
Memories: Silent Hill

Gamer Limit writes "Do you hear the radio static? It's getting louder and louder as you walk forward. Your flashlight illuminates the room, but you still feel uncomfortable about your surroundings. Whispers and footsteps surround you, but no one is there. The building then starts to decompose. Monsters start to appear and the music gets louder, making you run for your life; you try to exit the building as soon as possible. You exit the building, but the thick fog limits your vision, making you feel uneasy."

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JQ5575d ago

Silent Hill creeped the hell out of me. I never played it, but I watched a few friends play through 2 and 3, and it always made me feel uncomfortable.

jessfams5575d ago

This was a nice overview! I never played Silent Hill either just because it scared me too much. I've seen the nurses and Pyramid Head and knew right away I wouldn't be able to sleep if I played it. haha I'm a wimp. :( I guess I'll just blame it on my overly active imagination.

chrisjc5575d ago

Silent Hill 1 was one of the best games ever made: period. 2 was technically a "better" game, but 1 was just utterly revolutionary.


Silent Hill 2 Will Be a PS5 Exclusive Until Oct. 8, 2025, So Don't Expect an Xbox Version Until Then

Silent Hill 2 remake will be exclusive to the PS5 until October 8, 2025, so don't expect an Xbox port or announcement it expires.

darthv7211h ago

why does it feel like we are living in the early 00's again? Sony paying for either full exclusivity or timed was the thing back in the day... and its been 'remastered' for this generation.

raWfodog4h ago(Edited 4h ago)

The original SH2 was PS2-exclusive for only a few months. Remastered version is exclusive for over a year lol.

But both companies played the timed exclusives game for so long so it’s no surprise.

rlow13h ago

Sony is the king of paying for exclusives. Anytime Xbox does it Sony fans go berserk. But when the shoes on the other foot they flop like a fish out of water.

raWfodog2h ago


Stop acting like one camp is better than the other. Both sides have rabid fans that go crazy over silly stuff. Many gamers have common sense and are even-keeled. Which category do you fall into?

Profchaos2h ago

Two fold publishers look at the loss in sales due to exclusivity and given how little Xbox sells in general Sony's generally able to get a greenlight for this behaviour if they fund it.

Microsoft think buying punishers is acceptable but they dug a huge financial hole as a result

Nintendo is just Nintendo and don't care

VersusDMC2h ago

Oh Nintendo didn't pay for timed exclusivity for Monster Hunter Rise, SMTV, octopath, etc...? As usual it's
only a "behaviour" for Sony.

Chevalier2h ago

Yeah it's not like Xbox paid for exclusivity for games like Ark 2, Stalker 2, Warhammer Darktide or anything like that right? Oh wait.....

Einhander19723h ago

Just because that's the announced end doesn't guarantee it will be coming to xbox at that point or ever to be honest.

And even if it does it'll be an inferior version without the haptics and the Tempest audio which I expect will be a huge part in setting the mood in a game like this.

Obscure_Observer1h ago

"Just because that's the announced end doesn't guarantee it will be coming to xbox at that point or ever to be honest."

Whatever makes you sleep at night. Silent Hill will be release on both PC and PS5 and yet Konami made sure and let everyone know that their game is a timed-exclusive to Playstation. The Switch 2 and it´s PS4-level hardware won´t be able to handle it, so yeah, it´s definitely coming to Xbox.

"And even if it does it'll be an inferior version without the haptics and the Tempest audio which I expect will be a huge part in setting the mood in a game like this."

Who cares for Tempest when we have Dolby Atmos? And haptics? Please. There isn´t a single haptics implementation for games that comes near to Astrobot´s.

So yeah, I´m cool getting the best definitive version on Xbox Series X.

Knushwood Butt1h ago

'Who cares for Tempest when we have Dolby Atmos? And haptics? Please. There isn´t a single haptics implementation for games that comes near to Astrobot´s.'.

Have you played Returnal?

Sonic18811h ago(Edited 1h ago)

So yeah, I´m cool getting the best definitive version on Xbox Series X.

You mean PC and PS5 Pro. The Series S will prevent it from being the definitive version 😂

Quesosz1h ago

Just like PS5 pro got the inferior version of Alan wake.

$800 for 800p 😬💀

Quesosz1h ago

Also PS5 is the inferior version of SH2

PC will wipe the floor with PS5

Obscure_Observer43m ago


"You mean PC and PS5 Pro. The Series S will prevent it from being the definitive version 😂"

We´ll see. The S is not preventing S.T.A.L.K.E.R 2 from being excellent on Xbox Series X running at 60fps according to DF, despite the fact that it can barely handle that game a stable 30fps at the moment.

@Knushwood Butt

"Have you played Returnal?"

No. Why? It´s better than Astrobot?

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 43m ago
shadowT6h ago

enough time to optimize for Xbox Series S

P_Bomb4h ago

Hmm. Just a bit more than the 9 months The Medium was console exclusive.

TheNamelessOne4h ago

No wait on the PC end, so I'm happy.

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Silent Hill 2 - Immersion Trailer | PS5 Games

Explore Silent Hill and immerse yourself in psychological horror like never before.
SILENT HILL 2 is available October 8, 2024 on PS5.

hombreacabado1d 9h ago

took a day off from work to immerse myself in silent hill!

90sGamingWasBetter1d 8h ago

I'm not watching any trailers, I'm going to go into this one cold.

jznrpg1d 6h ago

I try to do that for all games. I’ve played this game years ago but only have seen a short snippet of gameplay for the remake. I’m going to wait and play it on the Pro so I’ll have to avoid reviews and such for a month

1nsomniac1d 7h ago

Mark my words, the 3d Spatial Audio will be best in class I reckon on this. They showed they were up to the task with Blair Witch. I think this will beat Returnal.

gold_drake1d 5h ago

i really cant wait. it looks rly good

P_Bomb1d 5h ago

Any word on a performance mode yet?

cammers19951d 4h ago

Really hope they remake 3 and 4.

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Silent Hill 2 Has "Replaced and Remapped" Enemy Locations; Konami "Serious About Renewing Series"

Konami has mentioned that they have replaced and remapped enemies to new locations to give players aa "fresh take on combat."

Inverno26d ago

Shouldn't y'all have remade the first then? Or is series like MGS and 2 canonically the first game?

P_Bomb26d ago

SH2 was a stand alone story iirc. SH3 was the actual sequel to SH1.

Inverno26d ago

Ahh, then I guess we'll be seeing those 2 next. Hopefully they do a bit more than with each new remake. Hopefully they reconsider bringing Silent Hills back to life too.

P_Bomb26d ago

You never know! Guessing they’ll wanna see the receipts first for this one. I’m down for a Silent Hill resurgence!

jznrpg26d ago

Hope this one turns out well.

ROCKY2826d ago

This will be the best horror game of the year !