
The next-generation Xbox has a much simpler name than you might think: It's actually just 'Xbox'

Microsoft is making a huge change with its next-generation Xbox: It's rebranding the console as simply "Xbox," with specific models like Series X.

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Christopher1597d ago (Edited 1597d ago )

Since you people "really" want this to be true, let's have at it.

1. The console brand is called Xbox. Some guy saying you can just call it that doesn't make it what it is or change what it is.

2. If the product was just called Xbox, then why was it called Xbox Series X on stage? Why not put the word "model" at all on that screen when it popped up?

3. If I go to the store to buy an Xbox, will they magically know which one is the one I want? Oh, I just mention the model name? Oh, you mean the name of the actual console?

This is PR speak and is stupid. It's a weird name, but it is the name of the next console. Want to relabel the name as "model name", fine, but it's also the name of the console itself. It doesn't change the fact that the name it will be referred to and will have on its box will be Xbox Series X.

Why people are eating this up rather than calling them out on trying to soften the name choice and how people react to it, I guess that's just modern day journalism where people just report what's happened and don't ask follow up questions like "Okay, I get what you're trying to say as far as a brand, but you do know people are going to always call it Xbox Series X and not just Xbox, right?"

Edit: And this isn't a huge change. They've always discussed Xbox as a brand for discussing what they offer and mentioned specific consoles for other things. It's just being "reinterpreted" as some huge change to soften the new name and how awkward it came off. It's a fine name, they'll definitely be talking more about Xbox Series X alongside Xbox.

Gazondaily1596d ago (Edited 1596d ago )

"Since you people "really" want this to be true, let's have at it"

But it is true?

"3. If I go to the store to buy an Xbox, will they magically know which one is the one I want? Oh, I just mention the model name? Oh, you mean the name of the actual console?"

It's like asking for a Samsung phone. The rep will ask which model. You ask for the latest and they'll mention the Galaxy S10 plus.

Maria: I want an Xbox
Rep: Which one?
Maria: The X series.

"This is PR speak and is stupid. It's a weird name, but it is the name of the next console"

Im confused here. Yeah the console that we've seen is part the X series. There will be other models next gen that call be part of another series, Y series, Z3 or whatever. No?

Wasabi1596d ago (Edited 1596d ago )


I do believe I called this 3 days ago my good man...

***"What if the name of the rumoured Lockhart model is simply "Xbox" and the X Series moniker is a way to clearly identify the enthusiast level model from each generation of Xbox consoles?

This would make the naming of the the Series X and Xbox One X consistent and identifiable as the high end "X" models. Series S would be the mid generation slim revision, This would also make it simple to name a slim revision to the Series X, the XS"***

I'm not sure how to take the article, but this would be a similar naming convention as used by BMW, Tesla and Sony on some of its high end televisions.

People seem to think it's confusing, Apple customers don't seem to have an issue with the MacBook Pro simply being called the MacBook Pro regardless of year of manufacture and simply referring to the next Xbox as "Xbox" allow MS to do a complete reset and bring it back to basics whilst still keeping the Xbox One X relevent during the transition as part of last generations "X series".

Gazondaily1596d ago

Wasabi- yes sir, yes you did. I stand corrected.

Muzikguy1596d ago (Edited 1596d ago )

No. If you go to a store looking for a phone you don't say the company name and they give you the newest. That would still have a name. If one was to think the new Xbox is called Xbox then it's even a dumber name than I originally thought. There already is an "Xbox"

Si-Fly1596d ago

Who is Maria? And why isn’t she looking for a PS5?

UltraNova1596d ago

I don't get why we need to bother ourselves with the naming...MS made their choice, now they have to market it right to raise awareness and consumers will vote with their wallet as always.

Brave_Losers_Unite1596d ago

Septic.. The name is f****ng stupid. Like seriously.. It doesn't take a smart individual to name a damn console. Idk why they are terrible with naming consoles. The third console in and they decided to name it Xbox One? Really? Who the hell comes up with this bs is what I'd like to know

Christopher1596d ago (Edited 1596d ago )

***Yeah the console that we've seen is part the X series***

The same way there are different models of the "One" series of Xbox consoles. But we don't just refer to them as just Xbox, but Xbox One. And when we talk about specific consoles, we mention those specifically.

