
Game studio layoffs mean a hellish race against the clock for immigrant developers

"The stories we don’t hear are even more frightening"

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Christopher1110d ago

They know the risks and have to accept them. This is no different for anyone working outside their country.

It's also not like this doesn't affect people in the U.S. like when Disney hires cheaper H1B people, had the people with the jobs train them, and then fired them once the new people were trained.


If you don't want to take risks, then don't. This is the same for any IT industry now. Expecting only benefit in a relationship like this is ignorant and dangerous in this day and age, especially considering the involved companies have a long history of mass layoffs.

lodossrage1110d ago (Edited 1110d ago )

Yeah I remember when Disney did that crap.

That's why I never trained anyone at any position I had. I mean seriously, why should I train someone when I know you want to force me out the door so you can pay my replacement less money? All because you don't want to pay the tenured employees what they deserve.

The problem is the general worker doesn't know that they aren't obligated to train people. That's Human Resources job.

senorfartcushion1108d ago

If you have to fault the victims then it’s safe to say you’ll never understand the context of the situation.

Christopher1108d ago (Edited 1108d ago )

I currently only work for international companies on a contract basis. I'm pretty familiar with how this stuff works.

If I lose a contract I'm not faulting the hardship of such a life. I know what it is.

My wife just helped close a business with tons of French H1B employees. It isn't great, but they understood the risks.

There is no victim here. Expecting a job to always be there for you is ignorant, to say the least. Always plan for the loss of employment. Always.

esherwood1108d ago (Edited 1108d ago )

Well said Christopher. It’s amazing how democrats (radical) like making people victims

frostypants1107d ago (Edited 1107d ago )

@SenorFartCushion your comment is an empty platitude. This worldview that people never have any amount of accountability for their own actions is so juvenile. If a person takes a work visa, then obviously they are taking a calculated risk upon themselves. Sure, it sucks...but it's like saying you're a "victim" if you lose a hand of poker. Grow up.

Christopher1107d ago

@esherwood I'm way more "Democratic" than I am "Republican." I am 100% not Libertarian.

A lot of people on both sides have varying feelings on this stuff but the way our system works you have to toe a party line.

senorfartcushion1107d ago

That’s your problem, Christopher. You and the others trying to make your point over me is sticking too closely to your central project. You say you’re way more Democratic than you are Republican or Libertarian, which is just a roundabout way of saying that you do not know who you are and you can only think of yourself as an individualist that ignores the concept of collectivism. It’s not your fault, you’re on neither side, you’re on my side, but my side requires an eye that has to exist outside of the status quo, outside of the rules written to preserve a system that values both you and I a lot less fairly than it does those who naturally write the rules.

It’s as if you want to make your face blank in order to gain some kind of independence, when in fact you’re literally destroying who you are and basing your whole life around this fake identity.

How can you possibly be familiar with how your profession works when you haven’t thought about how it fits in to the political systems currently being implemented to govern you. You’re saying that you’re lost within the spectrum and do not have a place within a party, but you haven’t thought about what came in the past, or what changes can be implemented in the future; changes that will ultimate affect your career as well as your political ideology.

Christopher1107d ago (Edited 1107d ago )

***Christopher. You and the others trying to make your point over me is sticking too closely to your central project. You say you’re way more Democratic than you are Republican or Libertarian, which is just a roundabout way of saying that you do not know who you are and you can only think of yourself as an individualist that ignores the concept of collectivism.***

This isn't about my thoughts on how Capitalism is bad (it is due to government treating it like socialism). This is about an employee, in this day and age, taking a job without understanding the risks and then people complaining about those risks as if it's not what everyone is dealing with.

This is the same argument people label against Green New Deal peeps by asking why they drive cars or take planes. Because you can't do what isn't in effect, but that doesn't mean you act ignorant of how it works and don't just act like it's not the way it is and complain when it doesn't go your way.

You see my words speaking out about complaining about specific H1B visa employees and think I don't want better? That's on you. But, regardless of what I want, you can't plan your hopes on what could be and live life on what it is.

***How can you possibly be familiar with how your profession works when you haven’t thought about how it fits in to the political systems currently being implemented to govern you.***

Find me where I promoted this and didn't say that it is how it is and that any person taking a job in the environment needs to know this and can't act ignorant when it doesn't go their way.

