
Why It’s a Good Idea to Buy an Xbox Series X Right Now (Instead of a PS5)

From Xfire: "If you're looking to buy an Xbox Series X, then now might be the best time to try and get your hands on Microsoft's flagship console.

While we are well aware of the stock shortage and the current discrepancy in exclusive titles compared to its main competition, the PlayStation 5, we feel that it's our responsibility to educate interested buyers on how Microsoft has slowly but surely positioned the Xbox Series X to come out ahead in this console generation."

waverider1151d ago

1 - on paper, games wise not really.
2 - average gamer doenst care about that
3 - Dont need the console to use
4 - Nobody buys the console for that
5 - Dont need the console and zero games from them are out.

None of those point will ever put the Xbox Series X ahead and anybody with half a brain would understand that.

1151d ago Replies(29)
iplay1up21151d ago

There are a ton of games coming out this year for Xbox. I include those from Bethesda, because they will be on Game Pass day one. Flight Simulator and Halo are the two I am hyped about.

Just finished the Medium, and thought it was a solid 8. Outriders (thought the demo was very good) comes to game Pass launch day, and Octopath Traveler is coming the 25th. Along with a bunch of other games.

I am getting a PS5, but I am glad I went Series X first. More features, and the only game I really want to play is Godfall and maybe Deathloop. Niether of those games is a system seller for me.

No hassle next gen upgrades, game transfers and Quick resume. Those reasons along with Bethesda are why I went Series X first. Once Horizon, God of War or an Uncharted releases for PS5 I will be wanting one ASAP.

1151d ago
AngelicIceDiamond1151d ago

You chose Xbox first but will get a PS5 later once those games release for it. N4g sees "he's getting an Xbox and hates PS5"

Just letting you know that's how they'll see it and can't rationalize anything you said coherently. Despite what you said was very simple and clear. It's your money and your enjoyment remember that.

RauLeCreuset1150d ago


Wow. It is not that deep. You sound like you're in a support group for Xbox gamers.

Everyone is entitled to an opinion (including the author of the article about why people should choose an XSX over PS5 I'll remind you we're all commenting on). Others are entitled to disagree with you when you express that opinion in a comment section. Welcome to the internet. You've been working the same victim angle on N4G for enough years that I assume you're old enough to understand that now.

Donjune1150d ago

Get your bread up and get both systems! That's what real gamers do

garos821150d ago

what was the "hassle" exactly moving to ps5. And im also curious to hear what these "more features" are.

AngelicIceDiamond1150d ago

@raule "You've been working the same victim angle on N4G for enough years"

Is that what you call it, You should know by now I call it EXACTLY how I see it.

Regardless ppl still downvoted his statement as I know they would considering the blatant nature and favoritism over a certain console on here. Opinions are fine but when it's one sided in the comment section then there's a problem.

1150d ago
enkiduxiv1150d ago

Seriously, do you guys work for Microsoft or something? Some of the stuff you guys bring up is just strange. Why are you bringing up Flight Simulator, The Medium and Octopath Traveler? It sounds like you are just listing off stuff on a check list.

Got to mention that Quick Resume that literally no one seems to care about too, I see. Could you perhaps tell us about how the pro controller helps with your carpal tunnel or whatever?

AngelicIceDiamond1150d ago

It's comically ironic that you're playing the victim in an article titles "Why It’s a Good Idea to Buy an Xbox Series X Right Now (Instead of a PS5)"

You see, it doesn't matter because Sony fanboys took it over like they always do when an article challenges PS. Specifically Xbox. Look around you, 2 ppl at the top defended it and like 10+ Sony fanboys aggressively took him down.

An Xbox article that challenges PlayStation is met with severe anger, twisted truths and just plain stupid comments period from Sony fanboys every single time like clock work. I don't expect you to it though, at all you'll just make excuses.

You guys* I forgot you're in a sandbox kiddy console war, can't relate sorry.

1150d ago

Bethesda are has-beens though. Basically Bioware 2.0.