But slimming it down to us just referring to a specific model as just Xbox? We don't do that here unless we're talking about the brand or overall company group under Microsoft. Why would we change that moving forward?

It looks like Microsoft is moving to a more annual PC release namng convention. Which, honestly, might be very confusing in the long run.

Regardless, if you want to get people to refer to all your consoles by just the brand, you're asking for people to be confused shoppers when the right thing to do is call it by the name you want people to go out and buy. The ads never said "Pick up your One X today" because the brand is what helps sell it. But telling people to just "Pick up your Xbox today" is confusing. If you want to sell the Xbox Series X, you put that full title in the ad. And that's why this attempt to rename it doesn't make sense. Guarantee next holiday we'll be seeing "Xbox Series X" ads and not "Xbox" ads.

tontontam01596d ago (Edited 1596d ago )

You sound like an xbox equivalent of an apple diehard fan.

umair_s511596d ago

I had seen this coming in 2014

conanlifts1596d ago

I think series X and series S or possibly series D ( digital only) .

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 1596d ago
Kribwalker1596d ago

This generation they’ve always referred to it as Xbox One, last gen they referred to it as the Xbox 360, next gen it’s just gonna be the Xbox, but with different versions of it.
The series X will be their high end series, i imagine you’ll get X2 X3 etc, and the lockhart model will be series E or whatever they wanna call it, maybe a series D for a straight digital console.

That’s what i’m imagining it would be

Brave_Losers_Unite1596d ago

See, that would be smart, but I think whoever is naming the Xbox consoles should have been fired years ago and any average person would find a better name for the console

crazyCoconuts1596d ago

So should the Xbox One X be renamed to Xbox Series X1, and the new console is Xbox Series X2?

rainslacker1596d ago

In any given generation, when people talk about the console, using xbox in place of its generational moniker was generally understood by anyone having the discussion. Many also used the moniker, and again, people generally understood what the other person was talking about. I suspect next gen will be the same. I've not seen most people refer to this gen as "one" though. Nintendo and sega are the only ones who consistently had their console referred to by its console name, instead of the brand name...probably because they were very unique.

Christopher1596d ago (Edited 1596d ago )

The fact that didn't help at all should tell you something. What's a dot versus just the echo? I think echo show is the one with the screen, but is that what my grandson wanted? And is third gen the latest? How do I know that I'm getting the latest from the guy at Best Buy? Wait, my grandson mentioned listening to music on it at some point, does that mean in his car or maybe I can just get him that Echo Studio? What if he wants a specific color? Wait, does he want the echo flex?

crazyCoconuts1596d ago

The point I took from that is that even when products have confusing product names I still end up buying them lol

timotim1596d ago

Which explains why you guys are still confused about it haha.

And yet people find the right one they are looking for all the time! Do you hear stories on the interwebs of people buying the wrong ones in any significant amount? All that variety under the Echo name and it works out smoothly at retail...yet somehow we are suppose to believe that their will be an issue between two products for Xbox??? Especially when one is coming out in 2020 and the other will already be years old at that point...

rainslacker1596d ago (Edited 1596d ago )

Why not point to the kindle. Was trying to figure that out to buy one, and there is no rhyme or reason without significant research.

In the end, I just brought the cheapest one.

timotim1596d ago


You bought the cheapest one because you simply wanted A Kindle 😂 thats not the same thing. Evidently it didn't matter which Kindle you bought, you were just looking at Kindle options to buy and went with the cheapest one. We are talking about people who go to retail specifically looking for an SX and comes out of the store with another Xbox due to confusion. First off, the commercials will be everywhere come holiday 2020 and the look of the box is distinctive enough vs 1X. You guys continue to reach when it comes to this new console because...reasons, yet no evidence is backing up your claims. Sure...if a person just wants A Xbox, they will most likely do the same thing you did and just buy the cheapest one...however, if they want the NEW Xbox, why would they be confused by any other???