In fact, if you scroll down to frostypants comment further down in this submission, you'll see where I completely understand this issue and where it needs to be fixed.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1107d ago
Godmars2901108d ago

"People understand exploitative conditions they have no control over yet must accept for a slim opportunity."

Companies such as Disney, shifting workforces as self serving profit measures, should be as aware of the moral ethical and economic implications of their actions as those trying to legitimizing them. Is much of the reason why the world is as it is.

frostypants1107d ago (Edited 1107d ago )

I don't like Disney's behavior but it's on the legislative system to address these issues. If what they are doing is objectively wrong, make the process illegal. The reality is that there is bipartisan opposition to what that would mean. It's why the issue never goes away regardless of the party in power. But it is on them. Otherwise, what...we're just gonna wag a finger at Disney and say "you shouldn't do that"? Good luck with that.

1107d ago
Godmars2901107d ago

"I don't like Disney's behavior but it's on the legislative system to address these issues."


Disney has had lobbyist effecting the legislative system for decades. Are the primary reason why things have gotten to where they are.

In the 80s and into the 90s corporate hawks tanked established businesses, emptied their pensions, and because they had political contacts the only thing that happened to them as such became standard practice was finger wagging.

senorfartcushion1107d ago (Edited 1107d ago )

Both Frostypants and Christopher, like us, operate within a very narrow system. Unlike us, they are perpetuating its rules and regulations back at everyone in an attempt to try and provide solutions for the issue at hand. In saying that this should be a legal matter, they’re right, but they haven’t taken into account the behaviour and allegiances of the proper legal representatives involved. It sounds like it is some sort of philosophical point, but it has about as much depth as the Nike tag line.

“Just Do It.”

Christopher1107d ago

***Disney has had lobbyist effecting the legislative system for decades. Are the primary reason why things have gotten to where they are.***

And continuing to fight such things is what will lead to better results, not complaining about H1B visa workers online. There are still people pushing for unions, removing corporate lobbying from the government, requiring limitations and transparency on corporate donations, and more.

If you don't do that, then it doesn't matter how much you complain about how you are affected by the system. You're not changing the system, just talking about how unfair it is.

***Unlike us, they are perpetuating its rules and regulations back at everyone in an attempt to try and provide solutions for the issue at hand. ***

I'm not going to sit here and cry about people who are in the same system as everyone else and how those specific people are affected any differently than anyone else. But don't think that means I don't fight for what I think should be changed.

The reality is you have to deal with what we have now and being ignorant of it isn't on anyone but the individual. Does that make it fair? Nope, but that's life in general. We can strive to make it fairer, but it's not just going to happen because you tell someone it's not fair nor is it suddenly going to change your work options or results.

Godmars2901107d ago

How can you admit - at least I hope you do - that the system is rigged yet insist that victims of it only accept it?

No, I take that back. You'll never admit companies tip things in their favor even with the recent example of Amazon from preventing a union from forming.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1107d ago
Knightofelemia1110d ago (Edited 1110d ago )

You knew a visa was only temporary and only good for so long you could either try and extend it, apply to immigration, or pull some 90 Day Fiance bull shit to get the green card then get a divorce.

1108d ago
esherwood1108d ago

These nut jobs will be the first ones crying when immigration actually effects them. I’m an electrician and I’ve seen first hand what uncontrolled immigration does to the quality of life for amaricans

senorfartcushion1108d ago

Just making you angry apparently. You do know the wealth gap has only increased over the years and both you and the immigrants you resent are the victims of this. You both play for exactly the same football team and you don’t even know it, meanwhile you’re losing a game you don’t even know you’re playing with a team that cost billions more to create.

esherwood1108d ago (Edited 1108d ago )

Hey the top 1% in this country pays over 30% of are taxes, I know u morons are brainwashed to hate them but I’m more worried about the bottom 50% of this country that only contribute 3% of this countries taxes. The wealthy are doing there part, we have to many leeches in this country and we keep letting people in that are going to be more of a burden

frostypants1107d ago

@SenorFartCushion geez man do you have anything other than mindless Marxist talking points? You're ignoring the practical realities at play here. Yes, wealth gap bad. But that's only a fraction of this particular issue. Go take an introductory global econ course.

frostypants1107d ago (Edited 1107d ago )

@esherwood honestly H1B's wouldn't be tax burdens. They're skilled labor. And other immigrants in general don't come to the US to be burdens...they come for the opportunity. But they've often been sold a vision of the US (often by human traffickers themselves) where it's easier to find opportunity here than it actually is. Or they're simply trying to escape hellholes. It's a tough situation.

senorfartcushion1107d ago


Read what Marxism is. I’m not speaking in Marx, you’re in the wrong century in terms of your citation.

