
Nintendo’s Launch Line Up is Super Weak, And Why This Will Be An Issue

ThisGenGaming says "Through the rough translations and exciting trailers, the Nintendo Switch Presentation is finally over. We got reveals of the pricing and different games that would be coming to the system, but one thing that wasn’t revealed in the presentation is how many games would actually be available at launch for the Switch."

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Erik73572704d ago (Edited 2704d ago )

Mario odyssey, Zelda Breath of Wild, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, Splatoon 2, Xenoblade 2....

And ps4 had Knack and Killzone shadow fall, and Last of us Remastered it's first year? To be fair LAst of us Remastered was great but it's a port just like Mario Kart 8...but Zelda and Mario and Splatoon 2 and Xenoblade 2 are no port...they are new games.

And I can tell you none of them will get low scores like Killzone Shadowfall or Knack did or majority of games that came out on ps4 for it's first year

lxtrxi2704d ago

Didn't matter for PS4 as they had the third party support that Switch doesn't have. It also helped that PS4 3rd parties ran better on Xbox One.

Erik73572704d ago (Edited 2704d ago )

Oh Destiny and Call of Duty Ghost were great

OtakuDJK1NG-Rory2704d ago

Uh did you not see all the Japanese Third Party support?

Oh wait......you guys only care about Western Multiplats when it comes on Nintendo even if they did get em you wouldn't buy the system

naruga2704d ago (Edited 2704d ago )

@ Erik ...KNack and Killzone except they were new quality titles (Knack from gameplay standpoint trumps many Mario games out there though artistically is mediocre ) they were also graphical showcase of a powerful machine...Splatoon , Mario , Boxer game,Xenobalde what are they ?? they looks ALL of them like previous gen.... ok Zelda is new and seems a good game but its visuals are like an early PS3 game (failing badly to show the arguably super well done concept art with poor vistas and landscapes).... what is left is the qualitesque but old port of Splatoon which renamed Splatoon 2 ....Nintendo wiht the gimmick machine is failing to impress and offers re-warmed up food as fresh (and this comes form a fan who i was eager to buy the system before they reveal that portable mess of a console)

CorndogBurglar2704d ago (Edited 2704d ago )

3rd party games ran better on Xbox One than PS4? What?

Perhaps you forgot the majority of 3rd party games that run on PS4 with a higher resolution and framerate than the Xbox One? I'm not sure how you could forget because that is still the norm today. PS4 is just a more powerful system that outperforms the Xbox One. When Scorpio comes out that will change, certainly, as it will be much more powerful than even the PS4 Pro.

But I'm really confused by your comment because its been reported time and again thay PS4 runs 3rd party games better than Xbox One.

Deadpooled2704d ago


" It also helped that PS4 3rd parties ran better on Xbox One."

You have just been nominated for 'Most Deluded Comment on N4G Award - January 2017". But don't worry, U_R_Weirdos is the favourite to win with 5 nominations.

NewMonday2704d ago

Xenoblade2 is the JRPG we expected the WiiU game to be
Zelda is shaping up to be the best one since Ocrania
a MegaTen game
I'm even interested in Mario for the first time since M64

while this Switch lineup is great for me, I'm worried about the general gamer market

but if the handheld 3DS market moves to the switch it could be the best thing to happen to gaming, because we will have one big combined market for 3rd party publishers that will reduce risk and cost.

and Sony need some positive competition to keep them honest.

I'm rooting for Nintendo for the first time since in over a decade

Liqu1d2704d ago

"It als helped that PS4 3rd parties ran better than on Xbox One."


TheFirstClassic2704d ago

Knack definitely does not have better gameplay than mario.

Sunny_D2704d ago

PS4 3rd parties ran better on Xbox one? Do you mean the opposite? As in PS4 games are at a higher resolution than the Xbox one versions?

Utalkin2me2704d ago


Again i have to correct you in what your making up as launch titles.

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Skylanders Imaginators
Just Dance 2017

Has Been Heroes (March 2017)
I am Setsuna (March 2017)
Sonic Mania (Spring 2017)
Lego City Undercover (Spring 2017)
Arms (spring 2017)
Super Bomberman R (March 2017)
Snipperclips: Cut it Out, Together! (March 2017)
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe (April 28, 2017)
Splatoon 2 (Summer 2017)
NBA 2K18 (September 2017)
Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (Fall 2017)
Super Mario Odyssey (Holiday 2017)

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 2704d ago
TGGJustin2704d ago (Edited 2704d ago )

The article is about the launch lineup is weak. The only game you named that is a launch game is Zelda and it's on Wii U as well. Yes by the end of the year they will have some good games but that isn't what this article is about.