AngelicIceDiamond1150d ago (Edited 1150d ago )

@fast "What the actual issue here is that you xboners can't accept that anyone might not like xbox. You get offended and start calling people fanboys and other names if anyone has the audacity to say they don't want an xbox."

"You xboners" shows your lvl of IQ you must be a brand new fanboy. You speak of irony but look at Iplays comment and someone questioning his decision to get an Xbox first then he's buying a PS second. My first comment literally just proved me right when I said.

"Just letting you know that's how they'll see it and can't rationalize anything you said coherently. Despite what you said was very simple and clear."

Iplay said this. "Once Horizon, God of War or an Uncharted releases for PS5 I will be wanting one ASAP."

Night said "So youve not interest in the majority of playstation games but have an interest in something like the Medium"

"it seems youve no interest in: Returnal, Demon Souls, Ratchet and Clank, Horizon, God of War and whatever else sony releases this year and next year."

Didn't Iplay JUST say he's getting the console games ASAP the moment they launch?

The moment he gave his reason as to why he was going with Xbox first, the brain of a Sony fanboy gets scrambled and confused and angry like how I told everyone it would. I called it because I knew it was going to happen it was does like Clock work.

So. Let me fix your comment for you:

What the actual issue here is that you Sony fanboys can't accept that anyone might not like PS. You get offended and start calling people fanboys and other names if anyone has the audacity to say they don't want an PS."
Hell he's still getting a PS5 that's the funny part about all this.

Like I said you must be new. When trying to squabble with me you're gonna need to be a little smarter just when talking with me uf you're the fanboy type. JustFYI in the future.

Binarycode1150d ago

Flight sim isn't a game tbh.

Don't get me wrong it's got some great tech and would help people interested in flight to learn.

Extermin8or3_1150d ago

Trust me you don't want to play godfall you might think you do but you probably don't.

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 1150d ago
RpgSama1151d ago

Is it that time of the year where we get daily MS fluff pieces already? Wow, time does fly.

CobraKai1151d ago

Yeah. I read it just to confirm what your points are and the article fails to provide any convincing arguments especially if you have a PC

neutralgamer19921151d ago

If you like xbox games buy it. There is no right or wrong answer. I am a playstation gamer because I like what sony offers

DJStotty1149d ago

Well said, i am an xbox gamer, but i do not dislike sony nor playstation, if it was up to me and i had the time, money, and effort, i would own both.

zarbor1151d ago (Edited 1151d ago )

Agreed. What a dumb article. If you gonna make points about why to buy an XBOX Series at least have some legit ones to make gamers actually have to think about it.

DJStotty1149d ago

Normally when we see an article like this, another will pop up a few days later with the title

"why it's a good idea to buy a PS5 right now instead of a Series X"

To be honest you could definately draw up a shortlist, for an article

1 - Wifi 6 - not available on Series X
2 - dualsense - not available on Series X
3 - 1st party titles - better than Series X
4 - console design - better than Series X
5 - SSD speed/loading times - better than Series X

Wow, i should be a journalist, this s*&t is easy!!!

Om4ever1150d ago

My ps5 is taking dust... Finished miles morales and I see nothing interesting for a while. Both consoles have a huge lack of interesting New games... Nobody can deny it. At least with gamepass I can test some games I would have never given a chance before

Latex741150d ago

This has to be the most honest comment on here well said my friend and very true bring on the down votes

The same as mine playing old games on both and miles morales dlc not a full game as far as I'm concerned

DJStotty1149d ago (Edited 1149d ago )

How dare you say you have no interested in the games available for PS5!!!

Especially on here!!!

There are plenty of next-gen games.............. erm.......... hang on......... Demon's Souls, see, i told you

(P.s. i'm being sarcastic and just having a bit of fun, tbf though, there are not many next-gen exclusives that are out now)

Darkegg1150d ago (Edited 1150d ago )

I'll give u one reason. Access to purchased titles. Sony has yet to address the PS3 PSP PS Vita rumor of a FULL shutdown.

