
This PlayStation 5 Feature Could Change Game Development Forever

The PlayStation 5's innovative SSD could reduce "crunch," revolutionizing game development and changing the industry forever.

Destiny10801540d ago (Edited 1540d ago )

People don't realize it yet, but its a Game Changer being able to fill 16 gigs in two seconds

it reminds of sea of thieves, that creature with no body and lame attack pattern, Next gen can Truly bring it to life

timotim1540d ago

Not when the competition can fill it in 5 seconds. Loading your game 3 seconds faster is just 3 seconds faster...neither are slow. Not a gamechanger.

remixx1161540d ago

This article isn't about competition like your trying to force it to be with your fanboying.

The title literally states "This PlayStation 5 feature could change game development forever" which is true do to the SSD.

You took it as a jab at Microsoft and felt the need to put your cape on and come to the rescue for your favorite piece of plastic.

timotim1540d ago


But we are talking game changing here. You can't have a game changer if everyone else is doing something similar. A true game changer set itself apart from what others are doing. loading a game 3 seconds faster is very much in the same ballpark.

S2Killinit1540d ago

Except they are saying it will effect all aspects of game development and performance, not just how fast something loads. It can retrieve properties more than 2X the speed of whats in the competition. Literally, it is the only hardware in any of the two consoles that is stronger than anything else available. The only truly ‘next gen’ hardware is inside the PS5.

zeuanimals1540d ago

Being able to free the GPU of ever having to render anything outside of frame because it can all be loaded instantly when needed is a game changer. Being able to move across a game world at insane speeds while it all loads seamlessly and with little to no pop-in is a game changer. Or just teleporting around a giant world with no loading.

timotim1540d ago (Edited 1540d ago )


"The only truly ‘next gen’ hardware is inside the PS5. "

I don't know how you figure that when an SSD is also inside the SX that is faster than anything currently on the market as well. Its not that the PS5 has a next gen SSD and the SX doesn't...they both are next gen SSDs...its just that the one in the PS5 is faster. Furthermore, the technology, while different, is doing the same thing. The SSD in the SX can be used to retrieve. Streaming in assets as well.

Remember, we are talking about SECONDS here haha. Saying 2X faster is nothing when in reality it mean 2 vs 4.

GTgamer1540d ago

Congratulations you love the seriesX cool buy one we'll buy the ps5 and we'll be happy run along now 😂😂😂 your insecurities are showing

SyntheticForm1540d ago


"The only truly ‘next gen’ hardware is inside the PS5."

What a load.


So is yours - not sure how you can act 'above it.'

saoco1540d ago

It's about data streaming not game loading times. People continue to get these 2 confused.

S2Killinit1540d ago (Edited 1540d ago )

Except that is not true at all. The SSD in xbox is available on PC, the one in PS5 is the one being touted as “the most exciting new hardware in 20 years”. It is more than 2X the speed of xbox SSD, and the dev have been saying that “it will change game development”. No one says that about the SSD in xbox. Its not a difference of 2 vs 4. Sony didnt just choose a faster SSD, they invented a new type of SSD. But dont take my word for it, im just restating what the devs are saying.

1540d ago
timotim1539d ago (Edited 1539d ago )


So its clear you have no idea what you're talking about then if you think the SX SSD is already on PC right now. It is not. Link us to another SSD on the market that does 4.2GBs/sec...you can't. All the other features can and will be done by its SSD. The devs you speak of are PS centric devs only and Microsoft still has devs under NDA preventing them to talk about its technology. Bottom line...PS5 is NOT the only hardware with next gen tech in it...for you to even say that means you are an extreme console warrior.


IRetrouk1539d ago (Edited 1539d ago )

There are ssds out that can both match the xbox series x uncompressed 2.4gbs transfer speed and also ones that exceed it....