Erik73572704d ago

Okay but lets then look at Launch Line up for ps4? Knack and killzone? Cmon...this is better launch than competitors

slappy5082704d ago

The PS4 also had Assassin's Creed, Fifa, Battlefield 4 and I'm sure Im forgetting other things. Eric, you can cry all day about how they are 3rd party and dont really count, but the bottom line is PS4 had more games on launch than Switch and people want choice

_-EDMIX-_2704d ago


something is wrong when the best launch title for this platform is also a game coming on the Wii U.

@Erik- what launch lineup? The only game that I know that's coming out launch is Zelda.

That's like saying the only PlayStation 4 game coming out at launch from Sony is The Last of Us.

Please stop directly trying to compare the games and try to compare the fan base in regards to them getting a new game exclusive to their platform.

Nothing's wrong with The Last of Us on PlayStation 4 but I would be damned if that was the only actual launch game coming for PlayStation 4 was simply a game that was on PlayStation 3.

I'm sorry but if someone who's a fan of Nintendo who might already own a Wii U , might have a problem with the switch only having a launch game of a game they already could possibly own.

You don't need to like Killzone or Knack but at the end of the day Killzone and Knack are still two brand new games that released on the very day of PlayStation 4 , games that could not be found on PlayStation 3.

I don't disagree with you that Zelda breath of the wild is a pretty big title but at the end of the day it is a fact that it is also a title that will be released on the Wii U as well.

You cannot disregard that people who own a Wii U might have a pretty easy Choice simply skipping the switch for now because they're still getting Zelda regardless.

Aenea2704d ago

Don't forget 1-2 Switch and Arms! They are launch games too!

You only list the exclusives, there were 3rd party games when PS4/X1 released...

Fishy Fingers2704d ago (Edited 2704d ago )

Yeah the Switch biggest launch game is also on the Wii U.

Unlike the biggest PS4/XB launch titles like Cod, BF4 and FIFA which were only available on the PS4/XB and oh, PS3/360... so what was the problem again...?

Kokyu2704d ago

You keep wanting to compare thre Switch line up to Ps4. This is puzzling as you sound like a Nintendo fanboy wanting to compare Wii U to Ps Vita in some hope of making it look less weak or some how less bad. I saw nothing and it appears lots of potential buyers feel the same, that is going to make me buy or want a Nintendo Switch especially at 300$. They didnt talk specs at all last night because they already know, the hardware is much weaker than Xbone or Ps4 let alone Ps4 pro and Scorpio.

2704d ago
+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2704d ago
Masterchief_thegoat2704d ago

Half the game you mention coming in holiday and next year while in march is Zelda and rest third party games that play way better on PS4 or pro

Wallstreet372704d ago (Edited 2704d ago )

Your blind fanaticism isnt even funny anymore its disgusting. Promoting this weak excuse for a console at 300 is a shame with no new ips in site and just ports. Pushing your agenda you forgot to mention great games like Resogun, Infamous and others during PS4 launch and launch window. Also decent free games at launch like warframe, Retribution. Ps4 launch was definitely better and more robyst. This launch is a joke. Zelda was suppose to come out years ago on Wiiu.

Let me guess your so happy they announced old Skyrim on Switch lol
And free new/SNES games with paid online what a joke of a presentation.

I see you doing a lot of defending on here lol Your not going to convince ppl to spend 326 dollars on this weak console at premium price.

Only person your fooling is yourself :)

_-EDMIX-_2704d ago

Wait slow down are those games confirmed for launch?

You're also ignoring that PlayStation 4 and Xbox One just had an abundance of all the third-party support.

Switch doesn't.

USMC_POLICE2704d ago

Only Zelda is a launch title on that list dude.

PhoenixUp2704d ago

Way to not even list the entire first party lineup within PS4's first year on the market

Melankolis2704d ago

You are somewhat right. But the problem i see is that Switch seems unconvincing. The PS4's launch maybe wasn't that good for some people, but they knew great games will come sooner or later. I don't want Nintendo fail, i hope good news will follow after this.

2704d ago
AnnaDea2704d ago

The only new game is Splatoon 2.

Zelda is also on Wii U. Mario Odyssey is one year away and Xenoblade 2 is 2018.

