
Devil May Cry 5: Special Edition - The First PS5 vs Xbox Series X Platform Comparison

Face-off by Richard Leadbetter & John Linneman: "It's finally happening. Ever since Microsoft and Sony revealed the hardware specifications of Xbox Series X and PlayStation 5, the question has always been to what extent differences in teraflops, clock speeds and memory bandwidth will actually translate into the gameplay experience and today, we have our first glimpse at how the systems truly compare. Capcom's Devil May Cry 5: Special Edition was initially supplied to us on PlayStation 5 last week, with Xbox Series X code arriving yesterday. There's what looks very much like feature parity across the board here, and a unique set-up that's very friendly for benchmarking - so which machine is faster?"

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alextdarling1304d ago (Edited 1304d ago )

Interesting finds - would need to see comparisons on actual next gen games though.

1304d ago
darthv721304d ago

Wow... that was quick. I figured the rt patch for x wouldnt happen for another month or so. Curious to see how it performs on the s.

S2Killinit1304d ago

It will be the same more or less. One game will look better on one or the other. The only real difference will come down to exclusives.

Jin_Sakai1304d ago


Regardless RT Quality mode performs better on Seriex X and 120fps mode performs better on PS5.

gamer78041304d ago

Agreed. Long short of it is gains are negligible either way so get what version you want and enjoy.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1304d ago
StoneyYoshi1304d ago

Great start so far for both systems!

Amplitude1304d ago (Edited 1304d ago )

These systems are off to a fantastic start but not because of this remaster.

This is absolutely terrible. It runs at a completely unlocked framerate that jumps between 50 to 120fps constantly, the PS4 version cant be played at 4K at all on a HDMI 2.0 tv like mine, and all the modes are almost unplayable since you cant even lock to 60fps.

The PS4 Pro version of DmC5 is more stable and runs at a higher resolution than the PS5 version in its current state on my TV. Shockingly awful theyre letting this release like this lol

KingofBandits1304d ago (Edited 1304d ago )

That would only be for TV's that can't support 120hz?

Ju1304d ago (Edited 1304d ago )

You must have watched a different video... or not understood what was said. Either way...

Amplitude1303d ago (Edited 1303d ago )

Go watch the DF ps5 analysis. It was super interesting. But anyway yes -

If you have a TV that supports 120Hz but only at 1080p, the game will ALWAYS run at 120Hz mode fluctuating between 60-120fps which will always set your resolution to 1080p with no way to change it to 4K.

I reeeeeally hate the 120fps mode on my TV. 1080p just looks really blurry and the benefit of 60fps to 120fps with a controller are just not worth the resolution trade-off.
Im sure what DmC is pulling isnt gonna be the norm but something definitely needs to be said lol. Runs constantly fluctuating between 60-120fps, making it stuttery too. Its a terrible port lol

Einhander19711304d ago

I really don't care about Teraflops I care about games. Thats why PS5 is the better system, sorry.

xHeavYx1304d ago

I know, right? The Xbox One X was more powerful than the PS4 Pro toot, but had no games to compete

tontontam01304d ago (Edited 1304d ago )

Then you really don't have to buy a next gen console right now.

unless you are an ultra demon soul's fan

Studio-YaMi1303d ago

You are "technically" correct, that's why I bought my ps5 at least, Demon's souls is just calling me out ...

and I'm weak ...

StoneyYoshi1304d ago

Notice how a game that actually utilizes the SSD architecture (unlike BC games) loads faster on PS5?

Outside_ofthe_Box1304d ago

It's always funny when things like this happens. Pointing out this fact a day ago would have been deemed 'damage controlling" or "making excuses" lol

ABizzel11304d ago

That's because deep down trolls know it, they just wish and pray it doesn't come true.

mechethegoat1304d ago

Of course. It was obvious that sonys bc isn't as good. But, then again. DMC only loading like a second faster which is miniscule.

Popsicle1304d ago

Yes loading from a time perspective is nearly unnoticeable, but when one loads at approximately 2 seconds and the other approximately 4, the difference is double or nearly double the performance from the SSD.

StoneyYoshi1304d ago

"It was obvious that Sony's bc isn't as good"

Yet XB fans still needed to rub it in for some reason saying "so much for that super fast SSD in the PS5 lol" even though it should have been obvious since the BC games don't utilize the SSD architecture

Sure its minuscule but the game still loads in 2 seconds. You know whats more minuscule? The fact that the XSX TFlop advantage does barely anything here worth mentioning.

wiz71911301d ago

@stoney but it’s funny , once they start actually taking advantage of the XSX performance you’ll start seeing the difference. But giving how fast the PS5 SSD is and it only loads 2 seconds faster , you Sony pony’s love to bend , spin , and be in denial as hell lol .... y’all hold that SSD close to y’all hearts ,

1304d ago Replies(3)
Ju1304d ago (Edited 1303d ago )

Speaking of SSD and BC. I ran the exact same test on a Pro with a 4TB WD SDD. Load times with the BC titles on the PS5 are identical (!!!) with what I get on the pro. So, this does not take advantage of any additional HW in the PS5 at all. It's pretty much simulating what a Pro can do. Down to transfer rates.

