
Maybe A New Star Wars Game Can Fix That Terrible Movie

The situation with the Star Wars franchise could be amended by more Star Wars video game installments that explain the plot holes in the latest film.

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gangsta_red1615d ago

They can explain some of those huge Death Star sized plot holes.

Godmars2901615d ago

Seems like all the media surrounding them try to explain the plot-holes in the movies.

Sciurus_vulgaris1614d ago

It almost like J.J. “The Hack” Abrams seemed to not understand the Death Star II not only blew up, it was atomized. So why are there big, intact chunks of it in Rise of Skywalker?

gangsta_red1614d ago

That's only one of the many questions I had.

Seriously, it would make sense of Disney did start making games that would explain the movies more.

But then that would feel like some of the most low down milking the world has seen.

himdeel1614d ago

WHY?! This was what I kept asking myself the entire time. I just can't. I'm just not happy with this movie. My conclusion is, this movie wasn't made for the type of Star Wars fan that I am.

leejohnson2221614d ago

Thank you and he is a hack, tries to simply use a fast pace so you have no time to realise it's all nonsense.

Godmars2901614d ago

Abrams was known for not being able to finish stories well before this. His "Mystery Box" method is inherently flawed in that it puts no real value on said mystery or brought up questions, just empty spectral around them.

And Disney's not going to start making games out of nowhere. By all counts when they had that toy game it was decent enough, it was actually making money, only it wasn't making enough money in Disney's eyes. So they shut it down almost overnight.

They're too big, too profit hungry, to be creative. Reason why some people are worried about Marvel movies now that their most charismatic talent are gone, and they're possibly dropping the plot-building formula they had from Ironman to infinity War.

T2X1614d ago (Edited 1614d ago )

I'm playing Devil's advocate here, but something the size of a freaking moon could leave big chunks I guess. If were splitting hairs as far as this stuff for that matter: How can everyone just stand outside in space with no helmets? also, Why is it when the Huge armada of Star Destroyers start getting attacked they fall downward? There is no Gravity in space. Also, stuff can't explode and ignite in space there's no oxygen to fuel it. The ships also ignore all physics rules in every dog-fighting scene and behave like airplanes in zero gravity. And why didn't the Sith mass just attack and rush Ren and Rey? The couldn't have killed all of them? Why do the robots in the clone wars talk out loud to each other and say strangley human remarks! Like getting shot they actually yell "Argggg" in a whiny robotic voice LOL. I love all of the films for what they are. Great entertainment even though this isn't realistic in any sense. It's great fun just the same!

thorstein1614d ago (Edited 1614d ago )


Please take a physics class.

No gravity in space? Wow.

rainslacker1613d ago (Edited 1613d ago )

I was willing to let that go, and chalk it up to creative direction to be able to throw yet another fan service moment into the movie. However, the complete disrespect for orbital physics or physics in general that the new movies have just makes it hard to let the little things go.

I mean, how does a laser beam split apart, curve, and then hit multiple planets at varying locations and distances at the same time? Or how can people in another solar system, tens to hundreds of light years away, watch in real time, the destruction of other planets? How would several giant chunks of something too small to be a planet, but big enough to not be a space station somehow crash on a completely separate moon of a planet, where that moon would be on the opposite side of the planet at the time of the ships destruction? How would chunks those large not have ignited the atmosphere on fire, or caused a mass extinction on the planet...I mean, we're talking an object that as a whole was anywhere from 8-16 times the one that wiped out the dinosaurs here on earth, and left the planet a wasteland for tens of thousands of years?

And this is Star Wars....a series which never took physics seriously.

This movie was a convoluted mess. It's story was simple, and they still managed to not make it interesting. They brought up plot points which never got resolved, and introduced conflict was was resolved by the next scene.

I think the biggest problem with the new movies is there was no concept on where it was supposed to go by the end. Or that got thrown out the window with the 2nd movie depending on who you ask. But as it is, TLJ was still a better movie, because at least it had a plot....as disrespectful as it was to the source material.


" stuff can't explode and ignite in space there's no oxygen to fuel it."

The oxygen would be supplied by the exploding ship expelling it's oxygen into space. However, it wouldn't burn like a regular fire and look more like a shooting column of flame...like a straight solar flare or large torch.

You're right about the falling down of ships, but maybe it's just a matter of reference. Physics wise, a body in space would continue in whatever direction it was headed, and a missle or laser wouldn't have enough inertia to cause it to change directions no matter where it hit.