Gets your facts straight before flaming!

bouzebbal2704d ago (Edited 2704d ago )

urghhhh come on man..apart from zelda none of these will be launch title.
Yes, launch line up is extremely weak.


Except that NOBODY had any doubt that the PS4 would get the whole support from 3rd parties and It was/is the most powerful console ever made.

thehitman13982704d ago

Ok, let's put it this way. There are 12 games coming out on launch day. Of the 12, only 2 requires the switch to play on, the rest can be played on different platforms. And of those 2 Zelda and just Dance, only just Dance requires the switch as Zelda can be played on the wiiu.

So the only game at launch that requires the switch is just dance.................drops mic

Nough said

deviliscry2704d ago

Do you know these games not everything will be at launch right rigt

Utalkin2me2704d ago


Where are you getting this games to be launch titles? Cause this is what has been confirmed.

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Skylanders Imaginators
Just Dance 2017

Has Been Heroes (March 2017)
I am Setsuna (March 2017)
Sonic Mania (Spring 2017)
Lego City Undercover (Spring 2017)
Arms (spring 2017)
Super Bomberman R (March 2017)
Snipperclips: Cut it Out, Together! (March 2017)
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe (April 28, 2017)
Splatoon 2 (Summer 2017)
NBA 2K18 (September 2017)
Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (Fall 2017)
Super Mario Odyssey (Holiday 2017)

So as of right now....This is just a awful launch lineup. Nintendo thinks having Zelda will make everything ok and it doesn't.

+ Show (12) more repliesLast reply 2704d ago
FallenAngel19842704d ago

Switch's launch lineup looks very underwhelming in comparison to what PS4 and XO have in their Q1 2017 lineup, and they're going to all retailing for the same price

Erik73572704d ago

Just like the Order1886 was gonna be great, just like Destiny was gonna be great, majority of the games your hyped for 2017 will be mediocre just like every year.

Read dead is the only true good third party I am truly excited for

moegooner882704d ago

You do realise that Uncharted 4 and TLG between the two of them alone have 17 DICE awards nominations? If quality is your concern, don't be.

kowan2704d ago

There, there. It's time to stop now.

2704d ago
Aenea2704d ago

Red Dead is the only game you're interested in this year? Wow!

There are so many games coming this year that I want that I can't possibly play them (or buy them) all!

ninsigma2704d ago

Both of those games were thoroughly enjoyable even with the issues they had. It's time to stop crying now.

NapalmSanctuary2704d ago

@Erik7357 I'm pretty sure Persona 5 and Ace Combat 7 are going to be be great. Nier: Automata could be great too, but we'll have to see.

@moegooner88 Couldn't care less about the industry patting itself on the back. TLG and Bloodborne are the only great exclusives Sony has so far. With SMT, Xenoblade 2, Fast Racing MX, Super Mario Odyssey, Zelda:BotW, Mario Kart 8(not a Wii U owner), new No More Heroes... even that one SE game "Octobath whatever" looked like it could be good, or even great. I know they aren't launch titles but its more than Sony ever did this gen to get me excited for its line up. In pandering to the graphics whoring mass market, Sony has watered itself down.

Utalkin2me2704d ago


The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Skylanders Imaginators
Just Dance 2017

Has Been Heroes (March 2017)
I am Setsuna (March 2017)
Sonic Mania (Spring 2017)
Lego City Undercover (Spring 2017)
Arms (spring 2017)
Super Bomberman R (March 2017)
Snipperclips: Cut it Out, Together! (March 2017)
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe (April 28, 2017)
Splatoon 2 (Summer 2017)
NBA 2K18 (September 2017)
Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (Fall 2017)
Super Mario Odyssey (Holiday 2017)

Again im going to follow you around. 4 launch games....SMFH

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2704d ago
TheOptimist2704d ago

Well no console had a great starting lineup. I would say Switch has the strongest launch lineup among consoles and 2 releases which might be possible must buys for the console- Zelda and Mario, whereas the only reason to own a PS4 right now is Bloodborne and there is probably no reason to buy Xbox One.

