
75% Of The Public Response To The CMA Is In Favor Of The Microsoft-Activision Buyout

The Consumer Markets Authority received over 2100 public comments over the Microsoft-Activision deal during its review of the acquisition


I'm glad there are people out there that can see sense. Playstation losing COD will make them the strongest competitor they've ever been as they can no longer rely on big 3rd party IPs to keep them afloat.

Time to bring back Killzone, Resistance, and Infamous

Time to bring back PS Vita

Time to cut PS VR 2's price and start including Day and Date VR games in PS Plus

Time to consider returning to the free-to-play online model from the PS3 era

purple101547d ago

Woah I like your style

Cod is pretty much the same every year anyway. Buy modern warfare 2 and hope Sony makes a competitor in the next 3 years.

I kinda hope they lose cod too. Even though that won't happen for 6 years as had been previously stated... It's probably not fair. But it's probably the best thing for everyone.

Make a new God dam shooter already
And make it good

SlothLordPootus547d ago

EA made titanfall 2, and you can see how well that worked out

MadLad547d ago


The original Titanfall did poorly because they marketed it, mainly, on easily the weakest console released last gen.
Then they made the second game multiplatform, barely marketed it, and then released it right alongside Call of Duty, and even EAs own Battlefield.

It's like they wanted it to fail.

SlothLordPootus547d ago

@madlad i know. I was mostly just trying to prove a point that just because you make a good shooter, doesnt mean its going to be successful. Call of Duty is THE household name for FPS. Battlefield even pales in comparison and its been around just as long.

dcbronco547d ago

Oh, Resistance:Sorta Modern Warfare

Angyobangyo547d ago

Sony already owns a studio that specializes in shooters, Bungie. I highly doubt there will be a new Killzone seeing as Guerrilla Games has had more success with Horizon critically and financially, unless a different studio makes it.

fiveby9547d ago

LIes, damn lies, and statistics. 75% of responses. Right. Who falls for this stuff?

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 547d ago
Lifexline547d ago

I agree with you this is good it will create competition like the Xbox 360 and ps3 era. How there were so many price cuts and deals all the time because it was close for the first time. This deal is good for consumers I don’t get peoples logic who say it isn’t.

I don’t agree with the kill zone and resistance they want a call of duty clone they need to keep trying to make a new one happen not trying to make an existing ip popular if it wasn’t to begin with. They will get one but they need to keep making new ip until they get one.

I_am_Batman547d ago (Edited 547d ago )

"This deal is good for consumers I don’t get peoples logic who say it isn’t."

It shouldn't be that hard to understand. Industry consolidation always leads to less competition, not more. Microsoft's inability to compete with Sony on 1st party titles isn't due to a lack of studios. Even some of their flagship franchises come out underwhelming. There is obviously a problem in managing the studios they already have so I don't see how adding more is going to help them.

If anything I can see game variety going down. They'll have a lot of genre overlap between studios and they might decide, that it would be better business, to focus their studios on their most profitable IPs.

Ideally they'd shift focus from quantity to quality, but unfortunately that's unlikely to happen as long as they're laser-focused on Game Pass as their main business model.

shinoff2183547d ago


Ms should've created the competition themselves. Not buying publishers that create multiplatform games. It's bs in reality and you know it. If Sony had done that yall would of lost your damn minds and you know it. Ms has more studios then sony. Someone counted them up. Ms has 23 Sony has 18. Wtf has Ms been doing ?

Personally I think cod is whack but I did like a few acti games. Not enough to buy and Xbox over a ps first though.