They might be something I hardly play, but whether I get ability to download patches and updates for PS3 disc and access those digital goods that I purchased WILL change my behavior for buying in PS5 or any future products from Sony or Nintendo. It's small fries so in the grand scheme Sony ought to respect these digitals that Jim Ryan asked "why would anyone play these?". Maybe I won't touch them but for Sony to make these ultra cheap digital sales only to eventually cut access to them is anti-consumerism that contrast horribly. Don't even bother selling them. BTW Sony made mad profits 2020 so don't state servers are expensive to run. It's greed for the big man who cares more for greens than gaming. Jim Ryan.

I have either moved to Xbox PC or found a new hobby. But it hurts to know my PS3 discs and digitals possibly have zero value. Possibly. Sony needs to respond. Thq is bankrupt so yes few games are irreplaceable.

thecodingart1150d ago

It’s possible there needs to be a counter article to educate this guy 🤦‍♂️

KeyAppearance1150d ago (Edited 1150d ago )

It feels like no matter what was positioned to you, you'd make aggressive arguments against them anyways.

And Gamepass on Xbox is still the much better experience, with a wider range of games to play, you won't even find certain games on PC gamepass at all.

Now with Outriders launching (Yeah, I know you will now moan about how lame that game is or something), day one on Xbox Series X but not on PC

But then here is the best part, even despite that, you don't have to pay extra to get the PC games as Ultimate comes with them all.

Then your 4th and 5th argument are also quite stupid honestly,

4- Doesn't matter about what people buy the console for, it's still a superior experience with smart delivery. Like literally a few days ago we had people moaning about Avengers for a reason on the PS5

5- Doesn't matter, you will slowly get all their old games on game pass, and every upcoming major game for them ($60) games on launch included in game pass. It's Bethesda, not your uncle's indie studio.

I love both PS and Xbox, but your dismissive points are stupid honestly.

waverider1150d ago

Outriders is another example of the desperation of microsoft because of the lack of games and the low number of subscribers for gamepass, even after spending billions on that. Features like you talk dont make any diference. Old Games? BC doenst win nothing Nintendo e Sony knows that. Last gen Micorsoft learn it also.

The only way for Microsoft to start getting more markeshare and not be in dead last is creating new blockbuster or giving new life for their big franchise and they willl need years and years of pumping blockbuster games to achieve that. They will never leave last place because of gamepass or features. If you think otherwise i really dont know who is really stupid, honestly.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 1149d ago
Knightofelemia1151d ago

If I could find one I would still go PS5 simple fact PS4 has a much stronger exclusive list over XB1 and anybody who missed out on those PS4 exclusives can enjoy them for the first time on the PS5. You can ramble off all the ponies you want under the hood when comparing Series X to PS5 yeah Series X has more ponies but yet it lacks the games to push those ponies. And the XB1 exclusive list is a little sparse when compared to the exclusives list the PS4 has as of now PS5 first for me then Series X down the road.

1151d ago
1150d ago
1150d ago
Kurt Russell1150d ago

I'm fortunate enough to own both. My problem is I own a PlayStation Digital and I cannot bring myself to sink £70 on Demon Souls or any of the other up and coming games at that price.
I am the same with XSX, but it's less of an issue as I am playing things through on gamespass in the meanwhile (I also have a disc drive for deals).

Right now, unless you're happy with paying a kings ransom for games. XSX is what I would recommend buying to people. When Playstation game prices begin to drop, then I would pay attention to it.

anast1150d ago

There's always someone who is fortunate and owns both.

derek1150d ago

@Kurt Russell, you get what you pay for. You guys claim to love gaming but its clear you do not want to support it. Nothing of value is free.

Kurt Russell1149d ago (Edited 1149d ago )

@Derek, that might be true, I am certinaly not saying Demon Souls is not worth the money. I just can't justify the cost is all. So I will wait until it comes down a bit.

I do love gaming this is true, and I do support it. But I have to weight up cost and reward for myself. I am in no way suggesting anything should be free.

