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Sacrificing Gameplay for Narratives

The two largest parts of a videogame experience are the narratives that they tell, and the enjoyment players get from them.

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Community1787d ago
ArchangelMike1787d ago

There are actually more than just a few games that blend both gameplay and narrative. You kind of have to define what you mean by gameplay though - since gameplay can mean different things to different games. Take strategy games - lets say X-Com for example; the gameplay is excellent, and it could be argued that the narrative is inconsequential - by that I mean that the story is a bonus. People play X-com for the gameplay, and not for the story. However, the story (especially how it progresses from X-Com to X-Com 2, is actually very well done).

Then you have games like the SoulsBourne series, where the story is deep and intriguing, but essentially has to be discovered through gameplay. Then there are outliers, like Oxenfree, Inside, Braid etc etc that have uniques blends of narrative and gameply

However the obvious examples of a near perfect marriage of narrative and game play, I would say the Mass Effect series (not counting Andromeda). The fan outcry due to the ending of ME3 was a testament to the impact and importance of the ME narrative, specifically as it related to gameplay. People felt cheated with a cheap narrative hack because through gameplay they had made specific choices that didn't seem to carry over narratively.

Would you kindly allow me to name just one more game that is an example of near perfect narrative and gameplay balance - Bioshock.

kneon1786d ago

The ending of ME3 didn't bother me, mostly because I was already aware that your in-game choices were mostly just an illusion of choice throughout 1 and 2.

AspiringProGenji1787d ago (Edited 1787d ago )

The Last of Us nearly perfected this balance in its campaign which is what made the game so enjoyable and immersive to play, then there's the MP which is so much fun to play. That and Infamous 2 are my mold of what AAA games should be: Fun, have a great narrative, and improve upon the 1st game in all aspects. Love these 2 games to death... Gimme a Infamous 2 remaster Sony NOW

SyntheticForm1786d ago (Edited 1786d ago )

Infamous 2 is a great example of a good narrative-gameplay balance with a good story, well written supporting characters, and really fun, over-the-top gameplay.

The Last of Us is another good example with good gunplay, satisfying melee, and good stealth. The characters, story, and pacing were excellent of course.

ShockUltraslash1786d ago

Tlow has awful gameplay though.

TK-661786d ago (Edited 1786d ago )

Nah. It was still weird seeing Ellie as pretty much immortal/undetectable when she was an AI companion. God of War did it better. Especially when you lose control of Atreus after he begins to get cocky and he fires arrows whenever he wants rather than on command. That was a subtle but well done way of balancing the gameplay with narrative.

And there's the obvious thing where AI will take notice of Atreus and attack him.

AspiringProGenji1786d ago

That’s what I meant when I said it nearly did. Those moments broke my immersion every time a bit. Hopefully that isn’t thing with TLoU 2

Potnoodle9991786d ago

It was obvious god of war took so much inspiration with Atreus from tlou and ellie.... given that tlou inspired greatness in gow I think it’s pretty impressive. Anyway not gonna go into it but tlou is an incredible game and always will be.

Sevir1787d ago

Sacrificing gameplay for narrative... Playing a video game is simply mashing buttons at the very distilled analysis of the term in video games.

If you're trying have the argument that video game designers put more effort into the narrative at the cost of engaging gameplay mechanics then that's another story.

There's something to be said if Narratives suffer due to the fact that developers often develop them seperately due to budget and scope and time then try to meld them together at the last minute, as that for the longest is normal industry practice. But if the Game is developed with Narrative that lends itself story to emergent and engaging gameplay mechanics then we get games like God of War, and Uncharted and Horizon and The Last of Us where every form of game play mechanic ties into the lore, and story the world itself is telling.

But let's not kid ourselves, Narrative heavy games like God of War and ND's PS3-PS4 era games don't suffer because of their Narrative. Not have they sacrificed gameplay for narrative.

At the end of the day you're simply pushing buttons to trigger contextual movements and actions on screen. And that is the very basic interface of playing a game on consoles and handheld machines.

Imalwaysright1786d ago (Edited 1786d ago )

"Playing a video game is simply mashing buttons at the very distilled analysis of the term in video games. "

No it isn't just like playing chess isn't just moving some pieces. I'm doing more than pushing some buttons even in games that seem simple like tetris.

Shiken1786d ago (Edited 1786d ago )

Sounds like you have been playing more naratives than games if that is all you think good gameplay is.

But I will agree that games like God of War and Horizon Zero Dawn did indeed strike a beautiful balance.

FanboyPolice1786d ago

Geez ,that's garbage. Narrative and gameplay are not two elements that goes on the same balance. The fact that your gameplay is awesome does not mean that your narrative must suck. They are correlated, but the lack of one does not complement the other. It's a very narrow way to see development.

You do have to have equally experienced and committed people working in both sides, that understands and love the project.

OB1Biker1786d ago

I dont want waste my time with this article but GOW seems the opposite of that. Its strenght is precisely the gameplay.

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Monolith's Wonder Woman Is Reportedly In A Troubled State Of Development

Monolith Productions' action adventure title based on the DC Comics IP, Wonder Woman, is reportedly in a troubled state of development.

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RaidenBlack1d 2h ago

The only current DC game that might be good is already in trouble?

robtion1d 2h ago

They should look at Stellar Blade for ideas on how to make a great game with top tier combat and a female protagonist who is strong, capable and feminine.

Hopefully it does not turn out loaded with micro-transactions, GaaS, or 'modern gender politics'.

RaidenBlack23h ago

Monolith has confirmed its a single-player only with no live-service elements.
Monolith is a veteran dev studio and their last work were the stealth-action Mordor series with the Nemesis system.

robtion3h ago

Great should be no problem then. I loved the Mordor games and the Condemned games too. I'm also a fan of Wonder Woman.

INMATEofARKHAM8m ago(Edited 8m ago)

Monolith goes way back and doesn't have a history of publishing bad games. I would say their last bad release was over 2 decades ago.

Lightning7718h ago

It seems it's the games that we want that are always in trouble.

Tired of this.

isarai6h ago

WB games, fkn stoooop. It's insane the talent you have at your disposal and just keep managing them into the ground.


Settle down with Rolling Hills: Make Sushi, Make Friends on Xbox Game Pass and PC

Available now on Xbox and PC - Day One to Game Pass subscribers - Rolling Hills: Make Sushi, Make Friends sees you adopt the role of Sushi Bot

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XDefiant How to Get Twitch Drop Rewards

In this article, you can find all the information regarding Twitch Drop Rewards in XDefiant, and how to get them.

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