
Dead or Alive 6 review – fabulous fighting with an unwelcome soft-porn vibe - The Guardian

"Impressive graphics and an innovative story mode make for faultless gameplay in the latest instalment of this series, but its hyper-sexualised characters feel out of touch" The Guardian says.

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Community1920d ago
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annoyedgamer1920d ago
ReVibe1921d ago

It's DoA... play it or move along.

CobraKai1919d ago

Right!! They only realize this 6 games into the series?!?

Felix_Argyle_Catbro1921d ago

What is it with Americans fearing the human body? They have no problem when it comes to destroying it though...

1920d ago Replies(1)
Omnisonne1920d ago

Or promoting so called ''slut walks'', where actual women barely wear any clothing.
I bet the people complaining about game titties and promoting these walks are the same too.

nyu11920d ago (Edited 1920d ago )

What is it that's so hard to understand about sexualization being out of place ? It's criticism just like any other criticism about other aspects of a game.

but the online gaming community doesn't get that. It's always same old stupid arguments. "So violence is okay but not sex?" (as if the two were the same kind of thing), "oh why so scared of the human body".

So stupid.

RavageX1920d ago (Edited 1920d ago )

This game series has been about what it's about, so its not out of place for this game.

Hungryalpaca1920d ago

You’re not helping your case. They’re titties. You people sound like the christians did every time a movie came out.

Go clutch your pearls else where.

rainslacker1920d ago

How is it out of place here? It's been a staple of the series since the first game. Also, over sexualization is a far cry from soft core porn.

Why is it that you blame the community as being wrong, or not getting it? The same old arguments are used, because the same people who want to seem all moral and judgemental of others, keep making stupid comments about how these things are bad, unwanted, or just going around shaming others because it makes them feel good about themselves.

But, if you're so worried about people asking the same old things, why not answer the questions.

Why is violence OK, but sex is not? You're right, sex and violence are not the same thing....violence is much worse. Given the choice between killing someone, or having sex with someone, I'd choose sex. Given the choice between beating someone to a pulp, versus watching a girl in some sexy clothing, doing sexy things, I'd pick the girl.

Why are you scared of the human body? Or better question, why are you so worried about what other people feel about the human body? It doesn't hurt you, or anyone else if some people like it.

You're right though, it is so stupid, but that's because people like you don't really want to have an intelligent discussion on the topic. You bring puritan beliefs into a community which isn't anywhere near majorly puritan, and you get unequal representation of voice in that discussion, and you continue to think your right, and remain ignorant, while others just want to be left alone, and for this idiocy to die.

You have the capability to ignore these games. You don't have to buy them or play them. You don't have to engage in the discussion. But, those who want this game, or others like it, would be hard pressed to discuss the game without someone like you coming in and adding their voice. Censorship happens, which affects us that do care about this game. You don't care about the game, you just care about the devs or industry appease your moral viewpoint, affecting us.

That's what's so stupid about it.

RememberThe3571920d ago

For me I don't associate sex with violence so any games that have half naked beautiful women kicking ass always seems weird to me. Kicking ass is for rugged pissed off men and sexiness is for naked chicks. I remember feeling that way with the first Bayonetta, the game is great but the sexuality amungst so much carnage just threw me off. Yet Kratos is mostly naked and I don't give a sh!t I just want to murder stuff. Maybe I'm being too narrow minded or maybe I'm being an SJW, I don't even know nowdays. The definitions of these terms keep changing.

Aloren1919d ago

It's not out of place. It's been part of DOA for decades.

And actually, I'd be curious to know why people fear to be seen playing a game with girls in bikini yet they are ok to brag about their headshot streak , or their triple kill, or their victory in a battle royale....

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1919d ago
WeedyOne1920d ago

Its a fake trend created by major media which is nothing more than a tabloid these days...

rainslacker1920d ago

I dunno, but apparently the reviewer has no idea what constitutes soft core porn. I can't think of any DOA game, even the volleyball ones, that have any kind of soft core porn material in them. There is no implied sexual intercourse, nor excessively long sequences of women(or men), doing sexy things like taking their clothes off while being sexy at the same time.

It's sad to see people who misappropriate terminology to try and seem intelligent. They only end up looking ignorant.

Further, the reviewer is saying its unwelcome, and maybe it is to them, but it shows a complete lack of knowledge of the series, because people buying it, probably do welcome it.

Lord_Sloth1920d ago

What is it with people blaming Americans for British articles?

Flewid6381920d ago

I'm American and a hardcore fan of DOA. The art style is just corny. Nobody is so prude that we dont like the bounce....its just dumb as fuck. lol.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 1919d ago
SegaGamer1921d ago

I personally find the obscene season pass more unwelcome.

Rapidfirepunches1920d ago

Buy the stuff you want separately then. Do you expect 64 costumes and 2 characters to be cheap? Other games sell single skins for $15-$35.