Lifexline547d ago

You sound like a little whiny kid. It’s business that’s how the world works get over it act like an adult. Who care a MS bought activision they have the money that is how it works no one cried when Sony bought bungie. That is something called mergers and acquisitions educate yourself it’s legal it can be scrutinized but legal at the end of the day.

mkis007547d ago

You people love to compare things incorrectly. Bo one cried because bungie isn't going exclusive. They were bought for the tech and patents. Sony hasnt taken games off of xbox with studio purchases yet. But they will be forced to with future acquisitions if the deal goes through.

tay8701547d ago

@lifexline so you are in favor of MS buying a MASSIVE publisher and locking out out all games, because that is eventually what they are going to do. I hate Activision games they are generally trash, but there are literally millions of PS COD players who will lose this franchise in the future. If this is what you view as competition, how would like Sony buying up Capcom, square Enix and fromsoftware as retaliation and making all their games exclusive?

jwillj2k4547d ago (Edited 547d ago )

If activision left PlayStation on their own then sure, make new ips to compete. But if I kick your a** every generation and then you pay to win because your daddys a trillionaire then it’s not right and should be stopped.

It’s not a money issue obviously. Microsoft doesn’t know how to make games because their passion has always been about the bottom line outside of the first Xbox.

SatanSki547d ago

N4G is, and AFAIR always was Sony's fanbois site. I'm not a tool of any company, through the years i had consoles from all major manufacturers, and ATM have one from each of big three. From gathered experience, i can say, Sony's fanbois are the most blind, stubborn and selfish of all of them. Not saying MS buying Acti won't eventually turn against players, because all these corporations do, eventually will have to profit them, not us, but i can guarantee these people would prise Sony to the sky if it was Sony who buys Acti.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 547d ago
sparky77547d ago

Yep Sony being pressured makes them try harder, if the 360 was a flop there wouldn't be an uncharted, LoU etc.

Playstation fans should be begging for this to go through, so they get more variety in games.

Aloymetal547d ago

''Yep Sony being pressured makes them try harder''
The PS2 says high, complete annihilation and domination, games output off the charts.
''if the 360 was a flop there wouldn't be an uncharted, LoU etc.''
So now everything great about PS is because of xbox? Lmao. Good one;)
''Playstation fans should be begging for this to go through, so they get more variety in games.''
We're doing more than fine in the variety department and yes I hope this deal go through just to see if MS can be the market leader after all the zillions spent...

shinoff2183547d ago

Your wrong about uncharted and last of us. Especially uncharted cause it came out earlier in ps3s life

sparky77547d ago

Just making 3rd person action adventure narrative games isn't variety.

Crows90547d ago

Except that the 360 was no more a flop than the xbox one. You make it seem playstation wasnt trying until ps3. They had good games the whole time.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 547d ago
darkrider547d ago (Edited 547d ago )

Nothing you told makes sense. If Microsoft was able to make games they wouldn't need to buy publishers.

Those are 3rd party games. It's not only Cod...

Can't compete leave

The only way for Microsoft to ever be number one is to buy Nintendo and Sony... That simple

shinoff2183547d ago

Ms has more studios then sony to

sinspirit547d ago

You're actually pretending to be this daft. Shame on the fanboyish agendas here of people pedalling nonsense to try and shift public opinion of even one person gullible enough to find your logic sensible.

Taking away something from the free market and allowing it to be locked to a platform is exactly how monopolies begin. Taking control of major chart topping franchises as well as publishers is exactly what a monopoly move is when you are both a platform holder and service holder. The hypocrisy is that the same people claiming that they should be allowed to buy these devs/publishers because it will make Sony more competitive.. when they are already the most competitive in the market for any group of developers when it comes to all around quality. Microsoft is seeking control of a free market by buying up major portions of the free market. Common sense. No fanboy nonsense about that statement. Sony has earned their spot the old school way and grew their developers and third parties, their IP's, their risk taking, and by filling the biggest void in gaming(AAA single player non predatory monetized IP's) while allowing third parties to retain their strong selling franchises that have continued to grow and prosper. Those multiplatform long existing successful franchises have grown the whole gaming market and Sony has wanted them to do that. They aim to sell PlayStation on unique experiences and all around best featureset and package. Not by aiming to control third parties or challenge them.

