
Game Pass And xCloud Are The Right Combo

When you stack up their relevant offerings, it’s safe to conclude that Xbox Game Pass and the upcoming Project xCloud integration is light years ahead of Google Stadia’s equivalent pitch. The business models couldn’t be more opposed; Stadia’s single purchases with an optional sub, versus Game Pass’ subscription and bundle exclusive streaming feature, are totally different takes that echo the divergent paths of the upcoming next gen console launches.

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crazyCoconuts1403d ago

Different path than Stadia but the same path as what PSNow has been taking for years. Except MS is actually following through with the mobile device plan while Sony gave up on it.

ApocalypseShadow1403d ago (Edited 1403d ago )

Or, Sony learned from experience that it wasn't the right time for it compared to being at home or stay in place during a pandemic. Adding it to TVs and Blu-ray players when casual tv buyers don't really play games. With gamers on one hand, perfectly fine in buying physical games while moving about normally. Compared to the higher risk of congregating while shopping and catching a virus.

Remote Play is cool and completely free without being in a service. But the majority of PlayStation gamers don't want to play GOW, TLofU, Spider-Man, Ghost, etc on a phone. Even with controller support.

And second, it will come down to mobile gamers accepting to pay for a subscription from Microsoft. When most of their games are already free(Fortnite) or with ads. Are mobile gamers who are used to free or cheap with ads willing to pay $15 a month? That's the real question. That's the uphill battle Microsoft will see. While AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile, Apple, etc offer their game services right next to it.

JTGA1403d ago

I reckon it will come down to the quality of experiences. Once mobile gamers get a taste of the kind of console quality indie and AAA games they'd have access to, the value for money proposition skyrockets. And with an ongoing Game Pass sub, parents would potentially be more likely to buy an Xbox for their kids, or themselves, if they've already had a go.

ApocalypseShadow1403d ago (Edited 1403d ago )

That what you think. Once they get a taste of what? Paying for a service? A delay in reaction time? The internet stream degrading the experience with others on the same internet?

Parents are happy that mobile games are free or cheap with ads. It saves them money. Including during a pandemic.

Hmmm... pay bills, buy food, buy gas, buy sanitizer. Or, pay Microsoft $15 dollars a month for a limited selection of games compared to *hundreds of thousands* that are free. Let me do the math. Hmmm..

And, game pass won't look that much better on a phone compared to the top 3d mobile games. You still didn't consider that these phone companies like Apple, offer game services or will too.

It's not a simple slam dunk. Xbox gamers thinking game pass is amazing. Everyone wants to pay a subscription to it monthly./S

crazyCoconuts1403d ago

I think you're right. Definitely not a slam dunk. Sony could have pulled the plug for any of those reasons. Will be interesting to see if MS fares any better.

ApocalypseShadow1403d ago

Truthfully crazy, I have no idea. Especially after this pandemic. Digital might become even bigger than before. Same with streaming. Same with people accepting robots(I've always liked robots like people) because they won't be passing around viruses like humans and pets. Things could go either way.

What Microsoft has to do, with which Sony learned with Vita, is that mobile and casual gamers aren't the same as core gamers and console. I like some mobile games. But they are like games you play in line at the bank for 10 minutes.(can't even do that now) or waiting for an appointment. But as a core gamer, I have no desire to play big games on small devices. If I'm at home, I'm going to play on the TV unless it's VR. My eyes strain just from playing SOR2 with a Genesis emulator. I got old eyes.

Microsoft would be asking casual, mobile gamers to spend $15 on a service where that money can be spent on micro transactions like guns and clothing and skins everyone talks about( I hate that junk) in their favorite free game. I just don't think they're that interested as everyone thinks. But I'm thinking as a core gamer.

And with free games like Call of Duty mobile, Modern Combat 5, Asphalt, etc looking good for cell phone games against Halo infinite streaming on mobile, it's an uphill battle. In my opinion. Or it may end up selling gang busters.

JTGA1402d ago

I do think you're right when you say it's pretty tough to make a call. COVID has thrown sales predictions way off kilter.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1402d ago
rainslacker1403d ago

One would assume if Sony took it off those platforms, it's because the cost to support it on those platforms outweighed what they were gaining from it.

