
Console of the Decade

HBG: The last 10 years of gaming has had a lot to offer gamers. Gamers have had their choice of several great consoles each generation, each having something unique to offer. Each console had it's own library of games, but when you think of all those consoles, there is one that's truly stands out.

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Tovan5275d ago

Totally agree with the PlayStation 2, it was the first console that I really "got into" gaming with. Sure I had other console before, but the PS2 is what pulled me into the industry and such.

NateNater5275d ago

I agree Tovan. I started out with PS1 but when I bought PS2 it really changed gaming for me. Thank you Sony for the great gift of PS2...and PS3 :)

-Alpha5275d ago (Edited 5275d ago )

It debuted with stellar games, conceptualized new great franchises, gave us the first voice over of a FF game, gave us the first 3D GTA, etc. etc.

There's so much history with that console and the games were rock solid.

The one issue I had with it was that it was pretty much the 360 of this gen with Sony milking us for memory cards, multitap, network adapter, etc. Ironic how the best featured console isn't necessarily the fan favorite. Goes to show you how important the games are and how much they define the console.

The Sega Dreamcast is my runner up, and I will never forget how ahead of its time that console was. It pioneered online play, gave us some of the best games to date, etc. I always feel like the Xbox picked up where the Dreamcast left off but I really wish Sega was still around today.

Unfortunately the PS2 slaughtered it :(

I would probably follow up the Dreamcast with Gameboy Handhelds, but since they aren't really consoles I guess the next big thing would be the Xbox 360 objectively, though personally it would be the PS3 for me.

The 360 made a huge splash with Halo 3, pretty much stole the momentum from PS2 and capitalized on Sony's transition to the PS3 and managed to make online gaming the mainstream buzz with online gaming. People used to laugh at MS when it first debuted and now they have one of the most successful consoles to date... if it wasn't for RROD they would be remembered in the future as an all time great but RRoD has scarred them for life.

Now, personally I find that the end of the decade saw the turn for the PS3 to redeem itself and I strongly feel with 2010 Sony is going to regain their software lineup against the 360. But who knows what's going to happen the next year or two, let alone the next decade.

Oldsnake0075275d ago

there is no Contest, everyone knows its the ps2 .

Mindboggle5275d ago (Edited 5275d ago )

In all honesty and this is how the list should be...

PS2 - It was the first console to really spawn a ton of franchises that appealed to all ages, and it sold way over 100 million and is still selling.

360 - The first console to really bring online gaming to the mainstream, rather than some geeks bedroom. And the first to bring HD gaming to the living room.

Wii/ds - These defined casual gaming and now EVERYONE is copying motion controls and trying to tap into that casual market like nintendo has.

Im sorry but the gamecube,dreamcast,xbox,psp etc did nothing special at all... I did hold the PS3 off this list because i dont think its done anything amazing this decade apart from add a blu ray player. However i feel that if they get out there first with 3d gaming it could well be the best of the next decade..

5275d ago
DevastationEve5275d ago (Edited 5275d ago )

SubHD MGS4 says hi.

Both consoles have very few games that are 1080, and some are even less than 720. Xbox 360 games usually have the benefit of having antialiasing at very little performance drop.

Halo 3 being subHD is because of the two-pass HDR lighting engine that renders 2 1152x640 frames. MGS4 being subHD is because it's an anamorphic 4:3 resolution (1024x768).

siyrobbo5275d ago

PS2 is still selling strong now

Pretty amazing when you think about it

bageara5275d ago

Xbox 360

Saaking5275d ago

The first 360's didn't even have HDMI ports, so no. The 360 did not introduce HD gaming, the PS3 did.

pippoppow5275d ago

By far the best. So many games. Consoles are about the games after all.

When this gen is over the PS3 will outshine the competition with a better quality:Quantity Ratio. The most important factors to gamers.

GigglePuff5275d ago (Edited 5275d ago )

What?! Are you saying that HD resolutions can only be outputted through HDMI? You're obviously wrong, because component cables can output HD resolutions perfectly fine, although HDMI does offer a higher quality. Also, the 360 was released earlier than the PS3 was released, so I would say the 360 did introduce HD gaming.

Mindboggle5275d ago (Edited 5275d ago )

Well you PS3 fanboys are pathetic. This is my last post, and last time I come on this dreadful site.