And @anast. I am fortunate, it was hard to get hold of a PS5, it took me a couple of weeks of chasing Discord groups to get lucky on a stock drop.

purple1011150d ago

yeh, what even is xbox, its just a box,

sony has a console, new controller, + possible VR coming soon, its truly next gen

microsoft might as well have sold you a cardboard box with a number 5 on it, this is how manyconsoles they have had, more hardware released than actual good games, for a company with 'soft' in its name i expected more

rant over

DJStotty1149d ago

Think you need to get out and get some fresh air or something.

Neonridr1151d ago

The only reason I would recommend you getting a Series X over a PS5 is if you already owned the Sony console. ;)

ocelot071150d ago

Tbh if someone owned a PS5 I would say maybe think about getting a switch next. Followed by a prebuilt pc (parts a hard to come by but you can actually get decent ore builts for a decent price).

Neonridr1150d ago

oh for sure, the Series X and PS5 are so similar anyways, getting a Switch would mean you would cover more ground as far as games go. I have those two plus a PC to keep my options open.

Extermin8or3_1150d ago

But if you didn't own the ps4 you get most of its top exclusives for free and some of the top multiplat titles from last gen also free via ps plus collection if you get pa now you get even more titled at your disposal spanning multiple generations...

iplay1up21151d ago (Edited 1151d ago )

More games are optimized for Series X than PS5, and at least 20 of those are on Game Pass.

I hope by the time I pick up PS5 Sony has Quick Resume and an easier way to transfer data from PS4 to PS5. All I did was enter my information on my Series X and it did the rest. All games I was playing on X1X were right where I left of on my Series X.

Not having expandable storage half a year later, is an epic fail. I am very happy with Series X.

Jin_Sakai1151d ago

And having a next gen console with a 1080p SDR UI and a last gen controller isn’t exactly appealing to me. GamePass is great though.

iplay1up21151d ago

I like the Xbox UI. Much better than my PS4's for sure. The PS5 UI uses a lot of ram, from what I have read. In turn that ram the UI uses can not be used for gaming.

Jin_Sakai1151d ago (Edited 1151d ago )

“The PS5 UI uses a lot of ram, from what I have read. In turn that ram the UI uses can not be used for gaming.”

Then where’s those extra resources going on Series X? PS5 is performing as well or better in some cases

Kavorklestein1151d ago

Omg who really cares about the UI resolution? To be blunt, it's about the damn games. Not the UI. Duh. Non issue for most. I highly doubt someone was on the fence about PS5 vs. Xbox and then learned about a 1080p UI and said: "That's it! I simply cannot feel comfortable getting an xbox with a Non 4k UI!"

For reals.

Jin_Sakai1151d ago

“Omg who really cares about the UI resolution? To be blunt, it's about the damn games.“

And PS5 has both so there’s that.

Maybe we should scale back to 720p while we’re at it and save some more resources. You have to draw the line somewhere.

1151d ago
Om4ever1150d ago

Ps5 UI is a big regression over the ps4. Xbox UI is soooo much cleaner. I'm always embarassed when switching to my ps5 dumb ui

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1150d ago
OB1Biker1150d ago (Edited 1150d ago )

Honestly you sound like you are talking about the awful experience you are having with a PS5 you don't have.
I can't talk about SX experience but going from PS4 to PS5 was surprisingly smooth for me.
You can even just log in with your phone app without typing anything. Actually you can almost do it with your eyes closed because the console will switch into talking mode.

Willelmus1150d ago

That's all fine for the startup of the machine. But handling saves is another matter.
I still remember the hassle it was to transfer my ps4 save of spiderman to the PS5 edition. Download the ps4 edition, update the game, transfer the save online, download the ps5 version of the game, download the save.


And the UI sucks. It's pretty, very pretty, but it sucks. Miles Morales was great though

TheTony3161150d ago

"The PS5 UI uses a lot of ram, from what I have read. In turn that ram the UI uses can not be used for gaming. "

And yet, the PS5 still outperforms the SX in many multiplats. :D

OneLove1150d ago

False that's not the case anymore.

TheTony3161150d ago


The thing is, the PS5 has both. Better games and a 4k UI.

