
Is The Xbox One Irrelevant?

Alex S. from Link-Cable writes: "These days it seems like gamers everywhere are either talking about the PlayStation 4 and its great lineup of upcoming games or the Nintendo Switch, and how it’s going to pull Nintendo out of the dark days of the Wii U-era.Both these systems are dominating game-related headlines and are definitely occupying that so very important ‘top of mind’ spot in gaming circles."

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masterfox2685d ago

That question should be pointed to MS itself.

2685d ago Replies(32)
Overload2685d ago (Edited 2685d ago )

The Xbox One isn't irrelevant, but Xbox is not as relevant as they could have been once upon a time.

But it is all their own fault, they have made terrible choices all generation and the end of last generation.

kenwonobi2685d ago

They could be more relevant if they didn't just rely on only their same exclusives. Gears, Halo, Forza, Dead Rising. They could change it up and release those plus gain one or two exclusives. That would put them in a better place. However it was also early release mistakes like Kinect and pricing.

RosweeSon2685d ago

Coasting and cruise control will do this why do they need to bother when people will pay them money each year to get online regardless.

yeahright22685d ago

Thing is xbox brought us Halo, 360 brought us Gears and solidified forza, X1 should have brought us an action adventure game to compete with uncharted but instead they tried to buy tomb raider.
Granted with the likes of quantum break and recore and such, they've been trying, But I think there's a two fold problem there, one those games just plain aren't as good as Sony's offerings (based on commercial and critical reception) and compounded by xbox gamers being a little lukewarm on titles outside of the halo/gears/forza formula

stuna12685d ago (Edited 2684d ago )

My take is the Xbox 1 is not as relevant as it should be and that is due to Microsoft's inability to micromanage their consoles.

What I mean in "Micro Managing" their consoles, take the Original Xbox for example; Sure it came into an era where Sony was the dominant console, and Nintendo had a sizable fanbase, but when Microsoft saw the obstacles in front of them they elected to instead drop a fanbase of millions to try to reset the generation! Even though they had been out the shortest period of time of the three.

Microsoft launches the Xbox 360 almost a year and a half earlier in parts of the world ahead of Sony, and what many fail to mention also the WII. As long as Microsoft felt that they had the edge over Sony there was very little talk of a next generation console. Even though the WII left both Sony and Microsoft in the dust as far as console sales were concerned, the WII was considered a non-issue. As soon as Sony started gaining momentum in Worldwide sales, and slimming down the lead drastically, then this is when we started hearing rumors of Microsoft's next generation console, but what Microsoft didn't even expect was Sony was ready this time! Contrary to what many were trying to say "Sony can't afford to come out with a powerful and competent console! They're broke!"

So of course that helped to proliferate the ideal that Microsoft's Xbox 1 was going to be noticeably more powerful than Sony could even hope to offer. There were even some stating the WII U was even going to be more powerful than the PS4. How did that turn out? Lol

Now after Microsoft launches the Xbox S to compete with the Original PS4, they've completely abandoned the Original Xbox to pursue their endeavors with Scorpio, but in the face of all this, people that are looking should be able to see the exact scenario that took place with the Original Xbox unfolding now.

IamTylerDurden12684d ago

Agreed. Xbox certainly isn't irrelevant, but it is becoming less and less relevant with the poor leadership and lack of quality exclusives.

Tumaras2684d ago

What few exclusives Xbox has have been greatly disappointing this gen. Gears, Halo, Dead Rising have all been underwhelming both in gameplay and sales. Recore was awful. Halo Wars 2 looks ok, but it's more of a B title and not a real Halo fps release. And Forza Horizon 3 was good, but it's popularity fizzled pretty quickly. More importantly, Halo Wars 2 and Forza Horizon 3 you can play on PC (in higher res too) and don't even need an XB1 for. I don't really count timed exclusives either like Tomb Raider. There are so many games out today that it was easy enough to wait and play other games until it was out on PS4 and PC. Microsoft tried hard with Quantum Break at least, but it was really more of an interactive movie than game. It also showed where MSFT is off-base, more worried about marketing and a game looking nice in an E3 presentation than fun gameplay. They have to get back to focusing on good exclusives with real gameplay. Hire some gamers, pull back some people that worked on earlier Xboxes, maybe find people that worked on older consoles like Dreamcast. A nice E3 presentation or picture on a box that's a snoozefest to play doesn't fool gamers anymore.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2684d ago
2684d ago Replies(5)

Still, the answer would be YES!

butchertroll2684d ago

Well, the Xbox brand is already irrelevant outside of US/UK/Latin America.