People like you saaking who are on here all the time and pounce whenever someone voices an opinion you dont like have ruined this once great site.

Ive been on here since the beginning and its been gradually going down hill for the last year and its now at the point where its full of trolls, stupid attempts to get hits and pure trash news....

So ive said my bit and Goodbye..

lightningsax5275d ago (Edited 5275d ago )

Totally agree with PS2. I'm still playing new amazing games for it. I just got SMT Devil Summoner 2, borrowing a copy of Disgaea, in the middle of Ico, re-playing SotC, finished MGS2 a little while ago for the billionth time, and finished Persona 4 recently (well, at least the first 100+ hour playthrough).

I'm still eagerly awaiting the day when I have enough time to get Odin Sphere, Persona 3 FES, Suikoden III, GrimGrimoire, the first Devil Summoner, re-play GOWII, re-get Zone of the Enders 2, and heck, even get a JPN console and play the import Taiko Drum Master games with much harder material than the only NA version.

I have to remind myself constantly that this console is just about 10 years old. 10 years old and I'm playing games for their current value, not their nostalgic value.

@Mindboggle- Every post one makes affects the quality of the site; if you're just pining for days of old, you're making N4G a slightly pine-ier place, no matter what your perceived opposition is or isn't posting. If you bring good ideas to the site, you're doing your part. Leave and you change nothing. Oh well, it's your choice.

kewlkat0075275d ago

Pure domination and top of the line gaming library.

ViciousBoston5275d ago

goodbye you wont be missed, tool. just upset cuz we dont drink the green and white kool-aide/BS thats fed to us.

NoBias5275d ago (Edited 5275d ago )

"The first 360's didn't even have HDMI ports, so no. The 360 did not introduce HD gaming, the PS3 did."

What?? Component video carries High Definition signals. It can carry 480i, 480p, 576i, 576p, 720p, 1080i and 1080p. I don't understand the logic of your statement.

I thought you said were done, or at least trying to back off from saying fanboyish statements. PS3 was the first to show the HDMI port on a gaming console, yes. However, they were not the first to have a console that delivers a high definition signal.

What you just said doesn't even make sense.

Saaking5275d ago

How am I pouncing on anyone? I'm stating a fact. The first 360's did not come with HDMIs. Anyways, check this out-


DaCajun5275d ago

You are pouncing and you pretty much did say that the Xbox 360 didn't introduce HD gaming because it didn't have an HDMI like the PS3. Dude if you are going to make dumb comments like that then please keep quiet because you make PS3 owners look stupid and I don't want someone like you making the rest of us that actually have a brain look like fools. Love my PS3 but the 360 with it's component cable which actually transmits up to 1080p was the fist to bring out HD gaming. Plus I read some where on N4G that you were going to stop acting like a Rabid crazed fanboy, guess that didn't last long back on the crazed fanboy routine again I see.

edgeofblade5275d ago

You are wrong. HDMI is not necessary for HD. I can output 1080p over VGA no problem. In fact, component could handle 1080p... and it does on 360. It would on PS3 were it not for d-wad execs who were paranoid about copyright.

dalibor5275d ago (Edited 5275d ago )

You shouldn't take the fanboy stuff seriously. I know I don't & I've been here ever since 07. Or just post in the forums, there's less drama there. Man time flies.

ReservoirDog3165275d ago

Anything other than the PS2 would be blasphemy...

LiL T5275d ago

Your all wrong. If you are gonna sit there and say that you can output HD with a component cable ( which is true) the you can't possibly forget that the PS2 had this option ( along with Fiber optic 4 sound) and could do 480p and 1080i. So in conclusion the PS2 was the first "console" to introduce HD gaming with digital sound as a bonous.

Udidntlistenpunk5275d ago (Edited 5275d ago )

The PS2 is a good choice.

Followed closely by the PS3. Lets face it people.

and lol@the people who think component cables can output HD.

Go hook up your tv to a console with component and do another tv with HDMI and look at the difference.

There is no comparison. One is true HD and the other is SUB STANDARD definition.

If you think component can do real HD, you might aswell keep playing on SNES.

zeeshan5275d ago

You know what? If Edge, Kotaku or GameTrailers had gone and wrote one of these articles, you know that Xbox 360 would have been the "Console of the Decade". SAD but true! Those suckers are a bunch of big M$ fanboys

edgeofblade5275d ago (Edited 5275d ago )

Oh the irony of your name. Now you are splitting hairs in support of your favored console. Ok... I can play that game too.

