
PlayStation 5's Limited Backwards Compatibility is Disappointing

Gamerheadquarters; "With the full specs reveal of the PlayStation 5, details on the backwards compatibility were also revealed and honestly they are rather disappointing."

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NecrumOddBoy1538d ago

This was about the technology. Cerny didn't say what was or wasn't coming nor was it about BC; it was about how SSD is associated with PS4 games played on PS5. I really am shocked that the gaming media decided this next generation was Playstation's turn to be sh*t in and lied about.

darthv721538d ago

I was at least hoping he would address PS1 compatibility with all the digital games currently on the store. I know I hate having to use my PS3 to play some of those games but I gotta do what I gotta do. To have the PS5 offer up similar upscaling to PS1 what the X does with og games... that would have been flippen sweet.

L7CHAPEL1537d ago

Well I think it would have suited them better to have someone else present as well, to talk about the gaming side as far as giving some answers about backwards compatibility,
is it only going to be the PS4?
if so go ahead and say it, let your people know ahead of time.
they've got all the momentum in the world behind them, (100 million units plus)
If you're not going to have PS3 PS2 PS1 it be a good time to bring it up,
Maybe they're saving it for a big blow out, but it seems odd that they would only mention what was pretty much a given, as far as most PS4 games being backwards compatible.
People want to know about PS2 and in particular PS3.
I think that's the Biggie...

1538d ago Replies(16)
Nitrowolf21538d ago

I mean, the whole PS4 library won't even be supported, how in the world do you expect to see PS, PS2, and PS1 emulation if the system can't even handle all the games from the same family?

I think it was pretty clear it won't have them, i get it wasn't a fuill blown reveal so it could still happen, but he worded it as if AMD was working mostly to get this solution running for PS4/PS5 and that they weren't gonna go the route of adding the chipset to the PS5 baord like they did with the PS3

Imalwaysright1538d ago

You have got to be joking. At this point even a toaster would be able to run PS1 and PS2 emulators.

NealGamby1538d ago


Then play on a toaster and quit your whining.

scofios1538d ago

The whole ps5 is diappoitment .

NealGamby1537d ago

Not as disappointing as your spelling.

TKCMuzzer1537d ago

You were probably so impressed with yourself at trying to be funny you forgot to check what you had typed. Whats even worse is that a red line would have appeared under the word and yet you still missed it.

crazyCoconuts1538d ago

Right, I'm guessing Cerny is just being honest about the reality of how backwards compatibility works. MS I'm sure has the same situation but it's glossing over the details for PR. Games need to be tested and configs might need to be tweaked here and there. They haven't announced anything with PS3 compat yet, so everyone should hold off on judging yet...

neutralgamer19921538d ago

What's people don't understand is this was supposed to be a game developer conference kind of presentation it was not meant to be like a gamer's conference where the show games and talk about the futures and stuff like that

They already said more than 100 games from PlayStation 4 will be compatible with PlayStation 5 and that's at launch let's not act like when Microsoft brought backwards compatibility that every game was compatible from day one

At lunch PlayStation 5 will have more than 100 of the best PlayStation 4 games compatible with PS5 and moving forward they will add more and there will be PlayStation 3 backwards compatibility of some sorts

People need to relax

Chumdiddy1538d ago

This is true.

That talk said very little in the way of what PS5 would or wouldn't do and the media is spitting a bunch of BS because.....I guess it's their turn?

All he said was PS4 BC was absolutely a thing and while it worked with basically every top-100 PS4 title, it'll be put to devs to make sure it's BC.

I see zero issue with that as the alternative is the wacky world of software emulation that has to be done with the older gens.

Due to architecture it should take a dev like EA. EPIC or Ubisoft all of a day to make their PS4 games perfectly BC (if it requires any work at all, as Cerny mentioned most won't). Those that do will usually only need a patch for higher clock speeds on PS5.