Kavorklestein1150d ago

So? Who fuckin buys a console for a UI? It's a non essential perk I guess. But not a game breaker or game changer. Just a UI.

TheTony3161150d ago


Nobody does but the PS5 has both.

OneLove1150d ago

Nah PS UI has always been ass compared to xbox.

garos821150d ago

quick resume is pointless when games like demon souls load up in less than 3 seconds. it took me 5 minutes to download my cloud saves to ps5 of the games im still playing.

This "epic fail" for extended storage is rather laughable when they have literally put in cutting edge ssd that are not even available yet on the market and the arent gate keeping it with proprietary disk space. lol

OneLove1150d ago

Lmao you're lying to yourself cuz you've never tried quick resume.

Latex741150d ago

Have you tryed quick resume ?? its far from pointless it's bloody great to be honest and the ps5 would be so much better with it its the one thing I miss when changing my games I play on ps5 . Its so far from pointless but hay it's an opinion

DJStotty1149d ago


Surprisingly enough, i use quick resume all the time, and you do not even need the game on the internal SSD to use it, i use it on the games from my external HDD.

a game that takes 3 seconds to load for you? is instantaneous for me, and then i do not need to navigate through menu's to load save games etc, heck i don't even need to save the game anymore.

All you do is pause the game (if you want) shut the console down, unplug it, leave it off for a week, plug it back in, play a different game, then as soon as you click on the game you suspended, bam, right where you paused it, even after multiple console shutdowns, different games/apps used etc.

You really should try it, because i guarantee you, every Series X owner will be using it.

garos821148d ago

@djstotty id rather wait for 3 seconds for quality games than play with features. Heck id wait for 15 seconds no problem and continue playing demon souls until the real heavy hitters start dropping.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1148d ago
garos821150d ago

yes you are right, i havent experienced this game you call "quick resume" How much did it get on metacritic?. When the ps4 was doing quick resume whilst keeping the game loaded up in rest mode, you were still shilling for Don Patrick.

StoneyYoshi1150d ago


"I hope by the time I pick up PS5 Sony has Quick Resume and an easier way to transfer data from PS4 to PS5."

If you actually purchased a PS5 you would know that the data transfer from PS4-PS5 is very simple. During the setup it asks if you'd like to transfer all data wired or wirelessly from your PS4 or start fresh and external drives are plug and play from PS4 to PS5. 🤦🏻‍♂️ And save game transfers being hit or miss for some games and not all games.

"The PS5 UI uses a lot of ram, from what I have read. In turn that ram the UI uses can not be used for gaming."

You read wrong my guy....
PS5 has 2GB of ram reserved for the OS... So that leaves 14 GB of ram for developers on PS5 while the XSX has 10GB for fast GPU optimal memory, 3.5GB of standard (slower) memory, and 2.5 for OS use.

Sounds to me like the PS5 has more available resources.

brewin1150d ago

Be careful, fanboys hate facts

1150d ago
Extermin8or3_1150d ago

Erm "more games are optimised for series x" Well that's nonsense based on the analysis of multiplatforn games which consistently release running better on ps5 and require patches to bring the xbox up to par a month or two down the line.
Transferring data from ps4 to 5 already is easy as pie thee is a transfer feature, external hod's literally you just unplug and plug into new console and there are cloud saves.... which you can setup to auto download and sync as for quick resume- mostly a waste of resources. You can put console to sleep and immediately start off back where you were, switching between games takes seconds literally so quick reaume would barely make a difference... it doesn't have expandable storage yet because there literally isn't an expandable storage solution qoth the necessary specs available commercially yet...

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 1148d ago
RazzerRedux1151d ago

Wake me when one of these articles has a bullet point saying:

-Xbox simply has better games than PlayStation

That hasn't been the case in years and doesn't look to change any time soon.

Chevalier1151d ago

Features are nice. But Games for a game console all day every day. Xbox studios hasn't proved they can consistently make quality products

Atticus_finch1151d ago

-Xbox simply has better puff pieces.

P_Bomb1150d ago

The dam truly broke this week.

1150d ago
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