
Why Is EA's Latest Shooter Already Dying?

Sometimes not even just making a good game is enough and developers are beholden to the decisions of their publisher.

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Tacoboto1416d ago

Then maybe people would've heard of it. I didn't know this thing existed. And now that I know it's not F2P... Meh

sho0ok3601415d ago

I tried the game rocket arena and liked it to be honest.. but only issue is can't find any players to play with any more.

I asked for a refund.

I think the free to play model would have worked better for them.

1415d ago
neomahi1416d ago

Should be free to play to compete with other games but EA wants $29.99 for an arena shooter.... Morons.

Muzikguy1415d ago

That was going to be my initial response as well. I'm not turned on to F2P games so that wouldn't have helped for me either

Godmars2901416d ago

because people are - finally - getting tired of shooters?

SyntheticForm1416d ago (Edited 1416d ago )

I don't see shooters dying anytime soon.

They're competitive and people love them. I also don't think the rest of the world is content to let Fortnite dominate. They all want to make the next big thing, so they'll keep playing the one-upmanship game, forever.

L7CHAPEL1416d ago

and I think Apex did a really good job of iterating on it, but at the same time there's only two sides to a coin , eh ?

CorndogBurglar1416d ago

Its not shooters themselves that people are tired of. Its the lack of any innovation and companies following the latest trends. This is an arena shooter, which are a dime a dozen now. Yet Doom did very well. If it was shooters in general then Doom would have gone tits up at launch, but it didn't.

If a game is interesting and genuinely fun to play, then people will play it, regardless of genre.

SyntheticForm1416d ago

Agreed, and by the looks of it this is another safe, cookie-cutter shooter with "colorful characters" joining an already crowded sea of them.

This game does absolutely nothing new - nothing at all.

L7CHAPEL1416d ago

right now there are those select few that are making the argument that ghost of tsushima, doesn't do anything significantly different.
and that's sort of the whole point (the one you just made)
it doesn't need to.
if the world characters and function are interesting enough you want to spend as much time in that world
as you can, it's that it's a quality experience that's immersive, that's all it has to be.
and this is coming from an Xbox guy.

Godmars2901416d ago

Think you mean lack of actual, in game, story and corresponding gameplay. That Overwatch has rich world setting that players - and fans - have just run away with to turn it into a practical social sub-genre. That's what everyone else is trying to copy.



Not dissing at you at all, but I love the irony of how we went from past gen's "screw all these sepia military games" to now "please not another colorful shooter"... Next gen we'll all be hating on the pretentious monochromatic noir violence simulators!

Edgelordsupreme1416d ago

Doom 2016 sold on the strength of the SP, not the MP and Doom Eternal does not have an arena style mp.

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Mithan1415d ago

I think this is partly true, I rarely play them anymore (I am 43) and I used to play them ALL THE TIME. These days I would rather puke. However, I think I am in a tiny minority.

spicelicka1415d ago

The same multiplayer only clone shooters? I hope so. But shooters as a genre? No.

Knightofelemia1415d ago


I am not sick of shooters I am waiting for a new Resistance for PS5 and a better Killzone for PS5 as well. The reason why this game is tanking is because EA does not understand the word free. They want people to pay for the game and yet still pay for loot boxes and microtransactions. You can follow the Fortnite pattern to a T but where Fortnite is beating this game is that it is free so it attracts people and people will pay for loot boxes and microtransactions for the game. Paying for a Fortnite clone then having people pay for loot boxes and microtransactions tends to point people to the better option which is Fortnite because it's free.

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Masterchief_thegoat1416d ago

Ea is nothing but a joke. and love to scam dumb peoples for their money.

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coolbeans203d ago

Only a matter of time. A shame too b/c it had some cool ideas.


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