Not one, not two, not three, four, or even five chart topping franchises. We're not just talking Call of Duty. We're talking StarCraft, World of WarCraft, Diablo, OverWatch, multiple Call of Duty variations, and many previously huge IP's capable of a major comeback like the Tony Hawk series and Guitar Hero. Imagine that. Imagine trying to talk about Sony being complacent when theybare the most dedicated and hardworking platform holder when it comes to game development and variety.

gold_drake547d ago

"no longer rely on 3rd party"
i don't think u understand the reason why sony is against the buyout.

Crows90547d ago

I see your point...however, Sony is already the strongest competitor so it wouldnt change anything. What would be affected is sonys bottom line which may have adverse effects. They gotta make up the money somewhere and it could affect mtx in their first party which would negatively affect gaming and specifically PlayStation IP.

CoD should stay 3rd party. There are enough 1st person shooters out there different from CoD.

thesoftware730547d ago

MTX are coming from Sony anyway.

10 live service games and GT showed that MTX are coming...so no way this acquisition causes them to so that more, it's already in their pipeline.

CorndogBurglar547d ago

I agree with what you're saying overall, but I think you chose some words very poorly.

"they can no longer rely on big 3rd party IPs to keep them afloat."

What are you talking about? It's been proven time and again that exclusives sell consoles. And Playstation has consistently put out the best exclusives in the business for 3 generations now.

They weren't relying on 3rd parties to keep them afloat lol. That makes it sound like they were barely surviving even with 3rd parties like CoD, which is just an insane thing to say.

MrBeatdown546d ago

"can see sense"

Yup. Mmmhmm.

Care to explain how it makes sense for consumers to want a company like Microsoft that's been trying to effectively compete with Sony for over 20 years, and despite being one of the biggest software companies on the planet, has practically no software for their game console?

Care to explain how it makes sense to want a company that can't manage their own studios effectively to take over control of another company whose games are primarily played on the competitions platform?

Care to explain how it's a good idea to root for a company that once tried to double the price of Xbox Live Gold despite adding no value to it, and just jacked up the price of their first party games as soon as they're getting to a point where they're actually going to start releasing first party games?

Microsoft's had 20 years to get their act together and they failed. And now ding dongs that want cheap Call of Duty are rooting for them to get it on Game Pass as if the price isn't going to go up. But hey I'm sure the publisher that's responsible for an attempt at one of the most idiotic, unjustified price hikes in gaming history are the best hands for Call of Duty to be left in.

DarXyde546d ago

Agree it would likely create a complete monster out of PlayStation, but I disagree on bringing back some things.

We don't need a new infamous right now. SP worked on pretty much just that for PS3 and most of PS4's life. I love their current trajectory and believe Ghost of Tsushima is a far better display of their talent.

Vita, no. As much as I loved my PSP and Vita, the age of dedicated portable gaming devices is kind of over—Nintendo is the bizarre, long-legged exception. Phones and tablets are all in one.

Cutting PSVR2's price is an odd suggestion. It's certainly intended to be niche. People who are interested likely already made up their minds. I suspect PSVR2 is already cheap for what you're getting. Best to not cut the price and tamper with build quality.

D&D games for VR.... Maybe? If games are budget, perhaps. But if they're really full experiences where it can take 20+ hours? I don't see it.

Free online, I totally agree with. It's a bit criminal all three of these companies charge for it.

n1kki6546d ago


+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 546d ago
purple101547d ago

Just read all article. Good points listed for both advantages & disadvantages. Looks like the British public are quite sensible.

Can't believe the outcome though, Xbox not as popular as playstation here. So I can only think by the results, the ls fans are bored of the same ol' cod every year and don't mind letting go too much

1Victor547d ago (Edited 547d ago )

@ purple
I can’t believe they think Netflix is a competitor to game pass 🤦🏿
Btw orchard been a primary PS “gamer” is as believable as a psychic, fire breathing, rainbow color Pegasus running for president 🤷🏿

Crows90547d ago

Dont joke about that pegasus...you never know nowadays.