Wallstreet372704d ago (Edited 2704d ago )

Right.... Whatever you tell yourself to validate your purchase. This Switch line up is a joke

By the way extra extra read all about it there was a graph running around with all the PS4 exclusives in the last few years compared to Nintendo and Xbox exclusives offered based on metacritic and Ps4 had way more quality offerings. It was a landslide victory (there goes your fanboy hyperbole that Bloodborne is only game to own on ps4 :))

For some like me Mario and their stale IPS are a reason to stay away from Nintendo. Hardly any new IPS and constant regurgitation. Meh I'll stick to Until Dawn, Ratchet Clank, TLG, Resogun, Horizon, Bloodborne on my PS4 all new IPS except for Ratchet and then I get to play the awesome sequels like Infamous, MLB Show, Uncharted, GOW, etc... You see there is a system where you can have it all :)

TheOptimist2704d ago

I don't follow Metacritic. I want the game to be fun, not that critics like them. I just follow 2 critics- Yahtzee (Zero Punctuation) and Idiotech. I am not interested in any of the games you mentioned apart from Ratchet and Clank which as you said, is not a new IP.

Kokyu2704d ago (Edited 2704d ago )


Fun is subjective like most things. ME:A , Horizen, GT Sport, Destiny 2, Bloodborn 2, Rainbow 6 Siege year 2, Battlefield 1 they all interest me. What doesnt interest me another Zelda, Mario, Pikiman and the other childrens games. These childrens games you find "fun" are pretty boring and really what you are saying by "fun" is simplistic, unchallenging, brightly colored, with simple uncomplicated stories. Your idea of "fun" seems to never have matured, grown up or moved passed the 10yr old level. I bet you think hide and seek is just the bee's knees too. Adults, which make up the majority of the gaming public, dont want simplistic child like games any more, we've grown up and we want grown up games that have adult "fun" not child "fun".

Nintendo needs to abandon its broad Ocean nonsense and focus. The only cool and interesting thing the Switch does that appeals to me? Local Multiplayer and Co-Op and thats only because Im an older gamer who grow up playing games woth friends in my living room.

Wallstreet372704d ago


I agree 1000000 lol when I bought my Wiiu for my son I tried to enjoy the new Mario but couldn't for the life of me. My son who's 9 also quickly ditched the Wiiu and ran back to playing Minecraft and little big planet. It was a waste of money and I own Smash bros, zombie u, Mario, etc...

TheOptimist2704d ago


So which games apart from Bloodborne are challenging? And Bloodborne is still less challenging than Dark Souls from what I felt.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2704d ago
CorndogBurglar2704d ago

You are completely out of your mind if you think Bloodborne is the only reason to own a PS4.

2704d ago
_-EDMIX-_2704d ago


Both Xbox one and PlayStation 4 have launch lineups that were absolutely stacked with games!!!!

Gemmol2704d ago

Remember your opinion is not facts, I have friends with only 4 ps4 games, so obvious the games you like don't appeal to them, so thinking ps4 have a better 1st year over Switch is all opinion. I think switch games will get better reviews for its first year

_-EDMIX-_2704d ago (Edited 2704d ago )

@gemm- more games it's not a subjective concept I mean stacked in the respect that they had a lot of games.

that is actually objective .

For a fact PlayStation 4 and Xbox One had more games, that it is isn't debatable.

One number is bigger than the other

TheOptimist2704d ago

Yeah more games doesn't mean good games.

Objectively anything before Bloodborne was not good enough to be outstanding. Remasters are not counted and other than that the only good game I found was Infamous.


You're crazy, I like you man but you're CRAZY! -Old School

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2704d ago
Zikax2704d ago

yeahh zelda is a super weak launch titel...

shitt article

lxtrxi2704d ago

good launch titles = one good title?

doesn't make sense

freshslicepizza2704d ago

zelda looks better than any launch lineup i can remember aside from the original halo. the problem once again is the follow up. mario kart will be the month after but splatoon 2 will be summer. i foresee the same problems nintendo always has, strong content throughout the year because of the lack of third party to carry them.

Kokyu2704d ago


Zelda looked tired and weak not good. Its also supposed to be playable on Wii U. So why do I need a Switch @300$ when I could buy a Wii U at the pawn shop for like 120$.

Defending some of the nonsense that took place last night at the presentation is just sad. Keep up Ninteny fanboys and you beloved Nintendo will go the way of Sega and be just a software company.

ONESHOTV22704d ago

what no from what i have seen so far i can say the line up is very strong compared to sony's line up at at least the games are worth buying unlike what came out on the PS4. if the PS4 had such a great line up i wouldnt have looked to third party games for my enjoyment. even MS was slightly better than sony at least they got me to buy forza horizon 3

Kaneki-Ken2704d ago

One great game doesn't mean a great launch line up plus Zelda is coming to WiiU so it's line up is the weakest.

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