360 actually came with composite cables out of the box at launch... and HDMI on the Elite, as opposed to PS3, that only (and still) packed composite. Unfortunately, both consoles only pack-in composites now. so it would seem 360 took a step back where PS3 never even took that step forward.

Amazing how short some people's memory is...

LiL T is right, but if you want to recognize PS2 as an HD console, you have to recognize the first Xbox as well. They were both just as capable as the other.

pixelsword5274d ago

When disc-based consoles were either (coincidentally in respect to the Playstation's legacy) $600 and not selling, or an attachment like the Atari Jaguar's CD or Sega's CD attachment, the Playstation was the first cheap fully-integrated CD-based console to be successful.

Playstation's dichotomy as a brand name is as the first playstation was the console to kill $600 CD consoles and introduce a smart, cheap technological jump from the PS1 to the PS2, the $600 Playstation 3 was the first console over $500 that survived and could possibly revive huge, possibly expensive technological jumps for other consoles.

NOW THE IRONY IS "the expensive PS3" means "the very cheap PS4", as the PS3's architecture is likely to not only double the console's lifespan, but that gives newer improvements a chance to cheapen from being in other products first.

morganfell5274d ago

Aliasing issues on the PS3 are about to go away:


The technique and hardware are there. It's up to the devs now.

LiL T5274d ago (Edited 5274d ago )

Actually you should stay in school. Then you would know that component cable can output 1080p and the only thing HDMI did was integrate the audio and video into one cable so you don't have a mess in the back of your t.v like you do in the back of your pants. Thank you have a nice day.

edit: bubbles 4 you edgeofblade, thats right they could both do it and it was last gen that was the point of my argument. (I would of agreed but my crappy ps3 browser won't allow it so its a bubble instead)

morganfell5274d ago

Actually it can output 1080p but it isn't allowed to. That's because HDCP only works on HDMI. HDCP provides security protocols and is the reason that you need HDMI in order to play Bluray movies.

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omgpoppanda5275d ago

the PS2 was truly the great console. i loved that thing to death. i had so many games for it. and i still play it every so often just to relive the memories

n4f5275d ago

the console of the DECADE belong to ps2
most people should agree with this

DigitalHorror815275d ago

Is the OBVIOUS and clear winner, with consoles still selling out in stores to this day. My second place winner is the SEGA DREAMCAST, which utilized graphical hardware (and controllers) ahead of its time. The VMU is still a fantastic technical achievement for the time it was released. 9/9/99, my 18th birthday. (I bought it the first hour it was available.)

Mista T5275d ago (Edited 5275d ago )

yeah, ps2 I agree

what will be the console of the decade of the 2010s??? 0_o

Kreyg5275d ago

It will be interesting to see how the next 10 years go and what systems we see come and go.

snipermk05275d ago

Sure, it wud be fun to see what the next 10 years hold provided a massive meteorite/planet/comet doesn't wipe us all out in 2012. :P

DigitalHorror815275d ago

The Playstation 4. :o) Speaking of which, does anyone know when the next-gen hardware is slated to be released?

-MoOkS-5275d ago

In order:


jmare5275d ago

Wow, That's a good list./s But you forgot the Dreamcast.

NotSoSilentBob5275d ago

Damn whydis/wewon/mooks/Metalgearri singHD

you always have to rip on the ps3 no matter what you post?

bjornbear5275d ago

best ones are on the outer ends of the list, and as you go "into" the list, it gets worst =D AWSUM!

You're a GENIUS mooks! A GENIUS! /s

Rhythmattic5275d ago (Edited 5275d ago )

Just do it, buy your own PS3 (I dont care what your Bio States) and you order in the list will change... Quite simple really.

SilverSlug5275d ago

Did not come out this decade, came out in September 9th 1999 in the USA.

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15 Great Games Where Every Minute of the Experience Feels Earned

GB: "We take a look at 15 amazing games that had the perfect length."

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16d ago
coolbeans15d ago

Pretty good list. Botany Manor would be the newest addition that encapsulates that title.


Anyone else not blown away with graphics these days? Me neither

Talal writes: "I'm talking about having that rush of excitement - that feeling you get when you know you've just made a memory for a lifetime."

