
Ubisoft's Not Sending out Early Review Copies For Steep

Ubisoft announced today that they will not be sending out any early review copies for their sports game Steep.

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PhoenixUp2743d ago

Uh oh that doesn't sound good

k2d2742d ago

There's been two betas. One of them open to the public. If you hadn't played one of them, and you can't be bothered to wait a couple of days, what are you complaining about?

JD_Shadow2742d ago

The reasons are simple: betas are known to have bugs in them because they are actively testing the game out in a real-world setting. In other words, a beta should NEVER be viewed as a direct representation of what the final product will be like. The beta is there to make sure that the final product won't have what you expect a beta to be. Reviewing a beta version of a product is counterproductive for a variety of reasons, all of which common sense would prove true.

What REVIEWERS would get is what the final product would be like. As in, what you would go to a store to pick up off the shelves, or download as something that they are going to sell to you full price. This is what they will be presenting to the general gaming public, and this is the product you would expect to be free of bugs, glitches, or problems. This is called making sure Ubisoft gets those preorder sales figures up without having to worry about reviewers (and yes, there ARE some very honest ones still) telling people to wait a second before preordering. They don't WANT that to be out there, and this is not something they overlooked, but rather why they even did this.

And thus, a LOT of reasons to complain about it! It's VERY anti-consumer, and it's so obvious to see why!

Goldby2740d ago

@JD Shadow

While that is true for most games, the Beta's for Ubisoft Games have been a large portion of the full game themselves.

Division you could get to level 8 and have 10% of the map available to you.
Steep is the same thing. and people realized that without friends, Steep is Boring. i was really looking forward to the game, but it doesn't hold attention and feels like its relyign too much on the community to keep content up

TheOptimist2742d ago

Oh I get it now, those companies that are famous for trash ports aren't sending Review copies. Gret going, great going indeed.
PS: I am getting 33 fps on WD2 with GTX 1070 and i5-6500, apparently the game using 100% of the CPU due to which such low frame rates

kevnb2742d ago

poor optimization period, I tried assassins creed unity on ps4 and it was unplayable for example.

TheOptimist2742d ago

I don't understand why they are giving away copies of Watch Dogs 2 with GTX 1070 when Pascal is having problems with the game

Hoffmann2742d ago

Because of this crap I never buy Ubisoft games before they are at least a year old and patched multiple times...the nice side effect is that there are often gotc editions with the dlc and sold below 30 bucks

TheOptimist2742d ago

It's good I didn't buy the game lo, got it with the card.

Chexs19902742d ago

So you won't buy Bethesda games before they are 1 year old anymore either i take it?

On a serious note though, i'm beginning to fear that other studios will pick up the Bethesda rule as a permanent deal. That would kinda blow -_-

Goldby2740d ago


It would put alot of reviewers out of business.

zivtheawesome2742d ago

actually the bad performance seems to be only on the 1000 series, will probably be fixed on an update.

TheOptimist2742d ago

I hope they do, it is a fun game otherwise.

INMATEofARKHAM2742d ago (Edited 2742d ago )

I played the beta, a little not a lot, on PC and never had frame issues... It's an extremely beautiful game.

It's issue, I suspect, is that it seemed to lack soul... Or that's what I walked away thinking. (I'll likely pick it up on sale at some point but it's going to have to get way cheaper.)

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2740d ago

Day one for me...play both close and open beta and i really like the game

Nevers0ft2742d ago

I was in both of those betas as well and agree that the game played well, I really got into the "exploration" side of things... But I think I'll hold off buying it day one, even Ubisoft don't appear to have much confidence in it so I'll probably hang back a week or two, see how the launch goes.

Goldby2740d ago

same as you N?ever. i like it, but can justify speding 90- bucks on it

Benoski2742d ago (Edited 2742d ago )

It's like The Division.

Steep's mainly mean't for online, so Ubisoft wants to hold back review copies until they open the servers.

Allsystemgamer2742d ago

That's why you send out enough review copies to get it populated. Or organize slots for reviewers.

Goldby2740d ago

no its like division in that after the main events are done, it will be a very boring game unless they figure a way to not rely on the players to create that content, and make solo riding more fun

morganfell2742d ago

Good. More companies should take this approach. These parasitic blogs and websites that leech off the industry when they are simply loud mouthed opinionists need to engage in actually journalism or else find another job.