Or the more simple answer....physics is just never a real concern in the SW universe, and realistically, we could take every piece of Star Wars movie or TV show related media and find copious inconsistencies with reality and huge gaping plot holes. Like the now beloved The Mandelorian.

----Spolier for the last episode--- How come Rising Phoenix needs lots of training before it will listen to his command, then two scenes later he is taking down a TIE fighter then flying off into the distance? ---End Spoiler

"Why do the robots in the clone wars talk out loud to each other and say strangley human remarks! Like getting shot they actually yell "Argggg" in a whiny robotic voice"

because Lucas has the writing style of a child.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 1613d ago
lazyboyblue1614d ago

Explanation for Palpatine return was a minimum the audience needed explained. We didn't even get that. The sequel trilogy is non canon to me now.

rainslacker1613d ago (Edited 1613d ago )

He was cloned. Why the Sith order decided he should be brought back is beyond me, since they don't seem to tolerate failure that well. Even if he set it up to have it happen without their blessing, they could have stopped it, and I feel they would have.

I think bringing Palpatine back was just yet another fan service thing they used to appease fans.

----Movie Spoiler--- I was half expecting Vader to walk out at the end and lament a tragic, yet noble death, and then try and get busy with Rey....or maybe Poe/Finn given Kathleen Kennedy's need to represent. I could even see them casting James Earl Jones in the part....because why not?

Also...why in the prequels was there one master, one apprentice, and then you had sith all over the place by The Clone Wars?

I really like Star Wars as a whole. But I do believe that some people take it too much to heart to try and make some things in it make sense. It's summer popcorn flare, with high prodution values. The originals were ahead of their time. Even the prequels were ahead of their time in many ways(and no, I didn't care for them so I'm not thinking they're better because the new ones were not that great). These movies didn't even have the base level of acceptable story telling. The first one did, but that's because it was pretty much just the first movie retold without all the mysticism that was left to hang back when ANH first released, and it was expected that the audience know about things like Vader, the Force, The Empire, etc. But, look at the prequels, and even Lucas explained that stuff because he understood that not everyone knew everything about Star Wars.

Anyhow, rant over. Happy New Year.:)

leejohnson2221614d ago

How was glass a functioning door, throne room and palpatine in tact after an explosion and crash to land on a planet? Oh well at least X wings can fly after being submerged for 30 years

SlagWolf1613d ago

Bringing back Palpatine just negated every thing Luke Han Lea Anikan and Obiwan did in the last 6 movies. Making every thing they fought for pointless

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1613d ago
SegaGamer1615d ago

I would prefer if they just wiped away episodes 7,8 and 9 completely.

Sciurus_vulgaris1614d ago

Just wait about 5-10 years; I wouldn’t be surprised if Disney redos the sequel trilogy.

Rude-ro1614d ago

I doubt they can.
So they finished the “saga”, of which I can bet that it was part of the contract, then they can do anything after that.

Flesh out their own saga or do fillers galore.
General grieves, darth maul, Jedi assassination team, etc... tons of lore to make great sagas with and not need the “skywalker” cast.

rainslacker1613d ago

Apparently they're going to do something with Darth Maul based on the end of the Solo movie. Not that I imagine it will make much sense, but I guess it's easier to reuse a known character than just make up another cool one. I mean, is there any room for cool and interesting new characters in the Star Wars franchise? Hasn't the 3rd trilogy proven it's not possible?

Gaming4Life19811614d ago

The prequels are a million times better than these new star wars movies.

Sciurus_vulgaris1614d ago

The prequels already tell a coherent story from episode-to-episode. The sequel trilogy is disjointed, and has already aged worse than the prequels.

rainslacker1613d ago

I didn't care for the prequels, but for all of Lucas' faults, and all the odd decisions made for the prequels, he could tell a story. The problem with the sequels were more head scratching moments when you ask yourself why a man in his 60's would think of stupid characters, and try to look cute as if his audience were pre-teens watching Saturday morning cartoons....and the typical over/under-acting Lucas is known for

himdeel1614d ago

Dark Horse already did great work after The Return of the Jedi via their comics, em Dark Empire. It just needed to be put in live action AND then 7, 8, and 9 and just be wiped away.

DrShoe1614d ago

In my mind, 7,8 and 9 are just really bad tumblr fan fiction that isn't canon.