Dude, MS sold 35 Xbones last week in Japan compared to 35k PS4s

conanlifts2684d ago

I do not live in any of those countries and it is not irrelevant here.

2684d ago
Bathyj2684d ago

The article makes a lot of good points . sadly everyone will only react to the title.

Major_Glitch2684d ago (Edited 2684d ago )

Dear MS,
So...what happened to all that "cloud Powerz" talk? What happened with Kinect? How many units did Tomb Raider move? And you wonder why the Xbone is irrelevant?

IamTylerDurden12684d ago

It's a VERY valid point. What happened to all the power of the cloud and Dx12 talk? It's funny bc now is exactly when it SHOULD be bearing fruit, but instead Microsoft has gone radio silent bc in actuality it turned out to be just a bunch of empty hype. Wasn't esram supposed to be a secret sauce? Now it appears that Scorpio will not even have esram. It's things like this that have turned gamers off to Microsoft and hurt their relevancy.

joab7772684d ago

Good point actually! And they have made themselves irrelevant. And it comes down to new IPs. Last gen they won everyone over with GoW and Mass Effect and Summer Arcade, Xbox Live etc. They were where shooters were played!

Now, you can play their sequels on PC, and everything else on Sony and PC. I wonder is this Play Anywhere thing is the beginning to their stake in PC gaming for the future. Because it hurts Xbox. They could have been Steam had they the foresight. Hell, they coulda been Sony this gen with foresight.

Again, it comes down to games. And PC and the PS4 have them in spades this year. If the Scorpio is gonna sell at all, MS will need something to push it.

DJustinUNCHAIND2684d ago

And the answer would still be no.

butchertroll2684d ago

LOL at disagree votes where i mentioned that Xbone is dead in Europe outside UK . Some people should go back to reality.

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 2683d ago
CocoaBrother2685d ago

Not to my friends or me since we play almost daily together.

Multiplayer gaming is strong on Xbox just like single-player games are strong on PS4. The Wii U has/had local multiplayer games.
Those are my opinions on the consoles' strengths since those are how I use each system personally.

Kingthrash3602685d ago

You dont own a ps4 do you.
MP is just as lively as SP. There are more online players on the ps4 that there is on xbo. Playstation is more diverse so naturally it's has both. If you are talking about exclusives mp vs sp well then then the ps4 has more mp games in that regard too. Uncharted, killzone, SFV, driveclub, MLB the show, Paragon,planet side 2, king of fighters, guilty gear, the last of us, marvel vs Sf 3....are just a few that have populated MP experiences.
MS is forcing games to be mp...like they did scalebound which led to its cancellation. Gotta keep your subscription going so they are forcing games to have MP.

CocoaBrother2685d ago

Seriously? Look at my past comments on how excited I have been waiting for Gravity Rush 2 or how proud I am for getting platinum in various games with Bloodborne, Velocity 2x, and Digimon being my proudest, or how my friend and I downloaded the NiOh demo and passed the controller back and forth to play. Hell, I'm currently going through World of Final Fantasy, Gravity Rush 2, and Uncharted 4 with God Eater 1&2 on my backlog while waiting for Digimon: Next Order to ship to my house in a few days.

Why would I care if there are more online players on PS4 if my friends play on Xbox One? I would rather play with my friends than random people; personal preference.

Don't pull your fanboy crap on me. I own all systems and have my own personal preference on which system I play certain games on.

Kingthrash3602685d ago (Edited 2685d ago )

Wasn't fanboy crap...I corrected your incorrect statement. The way you talk it's like you don't own a ps4. You spoke on a universal question and answered according to what you think in your gaming space. It's like you said about the wiiu...if the question was 'is the wiiu irrelevant ' would you have said no because it has a local mp strength? If so then you didn't answer the question.
Fact of the matter is the wiiu is irrelevant now because of the switch and the fact that zelda is its last game.
As far as xbox goes it's not irrelevant because games will still be made for it. The scorpio is supposed to be just an upgrade....that's me answering the question. ...not putting my own opinion to answer the question.
Wasn't fanboy sh** at all bro slice. Relax.
I was just saying you must not own a ps4 to know about its strength in mp. If you only use if for sp then do so...but it has nothing to do with the question.
Stay on topic and you won't get corrected.
Not everything is fanboy hooplaa

