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Sonic Frontiers Review - They Really Needed to Delay This | Zyro-EG

Jason says, "I’ve been with Sonic since the Game Gear. Yet, here I am, headed into yet another modern entry with my fingers crossed that it’ll be good only for it to disappoint me yet again. And here’s the thing: I give BROWNIE points for effort, for innovation, for trying to do new things. But they really needed to delay this game to polish it at the minimum. Perhaps it wasn’t in the budget, but it doesn’t change the fact that this is a janky gameplay experience where fleeting moments of genuine enjoyment are muddied by complete randomness. Adding in that it’s more of a one-and-done and pushes some very low graphical standards on current gen hardware, and I’d say I’m being favorable just trying to appreciate the fact that they attempted fresh world artistry and lore building on seemingly budget storytelling."

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Community551d ago
Walweeze551d ago

I had a blast playing this game, really unique for a sonic game. Looking forward to the free dlc coming out in 2023

Profchaos551d ago

I'm enjoying this game in its current state I brought it knowing there would be problems and pop up in an ideal world it would be better there wouldn't be huge amounts of pop in or it would be masked better but what they actually delivered is very enjoyable and actually very fun.

I know there are fans out there that consider the game to be a affront to all they hold sacred but for the rest of us the user reviews of those that actually played it, the YouTube commentary videos and most reviews are largely positive not saying it's perfect but they all come back and say one key thing they had fun and does anything else actually matter not every game has to be rdr2 level of polish after all and sega being what it is will never be capable of that


Sonic Frontiers Patch Fixes Extreme Difficulty In Final Update

A new patch for Sonic Frontiers resolves the game's controversial difficulties and many other polarizing elements.

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Sega wants Sonic IP to finally "catch up and surpass Mario"

From GameWatcher: "Publisher Sega has lofty plans for its Sonic IP, aiming to develop it in such a way that it will "catch up and surpass Mario" in the future.

Sonic and Mario have always been competitors, but where Nintendo has managed to consistently stick the landing with its titles – even when stepping outside its comfort zone – Sega's output has often received a mixed reception from both fans and critics.

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gold_drake218d ago

im a huge sonic fan, but that will never happen.

mario games have solid gameplay in every game he is in.
mario is also more child friendly and easier to play.

Number1TailzFan218d ago

It's easier to play now, that was only due to players crying about Mario World being too hard before it released.

Lost Levels was probably the hardest, 3 had decent difficulty without being too easy or too hard. These days the game seems to pander to too easy, unless you go on the extra worlds or special stages which aren't really part of the main game.

Concertoine216d ago

The newer mario games are good about keeping challenging content as optional or bonus. I know the secret final level of 3D world gave me more trouble than anything a Sonic game has tossed my way

Profchaos216d ago (Edited 216d ago )

Players never got to try the lost levels it was a decision made because Howard Phillips a Nintendo employee that played new games as they came to the country he complained and we got smb2 USA.

In addition the choice worked well really as we would have never gotten to play a reskinned doki doki panic otherwise and that would be the true crime

blackblades218d ago

Mario is just universal, fighting, sports, 3d and 2d platforming, rpg, racing and it goes on and all different while being the same character. With the most important thing the games are always fun and get good reviews unlike sonic which can be a hit or miss which its been missing since sonic adventure and i guess the new 3d sonic game. Only thing sonic is best at is the music other then that sonic will never surpass Mario

FinalFantasyFanatic216d ago (Edited 216d ago )

I agree, Sonic is wildly inconsistent with each iteration, you never know what you're going to get, at least with Mario, you're more or less guaranteed a good time regardless of which game you play. I really wish Sonic had done a lot better, there's room for both Mario and Sonic, and I actually enjoy Sonic more as a character personally.

Agent75216d ago

Been too many bad Sonic games over the years.

XiNatsuDragnel218d ago

Mario is brimming with quality and Nintendo will take time with it. Other than Panasonic Era, usually quality games. So SEGA prepare to take your time and don't cheap out.

BrainSyphoned216d ago

By selling it to Xbox so we can hear that 25 million players tried the game for 5 minutes? Then every sheep and journo can pretend that Phil is the King of Japan and Sega is nothing without him, the Nintendo should give in and sell to MS and that Sony only makes movie games not classic games.

Plague-Doctor27215d ago

Because its Sonic, the only thing MS would do with it is run it into the ground at lightning speed rather than regular speed

-Foxtrot216d ago


Making games like Frontiers is not going to help them achieve that.

Also Superstars was average at best

They should have stuck on the Sonic Mania train, then work towards Sonic Adventure 3

Inverno216d ago

They saw how well Mania was received and said "let's not do that again, let's go back to sub par games and low effort collections". Maybe they think if they make good games then expectations would be too make more good games, and they rather just keep screwing Sonic fans with low effort stuff.

-Foxtrot216d ago (Edited 216d ago )

Personally I think they were pretty f****** jealous this fan based team with this fan composer managed to do a better Sonic game with better music than Sonic Team

Take the music for example, the guy did some tracks for Superstars and they are probably the best ones in the game. Look up Sand Sanctuary, it’s a tune.
Feels it made them furious and they don’t want people to know the best Sonic game in years didn’t really come from them.

It’s petty as hell

Inverno216d ago

I don't doubt it. I bought mania and I'm not a fan of Sonic, but the look was so crisp and the music was good I couldn't resist. There's a conversion mod for DOOM that I've also played and it's pretty much the most perfect 3D Sonic game I've ever seen.

Scissorman216d ago

the time for this passed, sega. back in the Nintendo vs. Genesis days when Sonic was the new mascot on the block maybe.

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"95% of Sonic's sales are overseas," According to Sega's Osamu Ohashi

From GameWatcher: "The vast majority of Sonic IP sales, as much as 95 % come from overseas markets, Business Manager Osamu Ohashi has revealed in an interview on Sega's careers website.

Although Sonic's overseas popularity dwarfs that in Japan, the publisher will continue aiming to work towards making the IP a bigger name in its home country and other similar regions."

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persona4chie217d ago

That’s shocking to me, I never knew Sonic was more popular in the states.