Princess_Pilfer2742d ago

1) The companies making the games are the single least trustworthy source of information about the game, they have multi million dollar steaks in selling as many copies as possible. Thus, the only trustworthy information is 3rd party.

2) It's all opinions. The whole point is that they can provide the actual facts about the game and their experience with them so that you can use that to determine if you might like it. You aren't supposed to take reviews on blind faith, believe it or not.

3) Because they keep pushing pre-orders that actively punish people for waiting for that information to make an informed decision, any "just wait" argument is invalid. They're deliberately setting up a system with the specific intention of not letting any of their lies/misrepresentations/design aspects people don't like/performance problems be exposed and turn people off buying the game, and if you don't buy into it then they punish you.

morganfell2742d ago

Except they do not provide facts. These so called reviewers are often quite wrong. They have no standards and no real editor in chief to keep them on an even keel. They are free to execute their opinion driven agenda. I can read plenty about a game and watch enough videos before release, before reviews to determine if I wish to buy it. I do not need basement Billy to tell me what to do. Neither do you if you would exercise a little control and conduct some research. And companies are not the only ones that lie. Plenty of these so called journalists do wither through intent or by simple incompetence.

So what if they push preorders? Are people so incapable of resisting the temptation to buy? Why should these milktoasts get to blame someone else for their own inability to control their impulses? This crap society where someone else is to blame for you lack of self control is beyond ridiculous. No one is forcing you to buy day one or day ever.

Just wait.

If more people did that these companies would alter the way they make games. They would in the end release better titles. Titles with more offerings to get you to buy. Less buggy games. If companies are to blame for your lack of purchasing control then the public is to blame for these companies rushing out incomplete games. Its a two way street. I don't buy into either one of those ideas but if you buy into one then the other applies as well. Grow up, be an adult, watch the previews, and exercise patience.

Princess_Pilfer2742d ago

They DO provide facts. They detail gameplay systems, graphical settings, performance on their hardware, details about the story and characters and specific failings or high points, ect.

News flash, part of that research is reading/watching reviews (which, btw, is usually the only trustworthy gameplay footage pre-release.) In fact that's most of the research.

They've set up a blatantly anti-consumer practice where you buy on blind faith and gamble your $60 or you have to spend extra money on getting the whole product. That's what. Believe it or not, I don't pre-order games or buy on day 1 wether their are reviews or not, that doesn't change any of my points, so maybe stop being condecending long enough to address my actual points.

No, companeis are to blame for their ****y behavior as they try to actively deny accurate information to consumers and punish people for making smart decisions. Responsibility begins and ends with the people who made the decisions.

morganfell2742d ago (Edited 2742d ago )

Those are not the facts most gamers are interested in. "Is it good" That is the fact they want. And that is a fact only they can provide for themselves. Graphical settings and the like are not something one needs a reviewer to provide. Performance on their hardware? If you are talking PC then it is now machts nichts due to all the variances in everyone's PC. Impossible to calculate. Failings and high points are again subjective. Story and character are something to be found in plenty of previews unless you like spoilers. If companies are to blame for their behavior then lack of ability to do preview research and control one's buying habits are the fault of the consumer. You can't have it both ways. All buyers have to do is wait until after the game launches. Then they can be led around by the nose and told what to buy AND they will likely get the game after the first patch drops.

Acting as if reviewers are some bastion of truth and honesty is not only blind following but it is laughable. I am loving this no reviews before launch trend.

Goldby2740d ago


Reviewers are supposed to look at what ever product they are reviewing objectively. not holding any bias towards or against the product.

For Video games, those reviews should be including a few things.
1)game mechanics and how they operate
2) brief introduction to story of game (equivalent of a recap for people just starting)
3)any issues with performance
4)glitches or bugs
5)fun to play?

Thats really all that needs to be looked at when performing reviews. The reason why Ubisoft and Bethesda are getting shit up to their knees about this is that in the past, both have released some bad games. Ubisoft, has a worse track record lately. and if Honest Reviewers are given the opportuntity to inform the gaming community of the issues with games, then no one is stopping the companies from not delivering on that "fun" aspect.
Division was fun for about 5or so hours. after the story finished it was boring. would you rather someone inform you of that before the games comes out so that you know not to pre-order or even purchase day one?

IF we are having to waiting weeks or even a month for reviews before games end up getting purchased, companies will through in more useless DLC for pre-orders, special items that become super weak or non existant after the first 1 hour of gameplay.