And I also own all consoles all handhelds. I ain't no fanboy. I could care less about how you game.

jmetalhead778122684d ago (Edited 2684d ago )

It's so irrelevant that dozens of haters come on practically every Xbox article to post negative comments. Yes, it's "losing" the console war(whatever the hell that means), but 10's of millions people game on Xbox. So, to answer a stupid question? Yes, it's relevant

Yohshida2684d ago (Edited 2684d ago )

Of COURSE their are more ppl playing online. It sold twice as much.... If the numbers would be even, trust me PS4 would be behind big time. Yet you only get 3. Party MP games and not the best of the best in Racing, FPS and 3. Person shooters. If you are fine with that, go ahead and have fun.

2684d ago
Kingthrash3602684d ago (Edited 2684d ago )

Feel free to look Me up.
I even got a steam account with a few games...but I'm no pc gamer. Not yet anyway

2684d ago
Kingthrash3602684d ago

Lol exposed? I bought xbo for qb...how long did I play it? How long did I play ori?.. in fact on of my youtube vid I show the wiiu and xbo.
I can't help that I'm no halo fan. I've said this time and time again. Yeah I barley play the xbox all of my friends are on ps4....yet I STILL said it wasn't irrelevant.
The xbox needs new ips to interest me...period. I have all consoles so if the other consoles have more new compelling games that I like they get more time.
...exposed? Lol feel free to expose me I said I'm no halo fan and still bought the game. That's how much I wanted to dust off the xbox and play it.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 2684d ago
kenwonobi2685d ago

PS4 has the largest online gaming community. I'm pretty sure that's true by just the sheer size of the community alone.

IamTylerDurden12684d ago

It's not a hard concept. Mp is bigger on PS4 bc PS4 is trouncing xbone in sales. If xbone was selling better then mp would be bigger on xbox.

DashArrivals2685d ago

OMG. Where do you get this crap. Multiplayer is friggin' REALLY STRONG on PS4.

You xbox fans seem to think that multiplayer on PS4 is bad or does not exist. IT'S A FALLACY. It's bloody really really strong and works well. Take your head out of your A...s

CocoaBrother2684d ago (Edited 2684d ago )

I never said it was bad, where did you even get that from? I do play games online with the PS4, I simply said I play Xbox One online more cause my friends do; that's it. Never once did I say it wasn't strong or have less players; you guys took my opinion as some sort of insult against the PS4 when it wasn't in the slightest.

If you play PC or PS4 online more, power to you. I used to game a lot of PC years ago but stopped cause none of my friends played anymore. I continue to play online with Xbox One and PS4 cause that's where my friends are. Hell, I even played Wii U online with Monster Hunter 3 for a long time cause my friends played.

Once again, personally speaking, I like to play with my friends than with randoms online; that's it. .

GTgamer2684d ago

"I simply said I play Xbox One online more cause my friends do" are you serious right I could say the same thing in terms of the Ps4 or Pc I play online almost everyday on PS4 and I do Love SP games when I owned a Xbox 360 nothing was different my level of online play didn't change So I will never understand why you guys think theirs some difference, it's idiotic.

xMANB3ARP1G2684d ago (Edited 2681d ago )

they cant bro its firmly planted. also, live is all they have left anymore they have to cling to something. that said Xbox freebies mostly destroy ps plus games.i had a Xbox one for a year or 2 for halo mcc 5 and waiting for crackdown as less got said about crack down I sold my Xbox but the games I got in that year and never played meant when I got my one s I had an instant library of games without paying for live again. honestly, the worse part still has to be scalebound I was looking forward to that and 2 days after I picked up my one s it got canceled
bg116 whatever bro ill just go back to playing my games and there was no lie in my statement learn to read idiot not once did I say I was playing Xbox one or Xbox 360 games I got from gold again Xbox tools like to make shit up.

InTheLab2684d ago

That's a last gen way of thinking and it was wrong last gen on ps3 as well

kenwonobi2684d ago

It was free. That's what made PS3 so awesome. It's so easy to just not pay. Then insert games and start playing.

DragonDDark2684d ago

Then why Does the PS4 have bigger numbers of active players in multiplats like BF1/CoD/R6S?

