
Ghostwire: Tokyo Review - IGN

With superb visual design and an incredibly well-realised rendition of Tokyo, Ghostwire gets a lot right, but just doesn't quite have the gameplay chops to push it over the top.

The-Matrix-has-you805d ago

Honestly, that’s about what I expected, it’s a pretty decent score. Hope whoever is looking forward to this game enjoys it. I may give it a go down the line but for some reason it’s just not grabbing me like I thought it would.

ABizzel1805d ago

From what I've read it's basically Japanese Bioshock with not quite as good of a story / exploration / surprise factor / newness. So it's worth looking into, but maybe not at launch for most people.

Blastoise805d ago

Looks like a worthwhile game to buy after a price drop or two. I'll probably check it out one day just to see some of the weird monsters

sparky77805d ago

I can't imagine many paying $70 for this, I will likely check it out when it comes to Game Pass though.

JEECE805d ago

Good thing you can get it for $54 right now lol

darren_poolies805d ago

I don't really get this logic. It ain't gonna be on GP till next year at the earliest and by then it'll be like $20.

Neonridr805d ago

or included with your GP subscription.

Chevalier804d ago

Rather pay $20 and get a better experience with the Dualsense then wait for it on Gamepass. Deathloop dropped price quite quickly, willing to bet this will be the same

Elda805d ago

The standard edition is $60.

LoveSpuds805d ago (Edited 805d ago )

It's that attitude, that MS very much wants to encourage, which makes GP such bad news for the videogame landscape.

805d ago
Christopher805d ago

I wish I got paid $0.01 every time someone pointlessly mentions Game Pass.

805d ago
gamer7804805d ago

This isn’t pointless though. It’s a a game that someone might be questioning whether it’s worth a purchase. Why not wait until they can try it out and put their current money towards something else or their time towards something else. It’s just smart money and time management.

804d ago
gangsta_red805d ago (Edited 805d ago )

Will also try this when it comes to Game Pass. Not because of the score but because there's just other games at the moment in the pipeline to play that won't be on GP. Why not wait for this one to be available on a service we pay for?

It's funny the unnecessary hate GP recieves whenever someone personally comments on it.

Christopher805d ago (Edited 805d ago )

Show me the hate for Game Pass presented and not just annoyance at people constantly bringing it up even when it's not relevant to the conversation at all. The game isn't even going to Xbox for at least a year and people are talking about it going to Game Pass, which nothing has been mentioned at all.

gangsta_red805d ago

You're displaying hate already by being annoyed at someone who is going to wait for it's eventual release on GP.

I also see comments of people saying about they'll wait for the game to go on sale with absolutely no push back, but mention wait for it to come to GP and you get the dogpile we see here.

Neonridr805d ago

@Christopher - we know it's a timed exclusive. Do we know it's for a year? Plus why wouldn't it go to GP, it's a MS owned studio now.

Christopher805d ago

***You're displaying hate already by being annoyed at someone who is going to wait for it's eventual release on GP.***

Not hate for GP, which is what you said. Let's not go further on this, you're not proving a point I made but trying to associate my annoyance with people with Game Pass itself. That's exactly what you said above and what I replied to (" the unnecessary hate GP receives"). I absolutely don't deny annoyances with pointless Game Pass mentions, as I said. Perhaps focus on that "pointless" bit?

***I also see comments of people saying about they'll wait for the game to go on sale with absolutely no push back***

All games go on sale. Most games don't go to GP. Nor is going on sale used to play up one platform over another in comments like people do on a currently Sony exclusive.

***we know it's a timed exclusive. Do we know it's for a year?***

It's what people have said. Even so far that it's part of their wiki listing for the game (second sentence) https://en.wikipedia.org/wi...

***Plus why wouldn't it go to GP, it's a MS owned studio now.***

You're right. I was unaware Tango was acquired by ZeniMax.

gangsta_red805d ago (Edited 805d ago )

It's funny to read all that just to then see...

**You're right. I was unaware Tango was acquired by ZeniMax**

Which makes you're whole annoyance comment further ridiculous. It's exactly why the OP is going to wait for this game to come to GP and also why it wasn't a "pointless" comment to mention it here. I also thought you knew this which was strange to even see you say "we don't know...".

***Nor is going on sale used to play up one platform over another in comments like people do on a currently Sony exclusive.***

But the OP isn't saying anything of the sort. Or trying to imply this game coming to GP is some sort of victory over other consoles. Just as some have said they're going to wait for it to go on sale, others are going to wait for it to come to GP.

For some reason this seems to annoy you...that's my point.

UncertainCategory804d ago

Just going to throw in my two cents here.. this is a first party Microsoft game. The Gamepass conversation is extraordinarily relevant as we know for a fact that it’ll be added permanently as soon as Sonys exclusivity window closes. So saving $70 and waiting a year for a 7/10 game may be a smart move for some consumers.

804d ago
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805d ago Replies(1)
SurgicalMenace805d ago

Paid for and downloaded. Right on time too. Just finished Strangers of Paradise. Saving HFW, Elden, and Cyber for after I finish these lesser titles off.

Ashunderfire86805d ago

Your going to love HFW you should try that one next wow 😮 and the soundtrack is mindblowin! I just can’t wait for the DLC and Horizon 3 already maybe Aloy will give to Ruin New York City. It just makes total sense since she was always out West from the first 2 games. Ruin New York to Ruin Florida with a Disney World Easter Egg 🥚 lol 😂

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monkey602103d ago

I wanted to try Tchia and Haven. Never got around to them


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Takwin160d ago

You literally are not allowed to hate this internet. It's Christmas!

--Onilink--160d ago

Pretty decent game, enjoyed it quite a bit. They really should have scaled it down a bit though, a bit too much open world padding for my liking.

But a sequel would be quite interesting if they get the balance right

RavenWolfx160d ago (Edited 160d ago )

This is old, sorry. Says "3H AGO" but it was available yesterday. Outer Worlds: Spacer's Choice Edition is now available for free, for another 13 hours or so then it changes.

Zenzuu160d ago

Decent game for what it is. I quite enjoyed my playthrough.


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