The ps5s ssd on the other hand at 5.5gbs uncompressed wont have anything similar in speed on the market untill later this year.

brrdat1539d ago

this was painful to read. it's not about load times.

umair_s511539d ago

I don't think it's a game changer...it's more of secret sauce. It just means it will load assets a few seconds faster than SX. I don't think it will greatly benefit fps or resolution...

Pejjan1539d ago

It’s not the 3 Second that is the different, it the way games are gone stream direct from the ssd

mrsolidsteel201539d ago

I think it will do much more than loading games faster.

StormSnooper1539d ago

It looks to me that you are just jumping through hoops to prove your chosen console is more powerful (and on paper it is) but according to developers (and no they aren’t PS devs) the SSD in PS5 will be “forever changing game development”. That’s a pretty extreme statement if true, and it might mean that the PS5 may actually be the superior console when it comes to what these consoles can actually do with the power they have.

Smclaren19851539d ago

That’s because you don’t understand exactly what this means

Unspoken1539d ago

Truth. Until they devs begin to show more than loading times then maybe we'll see some magic sauce.

WelkinCole1539d ago

Except people that make games fore a living says it is. But I guess you timtim knows better than they do

timotim1539d ago

Good look on that link. Those are next gen SSDs as well and they are similar in speed...the fact that the one in the PS5 is faster, doesn't mean its the only next gen one out of the bunch. I've been posting links that SX's SSD does the same exact thing as the PS5 when it comes to non loading speeds. Ill post it again from a verified dev. Understand that Team Xbox has devs on NDA preventing them from talking about its tech.

@brrdat @Pejjan @Steel20 @1985
Fine...its not about loading times...ok, what is it about then exactly? Streaming in data fast? Be specific.

"It looks to me that you are just jumping through hoops to prove your chosen console is more powerful"

Oh you got me wrong...there's no doubt on which one is more powerful, but this conversation isn't about power, its about some thinking that speed of the SSD in the PS5 will trump all...including the areas where PS5 is clearly not as good. I'm saying thats not the case.

IRetrouk1539d ago

I didnt say the ssd in the xbox wasnt a next gen ssd, or what it could or couldn't do, you asked to be shown SSDs that can match the series x ssd speed that's out today, i showed you ones that match and also ones that are faster, then mentioned it's the ps5s ssd speed that cant currently be matched untill a little later in the year, no more, no less🤷‍♂️

nibblo1539d ago

You are correct the difference isn't enough between the 2 consoles and even if it was 3rd party devs are not going to make 2 different versions of a game where one has transitional areas in games and they others don't. A bit of common sense is needed here.

TKCMuzzer1539d ago (Edited 1539d ago )

Go on Youtube, unlike you there are people who know what their talking about. Apparently there is the high possibility of running the PS5's operating system from the SSD because its that quick and how fast it can be accessed. They won't need to use 3Gig of ram to store the OS, whilst gaming. When you press the PS button it just accesses the hard drive. This makes more memory available for the games, potentially 15.5 gig of ram available to fill at all times, so even more assets. This is just one advantage of instant access, instant access, not 2 or 3 seconds.

Someone who knows what they are talking about: https://www.youtube.com/wat...
It's not just loading games.

WickedLester1538d ago

Why are you here? You are clearly an Xbox gamer. So why do you even concern yourself with articles that have nothing to do with your platform of choice? I'm a PlayStation gamer and I couldn't give two craps about the XSX specs, games, services, etc. Therefore I don't go into those threads and try to troll Xbox gamers. I ONLY concern myself with what MY platform of choice is doing. Your constant "buh buh buh but Xbox does it better" routine is frankly very childish and wreaks of insecurity. If you are happy with supporting Xbox, great! You go do that! Meanwhile, don't try to "yuck" on everyone else's "yum" here.

