
With Xbox Scarlett, Xbox Should be More Competitive Next Generation

Gamerheadquarters; "The Xbox One generation was certainly an interesting one for the brand, especially coming from the heights of the Xbox 360. The Xbox One started out with a fairly serious and competitive attitude behind it, but that has largely dwindled over the generation."

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TheHateTheyGive1771d ago

"Should" But leeching off 3rd parties is easy money.

1770d ago
NarutoFox1770d ago

Why are you getting downvotes for stating facts?

lxeasy1770d ago

he's getting down votes cause he's not stating facts. Xbox is investing heavily in 1st party not 3rd. 8 new 1st party studios in 12 months...

NarutoFox1770d ago


Microsoft has been doing that for a while now. They just started investing in 1st party at the end of the generation.

AK911771d ago

They won't it'll just be more of the same of this gen.

Obscure_Observer1770d ago


"They won't it'll just be more of the same of this gen."

Xbox has now more first party studio than Sony.

Not to mention that Sony has lost many second party partners and first party studios.

From Software (Bloodborne, Demon Souls) = Multiplatform
Quantic Dream (Detroit, Heavy Rain, Beyond) = Multiplatform
Ready at Dawn (The Order) = Multiplatform
Supermassive (Until Dawn) = Multiplatform
Guerrilla Cambridge (RIGS) = Shut Down
Evolution (Driveclub) = Shut Down

More of the same? Somehow i doubt that. Lol.

bluefox7551770d ago

Let's be honest, the best games are always on Playstation, it's always been that way, and it'll continue to be that way going forward. I don't know how you guys can still remain hopeful after being screwed for like a generation and a half at this point.

UniqueGuy911770d ago

Do you really think Sony is just going to sit idle? They already have made their intention clear that they are looking for potential studio acquisitions as well.

mkis0071770d ago

Only a few of the new MS studios are even big enough to consider having AAA projects. Most of them like Ninja Theory, Double Fine, Compulsion Games, InXile, and Undead labs, are small Studios. The games these guys put out will not be AAA.They may very well be good or even great games, but they were acquired to pad the game pass library. The ones that are large enough to be considered to be AAA are still new and have not had a proven release under the banner, so to hold them up would be to get ahead of yourself.

Studios close all the time, Success keeps you open.

Success isn't guaranteed just because you wave your money wand.

derek1770d ago

You can't lose 2nd party developers because they were never owned in the first place. There is nothing stopping FROM software from making another exclusive for Sony, just like Insomniac made sunset only to later make Spiderman exclusively for Sony.

DJStotty1770d ago


just because a studio is small, doesnt mean its not AAA. AAA refers to the budget allocated to a certain franchise, nothing to do with studio size or game quality

"AAA (pronounced and sometimes written Triple-A) is an informal classification used for video games produced and distributed by a mid-sized or major publisher, typically having higher development and marketing budgets. AAA is analogous to the film industry term "blockbuster"."

Moe-Gunz1770d ago

Having more studios is different than having better studios. There is no question about the quality and talent Sony’s first party studios have. MS still haven’t proven themselves. Also the studios they acquired are known for small decent games.

You also have to take into consideration that majority of MS big games where flops and came out as low quality games. So to me you make no sense.

Godmars2901770d ago

"Xbox has now more first party studio than Sony."

Still have to wait and see what Xbox does with those studios.

ocelot071770d ago

Yup more of the same Obsure. I have been hoping for a change from MS in the first party department for almost 10 years now. But they still rely on Halo and Gears and Forza. Sure they have a few new studio's big woop I still don't trust them to bring anything new and decent to the table.

I applaud them for trying something different with Recore. But it was still a bit crap.

NarutoFox1770d ago (Edited 1770d ago )


"Xbox has now more first party studio than Sony."

And you think that's going to help? These studios only made decent to mediocre games LOL

mkis0071769d ago

DJ scotty

The teams that I refered to will not be given AAA game budgets. You will find no Halo, Gears, God of War, Horizon ZD sized games from them. They are all under 100 devs strong.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 1769d ago
1770d ago
AngelicIceDiamond1770d ago (Edited 1770d ago )

Headlines: MS opens new AAA studio, MS hires GOW devs, MS buys PGG's and is working on a new AAA title, NT is divided into two teams, one on BE and the other AAA story driven game, Halo Infinite said to be the biggest Halo yet, Rare working on unannounced AAA game, Obsidian currently hiring for brand new AAA project.

"With Xbox Scarlett, Xbox Should be More Competitive Next Generation"

N4G fanboys: "Uuuuhh it'll be more of the same"

The rest of the world: ????? o_O

TheSaint1770d ago

Probably because it will be more of the same, I own BOTH major consoles but I know that doesn't fit the Xbox fanboy rhetoric so go ahead and call me a liar.

FGHFGHFGH1769d ago

You are listing titles that have 0 gameplay footage shown. Most of what you listed doesn't even have a title. "Rare unannounced AAA game" LOL

DarXyde1771d ago (Edited 1771d ago )

I think it's crazy for anyone to think Xbox wil not be more competitive next generation. Let me be clear: Xbox One set a very low bar. Outdoing themselves should be easy work. If Scarlett makes a dollar more and takes one customer away from the competition, that technically qualifies as being more competitive.

