Jeff-Ryan here says which makes me shameful to be a gamer.


Jesus people...why are there some out there that feels so compelled to state misinformation.

Hell even at this point all the content they've shown was from the PC progress. So I can't even say where the progress of the 360 version is at.

Jeff-Ryan4987d ago

the fact sheet didnt even list xbox or PS3. Your just making shit up. Just saying.

radphil4987d ago (Edited 4987d ago )


Look on the Korean site.....There was a 360 video floating around the net as well.
Main platform they're focused on is PC. Will it come to PS3 as well I'm hopeful for it.

I'm just sick and tired of the bias-sided crap that goes on around N4G. I want to get this game regardless of the platform, but instead people had to start this whole Sony vs MS unnecessary bringing here from The Maxx and you for continuing on this charade. This is almost as bad as people calling the game a LOTR rip-off. -_-

You want to see more info of it:
http://www.phantagram.com/E... , then look under Press & Release, then S!Game.

The Maxx4987d ago

@ Jeff-Ryan

Please stop acting like an idiot.

I gave a quote to where it has been confirmed for PC and 360. I gave a link to the quote. Here is the quote again.

"Games Kingdom Under Fire II. or formerly. Kingdom Under Fire Dominion. is a game-half other online Xbox360 and PC, the game sequel to the series as on the Xbox released the first since 2001, when it is a games console. genuine But in these two sectors have done is support for online play with. Get to a war that has great graphics, it is no less grand play Single-Player or Online Multiplayer was fun too."

You're just acting foolish now. There is absolutely NO question if the game is going to be on the 360. The speculation is if the game will be on the PS3. You are acting like a disgruntled Sony Fanboy.

Again, PC and 360 CONFIRMED. PS3 is still in the speculation phase but most likely it will.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 4987d ago
ATi_Elite4988d ago

The speculation of the rumors that we are currently speculating on is the speculated comment that this game will be on PC and "console".

Which console as of right now is all hear-say and unverified rumors of the speculated kind.

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Asuka1620d ago (Edited 1620d ago )

Red Dead 2 should be on here as well. The game literally did not work or launch for some people. Rockstar launcher crashes. Game still randomly crashes. Mouse cursor glitches. One of the worst PC ports in recent years. you would think a big budget game like rdr2 R* would give a damn lazy port ffs

MadLad1620d ago

Which is sad, being their ports for Max Payne 3 and GTAV were freaking fantastic.

PCgamer981619d ago

Since the latest update the game runs great on me and I don't even have a beefy system, it also barely crashes. Only issue I had with it is the fps would drop randomly for a few seconds which I think was an issue with vulkan, but all in all I'm really enjoying the steam version.


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