SegaGamer1920d ago (Edited 1920d ago )

Yes, why shouldn't they be cheap? You actually think all of that stuff should cost more than the price of a full game? Those costumes were already made, so I can argue that they should be in the base game to begin with. This stuff has just been held back because they want money, it's pure greed. Just put it in the game so we can unlock it, like we used to do in the past. What makes it worse is that this is only season pass 1, there is more to come!

Also, other games doing it doesn't make it okay for this game to have it. I have always been against this type of thing, no matter what game it is. The difference is that this genre is the only one that gets away with it and has it's fans making excuses for it.

People like you making excuses for this type of thing is why we have seen overpriced DLC and Microtransactions get worse and worse in the last decade.

Sorry, but if you think it's normal to charge over £1000 just to get the whole experience from a game (like with DoA5) then you have been brainwashed. Something like this would have been unheard of only a few years ago, but people like you have let yourself be tricked into thinking it's okay and completely normal.

Sgt_Slaughter1920d ago

Are you seriously trying to defend a $100 pass? This is why they feel like they can charge this much, because suckers like you give them the money.

Rapidfirepunches1920d ago

If you take into account the characters being at least $3.99 (probably more) that makes the costumes only $1.33 each (or less if the character price is higher).

It costs like $8 for a sticker in Anthem. Fortenite Skins can be 25 bucks each.

If you don't want to pay $93 for 64 costumes that's perfectly normal, you should buy them separately then if you really want some. Suggesting that 64 costumes should be free? You might as well just go to the developers and take money from their wallets.

Dizzy115231920d ago

That's why it should have been free to play.

Rapidfirepunches1920d ago

The free to play version will be coming later

SegaGamer1920d ago


Why do you keep bringing up other games in your defence? I already said that I don't agree with those games either. Fortnite obviousy get's away with it a bit because it's free to play, I don't agree with the prices of those skins though, and I feel the same way about Anthem as I do with other games that force this crap into games.

Also, how is buying them seperately any better? It's still going to cost a ridiculous amount to buy the complete game. And don't feed me that "you can buy costumes for the characters you like" line, that is as weak an excuse as any other. When I used to unlock costumes for characters in fighting games in the past, I wanted them for all characters, we did it because we liked completing games 100%. To do that now, I would need to pay for multiple season passes that cost insane amonts of money. I remember playing Dragon Ball Z Budokai games and unlocking the stuff with capsules that you paid for with IN GAME MONEY. If that was today, we would probably have to pay £30 extra just to unlock it.

If people keep defending this, then dont be surprised when we start seeing £120 season passes and higher as the years go on.

King_Noctis1920d ago

Well, in Smash costume are free. So...

CorndogBurglar1919d ago

I get what you are saying about devs making money off of this stuff. The price of games hasn't gone up since the Xbox 360 game out. But where does it end? It used to be that Season Passes were about $20-$30 for content that would release over the course of many months. It could be anything from costumes and skins all the way up to weapons and extra missions.

But because people have been buying this stuff companies keep pushing the envelope to see how much they can get away with. Before long the price was $40-$50. Now the norm is about $60. That's a the price of a whole new game! And keep in mind that there has NEVER been a Season Pass that includes as much content as a base game. So that's silly in itself.

But people keep buying it. Now look. $100 for a Season Pass? Are people out of their minds? And you're defending this? That is just completely insane.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 1917d ago
gamer78041920d ago

But its optional so its not forced on you so therefore can't be unwelcomed. Buy the individual characters only.

Rapidfirepunches1920d ago

This costumes in HD games are much more expensive and time consuming to make than those old games. They don't grow on trees you know. Don't forget DOA5 gave away lots of free costumes over time too.

King_Noctis1920d ago (Edited 1920d ago )

So that is the reason it costs more than the base game? Or do you mean that those costumes take longer to develop than the actual game that is why it cost more?

Rapidfirepunches1920d ago

A small % of people who bought the game will buy costumes. It's supply and demand. If everyone who bought the game also bought the costumes, they could make them cheaper.

Rachel_Alucard1920d ago

Blame KT, they have a different mindset then the rest of the industry with DLC. They don't see a game missing DLC as being less of a game. So they just keep adding things. That season pass thing only started with the 3rd release of DOA5 and it was only in response to some whales who found it annoying to have to download everything one at a time. This pass is 2x the most expensive season passes in the west, and it only covers 3 months. Most people wouldn't be so adverse to it if it covered a whole year of content or everything for this one version. But pricing that much for so little return on top of knowing there's gonna be more in 3 months is what drives everyone away from it.

Though I'm surprised this company just released a 4th season pass that's $45 for DW9 and it's all weapon reskins.