We need the honest reviewers to keep the companies in check to make sure they aren't ripping us off as much as they feel they could

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2740d ago
ShottyatLaw2742d ago

This practice only benefits the publishers, and does nothing for you.

You may want to focus on the reviewers, bloggers, and YouTubers who are only out for clicks, but what about the ones who legitimately assess and review products to inform the purchasers?

If this practice continues, the "actual journalists" will push back and begin to refuse to produce preview coverage for these games. Can't blame them. It's the publisher's right not to send these copies out, but it will only lead to more ass kissing and press release regurgitating churnalism.

Many reviews have saved me $ at the electronics store or the movie theater. I cannot see how this is a positive to consumers at all. Yes, consumers should wait to purchase, but instead of criticizing the gamers who are eager to play an anticipated title, criticize the companies pushing preorders only to hide from critics in order to take advantage of hype.

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Xbox Deals With Gold and Spotlight Sale Discounts – 1st-7th Sept 2020

Neil writes: "A new month means new freebies via the Xbox Games With Gold scheme. But as we head into September 2020, it also signifies the arrival of a brand new set of discounts that come about through the weekly Xbox Deals With Gold and Spotlight Sale. And as has been the case for as long as we care to remember, once more the Deals With Gold sale is found delivering a host of great games at bargain basement prices. Want the full list of those available between the 1st-7th September 2020?"

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Eight Games With Amazing Winter Vibes

COG writes: With winter slowly coming to an end, some games may bring you back to the heart of it, allowing you to relive the experience without getting cold.

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LordoftheCritics1578d ago (Edited 1578d ago )

8 – Steep
7 – Diddy Kong Racing
6 – Super Mario 64
5 – Kingdom Hearts 3
4 – God of War
3 – World of Warcraft
2 – Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
1 – Animal Crossing: New Leaf

If you're gonna make me click so much, at least have a less bot mining looking site.

jakmeup1231578d ago

you my sir are a good man and. But the biggest L is they had was not putting in the division

Lon3wolf1578d ago

Would of swapped out WoW for Division personally.

Sono4211577d ago (Edited 1577d ago )

Nah the biggest L is they forgot to add the Pokemon Sword and Shield Wild area ;) You're supposed to be able to take one step and go from a sunny summer day to a cold cloudy winter right?

In all seriousness though, I would say Uncharted 2 deserves to at least be a runner up.

pwnmaster30001578d ago

Wait so no horizon? Why is it the cover page then lol

porkChop1578d ago

For all it's faults, The Division has some of the best winter atmosphere I've come across. Massive Entertainment really nailed that aspect.

bluefox7551578d ago

Interestingly enough, today was the first "heavy snow" day we've had in PA, it's weird, it's been a pretty mild winter up until this point.

william_cade1578d ago

F' their click-fest article...sleezy does it.

jjb19811578d ago

Where's Battlefield Bad Company 2? You don't even know bro.

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Darksiders Warmastered, Darksiders II, and Steep are free at Epic Games Store

Darksiders Warmastered Edition, Darksiders II, and Steep are free right now at Epic Games Store. They are free until January 9 at 10 AM. Once you claim it, it’s yours to keep.

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cartoonx11614d ago

why? these are very good games and free.

CoNn3rB1614d ago

BeCaUsE iT's NoT sTeAm! If often the reason why people don't like epic

Mainman1871614d ago

You'd have to pay me to play those games. Even then I'm not so sure.

1615d ago
Spenok1615d ago

Dang, 3 free games for the first 10 days. That's awesome.

Iamnothuman121615d ago

At this rate I won't ever have to buy anything from their store.

Unspoken1614d ago

And you eventually won't have to use any other platform either. Smart move.

Father__Merrin1615d ago

Epic have really looked after people since its launch. i predict the store gets stronger and stronger in the marketplace

luckytrouble1615d ago

Nah. All Epic is doing is building a community of people that will just hang around for the free stuff. People that are happy to take free games aren't going to necessarily overlap with people willing to pay.

Whatever Epic's strategy here is, they aren't exactly doing much as a store.

1615d ago
RazzerRedux1615d ago

I’ve bought a few games on sale there. They have some good deals. It isn’t just about free games, but good deals and free games? Seems like a pretty good store strategy to me.

PMind1615d ago

I have purchased multiple games. Most of the free ones are nothing I would have bought but are a welcome bonus.

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