
Dead Space is No.1, but launch sales lower than The Callisto Protocol | UK Boxed Charts

It was a busy week for game releases last week, with Dead Space, Forspoken, Goldeneye and Hi-Fi Rush all available.

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Nyxus490d ago

The Last of Us Part I and Remastered are both up since last week (when they already had a 238% and 322% sales increase respectively).

Nyxus489d ago

From what it sold before. But the point here is the increase, which is of course due to the HBO series.

Orchard489d ago (Edited 489d ago )

We need actual numbers to know if that means anything though. 238% of 1000 is only 2380.

We already know the vast majority of the market is digital, so it's a 238% increase in what is already a tiny portion of the market, for a game that didn't sell well at launch and is now older too.

Nyxus489d ago

You want the digital data too?

"Now the digital data is in for the UK, we can see that The Last of Us Part 1 sales actually grew 305% week-on-week and is at No.11 in the charts. Last of Us Remastered was up 337%, and is at No.16."


Orchard489d ago

I said I want numbers, percentages are relative.

But yes, it is better to have combined data, at least then you're looking at the entire dataset.

489d ago
SonyStyled489d ago

A raise in 238% means they are selling 2.38 copies for every one copy sold previously. That sales for the game after the show released are more than double from what they were in the weeks before the show released

489d ago
+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 489d ago
Lifexline489d ago (Edited 489d ago )

The show is really good that’s why. I never played the game but not going to lie the show made me interested in how the game is.

As far as dead space was the series known for its sales it never really sold too well. ISO why would this one sell like hot cakes the series is not that big.

SoulWarrior490d ago

Callisto is outpacing it so far? Well that sucks, this is leagues and bounds superior, hopefully it has good legs.

Orchard490d ago

This is only boxed games - Digital vastly outweighs physical in the UK, plus Dead Space had a good amount of digital bonuses.

Probably not a fair comparison - and I agree, DSR is great.

Nyxus489d ago

Digital doesn't vastly outweigh physical in the UK. These are the numbers from last month:

"2.85 million games were downloaded, while over 3.5 million games were bought physically."


Orchard489d ago

That sounds like a one off anomaly month, or incorrect. We know that in western countries with decent internet, digital is always bigger than physical.

Even back in 2018, it was already 80% digital in the UK: https://www.gamesindustry.b...

Then for 2019: https://www.gamesindustry.b...

"The majority of the games, 24.5 million, were downloaded (which is up 74% over 2019)."

And for 2022... https://www.bbc.com/news/te...

Nyxus489d ago

"We know that in western countries with decent internet, digital is always bigger than physical."

Okay, here are the charts for Europe.

"27.4 million tracked games were sold across European markets in December, a drop of 13% over the year before.

11.4 million of those sales were digital (down 17% year-on-year), while nearly 16 million sales were physical (down just over 10%)."


Orchard489d ago

Sorry but if you really believe physical games still outnumber digital games, you're either being misled or are choosing to believe a lie.


PC + Console: 98% digital, 2% boxed
Console only: 72% digital, 28% boxed
Overall market revenue: 94.2% digital, 5.8% boxed

It's been this way for a while 🤷

Nyxus489d ago

@ Orchard: that's revenue. So it includes DLC, microtransactions and the like.

Orchard489d ago (Edited 489d ago )

@Nyxus Once again... https://www.gamesindustry.b...

"Across both physical and digital, 42.7 million games were bought, which is a 34% increase over 2019. The majority of the games, 24.5 million, were downloaded (which is up 74% over 2019)."

I've provided you with many links showing that the UK is more digital than physical. Whether you choose to absorb that information or not is up to you.

But anyone in their right mind knows that digital has taken over physical. This occurred a long time ago.

Anyway, that's the last reply from me on this topic. Facts are facts - and I'm not wasting my replies on a topic that has been settled long ago.

Nyxus489d ago

"Anyway, that's the last reply from me on this topic"

Glad to hear it!

SoulWarrior489d ago

Ah yeah, it would help if I read the whole damn headline lol.

shinoff2183489d ago

I've seen somewhere mention that digital sales always include mobile also. So it makes sense that digital sells more then physical if their adding in mobile sales of video games. If true

Profchaos489d ago

Digital outweighs physical in the US but outside of that digital is often considerably higher in price than the physical equivalent which is why in the UK physical outpaces digital. It's a particularly bad price different in Australia/ NZ also with digital costing an additional 25 to 40% on a new physical game

SurgicalMenace489d ago

Absolutely no point... just exhausting.