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OptimusDK18d ago

There are different games. Some have gamplay at it highest priority, some have the story, some have the replay value and choices... There are a lot of different game experiences.

It is laughable that just now graphics does not have anything to do with that experiene. We have had many games of that type over time. This is just the one that have come closest to feel like playing an actual movie. Just look the the Digital foundry walkthrough it is a masterpiece in that perspective and hence wrth trying. But yes do not do it for the gameplay - but that was never the goal of this experience.

GamerRN18d ago

It's because it's on Xbox. When Xbox has amazing graphics, they don't matter. When PlayStation does, it's a game changer!

Lightning7718d ago

Pretty much my thoughts. They were technical marvel's on PS and still are. The moment Xbox puts out a graphically intense game is doesn't matter suddenly.

4 years ago this month would the UE5 tech demo debut with the girl flying (tech demo said it was only possible on PS5 because of the SSD. Glad to finally see it in its glory.

fr0sty18d ago

FFS, gaming journalism has really gone downhill. At least hire people with a basic grasp of grammar... "Me neither" means the exact opposite of what the "author" is trying to say. That's like saying "I could care less"... lol.

S2Killinit18d ago

Maybe because the gameplay being dull allowed it to have the amazing graphics and people are not as impressed by graphics alone anymore? I mean there is a lot of sites saying the story and the gameplay are lackluster. So what are we supposed to enjoy then? Cgi graphics are beautiful but since they arent interactive, they dont impress me as much as they used to. Thats an extreme example, but you get my drift.

Terry_B18d ago

When Playstation (Sony) does it..its usually a great game and not a cinematic experience..or at least something new at the time..like Until Dawn back in 2015.

1Victor17d ago

@gamer:” It's because it's on Xbox. When Xbox has amazing graphics, they don't matter. When PlayStation does, it's a game changer!”

The game looks as good as any other PlayStation game in my eyes why can’t you and the other hardcore Xbox be happy about it and drag PlayStation into every conversation and force PlayStation hardcore to look into the game and find flaw that most games have in one way or another.
@light: “ 4 years ago this month would the UE5 tech demo debut with the girl flying (tech demo said it was only possible on PS5 because of the SSD. ”
Yes at that time it was only possible on PlayStation SSD how ignorant of you to think that after 4 years the technology wouldn’t evolved and move to a industry standard 🤦🏿I wish your mentality wasn’t so naive and narrow to post stuff like that 😩 in a year or 2 a new game will come out that might look better, it’s the nature of the industry.

Now that the distraction is gone I feel that is a good thing that the graphics in games are starting to hit the rooftop and hopefully the developers will put more thoughts into story and gameplay mechanics than just the next shiny oily skin of old.

Reaper22_17d ago

So true. Not surprised by all the negativity. It's a really good game and looks better than any game I've ever seen. GOTY nominee for sure. Like I said before, sony screwed up big time by not purchasing Ninja Theory.

Asplundh17d ago

Pretty much. It's like how the Switch and Steam controller using haptic feedback in their controllers wasn't a big deal but then Sony did it and it was then a "game changer".

fr0sty17d ago

The game runs at as low as 21fps... That isn't much to brag about no matter how good it looks.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 17d ago
MajorLazer17d ago (Edited 17d ago )

We've had graphical gamechangers before, such as Crysis but those games still had gameplay to compliment it. Hellblade pretty much has none, and only achieved such graphics through being incredibly linear and having very small, closed off environments where very little is happening.

Vx_17d ago (Edited 17d ago )

GFX does not mean anything if the game is boring. It is simple like that and these major companies need to understand this simple concept.

Games are like your lady, she may be beautiful to look at for a while but then it gets boring if her character isn't interesting and fun to be with.

18d ago Replies(7)
Kneetos18d ago

Mario kart 8 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Sonic188118d ago

Horizon forbidden West has great graphics and great gameplay

GamerRN18d ago

Yeah but graphics don't matter, remember?

anast17d ago


I've been pretty consistent in saying that we need both.

GamerRN16d ago

So until dawn, too human, or whatever those series of games were... Graphic masterpieces it garbage with no gameplay?

VincentVanBro18d ago

I agree and I actually think Forbidden West looks better than Hellblade 2. I easily prefer looking at it at least.

