
US congressman calls out Blizzard for allowing racist groups in WoW

From GameIndustry.biz: "United States congressman Lou Correa has criticised Blizzard Entertainment for allowing racist groups into World of Warcraft.

Correa, representative for a district that includes Anaheim, where BlizzCon takes place each year, spoke out on Twitter about a notorious player-run guild called The Enclave."

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Smokehouse1890d ago

Why don’t you just shut the power off and protect Californians?

2pacalypsenow1890d ago ShowReplies(3)
annoyedgamer1889d ago

Blizzard sides with murderous communist regime - I sleep
Troll guilds exist in blizzard games - Stop the presses!

1888d ago
rainslacker1888d ago

Funny enough, this senator calling out blizz is closer to trying to suppress freedom of speech than what Blizzard did. Blizzard exercised their free speech, while the senator is a representative of government saying what Blizzard is allowing is not acceptable. If he actually tried to use governmental power to make Blizzard do something about it, it would be in violation of Blizzards rights.

I know it's kind of screwed up to think of it like that, but that's the whole point of the 1st amendment.

Blizzard has been known to tell people, or guilds to change their name, and Blizzard doesn't intervene in a guilds entry requirements. Guilds are like private clubs, where they can pretty much do what they want. Blizzard will also ban people for hate speech. They've been doing that since the early days of WOW. For all of Blizzards faults, at no time in their history have I ever thought they were complicit in promoting hatred or racism. They are being complicit in censoring a person or their users on their platforms from talking about some things, but Blizzard has never been inherently evil. Stupid sometimes, yes. Racist a**holes, no.

PCgamer981888d ago (Edited 1888d ago )

As long as that group isn't attacking china then it's all fine with blizzard.

bluefox7551888d ago

Glad to see politicians have their priorities in order.

1888d ago
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PUBG and inZOI Developer Reveals Generative AI "Co-Playable Character" Using Nvidia Technology

Krafton revealed its plans to use Nvidia's generative AI tech in its games including the PUBG franchise and the life simulator inZOI.

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KyRo1h ago

This is all good but please upgrade the engine. PUBG is great but it's aging rapidly. There's also no reason why it's runs the way it does on current gen consoles.


World of Warcraft: Mount Tier List

Mounts are perhaps WoW's most coveted collectibles, displaying feats of strength or perseverance for all to see.

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Sony Is Officially The Biggest Shareholder of Kadokawa As of 7th January

Sony has officially become the biggest shareholder of FromSoftware's parent company, Kadokawa, by owning 10.11% of the shares.

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Obscure_Observer1d 5h ago

Congratulations I guess?

Nothing changes as far anime fans and gamers are concerned.

Eonjay22h ago

No need to guess. Congrats are in order for Kadokawa. Remember their whole point is to protect against a hostile takeover and they have done that. How this will manifest in partnerships will reveal itself in time but seeing as Sony was able to help them out, I think that is awesome. And they did that without buying up a whole publisher. Even as an Xbox fanboy I'm sure you can see how this is the best possible outcome for all parties.

BehindTheRows22h ago

Yeah, you know you’re wasting your time with him!

-Foxtrot22h ago

He knows Kadokawa asked for Sony’s help in fending off a hostile takeover and was the better choice of the two

He just doesn’t care as it means he gets to b**ch about Sony more

S2Killinit11h ago

Being the biggest shareholder means they will have a large sway on the decisions of Kadokawa. At the same time Kadokawa will get to retain its independence. I think this was a wise investment on the part of both companies.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 11h ago
anast22h ago

Bloodborne 2 won't be coming to Xbox any time soon.

Killer2020UK21h ago

Or Playstation at this rate 😅 We can't even get the damn remaster. It would be the ultimate troll if they remastered it but locked to 30FPS 💀

20h ago
neutralgamer199219h ago

They could acquire more moving forward. Let's not forget Sony also bought square Enix stocks when the publisher asked and sold them back once things stabilized

S2Killinit4h ago(Edited 4h ago)

The official statement says otherwise:

“Sony and Kadokawa… intend to further strengthen our collaboration to maximize both companies' IP value globally and facilitate wider and deeper collaboration, such as potential joint investments in the content field, joint discovery of new creators, and joint promotion of further media mixes of both companies' IP. In the future, the two companies plan to discuss specific initiatives for collaboration, such as initiatives to adapt KADOKAWA's IP into live-action films and TV dramas globally, co-produce anime works, expand global distribution of KADOKAWA's anime works through the Sony Group, further expand publishing of KADOKAWA's games...”

But you know better I guess?
Congratulations indeed.

Obscure_Observer2h ago

Doesn´t matter how hard you try, dude.

!0% shares ownership means sh!t. It´s 1 vs 9 when comes to business interests.

It´s simple math really. Still, good luck while you wait for Bloodborne 2, though.

S2Killinit1h ago

Not trying anything, simply pointing out what the joint official statement by Sony and Kadokawa says which explicitly contradicts your opinion. You clearly have no idea how a corporation works btw. But, I’m enjoying your meltdown.

OlderGamer174h ago(Edited 4h ago)

Look who is talking Sony ownes now 10.11%shares, no his time take overs needed. Sony helped with making the game for Kadokawa. But not a word about MS who bought for more then 80bil. complete publishers.But he studios of Sony almost are making all console exclusive games.....and MS is going third party.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1h ago
pwnmaster30001d 5h ago (Edited 1d 5h ago )

I guess Sony has a lot more pull when it comes to Kadokawa products.

Good for Sony for helping a fellow countryman out

Christopher8h ago

Kadokawa makes big money on CrunchyRoll and Sony owns CrunchyRoll. They need each other and others coming in and messing with that recipe would be bad for both.

shadowT1d 4h ago

nothing will change for gamers

Eonjay22h ago

Not entirely but this is a good thing. This means we 100% get a Bloodborne sequel and it means there is no risk of titles like Elden Ring going exclusive.

20h ago
12h ago
Obscure_Observer2h ago

10% equity will never allow you to make decisions, only advise at best

S2Killinit1h ago(Edited 1h ago)

Then you don’t know how corporations make decisions.

If they published Bloodborn exclusively for PlayStation when Sony only had less than 1% shares, now they clearly will have more sway when Sony is majority share holder. Not to mention what other details may be in the purchase agreement. In fact, the joint statement says they want to expand joint ventures like Bloodborn not just for games but for anime and manga.

noma1d 3h ago

Sony and Kadokawa formed a strategic alliance which will see Sony have much greater control over the publishing of their games, anime, and manga.

Sony got what they wanted without fully buying the company in exchange for maintaining status as their largest shareholder.

This is the public statement from Sony and Kadokawa.

ocelot0723h ago

I think they will slowly buy more stock over time.

Eonjay22h ago

Sony will not have 'control' over their publishing.

tay870122h ago

No, but they will be publishing more games for them. Sony published games will no doubt be PS/PC exclusive.

1d ago
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