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GrizToof1920d ago

You guys that are offended about Doa's boobs need to stop. It's been part of the game since the beginning and it should never stop being that way. Its freaking harmless and nothing to cry over.

Omnisonne1920d ago

Yeah DOA's been around forever, and now suddenly its article after article of ''sexualization this'' ''objectification that''. I've never been into fighting games so I haven't played it, but these journalists are just weak.

Fist4achin1920d ago

I thought the women were just expressing themselves.

rainslacker1920d ago

Women in this game are pretty kick ass, and generally are strong characters....relative to what you'd expect from a fighting game. DOA has an above average story line for the series. Them being sexy is just a matter of style, not a testament to their worth as a character. My favorite characters are Ayane, and my favorite outfit of hers is her fully clothed ninja outfit(same as Ayane), and Kokoro, with my favorite outfit being her Geisha robes. They're sexy because they are, not because they're trying to be sexual.

NotanotherReboot1920d ago

Imagine getting offended by fictional boobs

nyu11920d ago

Imagine being so thick headed as to conflate any criticism about sex with being 'offended'

Hungryalpaca1920d ago

Imagine being you. What an awful life that would be.

rainslacker1920d ago

The only criticism one should accept about sex is from their sexual partner. Men should just accept it from their female partners, and women should tell the men to shut up, they'll do what they want. That's the balance that has existed for long enough that we don't need to rock the boat.

Any other criticism is just an expression of one's personal viewpoints on the subject itself. None of these expressions are representative of anything meaningful in the big picture, because people ascribe their viewpoints to make a judgement, instead of actually knowing the facts to know how the content affects the world around them.

I can say I feel Game of Thrones has become way too gratuitous in it's sexual content because it is unnecessary to the story in the way its done. Doesn't mean I'm against sex, or that I feel that I need to shame others who like it. Unfortunately though, those who do it like yourself, or some in the press use it to judge the game, or others who may not care about it, or actually want that content.

averagejoe261920d ago

Imagine getting upset at not being able to drool over CGI boobs

Hungryalpaca1920d ago

What? That doesn’t make any sense. It’s part of the game. Removing it because some people are offended is ludicrous.

You seriously need to change your name to belowaveragejoe26. You don’t seem very smart. That 26 for your iq?

gamer78041920d ago

Imagine getting upset at being able to drool over CGI boobs

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Dead Or Alive 6's Year Of Support Is An Embarrassment To Modern Fighters

Dead or Alive 6 was supported by the developer for one year and we've heard nothing for an entire year after about what is happening with the series.

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azariosays1140d ago
bunt-custardly1139d ago

They added how much $$$ worth of DLC costumes? I think a lot of fans are probably sick of this practice other than the die-hards or those with deep pockets. Unlike other fighting games, adding more costumes brings nothing new to the table. The core game is very much the same as it was on release. With the free to play Venus Vacation or whatever it is called, there is a real chance they could add plenty new fighters from there, but they choose not to.

TricksterArrow1139d ago

DoA is becoming a meme at this point. It used to be a fighting game with some sexy fighters, now it’s the other way around. Rather go to a porn site. Cheaper.

isarai1139d ago

Usually i didnt care about the DLC because the games were packed with enough content on there own imo. But 6 is a f#@king disgrace, not only is it the least amount of constumes i've ever seen in a fighter period, they are the lamest and most generic bland outfits in the series. Seriously when Zack only has business suits and some ufc shorts, you done messed up. So much of this game screams of low effort, really shook my confidence in team ninja

autobotdan1139d ago

Dead or Alive 6 never made a EVO tournament

Terry_B1139d ago

Doa 3,4,5,6 were just DOA 2 with more characters and more sexy costumes anyway. Even Tekken evolved more.

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Senran Kagura New Link Brings Back Dead or Alive 6 With New Crossover

Koei Tecmo has stopped supporting Dead or Alive 6 with new content but Marvelous is ready to throw fans a bone via Senran Kagura: New Link.

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Top 10 Games With Outrageously Expensive DLCs

DLCs can end up being more expensive than the games themselves but these 10 titles are taking things way too far.

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Community1367d ago
Pist0ler01367d ago

Why do people expect things that developers work really hard for, for free or close to nothing?

fsfsxii1367d ago

Are you shilling for free?

Pist0ler01367d ago

Really, why are DLC supposed to be free?

anast1367d ago

It depends, if its recycled and or cut content or crafted as a stand alone. One is more work than the other. And the cost should reflect that.

Rachel_Alucard1367d ago

No one argued they should be free. But charging nearly $100 for some costume sets is robbery. Good thing the support died after a year.

anast1367d ago

I thought Sims was going to be more expensive. I am surprised about the cost of the "simulator DLCs" and not surprised about Star Citizen.

GoodGuy091367d ago

$90 for an uncensor dlc for gal gun....anybody remember that? Lol.