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2684d ago
korgun2685d ago (Edited 2685d ago )

Get Ballmer back

kstuffs2685d ago

Yet they spent show much money developing BC and constantly making updates to the software. They spent all that money to put Windows 10 on it so that it can run UWP games and apps. And then spend all that money putting in HDMI in, IR out, 4K UHD BR...apparently that Indian guy doesn't give a shit about Xbox. BTW Ballmer was the CEO when Xbox One was revealed in November 2013. Guess who was CEO in February 2014? I guess Ballmer gave a shit about Xbox One release.

aconnellan2684d ago

Are you kidding? You're actually criticising MS for:

- Adding highly requested features to the console

- Listening to and implementing community feedback

- Making meaningful and consistent updates to the console itself to offer a better user experience

Literally everything you just criticised them for doing, they do them because the community wants them. What a stupid sentiment

kenwonobi2685d ago

They concentrate on software so much it's ridiculous. Concentrate on games. Nobody gives a sh"# that its a Windows type software or interfaces.

yeahright22685d ago

umm, games are software. I guess you meant the OS? the UI?

kstuffs2684d ago

Games and OS software are not mutually exclusive.

yeahright22683d ago

I know that. I was saying maybe he meant to say they were focusing on the OS so much it's ridiculous.
Kinda like saying they focus on christians so much it's ridiculous, concentrate on catholics!

Obscure_Observer2685d ago (Edited 2685d ago )

PS4Pro is avaliable. Switch is upon us. Scorpio´s almost a year from release.

Still, which platform articles manages to be on top spot around here? Yeah. You guessed right! Pretty relevant Imo. Love it or hate it. You WILL talk about it. ;)

Godmars2902685d ago

But the point is will people buy it :p

2684d ago
Lennoxb632685d ago

Reconfirms the saying: No such thing as bad press.

Obscure_Observer2684d ago

Only this week, there´s 3 Xbox related articles with 1000+ fahrenheit degrees while Sony only has one. And thats because the topic in question is a controversial one. Horizon Zero Dawn´s supposed downgrade.

Kingthrash3602684d ago (Edited 2684d ago )

Well xbox has had alot of stuff happen this week.
The fact that the scorpio isn't 'true 4k' and will be using checkerboarding is enough for 5 1000 degree articles I'm surprised at only 3. Plus I remember when the pro was first leaked before the scorpio was heard of and we went months with nothing but 1000+ articles saying it was a mistake. Hell it didn't calm down until MS leak hit. Then it was ok lol.
If MS continues to lie and mess up every week then get used to it. The day that a MS exclusives isn't a native 4k game is when you'll see a ton of articles asking why even buy a scorpio.
I swear E3 is gunna be something else this year. As soon as trailers for games on the scorpio land and digital foundry get a hold of them is when we'll see what's really going on. You can't trust what MS says anymore.

When did they say only MS games will be 'true 4k'
What they said is
" project scorpio will be THE ONLY TRUE 4K CONSOLE" .....umm so what do they mean by this? The ps4 pro has native 4k games and checkerboarding. ...so for the scorpio to be THE ONLY true 4k console....what are they saying then? What are they implying? You know why you can't answer it.....because you don't like the taste if crow.
They lied...stop doing PR for them.
Anyone need links? I got multiple links of them saying the scorpio is tge ONLY true 4k console.
Seeing that it too will have checkerboarding it's the same as a pro...just less games.

Chris122684d ago

@kingthrash there you go again, talking about MS lies and having no clear idea what is going. MS said their own games will be true 4K. Checkerboard rendering is nothing but a tool for developers to use if they wish. MS can only control their own output, dev's are free to use whatever they like for their own games. It's not that hard, despite all your negative comments on every Xbox article.

ItMatters2684d ago

@kingthrash that is not a fact. Phil spencer never said that and you are using the euro gamers video as proof. That's not how it works.

Obscure_Observer2684d ago (Edited 2684d ago )


What "facts" and what "lies" are you referring to?

-"As soon as trailers for games on the scorpio land and digital foundry get a hold of them is when we'll see what's really going on. You can't trust what MS says anymore."

See what´s really going on? You´re contradicting yourself! Do you trust DF´s analisys of the white paper which dates from June´s 2016 to be the blueprint of the Scorpio? Yes or Not? Do you confirm Polaris? Do you confirm Jaguar? Do you belive the Scorpio will just a little bit more powerful than the PS4Pro?

No offence but, the only "lies" i see are the ones fabricated by you ferphaps?

By Kingtrash360 - "And who says this is a xbox one upgrade? I remember phil saying it wouldn't be an upgrade but a new gen."

