
Microsoft Flight Simulator is the new "Crysis", current-gen CPUs unable to offer 60fps on High/Ultra

DSOGaming writes: "Microsoft Flight Simulator is currently one of the most CPU-bound games on the PC, and one that it really needs a new generation of CPUs in order to shine."

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airshiraz1385d ago

wow.this game has 2 petabyte textures.just wowwww..so we r entering the petabyte gaming era?

Profchaos1385d ago

I mean it Livestreams textures and can take 3-4 minutes to load a flight on a mechanical HDD.

The actual footprint on the drive is around 90gb from memory so this is a special case game it's not really a game but a simulator that is available to gamers and flight enthusiasts to enjoy.

airshiraz1385d ago

its called future game .its not for our obsolete pcs

FlyingFoxy1385d ago

This is probably a slight exception, that said I think both this and Cyberpunk will enjoy the new upcoming GPUs and CPUs for sure.

I think it helps highlight that 4k is still not easy to run as many claim, either. I'm happy with 1440p and high hz anyways

sprinterboy1385d ago

My nephew still games on xbox one with a 720p Sony bravia and thinks fifa looks better than my ps4 pro 1080p high end TV.
I failed as a uncle lol. I shake my head everytime he says it.

KwietStorm_BLM1385d ago

Gotta teach that boy some manners before he gets too old.

medman1384d ago

You need to sit the boy down and let him have a chat with Craig.

He'll see the light.

GamerRN1384d ago

LoL 1080p high end? From what year, 2015? I don't know if any high end 1080p TV's even being made anymore.

You did fail...

isarai1385d ago

Really glad to see it, i miss the days when there was a sect of PC games that pushed technological limits. You really don't see it that often these days.

FlyingFoxy1385d ago

If this gets a DX12 update it will likely boost performance anyway even with current hardware.

Can't say I miss games that don't run well on high end hardware tho. Games are meant to be enjoyed when they release, not a couple of years later

isarai1385d ago

Yeah, optimization could be better, but it's still a very awe inspiring game technically,

telgou1385d ago

Game graphics has barely advanced since 2011... especially when comparing this decade to the last 3 decades..

mcstorm1385d ago

Have you see fsx vs fs2020? You are telling me they are no improvements?

telgou1384d ago (Edited 1384d ago )

That's 2006 vs 2020... did you read the "since 2011" part of that short comment ?

TheColbertinator1385d ago

Crysis took no prisoners. Such an advanced design.

isarai1384d ago

That and i remember STALKER had things like volumetric godrays and dynamic volumetric fog(which games STILL don't do) and amazing paralax shaders

Profchaos1385d ago (Edited 1385d ago )

Last game I remember having to build a custom rig for was crysis I also built one for crysis 2 but was severely disappointed with the graphical options on launch which didn't have anything other than dx9 on day one.

I really do miss those days the lack of real cutting edge of exclusives that weren't indies has really pushed me more to consoles since the ps4 launch although I still have a highish end PC 8700k and 2070 the simplicity of pick up and play can't be beaten for me unless the jump is significant and wroth me spending time tinkering with ini files and drivers I already work as a systems engineer so after 8 to 12 hours a day of tinkering with systems I don't feel like doing it to relax.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1384d ago
1385d ago Replies(3)
AnnaDea1385d ago (Edited 1385d ago )

When a game are not able to run on the best GPU it usually means that the devs have failed with their optimization.

That's not even a benchmark more than incompetence from their part.

MadLad1385d ago (Edited 1385d ago )

Asobo is a more than competent dev team. They were the ones behind Plague Tale that, at full specs, is easily one of the best looking games out there, and scales well to older hardware. And this was done on a fairly small budget. They know how to optimize games on Windows and console.
It's as the title says, it's today's Crysis. It utilizes tech games don't typically need to, and renders very high res textures in real time. Everyone trying to say the performance of this is " bad" because high end cards can't hit 4k/60fps at ultra settings. They then don't comment on how people are getting solid performance at 1080/1440 on more mid-range cards.

The game is optimized. The game is just also what some would call "future proofed", and painting the devs as "incompetent" is a disservice to the people who spent all these years working on a very impressive project.

King_Noctis1384d ago

Would you say Crysis was poorly optimized as well? Or GTA V for PC?

Oxen211384d ago

Yes they are. Crysis is really poortly optimized fro the cpu side and its common knowlenge, watch some DF videos. GTA was poorly optimized foo when the first version came ot for PC, later R* and nvidia/amd optimized the game/drivers.

King_Noctis1384d ago

“ GTA was poorly optimized foo when the first version came ot for PC,”

This show you know nothing about gaming on PC. The system requirement for GTA V is NVIDIA 9800 GT 1GB and just 4GB of RAM. The spec only go higher if you want to max out every graphic options, just like in Flight Simulator. RDR 2 is also another game that even with a RTX 2080 Ti, you wouldn’t be able to max out all the setting.


I guess it is a problem only when MS try to push tech forward.

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rlow180d ago

It’s one hell of a passenger jet. The attention to detail is impressive.

JunonZanon80d ago

One of the most comfortable airplanes on the sky, stable as a rock.

rlow180d ago

Have you’ve ridden on one? Never have myself but would love to have the opportunity.

just_looken80d ago

The new redesign is awesome new york has 12hr flights were you can get a mini apartment to yourself bed/living room full bath.



rlow180d ago

Wow sounds wonderful, I’ll check the links. Mahalo

JunonZanon79d ago

Yes, tried Emirates from Heathrow to Dubai. The only plane I managed to get a proper sleep haha. It is loaded with cool technology, like you can see the outside cameras on your inflight entertainment. And despite the 4 engines, it is still very quiet. Incredible!


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