Sonic188117d ago

It does look better in my opinion as well. I don't know why it looks better but there's something about the Decima engine or that guerrilla games is using tricks that we don't know of

Abear2117d ago

Can you fly a mount under water in Hellblade 2? I think not! One of the best moments this Gen

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Two Decades Later, the Original Splinter Cell is Still a Masterpiece

They don't make games like this anymore.

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vgvill27d ago

Too dated in my book. The AI is way too unpredictable to be acceptable today. It's definitely a game of its time.

Jingsing26d ago (Edited 26d ago )

Agreed with those sentiments. The quality of the CPU controlled characters make or break a stealth game and they are pretty poor in all the Splinter Cell games by today's standard. This is what led me to playing Spies vs Mercs all the time in later games just to get a better stealth experience from a real person. Arguably Sony are making better stealth games albeit not Tom Clancy stuff.

TheProfessional26d ago (Edited 26d ago )

You should stick with fortnite or one of the countless bloodborne style games then. What a joke.

rlow126d ago

I had a good time with the game. It is a product of its time. But when it came out it was a must have game for a lot of people. I wish Ubisoft would make another game in the series or at least a reboot.

vgvill26d ago

They are making a remake, I think. I loved the original game when it was released, but I tried to play it again in recent years and just couldn't get on with it. The same with the older Hitman games.

PrecursorOrb26d ago

Yeah chaos theory still holds up though I gotta say. If you’re a fan of the series I highly suggest you go back to that one. Ubi has said they are remaking sc for “modern audiences”. I don’t have a lot of faith for the future of that company

Chocoburger26d ago (Edited 26d ago )

Due to the lack of modern stealth games, and me constantly playing the MGS series, I've been looking for alternative stealth games to play, and went back and re-played the SC series recently. I wouldn't call SC1 or SC:PT masterpieces, there are AI issues, they're very much trial-and-error games, and that can lead to a lot of frustration. I also found the stories in this series to be boring, uninteresting, and just sloppily told. Cinematics are also of poor quality for both in-game scenes and CG cut-scenes, the soundtrack didn't leave any impression on me either.

Chaos Theory is better, but there was still a lot of room for improvement, and Double Agent (old gen ver.) was a sloppy mess that ended up a regression from CT. But still, at least they tried back then, these days Ubi-junk doesn't even try to make good games!

HvNzSoul18d ago

Everyone needs to quit with all of the unnessacery Ubi-hate. SC Conviction and Blacklist are both still good games.

HvNzSoul18d ago

Everyone needs to quit with all of the unnecessary Ubi-hate. SC Conviction and Blacklist are both still good games, they just weren't 100% focused on stealth with Conviction and they remedied that in Blacklist. The only thing they have released recently that I was disappointed with was Watch Dogs Legion, and Skull & Bones. Everyone seems to be salty about the misleading trailer for the original Watch Dogs and The Division. Which are also, both good games, and actually Watch Dogs seems like it was ahead of its time even with all the trailer drama (having gone back and played recently, can say the game didnt deserve all the flak). Yeah the misleading E3 trailer that had better graphics than release is understandable to a very small degree, when most Teaser Trailers, or Game Demo's only have that portion of the game developed so they use the highest quality assets of w/e they have being showed, or what they are showing was made purely for the showing, allowing for extra polish . As to the gripes about minor game design changes, or cut features upon a games release just goes to show how unknowledgeable most gamers are in terms of how game development works or to even understand what what the hell a WIP, let alone titles still in early development.

Good games from Ubi since 2014 (Year that SC Blacklist Released) include:

Watch Dogs 1 & 2
The Division 1 & 2 (Although I had a hard time getting into The Division 2 at first)
R6 Siege
Ghost Recon Wildlands & Breakpoint
Immortals Fenyx Rising
AC Origins, Odyssey, MIrage (Haven't finished Valhalla games too damn long)
Far Cry Primal, and 5 (6 also has a length issue)
Avatar Frontiers of Pandora
Prince Of Persia The Lost Crown

Haven't played a couple of titles those being For Honor (played at launch but didn't honestly give it an actual go), The Crew, R6 Extraction and at the time of writing this xDefiant.

Even if you absolutely hated any of the above titles, they aren't inherently bad games, they're just good, but not always top quality either.

I say give Ubi credit where credit is due, they at least fix games post launch if they start out rough, Breakpoint is an excellent example this and is such an enjoyable experience now compared to it's launch.