YOU called it a next gen back then and NOW you calling it an upgraded Xbox One? Make up your mind, bro. :)

-"The day that a MS exclusives isn't a native 4k game is when you'll see a ton of articles asking why even buy a scorpio."

When MS said ALL GAMES (exclusives or not) would be native 4K?

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2684d ago
IamTylerDurden12684d ago (Edited 2684d ago )

Why do u think Scorpio articles dominate N4G? Remember when cloud and DX12 articles dominated N4G? They did, and look how cloud and DX12 turned out... Microsoft goes to great lengths to over promote their products and it has no bearing on whether it will actually be good. But the same theme is always prevalent, "just wait guys, down the road xbox will be amazing".


Exactly, cloud tech is in its infancy yet Microsoft touted it as if it would dramatically change games right now. They discussed shaders being offloaded to the cloud, enemy ai etcetera. They hyped it as something that was extremely viable at this very moment. Why may i ask has Microsoft gone so quiet about cloud tech nowadays? They used it to promote Titanfall. They used it to make ppl believe that the xbone had some secret sauce that would increase its power when ppl were freaking about xbone being underpowered. But what changed? Why isn't cloud tech at the tip of Phil and Aaron's tongue anymore?

As for DX12, they exaggerated and made ppl believe it would dramatically improve the games on xbone. It was just a graphics api, the next iteration after DirectX 11, it was never going to be a game changer for xbone, yet it was talked about at nauseum. It was blatantly overhyped, and it wasn't until the very end that Phil attempted to dial back the hype, but by that time many ppl believed it would improve games in ridiculous ways. Ppl were putting out crazy numbers. I was there, it happened. But i find it interesting that at a time when DX12 should be showing its mettle Microsoft and the many devs who touted it are silent.


Are you kidding? You think Microsoft gets trolled but not Sony? Do you know Rookie? Or the notorious ppl who are first in every PlayStation article? Did you miss the No Man's Sky situation? Do you remember the likes of Aussie? Moldy, Neon, Gangsta... To act like one side has trolls but not the other is either fanboyish or just naive.


And if power IS so important to you then why did you downplay it for the past four years? But now that a powerful xbox console is on the horizon it's suddenly important? Check that, it will be important when holiday 2017 hits, but not until then... but when PS5 hits suddenly power won't matter again..

So if one game comes out and actually uses cloud tech in some capacity that Microsoft hyped it should signify that cloud is an absolutely legit game changer that will dramatically affect numerous games this gen? One example means ppl should eat crow? Ppl criticised PS4 Pro and said it couldn't run current AAAs at native 4K. Then numerous games like Battleborn, NBA 2K, Nioh ect proved them wrong yet ppl still continue with the same rhetoric about PS4 Pro. Ppl said PSVR could not run a current AAA, but then Resident Evil 7 came out. Do all doubts get put to rest now? Highly unlikely. If you are looking solely at Crackdown 3 as your absolute, unequivocal cloud redemption then you are slightly disillusioned.

Chris122684d ago

How did DX12 and cloud turn out? Cloud technology is still in it's infancy and DX12 is just a tool for developers to use. Look at any Xbox article and it's the usual trolls that dominate with their negativity, not the other way around. The same is happening now on Scorpio articles because the full spec hasn't been released. All we know right now is that it will be the most powerful console and will be backwards compatible. Doesn't stop the trolls wading in knee deep on every article though.

Obscure_Observer2684d ago (Edited 2684d ago )


"Why do u think Scorpio articles dominate N4G? Remember when cloud and DX12 articles dominated N4G? They did, and look how cloud and DX12 turned out"

You know why. Power! The same power that make some people happy, excited, proud, angry, jealous and insecure. All of your post above correlate with the answer you seek. You talk about DX12, Cloud... all power related. So first, i think you should ask yourself this: "If power really don´t matter to me, why the f$%@ should i care about the Scorpio or MS at all?" ;)

Btw, the Cloud saga is not over yet. If Cloud really works as intented (Crackdown 3´s Multiplayer), get ready for a sh!tstorm of articles about it. And then, mark my words: Some people will choke with crow and their fallacies and hypocrisy will be exposed trough their idiotic and arrogant statements in articles like this one. ;)

Chris122684d ago

@tyler - Titanfall did use the cloud. It provided dedicated servers and the calculations for various things such as AI. So what's your point?

Can you also show me where MS exaggerated what DX12 is, I don't remember seeing anything from them at the time

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