+ Show (22) more repliesLast reply 1538d ago
amazinglover1540d ago

Still need to see what MS Velocity Architecture is all about the claim of 100gigs being able to be accessed in an instance also sounds intriguing. It may not have the I/O of PS5 but it sounds like its just as fast but until 3rd party devs start developing for both consoles we won't really know which is the superior solution.

rainslacker1540d ago

Unfortunately, a game designed across multiple platforms is going to go with the lowest common denominator. In the case of SSD, that's going to be PC for a while until things change on PC...which may happen sooner now that consoles are doing this.

Multi-plat games are not going to take advantage of these features as much, because the real benefits of SSD can really only be realized when the core game design is focused on implementing it. There may be some things which can be optimized through cross platform ports using these features however, which could make them run better, or look better. I wouldn't call that game changing, but certainly not a bad thing for the player.

S2Killinit1540d ago

Xbox SX SSD has less than half the speed of PS5 SSD.

1539d ago
gamer78041539d ago

Only really beneficial for first party games. It’s really not a feature for the masses. Cool Ssd implementation for sure though.

isarai1540d ago

Issue is people's only example of an SSD benefit has been faster loading screens. So this is all they think it'll be, when in reality thats just a side affect as PC games design around common specs and SSDs haven't took the majority yet. If devs can count on everyone having and SSD like on a console where all owners of that console have the same specs, they can design with that in mind, and that's when things get interesting.

No more random elevators, slow shimmying through gaps, areas conveniently surrounded and seperated by cliffs, and also faster modes of navigation, more lanscape variety and biomes and so much more.

Both consoles are going to have this change, but im really curious what that double speed will equate to fom Sony's first party. Next few months are going to be exciting for everyone that's for sure.

Prince-Ali1540d ago

NO it's not! Cerny literally mentions fast loading times in passing multiple times but literally spent over 5 dedicated minutes talking about a shift in games design and its stagnation over the course of 20 years! and yet... people ignore it to maintain the 'loading screens' narrative lol

SyntheticForm1540d ago (Edited 1540d ago )

"No more random elevators, slow shimmying through gaps, areas conveniently surrounded and seperated by cliffs, and also faster modes of navigation, more lanscape variety and biomes and so much more."


The SSD has the potential to totally change current game design for the better if developers utilize it in such a way.

This is truly exciting to mull over and I do think developers both first and third party are going to take advantage of this.

OB1Biker1540d ago

I think it's not just 1st party that will take advantage. Multiplat will use the SSD to stream a lot more instead of memory and ps5 is just way faster doing it.

1540d ago Replies(1)
zeuanimals1540d ago (Edited 1540d ago )

Or or or or or... Kratos getting thrown between different realms and all across the game worlds crashing threw trees, mountains, etc. all in real time during a boss fight with full visual fidelity. That's next-gen right there son. Things we have never seen before.

SyntheticForm1540d ago

Y-yo-you... you mean you could be playing Spider-Man and see Kratos shoot across the skyline while shouting "Huaaaaaaa!" and then be playing The Division and see him come through a portal in the sky and land in the middle of a shootout?

I could see that...

zeuanimals1540d ago (Edited 1540d ago )


Well, I meant in regards to the realms and game worlds of God of War 2 (the new God of War 2), but I guess that can work too lol. The streaming speeds also means Spiderman can swing faster in the second game too since the PS5 won't have to wait for all of the assets to stream in while you're swinging at insane speeds. They'll just be there by the time you're there. I cannot wait!

rainslacker1540d ago

I think the true benefits aren't going to be realized by many people until they really see what developers come up with to utilize the tech. Your example is a great one though, kudos for thinking it up, because that throwing around that was in the last game was done through streaming and occlusion culling on a smaller scale.;)

zeuanimals1540d ago (Edited 1540d ago )


I actually saw someone else on another forum talk about it and it blew my mind. I know SSM were squeezing every little bit out of the PS4 to have GOW be seamless and to have the epic moments it has, but I know they wanted to do more. Who doesn't wanna do more? The PS5 is gonna let them do so much more. There's a moment in the original God of War where one character throws something across the world and it hits Kratos. This was all in a cutscene and I'm sure SSM would love to do something similar but in real time.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1540d ago
timotim1540d ago