Granny goes into retail store to buy their grandchild the latest iPhone...retail person hands them the previous years model...its not adding up haha.

Stanjara1596d ago

I don't know why so many dislikes. This is exactly the point.
I am not into echo, but if I wanted to buy one I would not know which one is the latest model from that list.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 1596d ago
OB1Biker1596d ago

I agree. I was wondering that the 'news' was. That they dropped the 'one' ? Not really news tbh . Maybe it's just bad reporting

1596d ago
gravedigger1596d ago

Yep! So, it's an original Xbox, not a new Xbox. :D

Xbox 360
Xbox One

Wasabi1596d ago


***"Yep! So, it's an original Xbox, not a new Xbox. :D"***

I know... Imagine the confusion it's going to cause holiday 2020 when parents go shopping for little Tommy's Christmas present, ask for an Xbox and the retail assistant pulls out a console from 2001, almost 20 years ago...

rainslacker1596d ago

I'd say half life 3 confirmed...but I cant make it make any sense

sampsonon1596d ago

the PS5 is just called PS by this articles standards.
walk into a store "l'd like to buy ps please"

Wasabi1596d ago

***"the PS5 is just called PS by this articles standards"***

Ridiculous comparison, it's not a 'standard' that applies to every product from every company, it's a naming convention specified by a company that applies to THAT specific company's product.

1596d ago
rainslacker1596d ago

Obviously when they ask which one you want, you say you want the one that has the capability to do "series x", not just the capability to do "x" because the name is based on the capabilities of the console.

It's so clear I dont understand why people dont get it.

Anyhow, after a couple years it won't matter. It probably won't even matter on launch. There are a lot of stupid consumers out there, but they're going to certainly notice the price difference, and it's not like the x1x lit the world on fire among the consumers.

OB1Biker1596d ago

Yea it's simple. Then they can say I have the X box

wheresmymonkey1596d ago

Actually it just implies there's going to be multiple SKUs.
the series X is not the only new Xbox, with MS talking a lot about BC I wouldn't be surprised if the Xbox One X became a base model of sorts for the next-gen systems.

nucky641596d ago

christopher - GREAT post -
#3 was hilarious and great common sense:
"If I go to the store to buy an Xbox, will they magically know which one is the one I want? Oh, I just mention the model name? Oh, you mean the name of the actual console?"
- great stuff!

Unspoken1596d ago

What kind of conspiracy plot are you trying to come up with? When I ask someone what kind of phone do they have, they say iPhone, not Apple iPhone 11 Pro Max, they just say iPhone, same goes for makes and models across many different markets. I have Tesla, I have an Android, I have a Samsung, I have an S10, etc.

blacktiger1596d ago Show
BlackRaven85_11596d ago

@Christopther Tell me is the original Xbox being sold new in retails? No? Then what's your big problem? You just walk up to the clerk and tell them you want the Series X model. It's not that hard it's not that hard to understand. You just want to complain because you see it trending and you want to be cool. If it were called Xbox Infinity you would find something to complain about it. Maybe claim Microsoft is ripping off Toy Story.

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 1596d ago
fonger081597d ago

Customer: I want (or my kid wants) the newest Xbox.
Retail Associate: Here you go.
Naming issue solved...

Christopher1597d ago

*hands you the Xbox One S All Digital console*

Gazondaily1596d ago

Retail associate gets fired for handing out the wrong console. 🤨

What you on about Wilis?

timotim1596d ago

In holiday 2020?!? Why would they do that?

1596d ago
staticall1596d ago

You are acting like everyone knows or cares about the release date.

But because they have showed this ad before the Christmas/New Year, i think, quite a few kids will go to their parents saying "Mom/dad, i want the new Xbox Series X for holidays". And then mom/dad will go to Wallmart or similar big store, searching for "Xbox" or "Xbox X" (if kids are lucky) and then buying Xbox One S or Xbox One X.

So you're saying, if someone would ask you to sell them the new Xbox right now, you would just say them that it hasn't released yet, instead of offering them Xbox One X or, as @Christopher mentioned, the "new" Xbox One S all digital? Now, IMO, that will get you fired for sure, you just lost a big sale.