Times may be different now, although i doubt they've changed that much. MS may fare better in those places because they do seem to have a much more aggressive marketing campaign for their service, but time will tell. It's easy to say how forward thinking MS is on this front now, as they are optimistic to make it a thing on those platforms, but when they haven't even released the service yet, it's hard to say if they'll see success there where Sony didn't.

ApocalypseShadow1402d ago

What's funny Rain is that gamers have forgotten the Xbox 720 roadmap. Microsoft had to delay implementation because of Sony dominating and a poor launch. But it's the same map just modified..
Game Pass and Xcloud ideas are right on the list. Anywhere, anytime, any device? Don't have to upgrade your hardware like they talk about? Yup. Right on there. Interesting how the leak was dead on.

It's the last thing left for them to try. Kinect failed and was discontinued. Their TV ambitions failed and was discontinued. Hololens is too expensive for consumers to buy and didn't overshadow VR. Even though they tried. That's Fortaleza on the map. Only thing left is the streaming which might end up being successful. And that's Game Pass and Xcloud.

We'll see though soon enough if they can make the last one succeed.

Futureshark1401d ago

1. Get gamepass for 1$.
2. Sideload Xcloud to Android TV
3. Stream Halo Infinite at max Rez (4K if to beat Stadia specs) on my superfast broadband.
4. Use old Dualshock 4 to dabble in Halo Infinite for a bit.
5. No need to buy Xbox Series X, thanks for the options MS, here's that 1 dollar I promised you!

rainslacker1401d ago

Seems like a lot to go through just to play halo infinite.

I think the average person wouldn't do a lot of side loading either.

aconnellan1401d ago

I’m not sure why you’re acting like this is a ‘gotcha’ to MS - they’re literally making it so you can do that. This isn’t some shady workaround that you’re exploiting, that’s very explicitly what they want - and encourage - you to do

Ratchet751398d ago

I'm playing Halo Masterchief collection on my smartphone right now. Who would say no to that?

The_Hooligan1401d ago

Have they announced when the xCloud is coming to the PC and what the price point would be? Since PC players don't have to pay for online gaming, I wonder if GP + xCloud will cost the same on PC as the GP Ultimate since that includes Xbox live. I am interested in playing some Xbox first party games that are already on the GP and some that got announced recently, but only way I can is by streaming since I don't have an Xbox nor a gaming PC to download and run the game.


Microsoft is experimenting with ad views for access to hundreds of Xbox games

Free games? In THIS economy? Well, in exchange for your eyeballs at least. (Figuratively, not literally... although don't give them ideas.)

What you need to know

• Microsoft Gaming CFO Tim Stuart recently described how in the future, you may be able to view ads to gain access to Xbox Game Pass.

•Recent Xbox Series X|S code strings we've seen seem to corroborate this, with the ability to earn 15 minute blocks of Xbox Game Pass access in exchange for watching ads.

•Game Pass across PC, Xbox, and Cloud features hundreds of games in exchange for a low monthly fee.

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darthv72181d ago

Hmm..... I used to earn GP by way of searching with Bing but I hear the rewards program is being revamped. I still earn points but it seems they did change the amount you get per search. I dont know how i feel about this. It sounds like they are going the Youtube route where right in the middle of something you are enjoying, an ad pops up and you have to sit through it (if it does not have a skip option after 5 seconds).

I pay for my GP access, so this wouldnt really bother me but I can see it affecting plenty of others. It reminds me of the rumor about how some game companies (EA, Ubisoft) were toying with the idea of running ads before you ever get into the game. Like the old days of renting movies from Blockbuster and not being able to skip the previews (yes, some DVD had a non skip option for previews). I pay for stuff so i wouldnt have to deal with ads, but even now they are encroaching the very things i pay a premium for.

This whole thing is just..... a bad idea.

purple101181d ago

I remember those dvds with non-skippable adds! Wow that takes me back.

Plague-Doctor27180d ago


Yup. You'd have to pop in the DVD before going to the bathroom, grabbing a snack, etc

181d ago
shinoff2183181d ago

Such a shame cause even if you don't think this is a big deal what's next they put ads on ultimate gamepass and the free one gets more. This is disgusting. Yes even if Sony goes this route I'll feel the same. We got enough ads in this world ffs

purple101181d ago

Some recent studies show the average person sees 4000 adverts a day

ChasterMies180d ago

The average person should start using ad blockers.

