
What Exactly Did We Learn from the Xbox “Business Update Event”

Darren writes: "It didn’t help how formal “Business Update Event” sounds, with many claiming it was over for Xbox, packing up the hardware and getting out."

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EasilyTheBest116d ago

We learned that all the rumours turned out to be a nothing burger.

Obscure_Observer116d ago ShowReplies(10)
Jin_Sakai116d ago (Edited 116d ago )

We learned that they’re easing into going 3rd party.

“You mentioned that Starfield and Indiana Jones aren’t part of the four despite rumors, but will those ever come to PS5? Can you rule that out


Lightning77116d ago

Since I'm the only one with a functional brain around here this is how it goes.

He's obligated to give a "never say never" scenario. If he says our Aaa's will never ever make the jump then 4 or 5+ years later they said SF indy etc are on PS. He would be a complete liar. By keeping it open ended (for the millions time) he's looking at the changing market specifically in the next 5 to 10 years where he thinks it's possible that the software won't be able to sell the box any longer. He Doesn't want ppl to go back 5 years and see that video we all just watched call him a big time liar, that's why he kept a it open ended.

As of right now there is no build for indy and their other games.

"There is no fundamental change on our approach to exclusivity."

He even said this isn't the flood gates opening up to everything else. This is opening up to future LS and AA that's the hint of that.Hey if it does happen then wait till 2030 something I suppose.

@Easilythebeast broke it down perfectly especially the Xbox making another. Yet ppl here told me they weren't making another platform. Right coming from a site where everyone is always wrong 99% of the time lol.

Jin_Sakai116d ago (Edited 116d ago )


“Since I'm the only one with a functional brain around here this is how it goes.”

Haha ok. I’d say 99% of users would disagree.

Phil said that because he’s easing into the situation so Xbox fans don’t have a mental breakdown.

Remember this?

“Phil Spencer says not every Xbox game will come to PC”


Crows90116d ago (Edited 116d ago )


People understand that things can change.
He was not obligated to say that.

If you were to put the PlayStation head in that same conversation you think he would've said the same thing as Phil?

No. He was not obligated...not sure about your brain comment.

Give it up. Xbox fans are in so much denial it is funny to watch. They've been lied to so much by Xbox they can't wake up from the massive beating Phil has been giving all of them these past few years.

Lightning77116d ago

"Haha ok. I’d say 99% of users would disagree."

I don't care about who agrees with who I care about being right.

PC isn't a competing platform like PS. You don't see Xbox warring with PC gamers. Hell they're damn near the same fanboys at this time. Doesn't mean anything, PC isn't competition platform like PS.

Christopher116d ago (Edited 116d ago )

***PC isn't a competing platform like PS. You don't see Xbox warring with PC gamers.***

No, because they did that and lost. Now they've given up. But, PC is absolutely a competing platform. Microsoft just completely lost that battle. Kind of the same way they lost the mobile battle and now just release their own apps on iOS and Android storefronts.

Jingsing116d ago

Indiana Jones will come to PS5 because Disney will tell them too.

fr0sty116d ago

"I don't care about who agrees with who I care about being right."

You're doing a whole lot of being wrong to care so much about being right.

"There is no fundamental change on our approach to exclusivity."

Yet they're releasing exclusives on competing consoles now, which in itself, is a fundamental change. They are in wait and see mode... if these games profit as much or more than they did on Xbox, Microsoft is going to force Phil to release more.

crazyCoconuts116d ago

I mean it started with Phil saying only 4 and no strategy change, then followed by his leaders outlining what definitely looks like a strategy change. Mixed / confusing messaging for sure, so no need to criticize brains.
Time will tell. I've got my bets in, we'll see.

The PC isn't a competitor comment is interesting - how many people would jump to PC if more exclusives came out day 1 or whatever. Or how many people would drop the PC if more games were locked into console. I'd think that while there are some people that would move, it's not as large a number of people that would switch consoles. That's probably why Sony appears to be on the fence a bit - clearly there's impact but how much is just an estimate embedded in a spreadsheet somewhere

Lightning77116d ago

@Chris what are they competing with them exactly?

@Crows no they're not gonna say 100% completely keep their games from other platforms. Then turn around and do just that years later. Buissness changes from year to year that's why he said it's not off the table. It's cover his own ass in a sense. Plus if their AAA games would be multiplat then there would be no point in them making another console. Keep believing in your heads that they're games will be on PS. Have a long fever dream about it actually. Their exclusive games strategy hasn't changed they made that clear.

Lightning77115d ago

"You're doing a whole lot of being wrong to care so much about being right"

@frost I am wrong now lol ok what am I wrong about?