DOMination-547d ago

Actually it's already well known that MS are targeting Netflix acquisition after this deal closes woth the aim of having Netflix and Game Pass in one subscription. Thay sounds perfect to me but no apparently consolidation is bad

Extermin8or3_546d ago

Xbox is historically more popular than PlayStation. The only places xbox has ever had a lead sales wise month on month is the uk and usa. Rest of Europe and Asia and Russia etc PlayStation always outsold xbox.

LucasRuinedChildhood547d ago

This headline is slightly misleading.

75% of the comments formally made (just 2100) are in favour of it. That means that Xbox fans have been contacting the CMA much more.

It's not a true poll of what the public thinks.

SoulWarrior547d ago

Damn, so you're telling me they asked 2100 Orchards's? Guess that makes more sense.

jznrpg547d ago

You sent in your own comment , so 2100 Orchards sent comments . Makes sense because he posts more than anyone

Orchard547d ago

As a primarily PS gamer I want this to go through for a few reasons:

1. I don’t believe they will pull COD from PS

2. I want more shooter competition. Sony has shooters in their stable that they should revive.

3. I have GP on PC and would love to stop paying $70-80 per year for COD

4. Bobby Kotick needs to go

But alas, I don’t live in England so I can’t write to the CMA :p

generic-user-name547d ago


"1. I don’t believe they will pull COD from PS

2. I want more shooter competition. Sony has shooters in their stable that they should revive."

Why would point 2 happen if you believe point 1?

Sonic1881547d ago


You need to explain point 1 and point 2. Because if you believe in point 1 I don't think point 2 will happen or Sony won't focus on reviving their shooters

Orchard547d ago (Edited 547d ago )

@Generic @Sonic

#2 would happen because Sony would want to compete with MS on the FPS front, especially if they fear that they may pull COD in the future (I don't think they ever will though, too much $$$ at stake).

Similarly, they will feel some threat from no more exclusives, ad deals & COD players getting attracted to COD via GP, for the price and also for any perks. COD makes up a huge portion of the gaming revenue for Sony & Microsoft via both sales and microtransactions.

So they will have to compete and have a backup plan (KZ, Resistance, take your pick)

Hofstaderman547d ago

I think Orchard contacted them 2100 times. Imagine his phone bill lol.

IRetrouk547d ago (Edited 547d ago )

I'd hardly call around 3% of their yearly revenue huge Orchard....

MrNinosan547d ago


When were you primarily a PS gamer?
Back in 1995 when there was no Xbox?

And why does people just mention CoD in this deal?
I couldn't care less about CoD, but it's all those other IP's that is annoying me, same with Zenimax.

Why can't Microsoft do what Sony has done? Find or build great partnership with Studios, who exclusively produce games for their platform, and THEN buy them, just like Sony has done with all companies except Bungie.

Microsoft is not earning any respect by just buying what already exist and works.
Imo, they could use those 70 billions and build amazing Studios from scratch, and give us gamers more games, not less.

As an owner and gamer on all platforms, I don't like either this deal, Zenimax or Bungie.

SierraGuy546d ago

Lmao 🤣😂 my thoughts exactly.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 546d ago
sparky77547d ago

Xbox fans are the public, the only people not wanting this to go through are Playstation fans who think Playstation will die without COD.

Orchard547d ago

Which is absolutely crazy. You can’t have much faith in PS exclusives if you think COD has the ability to entirely sink the platform.

547d ago
1Victor547d ago

Uh no PlayStation won’t die from missing CoD but the Microsoft is planting the seeds for a gaming industry monopoly on all popular FPS games and cutting Sony from them

FinalFantasyFanatic547d ago

This, remember how Windows almost squeezed every other OS out of the market?