Gazondaily1596d ago

Oh I assumed fonger was alluding to holiday 2020 😂

UnholyLight1596d ago

Youre're trying way too hard Christopher. If someone said they wanted the newest latest gen xbox what do you think the associate would grab? They would likely be informed.

Christopher1596d ago

***Youre're trying way too hard Christopher. If someone said they wanted the newest latest gen xbox what do you think the associate would grab? They would likely be informed.***

The newest Xbox right now is the Xbox One S All Digital console, which is selling like hotcakes in the UK btw. If someone wanted the Xbox One X and expected to get that but their parents were given the latest console release that most people were buying...

And at least I'm trying here, you can go on just buying into lame PR speak that doesn't change the fact that the product shown on stage is the Xbox Series X console and it will be released in Holiday 2020. Not any other Xbox console nor any console just called an "Xbox".

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 1596d ago
DarXyde1596d ago

And if Lockhart and Anaconda release on the same day?

Or how about if Lockhart is dropped a week later? Vice versa?

As a marketing strategy, let's be honest: the name isn't really good. The devices may have very distinctly different designs though.

Wasabi1596d ago (Edited 1596d ago )


***"And if Lockhart and Anaconda release on the same day?"***

Lockhart would be Xbox.
Anaconda would be Xbox Series X.

Series X identifies the console as part of the higher end X line of consoles.

Think Sony Bravia Master Series of TV's, still a Bravia TV just higher end for more money.

froy4021596d ago (Edited 1596d ago )

What if the retail associate is your grandma who doesn't know which one is the newest xbox, so she calls the manager and it takes him 1 hour to arrive so you end up being late to work and you get fired, than your wife divorces you and you become a bum and have to settle with a nintendo switch.

And it could have all been avoided if they would have just gave the new xbox a proper name. :(

fonger081596d ago

Yeah but there’s always those customers. Anyone who’s worked retail knows that no matter how well or how poorly a product is named or described, there’s always those few that get very confused... then angry... and they want to argue how your store has to few bathrooms and exits... *shudder*

gangsta_red1596d ago

"It's rebranding the console as simply "Xbox,""

Too right

djplonker1596d ago

All this because Microsoft is too vain to number their console one less than sony...... Amazing.

The Wood1596d ago (Edited 1596d ago )

My friends are here *sobs with joy*

If a name has to be debated to such an extent, there's clearly an issue or scope for some confusion. Hard core gamers won't have an issue. Casuals maybe. Your granny buying a gift . . . .oh boi

Gazondaily1596d ago

😂😂😂 you love it!

We getting lit! If only we could invite everyone to GameOnDaily; that would be a show and a half! 😁

MasterCornholio1596d ago (Edited 1596d ago )

In case anyone didn't know GsneOnDaily is a news aggregate site that's going through an Alpha now.

Not to be confused with the old GameOnDaily site.

Wasabi1596d ago


***"Not to be confused with the old GameOnDaily site"***

Do you mean GameDaily.biz or a different site?

gangsta_red1596d ago

"My friends are here *sobs with joy*"

Count me in too!

"there's clearly an issue or scope for some confusion"

I do agree, but honestly now that it has been cleared up I can actually see what they were originally talking about.

I think the media jumped the gun by saying it was the Xbox Series X instead of just Xbox. Either that or we as gamers just aren't prepared for different models of consoles like we are with phones.

Christopher1596d ago

How did anyone jump any gun by calling it exactly what it was called on stage and on Microsoft's own website?


IRetrouk1596d ago

But the console that was shown was the xbox series x, that's its name, that's what it was announced as, how can the media jump the gun calling it exactly what ms announced it as?? I dont understand the pushback to be honest, it's no different from micro using xbox 360 s or e, or them using xbox one s and x, it's just a way of naming stuff.

gangsta_red1596d ago

@Christopher and Iret

Let me rephrase that then, we here jumped the gun by thinking the whole name was just Xbox Series X when it was just Xbox.

I have no problem with it and now that I know it definitely is a "no duh" moment.

