
Hands-on PS4 Remote Play App on iOS

Sony has just released the new remote play app for iOS devices and Gaming Boulevard puts it to the test on an iPhone 6S Plus to see if older devices can get in on the fun!

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Spurg1915d ago

Remote play is quite terrible.
I played Metro on my surface pro 6 and it would run like trash.

gangsta_red1915d ago

That's pretty cool that a lot of these companies are gearing up to have their console games be played on any device.

Godmars2901915d ago

But a console is still needed in this case. Unlike with Xbox...

gangsta_red1914d ago

Strange...because it still doesn't take away the fact that console games can be played on any device as I stated.

And I'm sure in the future Sony will extend their PSNow services to devices as they are with remote play.........

Godmars2901914d ago

PSNow was offered on TVs, other similar Sony brand devices, with the intent to eventually be offered on other TVs and the like if popular, only it wasn't. Much like offering PS3/PS4 titles in addition to older games was something they'd phase into as an enhancement or compliment to the actual console. An entry and/or advertisement towards console gaming, that if popular enough, could indeed replace console gaming. Again, if demand for such was there.

In contrast what MS is doing, not only putting all games including day-one titles on other PC related devices including a competing physical console yet doesn't involve their own physical console, removes - as in completely - any need for their physical console. and they are diving head first into that process rather than wading in like Sony.

This is exactly like what they did with the XB1 DRM launch policies, and we all - should - remember face-first cannonball into rocky shallows that resulted in.

gangsta_red1914d ago



I'm still not even understanding exactly what we're discussing or what you're trying to even disprove or perhaps approve here.

Sony is definitely preparing to offer their services beyond consoles and they are allowing options and features to allow console gaming on mobile devices, why this is somehow sparking some fierce debate with you to have to point in the different ways they're doing it compared to Microsoft was never my argument or point.

Godmars2901914d ago (Edited 1914d ago )

Put plainly:

*RIGHT NOW* you don't need an Xbox *CONSOLE* to play Xbox games yet *IN THE INTIMIDATE FUTURE* they plan to offer multiple versions of the *CONSOLE* you *WONT* need.

Meanwhile Sony, who's selling *CONSOLE GAMES* that have to be played *ON A CONSOLE* have enhanced and complimented *CONSOLE GAMING* and need for a *CONSOLE* before releasing their *NEXT CONSOLE* while *PLANNING* for *NON-CONSOLE* gaming in the *NOT IMMEDIATE* future. They are *PREPARING* to migrate to *NON-CONSOLE* gaming should it become popular where MS *HAS ALREADY* migrated from *CONSOLE* gaming while still offering *CONSOLES*.

(Okay, maybe I could have put it plainer, but then it kind of gt away from me...)

gangsta_red1914d ago

So, Sony has *OPTIONS* and *FEATURES* to play their *CONSOLE GAMES* on *MOBILE* devices as we BOTH keep saying in EACH AND EVERY REPLY TO ONE ANOTHER.

The links I left *ALSO* state that *SONY* is preparing to extend their other *SERVICES* to be played on *OTHER DEVICES* in the *IMMEDIATE* future as the job listings actually state.

I'm glad we got all this cleared up. I was starting to think we were talking about two different things here.

Godmars2901914d ago (Edited 1914d ago )

The issue is that you keep insisting that MS haven't killed their console. Reduced the Xbox brand to an app that, for all its time in the console industry, continues to struggle as if they just got into it.

That they've bought new dev studios means nothing if they're only going to apply a "FPS" or "GaaS" mentality and restriction on them. Restriction which very well likely would made the games those studios became known for from ever being considered for development.

Also, like with MS buying studios, those intimidate job listing from Sony aren't going to translate into immediate results. Talking 3-5 years if not longer of research alone, versus what MS did months ago that's already sabotaged what they're planning to do withing months.

gangsta_red1914d ago

"The issue is that you keep insisting that MS haven't killed their console."

What?! I never once even mentioned any of this, that was you. Where exactly do you see me insisting this?

"That they've bought new dev studios means nothing if they're only going to apply a "FPS" or "GaaS" mentality and restriction on them."

I'm still trying to figure out what the hell does this have to do with anything I originally said. You seriously have no idea what you're even talking about now yourself as you have now gone way off topic with what you think MS's new studios are making which once again has nothing to do with anything I'm mentioning.

"Sony aren't going to translate into immediate results.."

Lol, this is more wishful thinking on your part which is still baffling because once again both Sony and MS have options and features to play console games on mobile devices and it will grow even further and sooner than you want to think.

Godmars2901914d ago

You're trying to insist that Sony's doing the *EXACT* same thing as MS, when they're not. Sony might be gearing up for the possibility of a non-console future, but MS is purposely striving towards one. And while their inability to create and support a diverse 1st party library may not seem important to your, it is actually at the core of what they're trying to do.

gangsta_red1913d ago

Waitaminute....first I'm insisting that MS isn't killing their consoles, now I'm insisting that Sony is doing the EXACT same thing? So much *insisting* from one comment that just said both companies are allowing games on mobile devices.

"Sony might be gearing up for the possibility of a non-console future,"

LMFAO, wow, just....wow...I mean, for real, read that quote you just left. I seriously can't even begin to point out how hilarious you are at contradicting your own self.