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 547d ago
KillBill547d ago

"That means that Xbox fans have been contacting the CMA much more" ~ that then would mean that Xbox fans are more invested in the situation. Can't blame Xbox fans for PlayStation fans not voicing reasonable discussion on any concerns they might have. Especially in a PlayStation centric market region.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 546d ago
GoodGuy09547d ago (Edited 547d ago )

Cool I can play cod 6hr singleplayer with just $10 via GP every year and hopefully Sony can bring back MAG, Resistance, Killzone multiplayers.

Orchard547d ago

They’re probably assuming they’ll cash in on on-going subs via the MP. Most people continue to play the MP until the next one comes out.

Heck a bunch don’t even play the campaigns (they’re all kinda the same anyway, America good Terrorists/Russia bad, unrealistically small group of special forces save the day from nuclear annihilation).

100% agree on bringing back games like KZ.

SierraGuy546d ago Show
Extermin8or3_546d ago

How are they going to bring them back with millions less revenue ti fund it. Remember of people move ti gamesnpass to play CoD Sony lose out on the 30% or whatever they get from each sale.

ken2813547d ago

Microsoft don’t need anymore studios. They have like 50 studios right now and have yet to put out a single game.

SlothLordPootus547d ago

Microsoft's recent argument that they dont have any exclusive games is hilarious considering they still have exclusives from all of their latest acquisitions that havent released, with the exception of psychonauts 2 and pentiment. With how many studios they have, they could probably put out nearly 20 exclusive games in the next 2 years. That would paint a bit of a different picture.

Crows90547d ago

The waiting game is cross gen!

Show all comments (105)

WayForward Reveals Two Unannounced Horror Games In Development

During an X Spaces live chat titled WayForward Chat: Horror Games Galore, the indie developer teased the announcement of not one but two upcoming horror titles based on an existing IP.

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Fear Effect coming to PS5, PS4, Switch, and PC in 2025

Limited Run Games, in cooperation with Square Enix, will release action adventure game Fear Effect for PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Switch, and PC via Steam in 2025, the company announced.

CrimsonWing698h ago(Edited 8h ago)

What!? That is freaking great!!!! I really loved this game back in the day and was so pissed the Remake got changed and then eventually canceled. This is such great news that it’s the original. Will definitely get the plat for it.

Mr Pumblechook7h ago

The article mentions:

* PC
* Nintendo Switch
* PlayStation 4
* PlayStation 5

But why isn’t there a mention of the Xbox Series version?

CrimsonWing696h ago

Yea that’s a Limited Run Games thing like what @Scissorman showed in the article. They’ve tried selling the physical versions of Xsex games, but they just don’t sell. But I’m fairly sure this should be digital for Xbox, if not, then it’s time to drop Xbox and come to greener pastures.

wesnytsfs4h ago

@CrimsonWing69, greener pastures.. Yep moved to mainly PC now myself get all the good games from both companies now if only Nintendo would release games on PC too.

RiseNShine3h ago

so a ps1 game launched in modern platformos, mmmkay. I can play it already in emulators with high res, retroachievements support and more, doesn't make much sense.


Capcom's Old Game Engine Seemingly To Blame For Certain Releases Skipping Xbox

“Capcom has no pipeline for porting older MT Framework titles to Xbox's modern ERA system, which makes it more expensive to deliver the same titles than it would porting them to PlayStation 4, Switch, or PC.”

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Valkyrye23h ago

Phase 1 Denial
Phase 2 Excuse making
Phase 3 Indifference

23h agoReplies(2)
darthv7218h ago

did MS just stop supporting MT framework all together? I get that its not supported for Series (same with PS5) but the PS4 and XBO supported it. So, its just odd that there is a PS4 version (which would subsequently run on PS5 via BC) but not an XBO to do the same.

Unless there was some update applied to both XBO/Series that no longer make it compatible and only existing titles are it. I'm getting it for Switch anyways so I'm good. I have the other collections on there and I like to keep things together.

17h agoReplies(1)