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Community5017d ago

Four new arrivals hit Xbox One Backwards Compatibility – Are they worth the return?

Carlos writes "Today adds more value to the Xbox Backward Compatible scheme, with four new arrivals making their way to Xbox One. But whilst we’ve seen our fair share of titles arriving on the program, not all have been the triple-A blockbusters that fans have craved the return of. So, with that in mind, here’s our thoughts on the latest backwards compatibility titles and if they are worth the return."

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Community2656d ago
neil3632656d ago

Full appreciate the frequency of new BC titles, but surely I'm not the only one who doesn't ever use them? I've got tons of native XO games to play rather than going back over the old stuff.

LexHazard792656d ago

Yes correct, you're probably not the only one. I also have a ton of Xbox One games. But I also had a decent collection of games that I bought digital for Xbox 360. Thanks to BC more than a handful have arrived and hopefully more. I need Marvel vs Capcom 2 but who knows if they're ever gonna release that one.

neil3632656d ago

Do you really find yourself going back through the 360 ones though? I loved my time with that console, but can't bring myself to go back.

But then, perhaps it's me. Very rarely do I complete a game, or watch a film, more than once.

obidanshinobi2656d ago

I'm playing GTA 4 at mo BC.
Amazing game, been almost 9 years since I played it on release.
Liberty City is still probably the best city created for any game ever IMO.
Before that I re-played Bioshock and RDR, both excellent games.
Pre-ordered GR Wildlands on the XB1 and I'm tempted to get Horizon ZD when a copy appears in my local CEX.
When Crackdown goes BC I shall be playing the shit out of that too.

neil3632656d ago

Can't deny it, great games. But some great stuff on the XO indie scene too. Not enough time to play everything!

2654d ago
AuToFiRE2656d ago

TL;DR - Deadrising 2 and the DLC (counting as the other games), and Cars 2.

2656d ago
obidanshinobi2656d ago

Where's Crackdown futhamuckas !!! Jeez.

2656d ago
2656d ago

Possible Future Xbox Backwards Compatible Games Completed

According to the Xbox Backwards Compatible uservoice completed page a number of titles have been marked as completed which traditionally is used for already announced or just releasing games. This includes some Dead Rising Spin-offs and Disney games.

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Community2659d ago
0Day2659d ago

New IP's > Backwards Compatibility

Imalwaysright2659d ago (Edited 2659d ago )

Aren't Cuphead and Sea of thieves new IPs set to be released this year? Why do people pretend that the X1 doesn't have new IPs? Ryse, Quantum Break, Ori, Sunset Overdrive, D4...

candystop2659d ago

Yes they have games but would be great if they could do better.

ItMatters2659d ago

Because games being on PC magically makes them disappear from Xbox Lmao.

IndominusRex2659d ago

Why not both? There's a lot of backwards compatible games that i havent played before.

nitus102659d ago

Backward compatibility is a great value added feature which is basically a console seller at the start of consoles release but becomes less important two years down the time track. For the XB1 you need to have your original XBox360 game or if you have a Gold Subscription you do get a XBox360 game free each month.

Bigpappy2659d ago (Edited 2659d ago )

This is about 360 game being made BC one X1. Has NOTHING to do with new IP. That makes you off topic and just looking to start a fight.

hiawa232659d ago (Edited 2659d ago )

I am sure the Xbox BC games are not taking away from new IPs, and I am sure MS can walk and chew gum at the same time. I am hoping the Ninja Gaiden games get added to BC, as I have 100s of 360 games and I am enjoying continuing many of them on the X1S.

Nu2659d ago

Agreed, I'm waiting for Dragons Dogma to become compatible

Imalwaysright2659d ago (Edited 2659d ago )

A gamer enjoying great games no matter how old they are on his current gen console?

MatrixxGT2659d ago

Yeah i I have many BC games I am enjoying. Last gen had a metric ton of good games and if I enjoyed it or didn't get to play it I am glad I have the opportunity to do so.

It's not like these new games aren't just last gen games with a pretty wrapper.

Then again I have a Xbox and PS so I'm pretty covered for any thing I want to play.

Imalwaysright2659d ago


How can that be? How can a gamer enjoy great games on his current gen console? Man it's hard finding a reason for me to downplay it but I must... I must... I will


2659d ago

Dead Rising – Ranking the outbreak from worst to best

Carlos Writes "With Dead Rising 4 now out the door, and our playthrough finalised, we decided to take a look to see how it stacks up with the rest of the series entries. So here we are...ranking the full Dead Rising series from god damn worst, right up to the best zombie bashing offering that we've ever seen."

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SlyBoogie19932721d ago
neil3632721d ago

I played the first, and I bought #4. Other than that, strangely haven't played any of the others. I'll get round to it one day though I guess.