TKCMuzzer1537d ago

I've never been big on BC. There are loads to download on gamepass, which I have done. They are good for 5 minutes but then I just quit and delete.
Admittedly Sony should have most of the PS4 library working on the PS5 and it would be disappointing if they don't. I imagine most will work, their tentative approach is probably to avoid backlash if they say ' all games will work' then some don't.
Outside of TLOU2, God Of War, Horizon, i'm not really sure what I would want to play through again. I also imagine these games will probably be patched to add extra features for the PS5.
I am intrigued by load times, I get easily put off by games that have long loading, made worse if you die and it loads again.
Time will tell. People do need to remember that the presentation was originally for game developers and demonstrating the new hardware features not necessarily general features of the console.
I assume us tech noobs will get a more down to earth presentation soon showing things working, a demonstration of no load times (admit it, we all want to see if this actually works)

TreMillz1538d ago

Yawn! Xbox has been adding games to BC all generation no one complains, Sony says they'll start with 100 games at launch and add more and it's disappointing. Unpopular Opinion: small percentage of gamers care about last Gen games. Nobody is buying a PS5 to look forward to playing ps4 games.

1537d ago
1537d ago
IRetrouk1537d ago

Please go back and watch the bc part of the presentation, the ps5 has a ps4 native mode and a ps4 pro native mode, it runs all ps4 and pro games as is at their relative performance, he then talks about a boost feature, ie running said ps4/pro games at ps5s clocks, that's where the top 100 titles come into play..still not as good as ms approach, but much better than the bull people are trying to spread.

mechlord1537d ago

Don't fool yourself. PS5 cant even play every ps4 game from the get-go. Do you think that if it would emulate the other consoles Cerny wouldn't even say something about it?

Aenea1537d ago (Edited 1537d ago )

Emulation is software, PS1-3 BC can be done thru emulation on the PS5 if they want to.

It would be an OS feature, not something you talk about in a hardware deep dive which this was.
What other OS features have we seen? PS5 has no share option anymore people, Cerny did not talk about that so it's not in there, what a shame! /s

So assuming already that it won't be there because Cerny did not mention it is rather silly.
Also the 100 PS4 games thing is ripped out of context, they tested 100 games on the PS5's BOOST MODE and most worked without issues. In PS4 and Pro modes they will work as is...

Starman691537d ago

No it isn't. Ps1, 2,and 3 games are crap now 😂. If u really want games for those systems, u can get a second hand console for lyk £20. Big deal!

SlagWolf1537d ago

I was really hoping for BC from the PS1 on up. Sony has so many great classics they are sitting on that I could see my self easily spending 100s of dollars on games like Star Ocean 2, Xenogears, Legend of Legia , Breath of Fire 3 , Legend of the Dragoon, Wild Arms, The list goes on and on. There would be plenty of people who would buy these games digitally if they offered them.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 1512d ago
FallenAngel19841538d ago

Extremely disappointing. I was hoping PS1-3 functionality but I knew it’d be a pipe dream, but limited PS4 titles is a big downer

Fist4achin1538d ago

Optimistically thinking, maybe it is something they are still working on and something can come down the pike. Still have a little while and updates can be developed and released.

darthv721538d ago

What's really to work on. They've had a proper PS1 emulator for years. It can't really be that hard to make it work on the PS5 (it prob would even work on the 4). PS2 games have already been getting the PS4 treatment so those are on a game by game basis but I understand if PS3 is still a work in progress.

Kavorklestein1538d ago (Edited 1538d ago )

True. Maybe they'll figure out that they gotta start pioneering features not just 1st party IPs. MS is not messing around this time, and Sony can only go so far with 1st party. You gotta be well rounded. Ms is missing a strong 1st party. Sony is not.
Sony is missing EVERYTHING ELSE. MS is not. Ms is King of everything else. Hands down.

