
EA: Player happiness, not revenue, is our number one metric of success

Just as EA has announced Battlefield 1’s new competitive mode, Incursions, EVP of global publishing Laura Miele has told MCV that the publisher’s continued focus on live services has “shifted the entire company.”

ApocalypseShadow2456d ago

I agree. I can confirm and reaffirm that EA are liers.

TFJWM2455d ago

Can't confirm if they are liers or not, but they have been trying to be more "consumer friendly"

Eonjay2455d ago

Not really... ultimately a higher NPS will equal more money. It just like... when the hell did they decide this... after Mass Effect and damn near killing Respawn or after a decade of NBA Live? I think she is right to pursue NPS over cash but it is so hard to take her seriously...

Erik73572455d ago

They ran Sims and Crysis to the ground one of my favorite franchises

PapaBop2454d ago (Edited 2454d ago )

Exactly.. "Wouldn't it be awesome if we severely limited the size of cities in favour of making it a more connected experience and force it to be online only" - No Sim City fan ever.

InTheLab2454d ago

And Medal of Honor! Remember how awesome Airborne was with weapons that upgraded with experience and challenges and open maps you could drop in anywhere to complete several objectives?

Nah... let's dumb it down to CoD levels. For the players!

Christopher2455d ago

It really is a lie. What they mean is that their goal is player happiness as long as it doesn't affect the bottom line.

_-EDMIX-_2455d ago

Well....yes. Such a thing can be stated about all companies or most anyway.

EA has at least corrected many things, like them giving free DLC for BF4 before BF1 came out or giving free DLC for the life of Battlefront 2 or Titanfall 2.

Clearly their goal is money, they are a business, but EA we can say at least it trying to turn themselves around in terms of perception and in terms of actions.

Christopher2455d ago

***Well....yes. Such a thing can be stated about all companies or most anyway. ***

Well, yeah. But not every business lies and says their customers are more important than revenue. Not sure what the point of your reply is unless you ignored their direct reference to revenue. All those things you mentioned are responses to the competition where users benefited, that's just how it works (or doesn't in the case of Titanfall).

peppeaccardo2454d ago

So said the company that has won "Worst Company of the year" for 99 years in a row !

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2454d ago
2456d ago
AspiringProGenji2456d ago

Mass Effect Andromeda: player depression.

Pandamobile2456d ago

Roughly translated from naked corporate PR talk, they probably are referring to player engagement. Player engagement is the new marketshare for publishers vying for consumers' precious free time.

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Epic Games Faces $1.2 Million Fine Over "Unfair Practices," Plans to Fight Back

Epic Games is facing a $1.2 million fine by the Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets over "unfair practices" in the Fortnite shop.

Sciurus_vulgaris9h ago

It might be cheaper to simply pay the fine. Fighting said fine could cost millions due to court and lawyer fees. Fortnite generates well over a 100 million in each month, so Epic has plenty of cash.

franwex1h ago(Edited 1h ago)

But if they did pay it, then they are basically admitting that they did something they weren’t supposed to be doing. If they fight it, they may win and continue to have a sense of urgency for their micro transactions thus making more money long term.


Dev Gets Windows 11 To Run On A Nintendo Switch, Don't Try This At Home

The OS works, but it barely crawls along on the Nintendo Switch's older ARM chipset.

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OtterX1h ago

Yeaaa... no. It's cool to say that you got it running as a bragging right, but this is completely unusable. I like how he hits the screen while trying to type! X'D


The Finals Underperforms for Nexon in Q1 2024

Nexon has released its financial statement for 2024's first quarter, and it looks like FPS The Finals isn't proving the hit the studio was hoping for.

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BlackDoomAx14h ago

Too bad for the best fps there is atm...

Sgt_Slaughter7h ago

The market for games like this is too over saturated to make a dent in other established games' player counts. Trying to start all over with a whole new multiplayer meta and grinding to get better is not feasible when there's already a ton of similar games that have come out before it.