The problem there is that 3rd party devs and studios will have to keep traditional HDDs and "average" SSDs in mind when designing their games. PC revenue is just as big as PS revenue when they are concerned. PS5's SSD (and SX for that matter) will be relegated to faster loads times and streaming in assets for the most part.

isarai1540d ago

Which is why im most excited for 1st party games made specifically for that hardware. Interesting times ahead bro

rainslacker1540d ago

It can also be used to overcome lower memory hurdles, or improve the graphics compared to PC. It will have to be optimized for that, but it's not completely useless. However, yeah, the lowest common denominator will always be an issue, which is why I'm not that keen on cross gen ports, or keeping PC in the mix for day one releases, because PC API's are not as efficient as console ones, and anything on PC is mostly going to use older paradigms for the design of their game.

timotim1540d ago


PC is and will always be the "options" platform. You game according to how you want. Inputs, accessories, internals, store fronts...its the consumer choice platform and it is what it is. I personally love that about PC. In terms of 3rd parties, they will rather go PC first and PS5 after if it means having to choose day one. Cross gen ports is going to be the vast majority of games...from both PC to console or console to console...nothing really surprising there. You'll even have exclusive games that say their only for one platform, but the design will tell you it could be for every platform. You either say you only want to play next gen exclusives only that take full advantage of said platform...or you simply game regardless of its design or cross-genness for the quality of the experience...thats what ill be doing.

First party will def be where the innovation lies...but the vast majority of games available for your platform of choice will be 3rd party.

codycoop21321539d ago

Everyone always says that they have to develop to the lowest common denominator if that was the case then there would be no advantage to having any better specs. Or does that only apply to the SSD and noT the almighty T-Flop

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1539d ago
S2Killinit1540d ago (Edited 1540d ago )

Loading times isnt the only thing being affected by this new technology. From whats being said, the SSD will revolutionize game design. It is ahead of anything out there currently. I think Sony’s patents on this alone will make Sony some major profits as the rest of the SSD makers will want to implement what has been gained for game development.

1539d ago
darthv721539d ago (Edited 1539d ago )

But... i like levels that are built around real world locations. We need mountains and cliffs and hallways leading from one area to another. And elevators that go between upper and lower sections.

isarai1539d ago

I just played and beat Shadow of the Tomb Raider last week. The amount of times you have to VERY slowly shimmy through gaps was maddening. I could do without

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 1539d ago
MasterCornholio1540d ago

To be fair the XSX does something similar but at a slower speed.

Still the SSDs in both systems will change game development alot.

SyntheticForm1540d ago

"To be fair the XSX does something similar but at a slower speed."

Nothing but truth there. Not sure wh-- nevermind.

The SSDs are definitely game changers and those CPUs as well.

Truly a new gen.

MasterCornholio1540d ago

The SXS still has great IO and it's definitely not crap when compared to the competition. If they went with a traditional HDD then I could see it being a disaster. But since they didnt there's nothing to worry about.

I'm really curious to see real world left performance of the two drives.

SyntheticForm1540d ago (Edited 1540d ago )



Some would have you believe that since the PS5's SSD is so good, the SXS's is total crap or something along those lines. Not the case - the SXS's SSD is nothing but a boon, slower or not.

Yeah, I'm curious to see how developers play to the individual strengths of both machines. As I get older I get more interested in 'how the sausage is made' so to speak.

pwnmaster30001540d ago (Edited 1540d ago )

Same can say about specs that is better on XSX. It’s better but PS5 is also good.

S2Killinit1540d ago

Dont forget there was more to the SSD in PS5, than just being a fast SSD. They created something that did not exist in SSDs up to this point. Which seems to be the reason the devs are going crazy over it. Its not just over twice the speed of xbox SX SSD, it has two supporting ‘structures’ that no SSD has had up to now. Im no dev but we cant act like its just a beefier SSD.