EvertonFC489d ago

Isn't everyone normally skint after Xmas, especially with the cost of living crisis.
January imo is an awful time to release a game, I'm betting sales pickup February/march

Chevalier489d ago

"I said I want numbers, percentages are relative."

Asks for numbers and percentages don't count?

"PC + Console: 98% digital, 2% boxed
Console only: 72% digital, 28% boxed
Overall market revenue: 94.2% digital, 5.8% boxed"

But where are your Numbers Orchard? Didn't you just say percentages are relative?! So where are YOUR numbers?! Or right absolutely 💯 idiotic. You got NO numbers or FACTS to back up you're OWN arguments. But can't present numbers yourself?! Absolutely hypocritical AND idiotic.

Just saying stupid things one after the other.

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 489d ago
where-eagles-dare489d ago

Orchard's delusional rantings are a wonderful cure for my insomnia.

Chevalier489d ago

Idiot rants then ask for numbers and guess what? Can't give ANY. Numbers placed in front of him his response?! Percentages of sales.... uh dude you literally just ignored what everyone said because without numbers Percentages don't mean much. Then goes and post Percentages with no numbers attached?! Well let's not count anyone's Percentages, but, NOW Percentages do matter! Like the goalposts are in different stadiums now.

wiz7191489d ago

@Soulwarrior Callisto has it flaws but it’s still a pretty decent game. Currently swapping through both , both are great games. DS definitely has its flaws to tho I ran across a couple bugs that’s were pretty hilarious.

Knushwood Butt489d ago

'80% of Dead Space's physical sales were on PS5, with the remainder on Xbox.'.

That's a big split. High engagement on PS5.

shinoff2183489d ago (Edited 489d ago )

It is huge. Wonder why for real

Orchard489d ago (Edited 489d ago )

I mean, it mentions it right there in the next sentence that he casually cut out:

"80% of Dead Space's physical sales were on PS5, with the remainder on Xbox. Again, this will likely change once the digital data is in as Xbox gamers tend to download more."

Concertoine489d ago

I usually buy physical on Xbox but bought digital since it was 7 bucks off with EA Play

Orchard489d ago

@Flawless He asked why, so I replied with the 'why' they shared in the article 🤷

Not my words, but the words of the author of the article.

SurgicalMenace489d ago

Bro, since when is the XB community known for buying anything? The author sounds like a battered wife trying to convince her family that her husband is getting better. He's just going through something right now. Just wait is the theme here. Though Sony outpacing XB is not a new narrative. Elden Ring, COD, Destiny, GTA, and the list goes on. Let's not pretend that this is not the norm.

Chevalier489d ago

Orchard trying to pretend Xbox has more digital sales than Playstation. Absolutely hilarious. Doesn't realize Playstation has the highest digital sales of anyone. Overall digital sales for Playstation alone beat all of Xbox and Nintendo COMBINED. EA sales are also significantly higher for Playstation.

But go ahead and post those digital sales numbers?! Oh right you can't because you don't have ANY facts to back up a single argument you have you hypocrite .

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 489d ago
MrNinosan489d ago

Yeah, GamePass subscribers don't buy games (I knoe there is a few exceptions), so the few Xbox owners who don't have GamePass, are the sales we see.

Orchard489d ago (Edited 489d ago )

Meanwhile, back in the real world:

Hi-Fi Rush, a game which launched day 1 into GP is in the top sellers charts, and even outperformed Forspoken, a PS/PC exclusive that was not in game pass. In fact, it even outperformed it in terms of revenue, despite Forspoken getting $40 more per unit sold.

I guess one might conclude that people buy games, even when in GP.

SurgicalMenace489d ago

Exactly, I don't use GP at all, but I buy everything I want to play on XB.

SurgicalMenace489d ago

Nice try Orchard, it outperformed Forspoken on PC, NOT PS5.

Furthermore, that means that it has been selling on PC, not XB. Always trying to spin narratives to diminish the impact that PS has. It's crazy because it's like you refuse to just face the reality that Sony is a major factor in the gaming industry. Please tell me you're not that guy who could never figure out what was so great about the popular kids totally ignoring their charisma and public appeal?

niiopi489d ago (Edited 489d ago )

*ON STEAM and Hi-fi is already discounted - there I fixed Orchard's comment.

badz149489d ago

the Xbox sales is so dismal Orcard have to use PC sales of Hi-Fi just to say that xbox gamers buy games LOL

Chevalier489d ago

Sorry Orchards idiotic comments keep popping up. Please remind Orchard that Xbox OWN reports literally prove Xbox gamers Do NOT buy games.