L7CHAPEL1537d ago

Part of me says that should be the case, as well.
maybe it's something they're still working on/ getting together,
and it's something that's going to be brought out further down the road.
but the other part of me says they've had eight years to do anything at all, as far as the PS3,
and that's where the big gap is,
with a lot of people:
they want the PS3 games.
PS2 ones and PS One games not so much, but a lot of people clamoring for that.
there's a lot of great PS3 games people would love to have access to, that still would look really good and play really well, just like the 360 Games do, I think not having anything available from that entire generation will hurt, maybe not so much sales, but their reputation.
everyone talks about what a genius piece of architecture that cell processor was...
They seem to forget especially in the first 2 to 3 years, it was a nightmare to develop for when they first made it, third-party developers absolutely hated it,
and now it's a problem for them, apparently, in backwards compatibility.
and I think if they'd accomplished something they would have talked about it.
Hopefully I'm wrong about that,
But at this point I just don't think so.

ShadowWolf7121537d ago

@darth That would be software, correct? This was more about hardware features.

It's quite possible that might be in the pipeline, but that also wasn't the topic of this talk.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1537d ago
pwnmaster30001538d ago

Yeah same.. don’t really care about the specs, all I care is about the games and not having full BC is super disappointing.
I think Sony dropped the ball with the whole BC thing and it’s looking like I won’t buy PS5 at launch.

IRetrouk1537d ago (Edited 1537d ago )

You need to go back and rewatch the bc part of the presentation, the ps5 has the ps4 and pro logic built in, it can run all ps4/pro games in their native clocks, the top 100 comment is about boost mode, ie running those ps4/pro games at ps5 clocks.

NealGamby1537d ago (Edited 1537d ago )

Dude. Gtfoh. You’re so full of $#!+. You’re going to skip getting a PS5 because you can’t play crappy ps1, ps2 & ps3 games? I call bs. You were never going to buy one anyway, then.

Cobra9511538d ago

PS1-2 are no big trick to emulate at full speed on modern hardware. PS3 is another matter entirely. I would have been shocked to see support for it on the PS5 out of the starting gate.

D3athc3ll1537d ago

I might finally buy a xbox instead of Playstation.... But damn I can't just because... you know... .GOD OF WAR!!

I_am_Batman1537d ago (Edited 1537d ago )

The whole presentation was about the system architecture. The PS5 has built in PS4 bc on the hardware level, which is why it was part of the presentation. If PS5 has PS1-3 compatibility it's gonna be software based emulation. This is completely unrelated to the system architecture so the fact that it wasn't mentioned in the presentation doesn't mean it won't have that feature.

I'm still optimistic that Sony is trying to achieve full PS compatibility, but man Sony needs to work on their messaging. There is so much misinformation going around after the presentation.

ginsunuva1535d ago

They're probably waiting to make more reveals down the line.
Gotta hold back some of the surprises.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 1535d ago
Blu3_Berry1538d ago

Agreed. From what they told us so far for PS5, the BC is extremely disappointing to say the least especially in comparison to Microsoft's BC with Series X which offers a far more robust BC system that also patches the games to make them even better. That is really damn cool of Microsoft to do that and shows they care about players being able to play older games right now.

isarai1538d ago

Was never a make or break feature for me, but it is a bit of a bummer. Interested to see how this advances as time goes on though.

toddybad1538d ago

Could not give a **** about playing PS2 games on a PS5.

PyroMessiah861538d ago

Classics are classic forever and many are better than today's games. BC is a huge deal. Xbox do it very well and out so much time and effort into bro going games forward with patches and improvements

TFJWM1538d ago

BC is nice but come on it is not a "huge deal".

TKCMuzzer1537d ago

Surely if a classic is a classic forever, it can only ever be that classic if its played on the original hardware it was released on. I would assume its not just the game but the experience that makes it a classic.

Kavorklestein1538d ago

Unless they charge you $20+ for a remaster, then you're not interested I take it?

King_Noctis1538d ago

But you can’t argue that I’d be nice to be able to play every games from the PS1, PS2, PS3 (!), and PS4 on the PS5 console.

