
We Happy Few Gets a Free VR Experience, Now out on PSVR

A free VR experience titled We Happy Few Uncle Jack Live VR made a surprise launch today on PlayStation VR.

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crazyCoconuts2128d ago

Ok, pretty cool that MS didn't tank this altogether. MSEvilRating - -;

Jinger2128d ago

Pretty sure MS has no control over We Happy Few since it's still being published by Gearbox.

crazyCoconuts2128d ago

Maybe I'm misunderstanding the role of the publisher... Don't they handle promotion and distribution? If MS / Compulsion wanted this VR experience axed, they still own the game and Gearbox wouldn't have a say,would they?

ApocalypseShadow2128d ago

The game was already made and released on PS4. This is a different situation than Hellblade. If the base PS4 was powerful enough, I don't doubt that the VR update would have released too.

It adds value

rainslacker2127d ago


Gearbox would have already paid for the production of the game. When MS brought the dev, they'd still be obligated to honor any contracts that existed before they made the purchase.

Jinger2128d ago

Depending on the entire role of the publisher. If they're funding game development as well as advertisement, distribution etc. then they would probably have more say. Not sure how much Gearbox is involved. But I doubt Compulsion wanted to axe the PSVR version they have been working on before MS bought them. Would be a waste of money and I don't think MS wants to operate and annoy their newly acquired studios like that.

But its hard to say for sure without knowing exactly what their deal was when MS acquired them.

Jinger2128d ago

Awesome! Will be checking this out.

Fist4achin2128d ago

Some should be happy bout that...

Jinger2128d ago

I guess this flies in the face to those that were saying MS purposefully kept Hellblades VR version off of PSVR...

rainslacker2127d ago

Not really. In this case, the game is being published by someone other than MS. Due to the way the game was funded, MS had no control over We Happy Few, or this VR thing. With Hellblade, the dev was self publishing, so when MS brought them, they kept control over the game, and any IP's owned by NT.

Its not to say that MS purposefully kept the game off PSVR, but this doesn't fly in the face of that.


Here are the new Xbox Game Pass Quests for June 2022

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Dystopian Games Inspired by Orwell's 1984

BLG writes: "Dystopian games are more relevant than ever in a day and age when the world seems to be getting progressively bleaker with each passing year. But dystopian fiction, in general, isn’t trying to make us depressed by showing us how much worse things could get. Rather, the point is (usually) to serve as a cautionary tale, and there’s perhaps no tale more cautionary than George Orwell’s 1984."

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NecrumOddBoy729d ago

A game that should absolutely be on this list is Disco Elysium. That game is wildly deep in the field of its take on social issues, politics, religion, morality, and the internal struggles of the human psyche.

robtion729d ago

Still haven't finished it but Disco Elysium is really great. I love the dark sense of humour.

robtion729d ago (Edited 729d ago )

I love dystopian settings in general. We happy few is an excellent game. It is basically a mash up of 1984 and the other dystopian classic Brave New World. The drug 'Joy' is essentially 'Soma' from Aldous Huxley's novel.

729d ago
porkChop729d ago

Orwell was surprisingly engrossing. I enjoyed it quite a bit more than I expected. I bought the sequel on Steam but haven't gotten around to playing it yet.

awiseman729d ago (Edited 729d ago )

Don't need a game to experience Orwell. Real life follows it pretty well.


6 Failed Video Games That Wasted Potential

We love good games for many years, and we can ruthlessly criticize the bad ones. But there is more: Failed Video Games That Wasted Potential.

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Orpheo845d ago (Edited 845d ago )

Sad to read that "We Happy Few" is a disappointment. I own it but haven't gotten around to playing it yet. I am a BIG fan of their previous game, "Contrast."

I LOVE "Anthem," but I didn't get into the game until late 2020. I put in over 900 hours into the game. It isn't perfect, but it is a masterpiece. I look forward to the eventual sequel, which I predict 3 / 4 to around the end of the PlayStation 6's lifecycle.