"Microsoft says that even though Game Pass subscriptions and first-party titles did numbers during the quarter, those gains are offset by a decrease in third-party game purchases"

Third party sales have dropped off significantly. Plus add in this year confirmed drops of 13% of revenue and its even worse than last years already terrible sales. None of Xbox first party games even hit any top sales charts either.

Chevalier488d ago


Well the real world FACTS also confirm that Xbox gamers buy the least games. The lowest attach rate per console. Playstation and Nintendo absolutely dominate sales.

Also go ahead and check all the quarterly and yearly sales reports its across the board Playstation more than double Xbox sales in every major publisher whether it's EA, 2K games, Ubisoft, Activision Blizzard it doesn't matter. Xbox doesn't even come close in a any quarterly reports. That's units and revenue all show Playstation at the top.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 488d ago
zaanan489d ago

I am glad this is getting good reviews and doing well - personally I think it will have great legs- but I just have to say:

FUCK EA! They shut down Visceral bc they sold 4 millions instead of 5, now they come back and remake the first game!? What assholes!

Chevalier488d ago


""80% of Dead Space's physical sales were on PS5, with the remainder on Xbox. Again, this will likely change once the digital data is in as Xbox gamers tend to download more.""

Actually Orchard the data for EA's show that Playstation absolutely dominate Xbox sales to the tune of more than double Xbox sales. So no digital sales will NOT change that. Playstation digital sales beat all of Xbox store and Nintendo Eshop COMBINED. So FACTS suggest you're wrong. EAs revenue and quarterly reports are of TOTAL sales by console where Xbox gets dominated.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 488d ago
HyperMoused489d ago

How it be No.1 with less sales

MrNinosan489d ago

Because those were released at different months

Sonic1881489d ago (Edited 489d ago )

Dead Space shouldn't be 70 bucks for a 15-year-old game 😂

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EA Japan Exec Criticises Japanese Ratings Board

An executive of Electronic Arts Japan has criticised the Japanese video game ratings board for allowing upcoming action game Stellar Blade to be released uncensored while EA's own Dead Space was banned in the country.

CrimsonWing6941d ago

He’s got a point. If a game is M-Rated, which is the equivalent of an R rating, I don’t get why you need to censor anything. The rating is the indicator of the content and the age appropriate. If it’s appropriate for adults… why treat them like children? 🤷‍♂️

Eonjay41d ago (Edited 41d ago )

This is about gore... not about anything sexual. And specifically I think it is about the realistic depiction of gore. Unfortunately I don't know the nuance of the CERO board or how it is relevant their specific culture (as a prohibition on gore may transcend age) so I hesitate to make a statement. Can anyone else provide insight to what kind of gore is considered unacceptable?

CrimsonWing6941d ago (Edited 41d ago )

Yea, I know this is about gore, but thanks for pointing that out.

My point still stands, if a game is essentially rated for a mature audience then why censor for them as if they’re too young to view it? Makes no sense.

To answer your question: Decapitation, dismemberment, like… anything gore. They have been censoring that since CERO was established. Look up RE4 chainsaw decapitation or any MK games that made it there.

Cacabunga40d ago

EA Japan? Wtf never heard of that

ZwVw40d ago

Yet, the Oneechanbara series (y'know, the game with half-naked samurai females slicing up zombies to bloody pieces) get released in Japan uncensored.

The CERO ratings board is an equilibrium.

Smellsforfree40d ago

This confuses me since I've seen so many gory Japanese movies and anime. For example, Battle Royale.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 40d ago
gold_drake40d ago

definitely has a point.

but .. its japan. are we really surprised?

VersusDMC40d ago

I don't know if the EA executive is going off the one close up of an arm being cut off in the demo. Maybe it's uncensored because it's the arm of a cyborg or it doesn't happen that often (didn’t see EVE dismemberment when killed in the demo) .

In the states there's a certain amount of swear words allowed to a PG13 movie before it is deemed R. So maybe it's the same in Japan for gore?

Eonjay40d ago

Yes I think you may be on to something. The violence is gory but I wouldn't call it gruesome.

Retroman40d ago

Ea Japan please make Knack 3
in the future

Eonjay40d ago (Edited 40d ago )

Does EA Japan actually make games at all? Or are they just a regional publisher?

Retroman40d ago

I'm sorry Japan Studio made Knack


One Year Later, What Was The Point Of The Dead Space Remake

The remake teased an expanded universe, but now a sequel has no chance of delivering on it.