We should be asking how much more competitive will they be? Given the aggressive Game Pass push, xCloud, powerful hardware, and backwards compatibility, it's really hard to imagine a world where Microsoft is in the exact same position or LESS competitive.

So they'll do better, I'm sure. What we don't know is by what margin. But with Sony saying things like they're intending to cater to the hardcore gamer with PS5, it really sounds like they're intending to focus on a particular section of their market instead of the all- inclusive approach they've used up until now. I really don't know what Sony meant by their statement and I don't intend to speak for them, but their actions will make that clear later on, and if it is what I believe it is, I think it's an opportunity for Xbox to capitalize on. Whether they do or not is another issue entirely.

Dragonscale1770d ago (Edited 1770d ago )

Sony had exactly the same plan this gen though and it worked spectacularly.

DarXyde1770d ago

Sony's plan this generation was "for the players." It's a broad statement that involved embracing independent developers, plenty of exclusives, and content for everyone.

That message doesn't seem the same now. We're hearing terms like "niche product" and "hardcore". They've not made these statements for PS4.

I think Sony making that distinction now signals some change in direction. Again, none of us know what that means, but I think it's an indication that change *is* coming, for better or worse.

I for one am very interested in knowing what it means. What makes this next Playstation different from its predecessors? How will they define their intended "hardcore" market? Time will tell.

1770d ago
Sokol1770d ago

You are reading between lines. Sony doesn't need to be any different then the current PS4 strategy for the PS5 success.

OB1Biker1770d ago (Edited 1770d ago )

"niche product" and "hardcore". Is from the media misinformation (getting their source from WSJ fraud). Sony didn't say that about the ps4 in those term. Its was consoles are a niche market, if you will (and always was)

sardinepacker411770d ago

i doubt it ,when phil took over i was optimistic ,how wrong was i , ill be skipping xbox next gen ... ps5 and switch for me

Sitdown1770d ago

Deciding to skip Xbox before anything really materializes, I think it just screams bias.

Moe-Gunz1770d ago

So I’m most likely skipping too. It’s not blind bias it’s me learning that they’re not the company for me after buying every single one of their consoles so far.

Sitdown1770d ago

No it is sort of blind, because anything can happen, so to declare you will not purchase a console that can have 7 year life span a year before it's released seems very presumptuous. The original Xbox wasn't necessary bad, the 360 had plenty of good games, and the one x suffered the typically 3rd console hiccup.

MasterCornholio1770d ago (Edited 1770d ago )

Some people prefer to wait until a system has content that they want to play before buying it. That's not being Bias that's just being smart with your purchase.

People who skip Xbox now doesn't mean they can't invest in Xbox in the future. As for me I'll invest in Xbox with my PC and use the PS5 for everything else.

SoonDeadByOldAge1770d ago (Edited 1770d ago )

Sitdown: It’s a bit weird to me that not more people are taking in to account that NextBox will be by far the cheapest to to play new Xbox exclusives. A lot of third party will also make early appearances on Game Pass. So taking the cost of playing the newest next gen games on NextBox compared to what the competition is offering I can really see a lot of casuals switching their main gaming platform to NextBox just for the insane value that is Game Pass.

I managed to buy two years of games with gold before I converted that to game pass ultimate and I already had a couple of moths so I’m set with a lot of next gen games til 09/30/2021 for really peanuts money.
Access to a lot of next gen games day one through Game Pass just made me sure I will get the scarlet day one. And I can really see casuals recognising the amazing value that is Game Pass and actually make the move or getting a scarlet as secondary machine .

rainslacker1770d ago (Edited 1770d ago )

Yeah. Buy bias borne from being disappointed with what they did this gen. For some of us, we aren't goldfish who just completely forget what happened 6 seconds ago.

Anything can happen, but doesn't mean we have to care if there is something else that provides for us without hs having to put much thought into it.

If I was buying a car, and my current car was a POS, I wouldn't be looking to buy a car from the same manufacturer just because they got their shit together. I spent 20 years not buying a Ford because their cars were crap in the 80s and 90s. They got good again after the bailout, and it still took another ten years and a lot if proof to convince me they were worth taking a look

Sitdown1769d ago

My gosh, are you people not reading? The person did not say they were waiting to see, they said they are skipping it.

And please let's not compare a $400 or so console to a vehicle that I would hope costs significantly more, and should be used significantly more. That's a bad example all around, because guess what, if I'm just into Madden, Microsoft didn't nothing to prevent me from playing Madden.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1769d ago
sprinterboy1770d ago

They said that with xbox one, oh sorry here's the S, (still no games) oh here's the X (still no games) you get the point

LordJamar1770d ago

Jeez still spouting that no games crap grow up

sprinterboy1770d ago

Says the Xbox fans who did nothing but spout out ps3 had no games for 3 years.
Ffs grow up.

Sitdown1770d ago

How are they able to sell game pass when there are no games in it?

sprinterboy1770d ago

I know I don't get it, oh wait your sheep.

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