
US congressman calls out Blizzard for allowing racist groups in WoW

From GameIndustry.biz: "United States congressman Lou Correa has criticised Blizzard Entertainment for allowing racist groups into World of Warcraft.

Correa, representative for a district that includes Anaheim, where BlizzCon takes place each year, spoke out on Twitter about a notorious player-run guild called The Enclave."

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Smokehouse1935d ago

Why don’t you just shut the power off and protect Californians?

2pacalypsenow1935d ago ShowReplies(3)
annoyedgamer1935d ago

Blizzard sides with murderous communist regime - I sleep
Troll guilds exist in blizzard games - Stop the presses!

1934d ago
rainslacker1934d ago

Funny enough, this senator calling out blizz is closer to trying to suppress freedom of speech than what Blizzard did. Blizzard exercised their free speech, while the senator is a representative of government saying what Blizzard is allowing is not acceptable. If he actually tried to use governmental power to make Blizzard do something about it, it would be in violation of Blizzards rights.

I know it's kind of screwed up to think of it like that, but that's the whole point of the 1st amendment.

Blizzard has been known to tell people, or guilds to change their name, and Blizzard doesn't intervene in a guilds entry requirements. Guilds are like private clubs, where they can pretty much do what they want. Blizzard will also ban people for hate speech. They've been doing that since the early days of WOW. For all of Blizzards faults, at no time in their history have I ever thought they were complicit in promoting hatred or racism. They are being complicit in censoring a person or their users on their platforms from talking about some things, but Blizzard has never been inherently evil. Stupid sometimes, yes. Racist a**holes, no.

PCgamer981934d ago (Edited 1934d ago )

As long as that group isn't attacking china then it's all fine with blizzard.

bluefox7551934d ago

Glad to see politicians have their priorities in order.

1934d ago
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NetEase Will Reportedly Cut Many Of Its Overseas Studios, Leading To Potential Closures

NetEase will divest itself of many of its overseas studios, leading to their potential closure, according to a new report.

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Knushwood Butt1d 16h ago

'The company’s overseas studios include Quantic Dream, Grasshopper, Nagoshi Studio, Pincool, GPTRACK50 Studio, Studio Flare, Jackalyptic Games, Anchor Point Studios, T-Minus Zero Entertainment, Rebel Wolves, and Skybox Labs.'.

That would be bad.
What is it with these groups buying up loads of developers?


Report: Marvel Rivals Nearly Canceled as NetEase CEO Refused to Pay Disney for Licenses

NetEase CEO William Ding's refusal to pay for Marvel licenses nearly resulted in the cancellation of Marvel Rivals.

isarai1d 5h ago

That sounds like a guy that doesn't need to be CEO anymore 😎👉👉

Outside_ofthe_Box1d 3h ago

Sounds like a very stingy CEO, no wonder developers have been laid off despite success.

--Onilink--19h ago

To be honest, I doubt those licenses are anywhere near cheap.

Sure it’s easy to see in hindsight that the IP is part of what’s making it so popular, but they must be paying a ridiculous amount of money for it and it’s not like the Marvel IPs have always been a recipe for success.

So I can at least see why he would have thought about having a new and internal IP be a preferable option at some point during development

Bebedora9h ago

Standing up against blood sucking tyrants is a good thing. Refreshing to see a guy stand up against the monstrosity that is Disney.

jznrpg8h ago(Edited 8h ago)

Can’t use IP without paying the owner no matter what you think about who owns it. If you are using cancellation as a negotiation tactic that’s fine but you are paying for the use of their IP one way or another


Train Sim World 5 Developer Dovetail Games Appoints New Co-CEOs "Exceptional Internal Talent"

Pullup Entertainment announced the appointment of two new Co-CEOs to lead its subsidiary Dovetail Games, known for Train Sim World 5.

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