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isarai48d ago

Honestly i believe it was mainly as retaliation for the original devs breaking off and making colisto protocol. They've done this a few times, ignoring fan demands for the return of a belived ip until someone does it for them, then they retaliate by only then announcing an entry. Colisto protocol was announced and EA announced the remake shortly after, Session finally hit consoles and skate 4 was announced, shortly after Undisputed was shown off, talks started happening about a new fight night.

ZeekQuattro47d ago

I agree. Reminds me of when Inafune announced Mighty No.9 and the initial reaction of the game industry was that of celebration and suddenly Capcom said ohh shit we need to announce Mega Man 11. 😆 Still waiting for MM12 & the next X title.

isarai47d ago

Exactly, it's BS that pettiness has more power than demand for some reason.

Cacabunga47d ago

i liked the remake as much as the original.. it has so many improvements, the most noticeable to me was the seemless transition between levels which should be a must and a standard nowadays.
I cannot wait for the sequel's remake too.

Tacoboto47d ago (Edited 47d ago )

That's a very farfetched conspiracy.

Callisto Protocol was announced in February 2021 and Dead Space in July. They didn't just decide in March 2021 to "retaliate" by remaking from scratch Dead Space in under a two year timespan.

If anything, Callisto is the result of a has-been Creative Director whose only inspiration is his previous work, and EA took inspiration long before Callisto was known about from the insane success of the RE Remakes and endless calls at the time for the RE4 Remake.

0hMyGandhi46d ago

So, how do you like working at EA?

shadowhaxor46d ago (Edited 46d ago )

And yet,fans of Dead Space, myself included, have been asking EA to bring back Dead Space for a better part of a decade. To which EA refused, stating that it was done with the series. Specifically after Dead Space 3 failed to meet EA's sale goals (sound familiar?) But magically, after they caught wind of The Callisto Protocol, with Glen at the helm, Dead Space remake was greenlit.

For those not counting, The Callisto Protocol call was announced in 2019, while Dead Space remake was announced in 2021. Long before TCP was announced?

badboyz0946d ago

100% that's the way EA operates

Extermin8or3_46d ago

You know how long it will have taken to make this game, this is some rediciulous logic.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 46d ago
Tacoboto48d ago

It was a solid game and we'll have to move on and accept it for what it is. Just because we're not getting a sequel (original or remake) doesn't mean there's no point anymore in what is a great, tense, well-paced single player experience. No one's taking Dead Space Remake away.

I just hope that the game isn't so technically stitched together on PC that driver updates render the game unplayable like what happened with me and my RTX 4070 last year, requiring a driver downgrade just months after the game came out. If you're a console player then you've got no worries.

TheProfessional47d ago (Edited 47d ago )

Yeah but it was a pointless remake since the original still looks pretty good. They should've done a sequel, something original or Dante's Inferno 2.

Way too many remakes now. Even resident evil 4 had already been remastered twice before the most recent one. No originality. Why not just hire the original team to make a new game instead?

Harkins172146d ago

For the hopes to get a new generation of people into the game. OG still looks good but it stopped selling long ago. So I get why they do remakes.

Knightofelemia47d ago

Most likely for EA to cash in on the remake craze that followed Capcom when they started remaking RE games. I am glad EA did it I enjoy the game. DS is one of my favorite franchises love the sci fi horror shit. What I don't like is EA not remaking DS2. So DS1 remake did not do well with the numbers so what. DS2 has a solid fanbase and is probably the best entry in the franchise depending on the fan. DS2 remake would have been a day one for me but I got a reminder on why I hate EA. Scrap the DS2 remake for a shitty Iron Man game.

chicken_in_the_corn47d ago

It's because the gaming community want remakes and remasters over new games.

mandf47d ago (Edited 47d ago )

Thank you for recognizing that. One group always complains over remasters or remakes.gamers want them and they sell. To the once’s that complain your console has no games to do again. If you did ,they would remake them.

Crows9047d ago

Or maybe we can tell most of these devs can't deliver good new IP for some reason.

isarai47d ago

When it's hard to find a modern game that isn't broken, incomplete and monetized to hell, remakes are a sure bet for having a complete experience as older games weren't plagued with those issues

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 47d ago
Fonsecap47d ago

I think that is for the best of the franchise o be left alone then to be turned into a game as a service or something like that, EA has the awful habit of trying to monetize everything.

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The Sounds of the Fireflies ("The Last of Us") concert kicks-off on April 28th, 2024

"The Game Music Foundation are today very proud and pleased to announce an additional concert, circling back to the roots of Game Muisic Festival in Poland. On April 28th, 2024, the National Forum of Music in Wroclaw will once again become a place to celebrate the art of video game music, featuring scores from The Last of Us and The Last of Us Part II." - The Game Music Foundation.