"And while their inability to create and support a diverse 1st party library.."

hmmmmm, more ramblings that have ZERO to do with anything on topic, me or this article is discussing. It's the equivalent of me discussing Sony's censorship, no crossplay with consoles or inability to create diverse games that don't follow the single player, cinematic, emotional story driven template. All off topic and has nothing to do with anything here. The fact that you can't even see this is what's making this the number one rated comedy show it is now.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1913d ago
StrengthInNumbers1915d ago (Edited 1915d ago )

A decent implementation. I'll wait for DS4 support.

TheUndertaker851915d ago

I have the iPhone 6 and the app is still capable of running. No surprise it will on a 6S. The 6S is capable of running Fortnite while the 6 is not. The 6S also meets the 2GB RAM requirement while the 6 only has 1GB.

Destiny10801915d ago

all we need is 5G, a controller and of course one of those fancy foldable phones or you could just buy a switch

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Razer Kishi Ultra Review - Remote Play and Mobile Gaming Goes XL

PSLS writes: I have traveled across the country using the Razer Kishi Ultra in airports and hotels for both PlayStation Remote Play and mobile gaming in general, and I am thoroughly impressed.

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Miles Morales Remote Play Over WiFi 6 with Full HDR on iPhone 12 Pro

Can't stand to be away from your PS5 just yet? Craving some more Spider-Man Miles Morales. Remote play will help you with that. It works surprisingly well.

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SullysCigar1288d ago

What's funny is remote play has only been mentioned as a side note by Sony. People were asking for clarity regarding PS5 for months and eventually it was acknowledged right on launch, like, "What? oh yeah, that's there too and works great, but whatever, we we want to talk about..."

Meanwhile, every other article was touting how you can play your Xbox on your phone and showing pictures of a gadget attaching the phone to the controller...just like Sony has had (and I have owned) for YEARS!

isarai1288d ago

EXACTLY, it seems really weird to me.

potatoseal1288d ago (Edited 1288d ago )

It's because Sony know that NO ONE uses it. No one cares. MS will soon find that out. People just don't want to play big games on tiny screens via remote play. The people that do are in a small minority. It's the same with BC for 360 and OG Xbox, only a small minority even use it regularly. These are all nice features to have, but there are bigger things to talk about and that's why Sony hardly mentioned it.

gaffyh1287d ago

True, nobody uses half of the features to be honest. Just nice to have.

Neonridr1287d ago

I mean I bought my Vita basically to be used for remote play on my PS4. Most games it worked fine enough, some games had some brutal control setups which mean you had to use the touch screen to perform certain actions (infamous SS for example). I can see the appeal for people who want to continue gaming when they are away from their machine, but it's definitely not a huge draw.

Tacoboto1287d ago

I use both remote play (PS & Steam) and BC (Xbox) regularly... Remote Play is super nice when you're able to use Ethernet on your host devices, none are really playable to me over Wifi.

Xbox though doesn't let you play 360 games from remote play and it's got terrible audio crackling. So even when they're later they're still worse at it.

nveenio1287d ago

I use remote play a lot. Just not for playing. I use it for things like checking downloads or installs, or even logging into a game to see what the in-game notices are without having to climb out of bed to the living room television. It's a handy feature. I treat it quite a bit like remote desktop. No, it's not how I want to use my PC all of the time, but it sure is nice to have that kind of access to my PC when I want/need it.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1287d ago
ABizzel11286d ago (Edited 1286d ago )

You can remote play on your phone, laptop, desktop, etc... And as long as you have a solid internet connection it works really good. I've been using my iPad left and right with it. Remote Play has been around since the PS3 days, and it has gotten better with each generation.

I don't recommend using it in highly responsive driving games as sometimes you can get a little hick-up, but it's perfectly suited for games like turn-based RPGs, cards games, and things like that.


How to Setup Sony PS4 Remote Play Download for Android

In the latest update the Sony PS4 Remote Play download has is now available for use with Android and features Bluetooth PS4 controller support.

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Jimboms1699d ago

Obviously the Vita compatibility is the only important part of this.

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Ratchet751697d ago

I've been remote playing on my Sony xz3 for the past two years now with a dualshock attached to it and it's a million time better with a psvita.

Teflon021697d ago

XZ3 is only just over a year old though...
But yes, this Android feature is nothing new and I actually prefer it on Vita over phones

Ratchet751697d ago (Edited 1697d ago )

I meant xz2.
Just a typo😉

1699d ago
NarutoFox1699d ago

I haven't tested it out yet

bluefox7551697d ago

I tried this a few years ago, you had to use a work around though, probably easier now.

KTF261697d ago

I can download it from Play Store now
I assume it's no longer exclusive on Xperia devices

Xaevi1697d ago

Works better than with a Vita, it would lag real bad for me on there. Ik it's never gonna happen but I would so love a remote play app on the Switch

Zeke681697d ago

Just buy a Playstation...

Xaevi1697d ago

I already own a PS4. so what would buying another do?

KTF261697d ago

his comment implied he already own a PS4
he just want a remote play App for the switch

Zeke681697d ago

Fair enough, guess I fastread these comments just a little too fast while I was sitting here in the local hockeyarena waiting for next period to start. My fault. 😉

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