The PS5 would have been the ultimate gaming console.

xander707691538d ago

I agree, but with extra emphasis on PS4 games. Many of current gen games are going to age extremely well imo, and the idea that many may never work on PS5 is kind of ridiculous. I can understand PS1-3 taking extra work and perhaps being lower priority, but I really just can’t understand why full PS4 backwards compatibility isn’t integrated in the machine. I play a lot of niche games and it sucks knowing they might never work on PS5.

SyntheticForm1538d ago

Am I wrong or naive for expecting exactly that?

I thought that would be the case - full backward compatibility with some added visual and technical sweeteners for old games.

IRetrouk1537d ago

Did anyone actually watch the bc part of the presentation? The ps5 has the ps4/pro logic built into it, it can run all ps4/pro games at their respective clocks, the top 100 comment is in relation to a boost mode, ie running those games at much higher clocks....

NealGamby1538d ago (Edited 1538d ago )

Neither do any of these fake outrage idiots. They’re Just looking for something to rag on.

King_Noctis1537d ago

So Sony actually have a full backward-compatibility solution in the work?

Please enlighten us with your insider knowledge wisdom, so us “idiots” would stop the “fake” outrage.

IRetrouk1537d ago

It definitely has full ps4/pro bc, go back and watch the presentation, heres a clue on where people are getting mixed up, native modes and boost.

MadLad1537d ago

Thanks for sharing your opinion.

NealGamby1537d ago

Exactly. No one else does either. They’re just latching onto something so they can complain about it on the internet. Spoiled little immature brats.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 1537d ago
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Ghost of Tsushima on PC delivers impressive upgrades over PS5

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VincentVanBro9d ago

Playing this at a locked 175 fps on an OLED ultra wide at max settings is truly awe inspiring. A great way to replay this classic.

Psychonaut859d ago

Sweet! Glad to see it make the jump. Hopefully the PSN requirement doesn’t put too many people off. I think it’s only if you plan to play the Legends mode. It’s bullshit, but at least you can access the main game without making a PSN profile if that bothers you. I know on PC everyone’s sick of everyone trying to push their own launchers and shit.

Deeeeznuuuts9d ago

It's really not that big of a deal, PC players just love to complain, my friend has quite a few launches and never once complained, really no issues at all 😂😂😂 28514;

Goodguy019d ago (Edited 9d ago )

Indeed. It's for the trophies and online. I just hope Sony doesn't require ps plus subscription at some point for their online games. PC gamers have dealt with 3rd party launchers forever, just a bunch of silly complaints, nothing different.

just_looken9d ago


Right how dare those 180 countries that had this game listed a month ago but no longer do complain about a forced new regulation that is blocking the sale of the game even in japan.

Then you got the fact many countries need a goverment id to check if your legally a adult.

I have a psn account that is not linked to my steam account as having any form of vpn/antivirus and even something like discord can break there psn TOS. If your psn account gets banned via pc bs then your entire consoles online are bricked as do too them needing real information we all only have one account now.

FinalFantasyFanatic9d ago

I don't mind having a few launchers, just don't make me log into it all the time, it's astounding that some developers still persist with having their own launchers.

just_looken9d ago

Its a greed deal

Alot of them wanted to leave steam so they would not pay that 30% charge but then there overall number of sales dropped opps so now there back but with there launcher as a leach because all these games have attached bullshit like ubi points or capcom rewards/stat tracking even the activation launcher that needs to be a thing for cheaters/stat track i think even trophies to a extent.

Just be glad we do not have a sony launcher as it would no doubt be fighting rockstar for most unsecured worst launcher on pc.

anast9d ago

So we are lovin' PSN now? How fickle the herd is.

Aloymetal9d ago (Edited 9d ago )

Some people love to complain but if it wasn't for Sony themselves they wouldn't be playing these amazing 1st party games on their PeeZees.

7d ago
HankHill9d ago

Cry more while your precious plastic box keeps losing exclusives.

anast9d ago (Edited 9d ago )

As long as your not serious, welcome to the party.

This is fun. My turn.

