
Hands on Heavy Rain, Literally (PS Move Impressions) - Ripten Preview

Ripten: I beat Heavy Rain a couple of months ago, and while it was shorter than most of the games I play, it was definitely better than I expected it to be. Yet, that was using the Dualshock 3, and while it had motion controls, they were nothing like playing with the Playstation Move controllers at PAX Prime 2010.

CrzyFooL5204d ago

I don't think Heavy Rain is a good game for Move. I don't even know why it supports it. Make coffee and open the fridge with motion conrtol . . . woo hoo, fun times. lol.

Sandwich Bender5204d ago

If I can swirl the Move remote to stir my creamer into my coffee, I'm sold.

Bigpappy5204d ago

The Move is competing with the DS3 more so that Kinect. Until they design games for the move (Like the gladiator game in sports champion, which I think needed more developement time).

5204d ago
ApocalypseShadow5204d ago (Edited 5204d ago )

but it amazes me each time i see you defending kinect bigpappy while at the same time,nitpicking in every ps move article.but you don't want kinect to be criticized.

the fact that ps move is an OPTION,means that it's not that big of a deal being that heavy rain is an already awesome game.they added it to give gamers a new way to play.being that kinect is $150,at least it would have been good for it to be added to at least ONE current 360 game.

what CURRENT games will that be added to bigpappy?oh wait,you can't and they won't.just like xbox to 360,it's either you BUY into new hardware,or you can't play.microsoft said buy 360 or no new games for gamers on xbox.

how about you go and criticize kinect and all its failings of not living up to natal.how about criticizing the fact that you can't use it on current games or the fact that there are no core games releasing at launch.or better yet.....

"what games will you be playing at launch for your kinect?"not your kids,not your girlfriend or wife.what do you plan to buy for kinect at launch?since there are so many extraordinary games releasing for it.

Bigpappy5204d ago (Edited 5204d ago )

I am pre-dicting that that a lot of people will be disappointed because they are not seeing the Move for what it is. The fact that you gave that response, means that you believe it will work will DS3 games better than the DS3. I am telling you, that that is far feched at best. it is a controller that uses a pointer rather than a right stick. Good luck getting a shot off when someone rushes at you unexpectedly.

@Shadow. again I did not say that Move was falty. I just said that it can not replace DS3 in DS3 games. Relax dude. What other Move article have you seen me in? You are just glad I am here for you to start the Kinect fits. But I expect that from you. To answer you question, in a respectful manner: I will be playing Kinect Sports, Dance Central, your shape fitness and Motion Sports by UBI. The kid are teens by the way and also love the selection. My son is the younger and is looking forward to the Sonic game. So, there you have it. Oh, and no I did not want to shoot with my fingers in Halo. When they do use Kinect is hard core games, I don't want it replacing the controller, but to add new features that are better done with motion. I love the 360 controller and know it will be difficult to replace. I prefer it over Mouse and Keyboard.

Larry L5204d ago

I'm one of the people who played Heavy Rain and considered it a revolution in interactive story telling. I've been a dedicated gamer since the Atari 2600 days, and Heavy Rain is one of the greatest video game experiences ever for me personally. And the price for Move and maybe a nav controller is a small price to pay for me to make that experience even MORE interactive.

I've seen the videos of Heavy Rain being played with Move and it looks absolutely perfect imo. As soon as I have the extra money, I'm buying a Move just for Heavy Rain. Everything else I play with Move, like trying it with Killzone 3, will just be a bonus.

I'm interested to see how well it works with FPSs. I tried a couple FPSs with Wii and I wasn't impressed. So I'm not expecting greatness. But I could certainly imagine it being great if it actually works as good as I would want. I just doubt it could work as good as I'd want.

Either way, I'll at least be trying it.

Bigpappy5204d ago

I think the tech is good. If enough people buy it and Sony gets the right support for it, the developer with start making inovative games for it. Just having it play games that are made for the DS3 is not a plan for success. That is a novelty plan which when it wears off will leave the Move the move stuck on the charging rack while everyone returns to the DS3. I don't know how they are going to do it, buy Sony's best bet for the long hall, is to get the casuals interested in the Move over the Wii. Just saying it is more accurate is not going to work. They need exciting casual games that dont require anything more than the Move button. Those other buttons and the Nav are for hardcore gamers. Start the party has no apeal and should have been free.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 5204d ago
CrzyFooL5203d ago

omgad what's with all the disagrees!! Why do you need motion control for a game like this!?

jaredhart5204d ago

Don't think motion control makes to big a difference. Heavy rain is a good game.

Matronedea5204d ago

It doesn't, but it was a great game to begin with. It might be worth it more if they took a crappy game and tried to make it excellent using Move.

wakash5204d ago

i had no idea Heavy Rain was even gonna be compatible with Move.. nice

greeneggsnsam5204d ago

Well, it will be- when the developers release the update. It's good to see them supporting the new tech like this.

