
Dark Souls Remastered tested on all consoles - and only one locks to 60fps

Digital Foundry:
"With release code in hand, we finally have a complete picture of how Dark Souls Remastered runs on consoles and PC - and while the notorious Blighttown was our first port of call for performance testing, it turns out that there are much better ways to push developer QLOC's refined version of the Dark Souls engine. The title's CPU issues are by and large resolved in the final product, but it turns out that it's the GPU that is now our primary bottleneck. All versions of the game target 60fps, though only one console gives us an absolute lock, while the PC release rights many wrongs - but is a remarkably unambitious effort overall."

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littletad2201d ago

This was a lousy remaster, and more of a port honestly.

Mr Lahey2201d ago

The one I'm playing is an amazing remaster. Lots of people talk shit about it. Most haven't even played it. Far from an port. Have you played it??

Dark_Knightmare22201d ago

I agree they did a really good job

Mr Lahey2201d ago

I mean, it's Dark Souls! If they would make too many changes people would freak out and rage about it. It looks and runs A LOT better than PS3/360/PC version. (Not counting dsfix. The old PC port IS a joke) The resolution bump makes it super crisp. The lightning is much better. If it ain't broken, don't fix it. Love the dedicated servers and all the online action. Even though I hate ds1 pvp. It's good to see it's alive.

T2X2201d ago

I got ps4 pro version. It's excellent. But I still suck at it. Lol. At least when I die, it isn't from choppy framerates.

ABizzel12201d ago

Well this basically confirms 720p @ 30fps for the Switch, but at least it should have all the improvements to lighting and textures.

Akarogg 2201d ago


It's 1080p 30fps on Switch, look it up

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2201d ago
CrimsonWing692201d ago (Edited 2201d ago )

Um it’s the best version of the game with updated lighting, effects, and most importantly performance that’s optimized. Sooooo I guess it’s not just a port then; sounds more like a REMASTER to me.

CyrusLemont2200d ago

Xbox One X is the only system that runs it flawlessly.

BlackTar1872200d ago (Edited 2200d ago )

Wrong reply

2201d ago
Dragonscale2201d ago (Edited 2201d ago )

You sound salty tbh. Were you hoping they would give scorpio preferential treatment? Lousy is a bit harsh but its still pretty good overall, probably not the best remaster but the game is so good you don't even notice when you are engrossed. Dark Souls is still one of the best games ever made and I'm just happy to be playing this absolute classic on my pro.

uth112201d ago

whatever, I never played the original and I finally get to play it

DemoIishor2201d ago

Couldn't disagree more. You play the PS3 version, then play the PS4 version and tell me which one is better. It's a proper remaster and you're blatantly wrong.

PurpHerbison2201d ago

I don't think it is lousy at all. I turned on the PS3 version right before the remaster arrived. The differences are night and day.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2200d ago
Mr Lahey2201d ago

Not gonna watch that shitty video but it runs flawless on PS4 pro. Butter smooth.

chickensandwich19912201d ago

runs great on my pro aswell playing blighttown with 60fps is so much better. i actually enjoyed exploring that area this time. sif was the only place that had a small drop but not enough to ruin my experience with the game

RainbowBrite2201d ago

Oh come on! You didn't noticed the sif drop, you are only saying that because of the video.

chickensandwich19912201d ago

there was a small drop the moment sif jumped of the tombstone just a small jutter. i watched maybe 3 minutes of the video personally not a big fan of digital foundry they are just more fuel for the fanboys.

Mr Lahey2201d ago

Lol, I didn't watch the video but I killed Sif and didn't notice any fps drops whatsoever. If it drops it's not even worth mentioning. 99,9% of the game is rock solid 60fps.

Dragonscale2201d ago

Lol at the disagrees. Its as if some people can't stand the thought of this game matching scorpios performance wise more or less.

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2201d ago Replies(2)
2201d ago
Darkwatchman2201d ago

Why such animosity at a video? You refuse to watch it because??

RainbowBrite2201d ago

The video is not shitty. But yeah the only console that locks to 60 fps is...

PhantomTommy2201d ago

Cool, I'll take your word for it over the in-depth analysis video with the framrate graph.

Seriously, what's with the comments here? Was this story originally linking to a different site or something? Or are people really hating on Digital Foundry -- the only lads putting out regular quality analysis content?

Don't hate just because your machine of choice isn't the beast you think it is. One soon-to-be-outdated machine runs the game slightly better than the other -- that's a fact. The game runs at twice the framrate it used to on average on all systems now so who even gives a shit?

Mr Lahey2201d ago


I base my opinion in actual experience with the game, not some pointless video pointing out the game drops some frames at one place in the game. I didn't even notice any drops myself.

TheCommentator2201d ago (Edited 2201d ago )

It's ironic that when you play the game the framerate drops don't bother you, but when you see them actually measured it bothers you enough to argue about it.

If it doesn't bother you when you play the game... great! Enjoy it and move on. Just don't tell other people that you don't believe that the framerate drops are there. Sure they're minor, but they exist. Why would you choose not to believe in something that has been measured? That's just ignorant.

TheCommentator2200d ago

LOL at the disagrees, because I'd bet most of you were trashing SoD2's poor framerate performance on the 1X.

Cueil2201d ago

that would actually be a false statement... the flawless statement... it does run pretty damn smooth 98 percent of the game

Dragonscale2201d ago

Almost flawless then? How bout that lol.