1539d ago
+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1539d ago
ElementX1540d ago (Edited 1540d ago )

Don't most 3rd partiy devs support PC? Not every PC has an SSD, so I wonder if there will be versions for HDDs. According to what I read about Series X, an SSD is required for Velocity Architecture. If there's a version of a game for HDDs, then technically devs could allow those games to be installed to an external drive connected to the Series X (and maybe PS5). Obviously it'll have longer load times, but if it works, you could buy a huge external. On the Xbox platform, it would automatically download the correct version.

Lets face it, just because a game is next-gen doesn't mean it'll require extremely fast loading. You could store those games on an external also and save internal space.

MasterCornholio1540d ago (Edited 1540d ago )

“You can continue to use your existing USB 3.1+ external hard drives on Xbox Series X and you can run Xbox One, 360 and OG Xbox games directly from the external USB HDD,” explains a Microsoft spokesperson. “Games optimized for Xbox Series X and the Velocity Architecture need to be run from the internal SSD or the Expandable Storage Drive.”


"According to what I read about Series X, an SSD is required for Velocity Architecture."

True but it appears that not any SSD can support the velocity architecture. From my understanding it has to be the expandable drives from Microsoft.

I don't see it as an issue as long as the price is reasonable and they are readily available. But people wanting to buy off the shelf SSDs might have a problem with this.

ElementX1540d ago (Edited 1540d ago )

My point was using existing externals for "next-gen" games that don't require fast loading to conserve internal space. There may be games that don't require Velocity, games that have a long initial load but then may be perfectly fine with a slower drive in-game. A lot of PC gamers don't have SSDs and the way MS talks about automatically downloading the right version had me thinking. I was just bringing up an idea that maybe people haven't considered. If you want to play a smaller indie game for instance, I'm sure it would run fine with a standard external drive. The quote you provided mentions "optimized for Series X and Velocity", that doesn't say every game will require it. It would be nice to save space for those games that'll really benefit from the speed

isarai1540d ago (Edited 1540d ago )

We might end up with games that load like Jedi Fallen Order or half life 2 when not using an SSD where it just freezes to load for a few seconds at certain points, though that becomes a lot more complicated when you have large open environments. Guess we'll find out what solutions they use when we get there

MasterCornholio1540d ago

Now I understand what your saying. It's true that games don't need SSDs to be played. Which is why it makes sense if you can run them off an external HDD.

I personally would never do that because I like all the perks that SSDs have to offer. But I understand that some people may not care about load times and an external mechanical drive is dirt cheap compared to an SSD or Microsoft's external drives.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1540d ago
rainslacker1540d ago

Yeah, but I've seen so many people going on about 100fps, and they're definately not going to get that with the slower speeds on XSX. I think even with PS5, 30fps may be more common to use this type of streaming to its fullest. The more likely scenario though is that we'll see larger sections streamed in, and not quite the extreme of only what you can see at any given time. More like you may have a full room, then you'll have the next room load as you approach it. Things like that. No corridors, but still larger sections which don't need to be loaded as quick.

rainslacker1539d ago

How so? Streaming textures and objects as fast as you can move the camera at 100fps+ isn't going to happen with either console. They may be able to load larger sections and still make it work, and that is the more likely scenario for all games compared to what Cerny highlighted.

sampsonon1540d ago

Sony devs are going to have a field day with this tech.
God i can't wait to experience the magic.

Kiwi661540d ago

The majority of devs will do better
with the new tech regardless

Melankolis1540d ago

I hope less crunch and more games. This gen we have Uncharted 4, Lost Legacy, TLOU2 from Naughty Dog.
With less bugs, less crunch, i hope we'll have at least 1 more title from Naughty Dog on PS5, that makes it 4 titles per generation (i assume 5-6 years).
And i really expect at least 4-5 more exclusive titles on PS5's lifespan from 14 SIE studios.

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