Christopher115d ago (Edited 115d ago )

***@Chris what are they competing with them exactly?***

Money. It's all about money. They lose 30% of their profits to Valve. Let alone they have no market control over the marketplace on PC. They are forced to compete equally with everyone else versus the control of their own platform/storefront. They can't advertise an exclusive. They can't dictate other releases or their advertising.

The fact is, on PC the competition is everyone versus just Sony and trying to get sales one their platform over Sony.

It's weird having to explain this to someone who claimed "... I'm the only one with a functional brain around here..."

FinalFantasyFanatic115d ago (Edited 115d ago )


I actually moved to PC since consoles seem to have fewer exclusives now, especially this gen (Nintendo Switch being the exception), I even removed a lot of games from my Switch that I considered for portability because of the Steam Deck. The exclusives are the only reason I don't completely dump consoles/handhelds, I also moved away from Playstation due to the increase in censorship and lack of games that I attracted me to previous PS consoles.

You can convince me to change consoles, but at this point, I can only see myself owning a PC and Nintendo Console at this point (I still keep the PS4 for those exclusives and the PS classics).

343_Guilty_Spark115d ago (Edited 115d ago )

Constantly moving the goal posts.

So they are creating new Xbox hardware to slowly ease into 3rd party by doing what they’ve been doing trickle out more smaller titles to other platforms?

Your statement is so idiotic.

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 115d ago
JEECE116d ago

This is such a baffling take. The solid rumors from reliable sources were basically confirmed. A few games like Hi-Fi Rush coming to other platforms. The doomsday scenario Xbox "influencers" were afraid of where MS was going to become the new Sega never had anything behind it.

If someone tells you that several houses on your street were burglarized and then you turn around and start telling people, based on that, that the entire neighborhood was destroyed in a fire, if it turns out that all that really happened was that a few houses were broken into, you can't then turn around and say "the rumors were wrong, there was no fire at all."

Skuletor116d ago

Weird metaphor, does every house that gets burgled around you catch on fire?

crazyCoconuts116d ago

No he's saying just because some rumors were not true you can't ignore that some actually were.

JEECE116d ago


The point is, if there is a rumor that something bad happened, and then people start freaking out and saying that something far worse and more extreme happened, the fact that only the initially rumored bad event actually happened does not mean that the rumors were false.

Think of it this way. A few reporters start tweeting that around $5 million was stolen from a major bank. Then a bunch of random people on social media start freaking out and saying the bank is going to close and everyone who has an account won't be able to get their money. The bank then comes out and issues a statement saying that $5.3 million was stolen but that insurance will cover it and that account holders won't be affected. You can't then say that the initial rumors were wrong; they were right, people's unsupported panic was wrong.

-Foxtrot116d ago

Something huge happens where 4 exclusives from one of the big 3 will now go multiplatform showing Microsoft’s baby steps into become a third party publisher

Xbox fans “Big nuthin burger”

You’re all focusing on the over the top exaggerated rumours which came well after the initial one which was about MS going third party which is now true.

Come on man do you really think Microsoft would go through all this trouble for 4 games and then call it quits?

Lightning77116d ago

No of course not. All AA and LS will make it over.

Their big games are staying (they literally told you that). How else will they make the SX somewhat relevant for the rest of this and gen? How are they suppose to sell the SX2 next gen if everything is multplat? Tell me since you know everything.

crazyCoconuts116d ago

A big nothing burger filled with Xbox exclusives going over to PS.
If it were only 4 exclusives, it's still a big deal. Xbox (as a console) needs exclusives now more than ever. If they wanted to turn the ship around they'd be doubling down, not letting go.
And it's not only 4 - listen to Sarah and Matt go on about getting Xbox on "every screen" and playing everywhere.
Do you guys really think they'll stop after these 4 based on everything you're hearing?

Lightning77116d ago

They do have exclusives. HB2, Avowed, Indy, they even said the are games still releasing this year we don't know about yet. The big AAA games are staying. I wonder how many times I have to say it until y'all get it.

crazyCoconuts116d ago

@Lightening - "The big AAA games are staying"
I'm gonna give that statement a shelf life of a year, and I think that's generous

Mr_cheese116d ago

For someone that becomes an obscure observer for everything Sony related, you sure don't live up to the name for your beloved Microsoft.

They probably only went ahead with the 4 titles after seeing that you're cool with that.