ChasterMies180d ago (Edited 180d ago )

“even if Sony goes this route I'll feel the same”

This isn’t a “both sides” issue. Sony has never had ads on the PlayStation Home Screen but Microsoft has laden Xbox’s Home Screen with ads since the Xbox 360. Microsoft has put ads on Windows 11 OS! Microsoft is basically the bad guy from “Ready Player One”.

shinoff2183180d ago

I know that hence the key word If. Sonys never given an indication of this where as ms definitely has.

Christopher180d ago

I mean, it's not never, but it's not like Xbox. Sony has promoted things with icons on the XMB, it's just really rare.

EvertonFC180d ago

They could do GP free with ads, GP £20 per month without ads, which one would the casual/hardcore choose ?

Christopher180d ago

"Hi, we've received your comment submission. Please watch this 30s ad to finalize and publish your comment to N4G.com. Thank you."

We're just having our eyelids forced open more and more every day it feels like.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 180d ago
ApocalypseShadow181d ago

You don't say?/S

You mean the company that puts ads on the dashboard, tried to force a camera on Xbox One to push ads is experimenting with ads for game pass access? No. You must be joshing. Lol

Wouldn't put it past them.

crazyCoconuts180d ago

Getting people locked into subs and advertising to them is what passes as innovation at Microsoft.
At least they're keeping Sony on their toes with the threat of competition

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Microsoft Launches New Bing Feature Making Xbox Cloud Gaming Supported Titles Playable via Search

Microsoft has launched a new Bing feature that lets you experience Xbox Cloud Gaming supported games just by searching for it.

Profchaos607d ago

Microsoft still trying to get us to start using bing and I'm still not buying it

darthv72607d ago

It's not a bad way to earn points. Esp if you do a lot of searching for stuff. I haven't had to pay for Gamepass in over a year because i am constantly earning enough points to pay for it. I've had upwards of 161k lifetime points and currently only 2k away from another free month of GPU.

Profchaos607d ago

Do you do a lot of searching because bing can't find anything on the first go? /S


Play Halo Infinite, Deathloop, and More with Xbox Cloud Gaming on the Logitech G CLOUD Handheld

At Xbox, we’re always looking to make gaming available to more people in more ways. So today, we’re announcing that Xbox Cloud Gaming will be available in more places with the Logitech G CLOUD Gaming Handheld when it launches in North America on October 17.

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darthv72627d ago

I can pretty much do the same thing with my steamdeck. I get that MS doesn't need to make their own dedicated portable... not anymore. this unit for $300 looks to be pretty decent for other stuff as well, not just xcloud gaming.

crazyCoconuts626d ago

Fact that you could get a steam deck for $100 more and play a wide variety of games without an awesome network connection... Dunno, this device could be ok for around the house I guess, but for a lot cheaper imo. Like $150

XiNatsuDragnel627d ago

I see very interesting but xbox portable would probably be better imo

Sgt_Slaughter626d ago

The portable market is dead unfortunately. Phones pretty much ended that as we know it. Going from 150M+ units sold for the DS to only 75M or so for the 3DS is why Nintendo combined markets, Phones chewed right into it.

crazyCoconuts626d ago

I agree with you for the most part, but the switch has been really successful and I think I read somewhere that hardly anyone plays it docked, so it's not being used as a hybrid but I could be wrong.
You're right in that the market is WAY smaller than it used to be

crazyCoconuts626d ago

It would be even better for MS to make GamePass/MS store work on the steam deck. That way you're not locked into just their marketplace. But for an Xbox fan (I don't mean this in a bad way) I can see how a windows based portable that just plays PC game pass/MS store games would be a neat thing indeed

darthv72626d ago

to your comment above, I dont play my oled switch docked. to me its a waste of that screen. If i want to play docked i will use my sons regular switch model.

UltimateOwnage627d ago

Cloud gaming on a handheld, hard pass... Cloud gaming is still pretty terrible even on a dedicated, cable connected device let alone one connecting over wifi. Sounds like someone in charge at Logitech loves the buzz word “cloud” and demanded a handheld be made regardless of whether it was a good idea. I’ll stick with my steam deck.

saint_seya626d ago

Well it works great for me. I guess on cloud gaming depends on your net, servers and how far are you from servers. Dunno where the servers are located here in Argentina, but works great for me, feels like is faster response time than playing regular games online with 50-60 latency.

627d ago
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