
FIFA 23 update shows football truly is the world's game

The latest EA Sports update includes hijab in FIFA 23 after Morocco's Nouhaila Benzina makes World Cup history!

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aaronaton300d ago

Hahaha no way. They keep promoting the women's football side of this game, I'd love to see the stats on 'hours played'.

anast300d ago

Whether it's fair or not, sports run on eyes on the screen and people in the stands. There are very few women's sports that are played with high level speed and skill compared to males, tennis and MMA are the only two that I know. This means no one is watching women's football or women's NBA , which also means that no one is really going to play FIFA's "history making world cup" mode. It isn't right, but that is the way it is.

PassNextquestion299d ago

If woman could play at the same level as men in any sport they wouldn't need to have male and female teams they would be mixed.

anast299d ago

There are many other social conventions that would set them apart.

CantThinkOfAUsername299d ago

Call me biased, misogynistic or whatever, but I have watched one of those Woman World Cup matches and it was hilariously bad. Even kids in my street are more entertaining to watch.

anast299d ago

Nah, it's not misogynistic. People pay a lot of money to watch high level sports. This means the athletes must be extremely impressive to justify our time and money. It is up to the athlete to produce those results. There is no reason for the fans to have to pay big money to watch something equivalent to a small college sporting event.

299d ago
PapaBop299d ago

Anything for a bit of easy PR.. meanwhile many of the game modes have gone untouched for years now, ask Pro Clubs players what they think of the current state of the game.

Fonsecap299d ago

What they should do is improve the quality of the digital faces of women's soccer players, they are so ugly that hurts and the players that don't have the official faces are much much worse...


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