Matronedea5204d ago

I really loved playing Heavy Rain, but was also a huge fan of Indigo Prophecy. It would be cool if PSN would start PS1/PS2 games with Move compatibility.

Paradise Lost5204d ago

If Psn would start with ps1 and ps2 move capabilities, the devs would have to recode the game, so i doubt that will happen.

Matronedea5204d ago

I know it's doubtful and I don't expect it to happen, but I'd still like it :)

Crackerjam5204d ago

I can't imagine using any motion controllers. Flailing about to interact with games? No thanks. Having a dongle that looks like a dildo/anal plug combo doesn't help, either.

stuna15203d ago

People talking about dildo's & anal plugs just proves your experiences with their use!

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PlayStation Move Controller Used to Perform Surgery on a Pig That Was 5,780 Miles Away

A group of surgeons made headlines after they managed to perform an endoscopic procedure on a pig located in Hong Kong by using PlayStation controllers. It involved the use of a PS5 DualSense controller as well as a PlayStation Move controller.

jznrpg58d ago

There is at least a few good jokes that could come from that title

Cacabunga57d ago

Yet another powerful device Sony gave up supporting. KZ3 move was one of the best motion controller implementation ever

just_looken56d ago

Right the ps move was awesome i have the gun thing from killzone still.

Relientk7758d ago

That's really cool. It's crazy something like that is possible with gaming controllers 1000's of miles away.

Lexreborn257d ago

Guess that submarine should’ve used move controllers instead of logitech

57d ago
anast57d ago

PlayStation is saving lives and releasing the best games.

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Air Conflicts: Secret Wars - PlayStation Move's Best Kept Secret

Air Conflicts: Secret Wars debuted in 2011, and later updated for modern consoles. However, it's the PlayStation 3 edition that stands out.


Why the PlayStation Move Failed

Sony's PlayStation Move may not have been able to contend with Nintendo's Wii, but it paved the way for PlayStation VR's success story.

SullysCigar1186d ago

I use them most days and have for years 🤷🏻‍♂️

They're definitely way past a needed update, but I've got a tonne of fun out of them, so they haven't failed me.

bouzebbal1186d ago

The best motion control platform it's so intuitive.. Died due to lack of support from Sony.. It had some amazing games

thorstein1186d ago

They are used constantly for PSVR games. So, no they haven't failed. Neither has PSVR (or VR in general.)

Bigman4k1186d ago (Edited 1186d ago )

The article was talking about why it ps move failed before psvr came along


It failed because it sucked plain and simple.

LOGICWINS1186d ago

I feel that's a bit harsh. To this day, playing Killzone 3's campaign with PS Move/Sharpshooter gun combo is the most fun/immersive experience I've ever had with an FPS.

I think Move was simply not as profitable as Sony wanted it to be, but it didn't "suck".


It most definitely sucked. You people can act like it was something special all you want but it was horrible. The entire motion control fad was a waste of resources and time. Ever single motion controller besides the Wii failed and is no longer being used today in gaming. It's ok to admit it...

Minute Man 7211186d ago


The Move was better that the Wii mote. If the Wii was anywhere accurate as the Move was you could say the Wii was better. Sure it sold boatloads but was it really played consistently??

yeahokwhatever1186d ago

I played it in 3D with the move gun on a 100 inch projector and it BLEW MY MIND. I was exhausted, but i finished the campaign standing there.

SullysCigar1186d ago

"Ever single motion controller besides the Wii failed and is no longer being used today in gaming"

Just no. Games release most weeks (for years now) that support Move controllers. Some ONLY use Move controllers.

Look, I get you're not a fan, but if you're going to rant, at least inform yourself in advance.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1186d ago
LordoftheCritics1186d ago

I would say both Move and Kinect weren't supported properly.

Sony and MS abandoned what could have been amazing.


Kinect sucked too. I would say Kinect may have been cool had it worked as intended but it was ahead of it's time. Both Kinect and Move are gimmicks nothing more. I honestly don't see why Sony still implements "motion controls" recent controllers. Who really uses that crap? And to play what?

Profchaos1186d ago

I so t think Sony abandoned the move it's technically repurposed and still supported on the ps5 just for VR

RedDevils1186d ago

Kinect should be kept as media interactive features.

LordoftheCritics1186d ago (Edited 1186d ago )

Again if it was supported right.

Where even a fast click of my fingers could get an immediate in game response.

It feels trash because we have been shown or lived with bad versions of gesture based tech. Think Minority Report fast. That could be something.

''You people can act like it was something special all you want but it was horrible.''

No one is acting like it was special, I said it could be amazing.

''I think Move was simply not as profitable as Sony wanted it to be''

Like I said, it wasnt supported. Give us a AAA game with precision gestures well implemented into the game and then we can discuss profits.