Rimeskeem1614d ago

7 wasnt bad

the issue that occurred was having 3 directors planned to do the trilogy and having 1 drop out and putting Abrams in a screwed situation.

drunkenspy0071614d ago

Can we get rid of 1,2, and 3 as well? Then remove all the edits Lucas made to the orginals and leave it at that.

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strayanalog1615d ago

Ugh. Can't fix terrible. Well, 3 more years and EA won't have it.

lazyboyblue1613d ago

Nah Disney will just give them a new deal. Both companies are made for each other.

strayanalog1613d ago

I was shooting for optimism here, lazyboy, but sadly, you are probably right. And judging from the downvotes on this comment section that may just work out well for the match made in hell.

BoneMagnus1615d ago

Every single person I’ve talked to in person liked the movie. The only hate is on the internet where it’s supposedly “cool” to hate and criticize.

bluefox7551615d ago

A franchise like Star Wars can't survive on normies that are out to see a summer popcorn romp. It needs to actually be good without a bunch of nonsense proselytizing and plot inconsistencies.

1615d ago
CorndogBurglar1614d ago

You realize it's the "normies" that make up the vast majority of people that go see movies, right?

You're basically saying the MCU can't survive with only the General Audience. When it absolutely can.

Unfortunately, hardcore Star Wars fans and even hardcore comicbook fans are huge minorities when it comes to movies.

1614d ago
-Foxtrot1615d ago

No...no no

When people say "like" what they really mean is "it's better than the Last Jedi" and it's literally the only defence for the film

When the bar was so low to begin with, comparing it to trash before it does not make it a good film. It was just better and that's not saying much

gangsta_red1615d ago

It truly is a phenomenon this trilogy. I can see down the line how scientist will study it and teach their students on how not to bury a franchise.

prankster1011614d ago

I liked Episode 9... I really did.

1614d ago
jeromeface1614d ago (Edited 1614d ago )

Better than the last jedi? Debatable...

leejohnson2221614d ago

You know that tlj is now used in film work shops showing people how not to use narrative and develop character arcs.

rainslacker1613d ago

I actually like TLJ better. It had a plot more like you'd expect from Star Wars. It was a disservice to the cannon, and Skywalker, and had too much padding for additional characters that it didn't need, and sub plots which were pointless, but at least it wasn't disjointed and wasn't written to have some kind of fan service in every scene. TFA was OK, but hard to give it props for story because it was basically just ANH story line with less mystery.

I didn't mind the new one too much, but it wasn't that great to the point I'd consider it worth watching. Way too many inconsistencies, plot holes, and sub plots which didn't go anywhere.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1613d ago
P_Bomb1615d ago (Edited 1615d ago )

I’m a casual Star Wars fan at absolute best. I am the popcorn public that doesn’t care. But even I can see where they butchered the classic heroes while resurrecting the one villain that had no business being alive.

Disney bet on the wrong horses to drive this story forward. The face of the franchise...is now a muppet baby on a streaming service. I’m no Nostradamus, but I can tell you this wasn’t the plan.

Nodoze1614d ago

Blame Kathleen Kennedy. She has NO IDEA what she is doing. I mean other than token minority characters, pushing the female first agenda, and social justice nonsense. That is her goal, not creating great stories. She cares not about plot holes or other gaps in the timeline or material. She does care that she was able to push the first lesbian kiss in a Star Wars movie. F U Kathleen and the rest of your rot that remain at Lucasfilm. YOU are the reason this franchise is failing.

1614d ago
rainslacker1613d ago (Edited 1613d ago )

The funny thing is, I felt the Mandelorian was just as directionless as the recent trilogy, although not poorly thought out like the new trilogy. This feeling was for the first 6 episodes, and I can forgive the first two for it as its setting things up, but then just threw most of the conflict into the last two episodes. I also feel that if it weren't for a baby Yoda, the series wouldn't have been as appealing.

I know it's not going to be a popular opinion, but there wasn't a lot of character development, 3 of the 8 episodes were pointless to the main story arc, had very little conflict, and was wrapped up too nicely in the end. It had it's own inconsistencies in story, plot and characters. The acting was generally OK, but still had plenty of poorly acted parts. The visual effects were good enough for a TV show budget, but not on par for the standards set by other services to date.

What it did have is that it showed a lot of potential for the future. It did some things right like the original movies. Such as a coherent plot(albeit seemingly without a point). It had likable characters. Had mystery about the character(not unlike some of luke's travel buddies or villians), and promise of more to come.