Most benefits of that will probably come from the HW decompressor which does not need to move data to system ram at all.

wiz71911301d ago

I mean but some of you PS fanboys denounce ever advantage the Series X has sooooo , this fanboy crap is annoying as hell ..

StoneyYoshi1299d ago (Edited 1299d ago )

It goes both ways dude..... Constant talk about the "huge" difference we are supposed to see for 3rd party games on XSX.... Until people see the proof, it's going to continue. Just like all the doubt about the PS5 SSD being as fast as it is. We wont stop hearing about that until you see the benefit and we already are to an extent. But still waiting to see this TFLOP advantage. Either way it really doesn't matter in the end. What matters are the new games which XSX is still lacking currently. I have a PS5 and PC so either way, I get the best of 3 worlds in two once MS starts releasing their new first party games.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1299d ago
cfir1304d ago (Edited 1304d ago )

So in the first direct comparison XsX is not the Beast that some wanted to believe. Marginally faster at times (8%) and at others PS5 matches or exceeds.

"However, the average does not tell the real story. Xbox retains an advantage in cutscenes and in some gameplay content, but again, the boost is typically small. Meanwhile, in many of the gameplay areas we tested, PS5 is significantly faster and more consistent that Series X overall" - From the high frame rate mode

DFs overall summary.

"In terms of correlating on-paper specs to the actual experience on-screen, PlayStation 5 is either punching above its weight, or Xbox Series X isn't delivering on the full potential promised by a bigger silicon investment and a much more substantial memory interface"

1304d ago Replies(3)
East76lands1304d ago

It needs to be locked at 60fps, clearly neither machine can reach a solid 120 with this game.

Bathyj1304d ago

Yeah, oversight on Capcoms part. It could do a 4k60 with RT if they capped the frame rate.

Popsicle1304d ago

@itsmebrian agreed DF is neutral, but people get upset if facts are reported in a way that contradicts “their truth.”

NXFather1304d ago

Facts would be if he got the answer out of capcom and did not say "I don't have a technical explanation". Only facts is he need to stop with the speculation and conjecture as he put it and get it from the source capcom.

But, yeah they are neutral but, they don't have the best logic a lot of times. He could have just said we are waiting on Capcom's answer along with vrr response but, he chose to ignore that and put his own spin on it.

Popsicle1304d ago

I see where you are coming from NX, but they acknowledge when they are speculating. You don't typically see that from a biased source because they usually present even speculative information as fact. Nevertheless, we agree that they are a neutral source.

NXFather1304d ago (Edited 1304d ago )

Yeah but, they also understand many of these impressionable that give them their views don't understand that their word don't equal capcom word hence all the playing on this site and frame the conversation as if something has been proven.

For the record they are the best I know of and they are neutral enough but, they are far from perfect *or 100 percent correct as has been proven several times with their speculations. How hard is it for a real journalist to simply ask capcom or say they did not answer. This is not directly stated in the video. Only that they have speculated on the matter.

But, yeah I did not think there was any issue with you at all. Just a comment to a more level headed person on this site.

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5 Years Later, Devil May Cry 5 Still Quenches My Hack-And-Slash Thirst Like No Other

Huzaifah from eXputer: "Devil May Cry 5, the latest iteration in the iconic DMC franchise by Capcom, still holds its own as a fantastic hack-and-slash in 2024."


PlayStation Plus lineup for January: Back 4 Blood, Devil May Cry 5: Special Edition, Life is Strange

Also added this month: Dragon Ball FighterZ, Sayonara Wild Hearts, Jett: The Far Shore, Just Cause 4 Reloaded.

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Duke19513d ago

Perfect for the person like me who wanted to play Back 4 Blood but didn’t want to pay Back 4 Blood

frostypants512d ago (Edited 512d ago )

B4B is the definition of mediocrity. It feels like it should be good, but it's just...off somehow. Then you remember L4D/L4D2 and how much a remaster of that would be more fun. One day, please, Valve?

Dirty_Lemons512d ago

Sad though isn't it, it had all the genetic makeup needed to be L4D3 - but, as you said, something felt off. Plus I hated that card system. It overcomplicated a great formula.

gold_drake513d ago

yesss DMC 5 and DBZ fighterz, life is strange

its a very good line up not gonna lie

Exvalos512d ago

Those 3 games alone justify the price

gold_drake512d ago

they're pretty solid gaming experience imo xD

monkey602513d ago

I've never played before the storm so I'll give that a go now

gold_drake512d ago

its good, but the OG is still the best

Aloymetal513d ago

DMC 5 time to give it a try.

crazyCoconuts513d ago

I had this on my Steam wishlist... Guess I don't have to buy after all!

Aloymetal513d ago

Yeah, you got lucky. Enjoy it;)

boing1513d ago

Woah, that is pretty solid. Lots of games I'm interested in.

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Xbox Store Kicks Off Optimized For Next Gen, Open World & Paradox Publisher Sales

Daily Video Game writes: "Today, Xbox Store has three new digital game sales for Xbox Series X/S and Xbox One gamers that heavily discount Paradox publisher and open world games, as well as games that are optimized for next gen right now!"

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