I’m a former working class person who knows that you take the same beating that I do, and I don’t even know who you are. I don’t blame you, you just aren’t rooted in the subject. You don’t have to care, so you don’t. Your kids will suffer as did you, but you won’t be to blame. This is if you even want kids.

What I am saying is that the wealth gap I has grown over the past few decades, there are more millionaires, billionaires and soon there will be the first trillionaire. They pay 30% of taxes apparently. They dodge more. They are escaping paying what is actually, legally demanded of them.

There isn’t meant to be a single trillionaire, because it that means that some underprivileged families are guaranteed to be killed by the gap springing back. Poor people of all colours starve and/ or freeze to death due to simple unfairness. Unfairness that you do not even like.

The parties are to blame. In most ways, the Democrats are making this situation worse than even Trump did, but Trump also did what he did and it has led to the more corporation-friendly party gaining power.

Remember the vote that ended the $15 minimum wage? Over one million Americans were left in poverty that day. Ignore Marx, ignore my pointed language, just concentrate on that number?m, because it’s actually something that’s happening in your country.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1107d ago
randomvoice1108d ago

Do you even know how visas like H1B work or are you just spouting the rhetoric you've read elsewhere? H1B visas are company sponsored and have a high income caps. You can't just enter the US and decide you wanna become an electrician and get a visa. I've rarely heard an electrician being on H1B.

Most H1B visas go to IT tech jobs and are high paying. I know people like to throw a 7 year old Disney article of how cheap labor replaced Americans but that was literally 7 years back and there have been so many strict restrictions applied to companies post that. Currently, any H1B worker hired needs to at least make 75K+ (in many places 100K+) and their visa sponsorship costs mean a company actually pays more for them in the long run. It is no longer a 'cheap' replacement visa.

Also, the amount on entitlement in your post is evident. Why do you think you're guaranteed a job just because you were born in a place? If someone more talented comes in and works for cheap, then they are bound to replace you. That is Capitalism 101.

esherwood1108d ago Show
DoubleYourDose1108d ago

You clearly aren't an English professor. It's a good thing your profession doesn't require you to pass a basic literacy test.

amazinglover1108d ago

When are you going to stop blaming those just trying to survive and start blaming the company that hires them.

Immigrants didn't send your job overseas wall street did and you continue to let them.

esherwood1107d ago Show
+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1107d ago
justadelusion1108d ago

try to make an article not politically charged and that doesnt pander verge, i dare ya

respekanize911108d ago

i didnt even go to the article. straight to the comments on this one. That site is visual aids

senorfartcushion1107d ago

You lack the ability to address these issues in the proper way. You shrug off things like talk of immigration because you’re frightened and would rather hear something unrelated. I don’t blame you, but I don’t think you should go on believing you’re some kind of higher force. You’re the weakest person involved.

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Square Enix Declares $140m Loss Amid Game Pipeline Shakeup

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth publisher Square Enix has declared a $140m loss based on a shakeup of its internal development pipeline.

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Furesis15h ago

What are they doing over there? Sounds like they canceled something big. I read a rumor a while back about ff9 remake . Here "Final Fantasy IX has gone through a very challenging development, the game is still in progress but may undergo changes drastic enough that we won't hear about it for a couple of years."
This could be one of the reasons if the rumor is true. That was Silknight i don't know how credible he is but it's something and it would make sense.

-Foxtrot13h ago

I hope IX is still on the cards

Just a straight up remake which they expand a little bit nothing over ambitious

If IX dosent happen then VI and VIII will never be thought of.

Kakashi Hatake3h ago

6 and 8 were way more p popular games despite today's cult following of 9.

TiredGamer12h ago

What are they doing? Sales are falling and the costs are out of control. Big releases need to be absolute sales home runs now, and Final Fantasy sales have stagnated.

