
Death Stranding review | InsideGamer

InsideGamer: "Death Stranding lives up to its towering expectations, if it does not exceed them. That does not automatically mean that the game is perfect. For example, the story and the actual gameplay are very unrelated, and the game has a rough edge. And yet Death Stranding is extraordinary. The complex and layered story, the serious gameplay full of comic notes, the deserted and oppressive world and the subtle connection with other players create extreme contrasts and a range of emotions."

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Community1662d ago
Twonky8881662d ago

No way! It’s like being a postman in Scotland for 40hours and not getting paid!!

carcarias1662d ago

Hah, I haven't played the game so can't comment on its quality but, regardless, that description made me chuckle :)

naruga1662d ago (Edited 1662d ago )

realy now i apreciate the quality of Death Str ...it is the only game since Zelda BoTW that calms you and doesnt stress you while you r playing with its superior "environmental" gameplay...it is only a bit slow at the start that may push you away if your not patient ...but after the beginning it really shines and its beginning works to its advantage

CaptainHenry9161662d ago (Edited 1662d ago )


I agree in the beginning it's a little slow but after finishing the game I have no regrets I really enjoyed Death Stranding and glad that I experience this unique game.

himdeel1662d ago

Tell the porters that travel my newly built road if they're cool not being paid.

Twonky8881661d ago

It was supposed to make people chuckle. Obviously 52 people didn’t find it funny though.....or they are Sony employees???

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Atticus_finch1662d ago

Or it's like playing a game with a brilliant traveling system.

Ripsta7th1662d ago

so from reading this that means slow games =soothing and relaxing?
yet every other game is beingcalled out for being boring wtf lol thats how u know this website is mainly dominated by PS fanboys
same as nintendo fanboys , theyll overlook the problems and claim inovation

Dark_Knightmare21662d ago (Edited 1662d ago )

Play the game or shut your mouth because fanboys and haters saying this exact bull thing is old and frankly annoying

Kostche1662d ago (Edited 1662d ago )

exactly, the game is fed ex simulator for people that have an ocd affliction for collecting and inventory managment, no game is EVER, EVER 10/10 and the gaming industry media is a joke, this whole metric system and medias personal opinions about games need removed from reviews and replaced by what the game is, what it gives the gamer, what if any issues it has and that is it, not reviews based on who the developer is, what they LOVE or hate about the game basically their OPINIONs

the double standards about this game and others is joke, and it makes me laugh people where whining and moaning about fetch quests in games as general, but soon as the fed ex sim comes out all that is forgotten and being dog in game is fine.. so long as your name is Kojima

AshleeEmerson1662d ago

Ocarina of Time, Uncharted 2, The Last of Us and Super Metroid. To me those games were a 10 out of 10.

I haven't played death stranding just yet but you know, just like paintings... Not everything is everyone.

Nyxus1662d ago

It really hurts you doesn't it?

mkis0071662d ago

People like you dont understand this game, I don't understand racers or fps's. To me those games are boring af. Doesnt mean people that like them are wrong. There are enough 10's for DS that calling it a joke is off the mark.

I am playing it and enjoying it through an artistic eye. If that is not the reason you play video games you wont enjoy it. I play for the artistic expression of the developer. The moment to moment gameplay works well with the tools and story pacing.

Bioshock would have been more fun to me as a walking sim. The fps combat was soo boring. Still the story made it one of my favorites of all time.

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demonic361662d ago

What a load of rubbish! this game is no where near a 10/10!!!

telekineticmantis1662d ago

You haven't played it, it doesn't have any technical issues, so you don't have a reason to tell him what to score it.

babadivad1662d ago (Edited 1662d ago )


Yeah, it's been shown that all that sneaking around BTs isn't necessary. Avoiding time rain, not necessary. You can leisurely walk past enemies and deliver packages that have been rotted to hell from time rain and still get perfect deliveries.

This game is flawed in so many ways and insanely easy. A game with this many gameplay flaws shouldn't be getting perfect scores. Watch the entire video.

If Kojima's name wasn't attached to this game it would be getting all these passes.

telekineticmantis1662d ago


I have the game, a computer, and a camera. I and anyone else can make a video about the game.

First problem:
BT's don't just damage you physically, they destroy your stamina, and contribute to destroying your packages, and they are elsewhere, so if you've been travelling and not taking care of your stamina, if you run into enough of a combination of them, and Mules, game over, you literally can't fight, because there's no stamina.

People look and see a boss battle, no one pays attention to hpw the map is manipulating, and considering how that affects gameplay, this is not Final Fantasy 7, boss battles are that clear cut. One of the main concepts of the game is attrition, you'd understand, if you've played it, but you rather search the internet for points rather than play whatever games you like.

Secondly I've already gotten bad reviews on my deliveries, and timefall is not the only threat to your packages, damage or loss is the main problem, climbing a mountain I came down a rock hill in a truck because anyone who's played the game knows the second location is almost too rock to take a motorcycle anywhere, I come tumbling down a hill in my truck run into deep water, and get stuck, try to get fall go sailing down the river recover my stuff, come back to the truck and realize all my packages that were in the bed of the truck can't be recovered.

Thirdly, the Mules can kick your @$$ in the 2nd location they swarm you, throw bunches of spears at you, you have no assault rifle at the time, and no back up ammo, you can't hide from them if you have packages, because they ping them, one guy is using a sticky gun to fish and steal your packages off your back so you habe to chase him, while they chase you.

Please tell me where I'm wrong since you're the expert

demonic361661d ago

I've played Death stranding! I sold it Friday just passed as it was boring as hell. Yes I believe it does have technical issues.

What's the point in using the trike when you hit rocks every 10 seconds and get stuck? or how about having to press buttons to stop you falling over every 10 seconds ... yeah that's REALLY FUN!

telekineticmantis1661d ago

Demonic36 see you just said the opposite of Babavidad. The video he showed me said, a negative is you could climb a 90 degree mountain with a big, you said u can't even drive straight...

I respect your opinion, but this is not a typical game, and People can't keep trying to play it like a typical game, or it'll be like running into a wall over and over. The point of all those rocks was to overcome them by creating Roads with the other players, the tools are there, they are just different from the typical tools like Rocket Launchers and Grenades.

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Nyxus1662d ago

So far this game has received 16 perfect scores. So it looks like this review isn't really an anomaly.

1662d ago
Nyxus1662d ago (Edited 1662d ago )

I have not yet encountered any significant negatives so far (30+ hours).

babadivad1662d ago


All facts.

The_Sage1662d ago

Go back to your Stadia defence, demonic. They really need you.

Dark_Knightmare21662d ago

Play the game maybe then your opinion might matter lol nah it never will

shammgod1662d ago

You should try playing it before commenting. You would be surprised.

Gatsu1661d ago

The game is fucking amazing if you actually play it.

janus2251661d ago

If you eventually play the game and reach fragile story scene or Chiral artiste mission and tell me the game is boring?.... You have no soul!

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janus2251662d ago

This game is a masterpierce! How Kojima find the way to make a delivery game so addictive?

Atticus_finch1662d ago

Right?! It's also got me puzzled. DS shouldn't be so good but it is.

shammgod1662d ago

Facts. I am not a Kojima stan. Like MGS games, but never loved them. I think this is his masterpiece. It is so deep and there are so many systems and layers to delivery. Dude did a great job.

KillBill1662d ago

Stop linking to non-english sources. And stop linking to sources that require me to accept their bogus cookies to even view a review.

1662d ago
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Juancho51117d ago

Just got to chapter 5 and Im loving every second of this game. Phenomenal boss fight at chapter 4, and just great dialogue and story. What a GEM.