Yeah, all 10 people that can actually afford a decent PC isn't much. This is why they are drip feeding PC gamers because they'll eat up 10 year old games like they're new, and that's all 10 of them. Consoles gamers already wore that shoe, you all are getting leftovers.

Your turn

Number1TailzFan9d ago

@ anast uhh, looks like the video is showing last gen (soon to be 2 gen old) GPUs running it pretty well to me? I mean if you can't keep your PC decently current then that's hardly the devs fault now is it?

Shiore2u9d ago


You really need to stop trying so hard, it's getting downright embarrassing. Brand loyalty is a stupid endeavor, accept it, learn from it and move on.

FinalFantasyFanatic9d ago

A 7-year-old GPU can trade blows with a PS5 in performance, I don't think it's going to be that hard to match/beat the PS5, especially if you look at the second hand market for parts.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 9d ago
just_looken9d ago

here and most of the internet will never go against sony or play station there like the apple logo.

InUrFoxHole9d ago

I guess the ps5 was holding this game back.


Has Ghost of Tsushima Director's Cut PC sales earned around £18 Million in its first week on Steam?

CG writes: The question we’re asking is, has Sucker Punch’s just released stealth-action game Ghost of Tsushima Director’s Cut on PC earned over £18 million in revenue on release week via the Steam platform alone (also available via the Epic Games Store)?

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thorstein10d ago

"also available via the Epic Games Store"

I'm pretty sure Epic Games Store is available in over 190 countries and 30 territories. So anyone that said that this game was not available in them was just lying.

I'm so shocked by games journalists and fauxragers lying. Really shocked. I do pity them though. I can't imagine going through life with such anger... at everything.

bunt-custardly10d ago

Hehe, you do know how much PC players whine about having multiple store platforms when really all they want is Steam to run a monopoly. Thank ye heavens for Gog and Epic.

Giblet_Head10d ago (Edited 10d ago )

When Steam is one of the very few actually trying with it's feature set it's a hard sell to get people to want something on a storefront that could care less about improving it's service. GoG is another exception, but Epic, which is still missing many features that have been on Steam for years like every other publisher just half-ass it, so they've earned and continue to maintain their poor reception and presumably act confused come every quarterly report for failure to understand the market they're in. Who really wants to invest in something that actively instills little faith?

bunt-custardly9d ago (Edited 9d ago )

Interesting answer from co-pilot when asked what are the differences between EGS and Steam.

The Epic Game Store (EGS) and Steam are both digital distribution platforms for PC games, but they have some key differences:

Game Selection: Steam has a larger selection of games, including both indie and AAA titles, and has been established longer, since 20031. EGS, while newer, offers a curated selection of games, including timed exclusives and titles not available on other platforms1.

Revenue Split: EGS offers a more favorable revenue split for developers, taking only a 12% cut compared to Steam’s 20-30%, which can be a big draw for game publishers1.

Free Games: EGS is known for its regular giveaways of free games, which has been a major feature since its launch in December 20181. Steam also offers free games, but less frequently1.

User Interface: Steam provides a more feature-rich experience with user reviews, community discussions, game streaming, and non-gaming software. EGS has a more streamlined interface, focusing on a simpler user experience1.

Social Features: Both platforms offer social features like friends lists and chat functionality, but Steam’s community features are more extensive, including groups, forums, and user profiles1.

Exclusivity: EGS has secured exclusive deals for certain games, making them available only on their platform for a limited time before they can be purchased elsewhere1.

These are some of the main differences that set the two stores apart. Each platform has its own strengths and caters to different preferences and needs.

Co-Pilot forgot to mention: Both offer software, but Steam is very much more in-tune with VR with its Steam VR integration.

Giblet_Head9d ago (Edited 9d ago )

I wouldn't take AI as gospel, especially a corporate one that ends most every answer with meaningless neutral ambiguity. You're better off actually talking to humans that use either and have something to lose, be it time, energy or financial investment. Personal experiences AI can't relate to.