Dandalandan117116d ago

This is comment is a perfect example that their PR talk actually worked for some

116d ago
Kiryu1992116d ago

We learned that Sarah lied about 34 million GP users will get to enjoy Diablo 4 and now MS corrected that by saying no all GP users will get to play Diablo 4


I guess Phil saying moving forward there will be less exclusives and after these 4 games they will make future changes accordingly means nothing

Permanent exclusives only make fanboys happy and no one else. We should be happy more gamers will get to play the games

Crows90116d ago

Right...Xbox games aren't coming to other consoles after all....oh wait...they are.

Christopher116d ago

I enjoy the hypocrisy on both sides.

Sony puts an exclusive on PC
Xbox: There it is, every future game is multiplatform!
PS: It's just one, you'll never get another!

Microsoft puts an exclusive on PS
PS: There it is, every future game is multiplatform!
Xbox: It's just 4, you'll never get another!

C'mon people, it's curated games going to other platforms for both. Why can't we just accept that?

derek116d ago

All the rumors were mostly true, what are you even talking about. Lol

Abear21115d ago (Edited 115d ago )

This is happening more and more nowadays, frustrated consumers stoke flames of wild rumors on social media and it is forcing companies to come out and give up information. All because their own silence is deafening for the fans. Xbox fans want something, anything, and continue to get nothing.

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 115d ago
MaximusPrime_116d ago

We learnt how Microsoft handled console business has been a complete utter failure.

Obscure_Observer116d ago ShowReplies(6)
ocelot07116d ago


Obscure - Daddy Phill hug meeeeee pweeeees omg Starfieldsss and Indiana never going ps5s blashshhsdbrifnrifnjddjcjdndin djffjrnfjfndjdfjdjsjd Jaffa cakes!!!!!

Sony President says we will take aggressive approach to PC.

Obscure - omgzzxzz sony confirmed full pc release day one Spiderman 2, Last of us 2, god of war Ragnarok out now on da steamssssssss bwahhahahahahaahhahahahahahaha hahahaha poopoo wee wee gagaga I lick windows.

That's pretty much been his rants today lol.

-Foxtrot116d ago (Edited 116d ago )

Jaffa Cakes 😂

Full Exclusive

Half Exclusive

Total Third Party

The_Hooligan116d ago

Damn I want some Jaffa Cakes now lol

ChasterMies116d ago

This runs through everything they said when you read between the lines. They are admitting that Xbox marketshare is shrinking (and indeed they disclosed to The Verge that Xbox Game Pass subscriber numbers are shrinking). The only area for growth in games is 3rd party game sales. They don’t want to piss off Xbox owners right now but they will piss them odd later.

MrDead116d ago (Edited 116d ago )

We learned MS buying up banning multiplatform publishers from their biggest console revenue has been a failure... If you measure it on MS getting thosands of devs to lose their jobs so that a few very rich people can get even richer at the cost of others then it was a huge success!

Vengeance1138116d ago ShowReplies(2)
Hereandthere116d ago

Helldiver 2 being PlayStation and pc helps no one according to thunder lips phil.

Hofstaderman116d ago

Jealousy is a ugly thing lol. Phil wishes XBOX was in on that.

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DF Direct: Xbox Summer Showcase brought banger games but underwhelming new hardware

Digital Foundry : Summer Game Fest! Xbox Games Showcase! The Digital Foundry crew has convened to cover both events, reacting to the major game announcements and developments.

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porkChop3m ago

I think everyone was really expecting to see the handheld at the showcase. I have a feeling they're not ready to show it because they're waiting on newer chips from AMD. It'll need a beefy mobile GPU/CPU to play these games. If I had to guess, it'll launch alongside Gears of War: E-Day and have a special launch edition.

If they can launch something like the Steam Deck but with the Xbox UI and a lightweight, gaming-focused version of Windows, it could be a real contender in that space. Especially if they can adopt some of the modularity of the Elite controllers. Easily swap sticks, triggers, buttons, custom shells, etc.


Star Wars Outlaws Looks Like The GTA In Space We’ve Been Waiting For

IGN : This year’s Ubisoft Forward didn’t have much in the way of surprises, but it did have a ton of gameplay of two games that we’ll actually get to play in just a few months, Star Wars Outlaws and Assassin’s Creed Shadows. Outlaws in particular looks like a game we’ve been waiting our whole lives for, an open-world sandbox that lets us explore the grimiest corners of the most wretched hives of scum and villainy. It’s a premise we almost got in Star Wars 1313 and Amy Hennig and Visceral’s Project Ragtag, but both those got canceled. Unlike some past Ubisoft gameplay demonstrations, what we’ve seen of Outlaws seems like it’ll actually be representative of the game that’s coming out in August, so here’s hoping it delivers.


The Finals Season 3 preview - Kyoto’s swords beat old guns | Video Gamer

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