Baby Yoda is cute, but I'm wondering why as a universe, it's like everyone has no clue about the Jedi or the Force. I mean, these movies don't take place so far into the future that people would have forgotten the republic. They don't forget, but somehow, they don't know about the Jedi Council? This was an inconsistency in the original movies as well, where less than 20 years had passed since the empire took over....but it's one of those things you chalk up to liberal use of creative freedom to avoid having to discuss those things in a movie that isn't really about that....although they did make 3 whole movies about it, so maybe another trilogy to explain why everyone forgot about it.

That said, the first scene of episode 8 is now, by far, my favorite scene in all Star Wars media. It's one of the first times I've seen a willingness to show it recognizes it's own faults in the entire franchise, and makes it into an interesting and funny banter between two unknown characters, all while giving some information about the main bad guy, and shows a bit of the storm trooper life that isn't about being shot while wearing pointless armor. It's what the droids in the prequels and Clone Wars should have been.

1615d ago
gangsta_red1615d ago

In all honesty, the Rise of Skywalker made me appreciate The Last Jedi even more.

Hungryalpaca1614d ago

As bad as TLJ was and butchered characters, it was atleast trying to be original. Shouldn’t have done that with the characters it was using, could have been fine as it’s own contained Star Wars film with some massive changes BUT

TROS broke lore, it broke more characters and it broke the previous movies.

Star Wars is a mess now, even more so than after TLJ

gangsta_red1614d ago


I definitely agree, I still think Last Jedi was horrible but as you said, it tried to do something different but in doing so broke apart what was being set up in the first film.

It killed character development and hardly moved the story. It was an anime filler at best that had some good ideas, executed them poorly and then forgotten.

The biggest fault of RoS is that it spent most of its time trying to undo Last Jedi, something you shouldn't have to do in the last chapter of your trilogy.

Hungryalpaca1614d ago

And everyone I’ve talked to hates it. What’s your point?

1614d ago
Npugz71614d ago

I agree! I thought the movie was excellent!

TheGamez1001614d ago

Only the casual moviegoers which unfortunately do make up the mass majority will like it lol.

jeromeface1614d ago

Only people I've found who enjoyed it were the most casual of fans. Anyone passionate about star wars thought it was garbage, including myself.

BoneMagnus1613d ago

I was 5 in 1977 when Star Wars came out. I had all the toys, alternated being Luke and Darth Vader on Halloween - it was my childhood. I am not a casual fan by any stretch, and I really enjoyed the movie.

rainslacker1613d ago

I know two big Star Wars fans that liked it. Two others that say it was OK, and are noncommittal to say they didn't. I'm also in the latter group. It wasn't what I was hoping for, and had a lot of faults, but was OK as a popcorn flick. But I'm one of those people that doesn't put SW into some pinnacle of great cinema, and just felt it was OK, and the last two movies were just a disservice to the original characters. I can actually see why Lucas wasn't happy with the series, and I generally don't care for his opinions on anything.

leejohnson2221614d ago

I can't catch my breath, it's like the worst video game, I wanted to like all new movies but there is zero character development, they made Luke unrecognisable, Han was a dead beat dad, you have space Mary Poppins and a character dead for 30 years bought back because an interesting villan was killed off for no reason,no original ideas or direction. You could fly a star destroyer through the plot holes. If you want to enjoy it as a kind of fast and furious nonsense then enjoy but it's got no continuity to previous films, lore or cannon, by the end the force powers are more like unstoppable super heroes

BootHammer1614d ago (Edited 1614d ago )

I'm with you on that. Critics loved TLJ, audience cringed and hated it. That's what happens when you have a director that purposely wants to split the fanbase and thinks its a mistake to cater to the people who love the films...idiot.

Now Critics bombed ROS, audience loved it (based on Rotten Tomatoes for both accounts). Polar opposite viewpoints once again, but in the other direction. It wasn't perfect, but I loved it and it nearly corrected all the dumpster fires in TLJ (which was pretty much the entire movie).

Loving the Mandalorian and Jon Favreau is just doing a phenomenal job with it. Would love to see a trilogy or new film with him behind it.

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bluefox7551615d ago

I think they've already blown all of their good faith with the public. The new movies have all been terrible.

leejohnson2221614d ago

I agree the mandalorion is light years ahead as it captures the poor but technological advanced planets and cultures. Its the only thing I've seen close to the og films plus Jon F said he wants to please fans and enjoy himself, if either stops he will stop.

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Luxoflux Killed it with Vigilante 8 / Second Offense. Both were amazing for their time. Demolition was/is still nearly unplayable.