IRetrouk1596d ago (Edited 1596d ago )

They may want to call the umbrella of the next gen systems xbox, I doubt any one of them will just have xbox as a name though, but at the moment that info comes from an unknown source, not ms themselves, its rumour, for now we have been shown one console, and that console is called the xbox series x.

IRetrouk1596d ago

And just to clarify, I still dont understand what people got confused over, micro has used just xbox for a while now when talking about their consoles, this is no different to that, so if there is more than one, it's still going to be called xbox such n such, dont matter what the other versions are called, doesn't matter what umbrella they choose to put their consoles under, that console that they showed off is called the xbox series x not just xbox.

Christopher1596d ago (Edited 1596d ago )

***Let me rephrase that then, we here jumped the gun by thinking the whole name was just Xbox Series X when it was just Xbox.***

No, it's name is Xbox Series X. The specific thing they will be selling Holiday 2020 is the Xbox Series X console. An iPhone 11 isn't just an iPhone, it's different from other iPhones. The Xbox Series X isn't just an Xbox, it's different from other Xbox consoles.

When they come out with a different model of the same console, it will not be the same as the Xbox Series X and will need its own identifying name that people can refer to when going to buy or looking up news.

gangsta_red1596d ago

Okay, let me rephrase my rephrase, I'm going to walk into the store and tell the guy behind the counter I want an Xbox. He'll ask me which model and I'll say the X model.

IRetrouk1596d ago (Edited 1596d ago )

I dont think the name is an issue personally, and wasnt confused, it's not the best name but it's not terrible either, you can ask for it whatever way you like, the name of the console is still the xbox series x.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 1596d ago
Christopher1596d ago

I just find it unnecessary and their way to step back on the name they selected when they need to be truly accurate about what they're selling and what it is called.

Have a friend, his family have him money after TGA to buy the new PlayStation based on the news of the Xbox Series X (if you miss that, his family thinks that's the new PlayStation). Family is always just not going to understand unless they're also interested in it (like cellphones).

Unspoken1596d ago

That's why Apple went out of business, all their phones are called iphones...

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1596d ago
phoenixwing1596d ago (Edited 1596d ago )

i guess it might work out if they just call it xbox and do model numbers... basically like phones or pc's. To be honest though, microsoft should have just called it the xbox two and followed sony's lead. This gen is going to be confusing for the customer marketing and purchasing wise when it comes to xbox. After that though, they'll know what to expect and know how it goes.

UltraNova1596d ago

There's no way MS would give their new system a lower number than Sony already has (Xbox 2 vs PS5).

No Way1596d ago

But, would people not associate "Xbox" with being just the first variation?

UltraNova1596d ago

It depends on who is asking for it, an informed gamer, a mum or grandmother etc...and then it also depends on who's answering...

I don't know man, right now I can see people getting confused but maybe as time goes by and provided MS does a good job at clearing things up maybe people will get it at some point.

Ausbo1596d ago

It’s a good thing you aren’t running the Xbox business. Everyone knows consumers will always buy the higher number electronic.

Xbox 2 would be the worst name they could choose. Not only that, but it makes zero sense being their 4th console

Wasabi1596d ago


***"Everyone knows consumers will always buy the higher number electronic"***

If that's true how come PS3 outsold 360?

(You don't need to answer, I'm just pulling your leg)

AuraAbjure1596d ago

@No Way DOOM sold well. It was just called DOOM and not Doom 4. So maybe the next XBOX will sell well even though it's not called Xbox 4.

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Dirtnapstor1h ago

This. Looks. Dope.
Most definitely interested, Lol. Would love to see some Demon Slayer action as well!

shinoff21831h ago

I also think this looks pretty cool. Only downside is I bet this has Hella dlc which will kinda suck.

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this month we're dropping *insert IP name* for a total of X new in game Funko. Each digital Funko will be available for only $9.99. These are time limited so don't miss your chance to acquire these hot new digital Funko. you mean something like that, lol.

Inverno18m ago

I can't be then only one that sees it looks half arsed once gameplay shows up. I've seen so many games throughout last Gen that look like they were left in a polished alpha state and this one looks like one of em.


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