Now we know why Square didn’t fall over themselves to remake the original FF7 all these years ago. It certainly wasn’t a license to print money, at least not with what the expectations were. Each of these full on remakes drains an enormous amount of company resources for a razor thin profit margin.

TwoPicklesGood12h ago

Breaking the game up into multiple parts was a mistake IMO.

blackblades10h ago

The loses came from cancelling games nothing else.

shadowT14h ago

Do not miss Final Fantasy 16. Great game!

raWfodog14h ago

I'm waiting for them to release the complete edition bundle, but it's definitely on my list.

PhillyDonJawn13h ago

Wth is going on with the gaming industry?

mandf12h ago

Corporate investors taking everything

TiredGamer12h ago

Not rocket science. Compare sales numbers, development cycles, and budgets to the previous gens. We are all collectively burning up the industry from the inside out. Expectations are ludicrously high now for every release and sales are dropping for even the most prestigious of series.

We used to be satisfied paying $50-60 for a game that took 1/100th the budget and staff to make. Now gamers feel cheated if they have to pay the same for a game that took 100x the budget. We may be reaching the end of the line for this model of gaming.

wiz71918h ago

@tiredgamer I think your point is one that ppl don’t understand and you hit it on the nose .. some gamers don’t want to take accountability but it’s some of the gamers fault the industry is where it’s at .. we as gamers set the standards for the industry not the shareholders , ppl forget that the shareholders and the industry want and need OUR Money. Both the Xbox and PlayStation are seeing a drop in hardware , the industry is very stagnant right now.

Tacoboto9h ago

Speaking to Square:

Turns out their mismanagement wasn't related to the western studios they dumped to Embracer, but their own fault.

With regards to Xbox - a good way to kill your brand is to pull support on high quality titles and only dump B and C-tier titles to it

With regards to PC - Epic Games Story exclusivity for any duration and piss-poor optimization will hurt you.

With regards to FF Pixel Remasters - y'all messed up by barely releasing them on physical, like wtf that was free money!

And lastly, you don't help a franchise by releasing a mainline title that undermines every title that came before it. FFXVI was a DMC-like with bottom-of-the-barrel side quests and I can't imagine that helping Rebirth at all considering its marketing is directly tied to how big that game is.

Tacoboto8h ago

Sony is getting their best titles and with the most polish, so what about it? Nintendo gets their top properties too, for titles that can run on Switch hardware.

It's the other fanbases that get the second- and third-class treatment from Square. If that's due to agreements with Sony, that's not a Sony issue but a Square one for accepting those terms. Sony is doing its best to look out for Sony.

TiredGamer13h ago

The industry implosion is continuing. Sky high budgets, prolonged development windows, stagnant sales numbers, and falling currency values (inflation) are wreaking havoc on the legacy industry. AAA games will slowly become the rarity.

CS713h ago

Sad. Rebirth was one of my favorite games in a long time. Should have sold more.

CrimsonWing6912h ago

Oh I’m with you. What’s worse is they can say, “Well we tried to make this amazing game and spend all this money on, but not enough people showed an interest. So no more of these since we can’t take a hit like that.”

The industry is going to take a dramatic shift. Mark my words on this.

rpvenom11h ago(Edited 11h ago)

I think there is quite a large portion of individuals like myself who held out on buying it on PS5 because I can get it on PC eventually. To be able to mod the game and also have custom graphical settings to my liking

gold_drake1h ago


but im not sure if it matters at all. im sure they made sony pay a hefty sum for the 3parter to come on ps5 exclusively. so watever they made in sales, might have come bk in profits for square, but i dont know
and we dont know what "underperformed" even means for square.

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Xbox Games Showcase Followed by [REDACTED] Direct Airs June 9

- Xbox Wire - Mark your calendars! The Xbox Games Showcase followed by [REDACTED] Direct airs June 9. More info inside.

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bionicstar13h ago

Will they show Fable 4, Stalker 2, GoW 6 & Perfect Dark?

PhillyDonJawn13h ago

Crossing fingers for Fable and perfect dark. And State of Decay 3

RaidenBlack8h ago(Edited 8h ago)

And maybe Clockwork Revolution, South of Midnight, Contraband, Project 007 & OD? lol
and whatever happened to Everwild ?
+ that rumored Wu Tang RPG

Sonic18817h ago(Edited 7h ago)

Will they have official release dates and gameplay?

anast13h ago

Another game pass event with their plans to go all streaming.

