
Game Pass is the Future of Xbox

For weeks Tanner had been staring at the three months of Game Pass for $1 advertisement on my Xbox dashboard every time he turned the console on. Each time he thought, “that’s a pretty good deal.” But then he’d simply move on to play whatever he turned on the console for in the first place.

Last week, he finally took advantage of that deal.

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Spurg1939d ago (Edited 1939d ago )

Gamepass has shown great potential and the number 1 subscription service.
-Day one Xbox game studios games.
-Day one indie games like Void bastards, Below and Ashen.
-Consistent recent games every month
-Every growing library of games that are downloadable
-Backward compatible games are available

Potential future of the service
-There has been day one indie exclusive and day one third-party AAA games may follow.
-Will be a great integration with Xcloud
-Gamepass and Xcloud on mobile will bring games to wherever you go.

ApocalypseShadow1939d ago (Edited 1939d ago )

"...and the number 1 subscription service."

Just...NO. I shouldn't even have to explain this. Not in subscribers. Not in the amount of games. Not in sales. And the competitor has streaming and downloading.

...................NO........ .....

When you have to put your newly produced games on a service just to get noticed because sales aren't hitting the numbers, then there's a reason for day one launch games on there. When the competition is selling millions of copies of their launch games and then later, will put them on their "#1service."

Atom6661938d ago

"Not in subscribers"

Fanboy nonsense aside, you really think GP hasn't topped PS Now's 700k subs?

You can choose to disregard MS saying they already have millions of subs if you want, I suppose. By all means, go buy some MS stock and fire off a 10b-5 suit for misleading investors to prove them wrong.

But common sense tells me that they do have more than 700k subs. As aggressive as they've been in pricing and marketing? Come on.

Kingthrash3601938d ago (Edited 1938d ago )

What has the world come to when we are bragging about services?

Ownership is out the window....now we brag about rental services. No longer are we talking about how good or bad a game is, no...now we are talking about how many games or how recent its available on a rental service.

This allows these companies to launch mediocre to bad games add it to a service and please you.

It's time to wake up....subscriptons are equal to DRM. Ownership is what you want not a subscription where they choose what you play and take away games after a certain time.

1938d ago
ApocalypseShadow1938d ago

I'm aware what it is king. The point is facts. He ignores the facts in his statement.

I don't want DRM either. But let's stick with facts.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1938d ago
Razzer1938d ago (Edited 1938d ago )

" the number 1 subscription service"

Maybe on console, but Humble Bundle on PC is still the best subscription service overall, imo. Costs the same if purchased annually and you keep the games forever. Last two months they added COD: Black Ops 4 and AD: Origins.

Having said that, I would add to your Game Pass list of pros the ability to buy Game Pass with Microsoft Rewards.

rainslacker1938d ago

I wish humble bundle had more console bundles. They usually have really good ones when they do.

rainslacker1938d ago

"Gamepass has shown great potential and the number 1 subscription service"

And you got this number one sub service statistic from where? MS hasn't stated it's number one. They haven't given user counts, or sales numbers. You on't really know the numbers for other services, and I'm assuming you mean it's number one in terms of services like it, and not general gaming services. If it's the latter, then no, it's far from number one. XBL would surpass it handily, as would PS+. PSNow has already been shown to make more money, and while MS practically gives it away for free, it's not like you get to play it for free indefinately, so the costs shouldn't show that much discrepency...to the point Sony had the majority share of the market in terms of revenue, against all other competitors combined.

If you're just talking about the subjective value vs features, then carry on. I actually do think Game Pass is a great value. Number one I tend to look at more objectively with quantifiable data before making such claims.

gangsta_red1937d ago

I love how you can't say anything positive about Xbox without getting into an argument on this site.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1937d ago
PhoenixUp1939d ago

Can’t deny the appeal of an on demand service

AK911938d ago

If so then I want nothing to do with Xbox

1938d ago Replies(1)
Vasto1938d ago

Xbox Game Pass is amazing

1938d ago Replies(5)
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10 City Building Games That Can Fulfill Your Urban Planning Fantasies

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sourOG809d ago

Communism simulator lmao. Spoiler: there are no good endings.

I didn’t know frost punk was a city building game, I thought it was RTS for some reason. I’m going to look into that when these evolution 2 challenges are done pissing me off.

chicken_in_the_corn809d ago

I love Tropico even though I'm really bad at it. 4 is the best one IMO.


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