
Current-Gen Gamers Deserve The Cadillacs and Dinosaurs Remastered

Ron from NoobFeed writes - With the Cadillacs and Dinosaurs Remastered, gamers would not need to get out of their houses to play the game but, instead, play with others online, a dream come true for any 90’s kid.

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waverider1064d ago

I spent so many coins on the arcades with this game and others like this. Capcom use to rule this genre.

NestiShy1064d ago

They can still rule this genre with the remastered versions of games like this.

waverider1064d ago

Agree, but i think this genre didnt evolved and lost space. its not easy fo find 2d brawlers, beat them all. SNK with Neo Geo also got some cool games of this genre.

ApocalypseShadow1063d ago (Edited 1063d ago )

If you haven't already wave, I'd suggest openbor. There's so many. I'm a beat em up fan.

Avengers United battle force, dungeons and dragons, double dragon zero, fighters history revenge, fighting spirit, He-man, justice league legacy(even has a SOR 2 remixed mode that you can play as the justice league characters with legion of doom bosses), kof beat em up plus, mortal Kombat conquest, Marvel first alliance 2, martial masters, marvel infinity war, mortal Kombat unlimited, power Rangers, rage of the wolves, revenge of the dragon, rocket viper, final fight gold super, world heroes supreme justice extra, etc.

There's just so many not even mentioned like turtles or gi Joe, kof: trouble in south town, revenge of the dragon. But my top games have to be Avengers united battle force, Marvel infinity war, justice league legacy, FFG super, fighters history, martial masters and world heroes Supreme extra. They're so good with the combo system and music, you'd think they were real games. And MIW has so many characters to play from Marvel, the fun would never end besides remixes of console beat em ups included. Zvitor and his friends are just top dogs on fan games.

Right now I'm playing dungeons and dragons that released yesterday on openbor. And mystic warriors by Konami on Mame. I can kick and punch all day until my hands hurt. Lol. But that would keep me from VR and PS4 games like Ghost of Tsushima.

But Cadillac was an excellent game. Like Alien vs Predator arcade.

Skuletor1063d ago

Probably my most played beat 'em up game, Capcom made so many good ones but this is still my fav

annoyedgamer1063d ago

I already know whats getting censored if it is remade.

Imortus_san1063d ago

Not really, remaster this will make the game look bad, pretty simple, capcom as failed to do any proper remaster of 2D sprites, the best thing they could do was use a linedoubler tecnic like the OSSC does and make there games run at 8x or 5x the original resolution, that's more them good.