
Celebrate the 20th anniversary of Resident Evil in style with the Super Bundle on Xbox One

Neil writes "It all started 20 years ago, but in that time Capcom have taken Resident Evil to hell and back, providing some of the most talked about moments in recent gaming history. It may not have all been great, but the vast majority of what they have produced is well worth a playthrough...and today that playthrough gets a lot more exciting as the Super Bundle arrives. Although it's no longer as cheap as it once was."

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oKidUKo2633d ago

Why the bloomin heck has the price gone up then? Wasnt it 16 quid?

SlyBoogie19932633d ago

All Resi games in one bundle, not a bad way to start if you're new to the series but bit late coming for fans.

Jollyk2633d ago

It's a good deal but the is one massive gap in the list of games, RE2 and RE3, personally some of the best ones from the series. RE2 is and was my favorite until 7 came out in January.

DarthMoose2633d ago

Re2 is also my fav. I'm dying to see something for re2make. Even a screen shot would be welcome .


Resident Evil Zero and Code Veronica Remakes are reportedly in the works, not Resident Evil 1

Industry insider Dusk Golem reveals that there is no Resident Evil 1 Remake in the works. Instead, Capcom are reportedly in active development of Resident Evil Zero and Code Veronica.

-Foxtrot9d ago

RE Zero would be better to do first over RE1 because they can tie the story into RE1 more.

The original RE Remake was weird because Rebecca never mentioned anything about what happened in Zero and it felt so disjointed because Zero was developed during the Remake and they clearly didn't share any notes with one another.

Cacabunga8d ago

Wise decision. 2 of my favorites!

repsahj7d ago

RE Zero is one of my favorite game on gamecube!

Knightofelemia9d ago

Give me Dino Crisis dammit Capcom

TGG_overlord8d ago

And all it took was +24 years + a phone call from me lol.

GotGame8188d ago

LOL! A phone call from you? ROFL! They have been remaking RE games for YEARS! It was a matter of time!

8d ago
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Resident Evil 4 Remake Sales Now at Over 7M, SF6 at 3.3M, Dragon's Dogma 2 Climbs to 2.6M

Capcom has announced that Resident Evil 4 remake sales are now at over 7 million units, Street Fighter 6 is at 3.3 million and more.


The 10 PSVR 2 Games You Should Own

If you're looking for 'must have' PSVR 2 games then look no further. These are the 10 titles every PSVR 2 owner should have in their library.

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kevco3379d ago

If you're wanting more PSVR 2 support, you should probably buy all of these games.

Speak with your wallet!

Profchaos79d ago

Bit rich to have to buy games you don't want because you want Sony to support the expensive headset they sold us which cost as much as the console it runs on beyond paying third partys to support it.
Seriously in terms of first party we have horizon on day 1 and a gt 7 vr mode.

They seemingly have made little effort to support it beyond paying Capcom to make re games in VR or a second party studio to make firewall which was mismanaged.

I'm a day 1 psvr2 user and the only thing I'm excited for right now is PC support.

I commented recently this bespoke VR game development model we have right now clearly doesn't work

crazyCoconuts79d ago

On the one hand I feel like there's been plenty of smaller non-AAA games to play and occupy me as a supplement to my flat screen gaming.
But I agree that Sony has done nothing to elevate this beyond the niche it's in and into the mainstream where it would be economical to create AAA games for it.

Babadook778d ago (Edited 78d ago )

Most of these games are worth owning for most people; I own all but 2 of them in fact. So I agree with kevco33. I think you're crazy if you downplay this list quite frankly. Sony can't keep funding software if people don't buy any of it, the ball is squarely in OUR court.

Sony has spent a lot on 3rd party stuff this gen like RE.

phoenixwing79d ago (Edited 79d ago )

Saving up for the headset is my first hurdle. Let alone buying games I don't want lol

mudakoshaka78d ago

People downvoting you for not having enough finances...what a world we live in, haha

phoenixwing78d ago (Edited 78d ago )

They feel affronted at the very thought that I don't plunk down 500 immediately lol I have a little over 900 games in my backlog I've been buying games instead of hardware ever since I got my PC and ps5. I just don't know if vr is really for me honestly. Every time I have a couple hundred allocated to video games it makes more sense to buy a bunch of flat games instead of vr ones

mudakoshaka79d ago

I have 9 out of these 10 games. I try to buy all the VR games I like to support the advancement of VR!

TheEroica78d ago (Edited 78d ago )

I spoke with my wallet after watching the first headset get weak support. Easy pass until Sony earns my money. Feel bad for those who parted with 500 bucks, falling for the hype that Sony was actually gonna support this thing.

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Neonridr79d ago

I own 7 of these titles off the list, lol.

NotoriousWhiz79d ago

I'm trying to decide if it's worth holding onto my psvr 2. I enjoy what it has currently, but it seems unlikely to get anything else. Might be better off just waiting for something with more support if that ever comes.

Profchaos79d ago

As a fellow psvr2 owner the question seemingly comes down to do you own a PC.

I think I'm all in I have a habit to hold onto my systems anyhow I still have my psvr1 to hell I still have my NES.

But while it's still worth something yeah you could sell it and if Sony turns the ship around you should be able to buy another one for less than you soldmit for I feel like we won't see any fix for the headset for the next 2 years rumours show that Sony has no current first party VR games in active development after they closed London studios

The whole psvr2 situation has left me feeling a little burnt on PlayStation as a whole to be honest. The first psvr felt experimental but it was supported far more than this superior headset


GT7 surprised me, because I hate racing games, but i poured 100 hours into it way too quickly.

I’m looking forward to the Metro VR game this year, and I hope that WW2 dogfighter game releases eventually.

talocaca79d ago

I have most of them 😅

Waiting for a sale on Synapse and Arizona Sunshine 2.....also Metro coming this year looks great.

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