Akarogg 2201d ago

It's not a shitty video, this is Digital Foundry, the best game technical analysis on YouTube

2200d ago Replies(1)
Hardiman2200d ago (Edited 2200d ago )

It does run silky y smooth on the Pro! I haven't noticed any jutter and if there is it's not noticeable.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 2200d ago
Cueil2201d ago

they were not ambitious enough on 1X, but maybe we'll see a patch that pushes things on Pro and 1X

Dragonscale2201d ago

Maybe they went for parity or maybe the Pro is better than some fanboys claim. Tbh the game will sell most on PS4 /Pro so pointless giving scorpio's small demographic favoritism tbh.

cliveo322201d ago

It ran 57 fps once on the pro on df video the rest of the time it was locked at 60 fps omg this article is pathetic fanboy click-bate

Brazz2201d ago

The title is misleading. Make it look like X1X got huge advantage, but that is a lie! X1X Run the same as Pro 99% of the time, Pro drop some fps in one single boss figth! And both are runing 1800p.

Sm00thNinja2201d ago

You sound like the title is saying that you don't run at 60 fps 😂

2201d ago
Brazz2201d ago

English isn't my native language, so let me clarify.

99% of the time ps4 pro and X1X are runing 60fps 1800p. Both machines show same results. On 1 single boss figth X1X keeps 60 fps and ps4 pro got minor deeps.
The title sugest a major advantage fo X1X, but that's is untrue. DS runs the same on X1X and PS4 99% of the game, rocksolid 60fps and 1800p.

Darkwatchman2201d ago (Edited 2201d ago )

No, it dipped lower than that during the boss fight stress test. It hit a low of 44 FPS on the pro.

Gaming_1st2201d ago

That is correct and it was just for a second. I was surprised that the Xbox1 hit like 21 fps.

SoulWarrior2201d ago (Edited 2201d ago )

I played it all the way through and never noticed any drops, or significant drops. I did kill Sif in like 30 seconds so didn't notice anything there either, it runs fine on the Pro.

Definitely a slightly misleading title.

Silly gameAr2201d ago

Well, better throw away your Pro. 57fps just won't do. You have 500 bucks handy?

Kribwalker2201d ago

if you don’t throw away your pro you could use it as a trade in, would prolly be $250 then 😉

2201d ago
Akarogg 2201d ago


Dragonscale2201d ago

Its the title tbh, the actual differences are miniscule. It runs great on both.

DaleCooper2201d ago

So you're saying it's not locked at 60fps on ps4 pro. Hmm... What's the headline of this article?

CyrusLemont2200d ago

Xbox One X runs it perfectly.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 2200d ago
Ninjamonkey822201d ago (Edited 2201d ago )

Amazed at what passes as game journalism now days. Pity the likes of Digital Foundry didn't have ways to copyright there stuff i remember recently gamersyde doing there upmost to pull something into affect. Taging someone elses work with a reworking of there conclusion is not journalism and seriously is the type of stuff N4G need to start removing. Stop approvving this crap.

mark_parch2201d ago

I said it in a recent article about how toxic n4g is and the biggest cause is the site allowing clickbait articles like this

Cueil2201d ago

DF can certainly fuel the fire, but if you do happen to own both a Pro and the 1X then videos like this can make a difference in your choice. Perhaps the frame rate difference matters to you more or perhaps you have friends you like to play online on the PS4. It's information that some may want and so it's important.


The most toxic element of N4G is its extreme fanboys not it’s articles...

Dragonscale2201d ago

@blk, sorry but thats bullcrap. Yeah the fanboys are toxic but there are also plenty of flamebait articles designed to cause ructions as well from all sides.

RainbowBrite2201d ago

There's nothing toxic about this article, or the title: is just stating a fact.

Akarogg 2201d ago

but this is Digital Foundry

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6 Friendliest Characters in Games

GF365: "Oftentimes, video games have characters who are antagonistic and really not very pleasant. Here are some of the friendliest characters in games where you might not otherwise expect to find them."

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thorstein291d ago

Dogmeat: *bark!*

Translation: you are dead to me.


You can probably add Karlach to this from BG3


10 Most Peaceful Areas in Games

Here are the most peaceful areas in games that are otherwise quite violent, offering players respite from chaos in the game world.

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Babadook7317d ago

My first thought was the safe rooms in the resident evil series. When you hear that enchanting music you know you’re safe.

Killer2020UK316d ago

I literally just came here to post this. That music in the Resi 1 safe rooms is playing in my head.

Rimeskeem316d ago

I was thinking TLOU work benches. Although I remember one time where it was a false security.

closed_account316d ago

Perfect. 👌👌

I'd add the top of my highrise apartment in GTA Online. That calm, quiet peace, just knowing as soon as I step out that door I will be bombarded by 8 and 12 year olds calling each other n**** and f****, trolled by combat jets and rocket launchers.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 316d ago
henbayward316d ago

The entire map of SotC is peaceful as hell. Used to just ride around exploring it.

mastershredder316d ago (Edited 316d ago )

Afterlife in Cyberpunk 2077 is a peaceful area? Erm, hands down and very hard to miss, Misty Olszewski's Esoterica is the absolute epitome of peaceful areas in that game.

raiden_188316d ago

The "last of us" deer location i found to be a welcoming respite. It was nice to not have someone trying to eat me.

RPGer316d ago

Kingdom Hearts tend to present half peaceful areas and most of them are amazing.

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Easiest Boss Fights in Games That Aren't Easy

GF365: "Exceptionally powerful enemies in games are almost always more difficult to defeat than ordinary enemies. But there are instances where these supposedly powerful foes turn out to be just pushovers. These are some of the easiest boss fights in games that aren't easy."

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Nacho_Z386d ago

Patches is 'dim-witted'? I don't know about that. That's what he wants you to think maybe.

I don't remember TW3 bosses being easy but I played it on Death March and a crippled peasant armed with a broken twig could one hit kill you.