1186d ago

I don't deal in "what if". It wasn't supported right and even if it was it was still a gimmick.

thorstein1186d ago

"Like I said, it wasnt supported. Give us a AAA game with precision gestures well implemented into the game"

You just described every AAA PSVR game. And even the indies have incredible integration. No Man's Sky VR is insanely good.

Silly gameAr1186d ago

And, you can act like it was horrible, but I had a blast with my Move. I had the whole collection of House of the Dead, Dead Space Extraction, and RE Darkside Cronicles, The Fight, and Socom 4, and I would play the hell out of those games I even beat a playthrough of the Resistance 3 campaign with the Move. Getting drunk and playing with friends was a freaking blast.

You can pretend that you had a move and played it all you want SPeak the Truth, but it was accurate, and usually on point. I hate when people act like they've played something just to trash it, when they really just have a vendetta, and think the Move is easy prey for your hate.

Minute Man 7211186d ago

Wait you can play Dead Space with the Move?? I need it

Orchard1186d ago

“You can pretend that you had a move”

I love this crazy idea that if someone has something bad to say about hardware/software - they must be lying about owning it and clearly do not own it!

Because all hardware and software has a 100% approval rating from all purchasers…

P_Bomb1186d ago (Edited 1186d ago )

Shoot I forgot about Dead Space Extraction and Umbrella Chronicles. Had those too. Still do (digital).


I have a vendetta against Move? Lmao that's the most ridiculous comment I've read today. I didn't buy it because like I said motion controls are gimmicks. I had a Wii and it was decent enough but a gimmick although successful. I had a Kinect and it too was trash. Don't act as if you know what I have and haven't owned. Move was nothing more than a Wiimote ripoff

yeahokwhatever1186d ago

SO MANY really great experiences for the Move. The Fight was excellent!

Silly gameAr1186d ago (Edited 1186d ago )

@Minute Man

There was a game called Dead Space Extraction that you could play the Move with.

@Orchard. Please don't reply to me, because every time I say something to you, I magically end up restricted. So, just ignore me like I ignore you, so there will be no hurt feelings, please.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1186d ago
Vanfernal1186d ago

"Ever single motion controller besides the Wii failed and is no longer being used today in gaming. It's ok to admit it..."

That is demostrably false.... Most VR games have motion controls and the PSVR uses the Move controllers.

SPEAKxTHExTRUTH1186d ago (Edited 1186d ago )

VR games have a controller most of the time not some magic wand. And VR is not the same as PS move or Kinect. I'm not a fan of VR either. A controller and a couch is all I need for my gaming needs.

Vanfernal1186d ago


"And VR is not the same as PS move or Kinect."

PSVR LITERALLY uses the Move controllers. Now it's just obvious you have no idea what you're talking about. You're saying Move failed and nobody uses it anymore when it's an integral part of PSVR and is still being used in 2021.

ScootaKuH1186d ago

It didn't suck. It worked but the games just weren't there, that's why it failed.

Father__Merrin1186d ago

The move was excellent it was 1 to 1 precise time crisis was a joy to play aswell as sports champions it didn't hit mainstream as it was an addon unlike Nintendo wiimote

1186d ago
+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 1186d ago
Godmars2901187d ago

Lack of games that proved the concept that 3rd parties could then copy en masse?

Silly Mammo1186d ago

I wish that someone would have made a proper boxing game. I still have a blast with the Sports Champions boxing, but to have a boxing game that was more in-depth would have been awesome.

Dario_DC1186d ago

Try Creed for PSVR, it's brilliant

OMGitzThatGuy1187d ago

Because it was a uninspired ripoff of the Wii controller without the Nintendo library to back it and didn't try to put any real effort into development such as getting their top developers to make games for it and instead gave tech demos disguised as games to their least talented developers so the best can focus on single player only games.

Ryushaa1187d ago

Except the Move was an idea roughly implemented in the PS2. Yes, I'm serious.
Just search on youtube: PlayStation 2 - Motion Controller (2004)

Nonetheless, just like the whole Wii, it was more of a gimmick than a proper input evolution in games.

jukins1187d ago

Exactly. Its funny time and time again sony is the first innovate. Often at its own peril. Like your example the move started on ps2 taken advantage of by nintendo. Sony buys gakai for game streaming only for other companies to overtake them.

Profchaos1186d ago

Are you talking about the gametrak on os2 which used strings to track your hand position I used to have this and a gold game it was awesome but the game itself sucked if it had integration with tiger woods or something it would be way better the tracking was excellent even back then as it wasn't using guesswork.
However the game was very forgiving and no way to turn it harder and no licensed players or courses hurt it.

1186d ago Replies(2)
yeahokwhatever1186d ago

99% of the Wii's games were "shovelware", in fact, I think thats what started that phrase..

EvertonFC1187d ago

Socom, killzone, resistance and tiger wood 14 were great with the move but agree lacked more games.

yeahokwhatever1186d ago

There were plenty of games and I'm glad that not every game became a Move game.

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