
Xbox architect on ray tracing: 'devs want to use traditional techniques w/o a performance penalty'

It seems that Microsoft is less than enthused about the prospect of ray tracing in the Xbox Series X, despite it being deemed the 'ultimate in realism.' In a Hot Chips deep dive on the AMD-powered GPU at the heart of the next-gen console, Mark Grossman, principal architect at Microsoft, has detailed the graphics silicon inside the Series X and just what role ray tracing has in it.

waverider1370d ago

I Just hope for 4k60 locked. That would great, because this gen even 30 frames locked Was Hard to have

Saigon1370d ago

idk, while i welcome it; it really depends on the TV you have. I rather there be an option. While I have 2 TVs in my home that can manage 4k60. I mainly game on the one that doesn't. I don't mind switching.

My concern is what about the people that don't have the option like i do? I just rather have the option to adjust the frame rate.

porkChop1370d ago

If you're not playing on a 4K TV you would be able to set the resolution of your console to a lower one. Like, that's not an excuse to not have games play in 4K60. The resolution can scale. And every TV supports 60hz, so there's no reason to not push for 60 if it's possible.

Nismo4581370d ago

Every 4KTV supports 60hz.

Saigon1370d ago


depends on when you picked up the model. for example the one that i have that is 4k60 has older hdmi. So I may experience lag with the TV if its locked at 4k60. This is something people just need to check. Not saying its bad. For me; I just rather have the option just in case I experience problems. but like @porkChop said it shouldn't be an excuse.

bouzebbal1370d ago

I'd wait on some decent looking games on series x before I think of Ray tracing and accessory features like this.. There's nothing so far

Godmars2901370d ago

May as well raise questions about internet availability and quality.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1370d ago
DarXyde1370d ago

It wasn't hard to have.

Developers just have certain priorities.

Brazz1370d ago

4K IS a meme over rated! 1440/60 is the gold target.

Tapani1370d ago (Edited 1370d ago )

I want something akin to DLSS2.0 1440p --> 4K upscaled, this is when RT would make sense on consoles which are around RTX2070 Super/RTX2080 Super level. Maybe RDNA2.0 has something like that. DLSS2.0 looks better than native 4K and has more than double the performance, meaning 60fps with RT is possible.

If RTX 3000 series has DLSS2.0 for all games on by default (like Trixx Boost + RIS on AMD cards) then that's the way I go, I just love that technique to bits. To be honest, the company that uses AI upscaling the best, will win the RT performance competition, and will get my money, would it be PS5, Xbox or PC. That is just superb value/performance for the players.

jznrpg1370d ago

In the end , the games is what will matter to me . Not the best DLSS in theory . The best games

Profchaos1370d ago

4k60 is a developer target there's been plenty of times this generation where we have had 4k 60 on both the X and pro or just the X.

But there's been more times where Devs have opted for more graphical effects taking more resources away from the GPU pool leaving only enough left for 1440 30.

Think of it as a resource pool even on a graphics card in my PC I have for example have 8gb of GPU memory available I can play control at full 60 4k if I lose the rtx reflections and some graphical effects. But I can also have everything if I want and suffer a performance penalty I might only get 20 to 30fps.

Sirk7x1370d ago

That's up to the devs. Sony and MS aren't going to force devs to have a standard of 4k 60fps on games. And graphics sell, so expect to still see alot of 30fps games at less than 4k, because they'll prioritze other things. I'd rather have more physics calculations, better AI and effects, RT, etc, in single player games.

1370d ago Replies(1)
1370d ago
+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 1370d ago
RazzerRedux1370d ago

Makes sense. Ray tracing looks fine, but I would rather have the option to turn it off for better frame rates. I rarely use RT with my RTX 2080 Super. Just not worth it.

Sophisticated_Chap1370d ago

Unless you're using DLSS 2.0, which seems to lessen the blow by quite a large margin.

1nsomniac1370d ago (Edited 1370d ago )

What!? I have an RTX 2070 super and across the board in RT enabled titles at Ultra @1440p it runs at 100fps+.

With a 2080 super why would you ever need to switch it off for??

That’s like going to an IMAX cinema and telling them to play an old bootleg dvd from dodgy Dave’s car boot.

RazzerRedux1370d ago

" across the board in RT titles"

What games are you referring to? Typically I run my games at 4K and I have yet to see RT that just blew me away enough to sacrifice the frame rates.

Nismo4581370d ago (Edited 1370d ago )

What games???
RT destroy the performance and it's not worth it.

MadLad1370d ago (Edited 1370d ago )

Raytracing is a known GPU hog. I'd also like to know which games you are running.

1nsomniac1370d ago (Edited 1370d ago )

Battlefield V, COD MW, Control, Metro Exodus. In fact the only one that runs below that is Quake because it’s fully ray traced, although it’s come along and runs much better since it first released.

A lot of the comments I read on here seem to be more like people talking out their ass following the internet narrative from when RT first released. It’s been optimised for a long time now. Especially with DLSS 2.0 looking better than native. We’ll have to wait and see what DLSS 3.0 brings in September if it releases with the new cards.

I’d take 1440p Ultra RT @100fps over 4K any day. What clock speeds are your 2080 super running at load?

iQuasar1369d ago

So, uh, what are you running that other review sites such as
are not getting anywhere close to your numbers. I'm calling QYB

1nsomniac1369d ago

@iquasar Because again your using articles that are almost a year old and are running at 4K.

For a quick example I’ve just run BFV. I have everything maxed out @2K (1440p) RT enabled. Hit on average 107fps.

So the question is, is 4K worth it?

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1369d ago
evil_absolute1369d ago

I have a 2080 and completely agree, RT just nukes frames. It’s nice, but not at any cost.

JEECE1369d ago

Yeah, those RTX comparison videos that show a game played with and without ray-tracing side by side, which are presumably supposed to sell me on how great day tracing is, end up doing the opposite and convincing me it's never worth the performance hit.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1369d ago
1370d ago Replies(2)
RaidenBlack1370d ago

"We do support DirectX Raytracing acceleration, but in this generation developers still want to use traditional rendering techniques, developed over decades, without a performance penalty," says Grossman sadly. "They can apply ray tracing selectively, where materials and environments demand, so we wanted a good balance of die resources dedicated to the two techniques."

Same thing Cerny said, months ago. PS5 architecture supports RT but its upto the devs.
My take is AMD architecture still has some catch-up to do in terms of RT.
It's not on the same level as Nvidia. Lets wait and see after these consoles and Ampere cards launches.

wolf5811370d ago

Ray traced is very power consuming.... Same goes when resolution gets up to 4k or 8k....my personal opinion is i want to see a game to build Just to run at 2k/60 without Ray tracing.. I bet in this gen It Will be almost cgi, because the polygon count, textures and animation Will be of the charts.... Anyway i hope developers give us the option to choose
Resolution 4k/2k or even 1080p Just to achive 60 or 120hz
Ray tracing on and off
Because as the gen advances and the graphics goes up there is no way that 4k/60 Ray traced Will be achiveable... Even the Best graphics card in the World cant run 4k/60 full Ray traced... Ultra high.. Lets say Red dead redemption....2
So lets talk about games because Consoles were more about innovate the Game play......with a logical advances in graphics...

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