13h ago
Lightning7712h ago

It's an Xbox showcase that they have every year.

Make smarter comments for once.

anast9h ago(Edited 9h ago)

Tell me what a smarter comment is.

If they don't sell game pass the entire time, then I will be wrong. All of this can be proven once the show gets underway. Let's wait and see.

12h ago
11h ago
10h ago
9h agoReplies(1)
Lightning778h ago(Edited 8h ago)

Wow too easy.

You went from MS going all streaming to selling gamepass content in which we all know they are.

Which one is it?

Pretty clear you don't know what a smart comment is at least you admit you don't know.

8h ago
anast4h ago(Edited 4h ago)

"Another game pass event with their plans to go all streaming."

It's both. I would worry about your own intelligence at this point. It seems that there is not enough to go around for you to worry about how smart other people are.

Lightning773h ago

It's just a regular event announcing games. Nice one captain obvious they're gonna mention gp stuff like they do every year what else is new.

The all streaming part is just you, being you I guess. They have streaming options but going all streaming again is just you pulling stuff outta thin air.

anast3h ago

You don't know what a smart comment is or isn't. You're welcome for the help.

Lightning779m ago

No you said something dumb then you tried to back track and mention GP.

Again make smart comments for once.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 9m ago
darthv7213h ago

Wonder if they will address the handheld rumors....?

jimb0j0nes13h ago

For a brief moment I thought we might get a whole Direct for Gears 6 - seems like it's COD though!

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Square & Bandai Namco Being Honest About Quality Is A Step In The Right Direction

Saad from eXputer: "After suffering from massive financial hits, Square Enix & Bandai Namco appear to be turning over a new leaf but I'm still unconvinced."

Nerdmaster1d 5h ago (Edited 1d 5h ago )

I was talking about games with some Japanese guys here in Japan, and it seems like around here Bandai Namco has a fame of making low-quality games, with the occasional gem.

About Square Enix, I believe they lack the capacity to improve. They should learn with Capcom (although even Capcom still makes some bad mistakes), but I don't think they ever will. They keep chasing whatever is new at the time (blockchain, AI...) to say "we innovate", without considering the public perception and if these things actually improve the games or not. Them releasing too many small games with no advertising also shows a lack of trust in its own products. Even with their biggest games, like turning FF into an action game with XVI and the very divisive plot changes regarding whispers and timelines in VII Remake, shows them trying to attract a new generation of gamers without understanding what made the series so big in the first place.

shinoff21831d 4h ago

I want a true ff7 remake. With thatcsaid I'm way happier with 7 remake then I was with ff16. I'd still prefer turn based but square keep chasing these Lil kids

Snookies121d 1h ago

Man, it is perfectly fine to prefer turn based. Turn based is amazing. But there's zero reason to call anyone who likes action games "lil kids". Liking one gameplay system over another does not make you more mature in any way.

VersusDMC1d 4h ago

People love the new FF's overall...the problem is the abundance of 7's they release that lose money or make very little like diofield, star ocean divine force, Valkyrie asylum, harvestella, foam stars, etc. Advertising wouldn't have saved those games. Apparently Forespoken had a big Advertising budget but we saw how that went.

shinoff21831d 3h ago (Edited 1d 3h ago )

Star ocean divine force actually sold well from what I've read not ff type numbers but well enough. Was a dope game to.

FinalFantasyFanatic1d 2h ago

Bandai Namco is going to Bandai Namco, I do believe that Square Enix can't change without changing the entire management, they've had these issues for more than a decade and haven't learnt, I have very little faith they can course correct. I'll still buy their better remasters/remakes like Star Ocean 2 though (not FF7R).

Asterphoenix1d ago

Namco is just milking the same Sword Art Online with lack of budget as well as anime IPs that don't go to decent developers like Jujutsu Kaisen and My Hero Academia. Namco deserves their losses and no future Dot Hack or Xenosaga remaster :(.

Square allocated lot of their budget on Forspoken was a mistake. Square always had management issues. Star Ocean 2 was a great remake and I found their recent entries of FF(16 and Rebirth) better than 13 and 15.
I think they were better than 360/PS3 generation where Square went really downhill.

CrimsonWing691d 3h ago

I don’t know why NOW they decide on this, but I guess later is better than never.