
[Mark Williams:] PS4 Pro’s Checkerboard 4K Will Never Look As Good As Native 4K, Requires More Work

The PS4 Pro is nearly here but the debate on how beneficial its 4K upscaling can be compared to native 4K rendering is still on-going. Which one is better even if they both have their advantages depending on the hardware?

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ArchangelMike2770d ago

It had to be Gamingbolt.... what a way to spin that article into flambait....

ApocalypseShadow2770d ago

Yup. Another Gamebolt article.

Time for another game of wack a mole...

Better yet... Two...

You really have to beat these ridiculous articles down. But, at least it wasn't another opinion article.

Utalkin2me2769d ago

It's funny. Digital Foundry just did a video of stating how hard it was to tell the difference with only being inches away from the screen. He said there was a difference, but basically said you had to have a keen eye and be merely inches away from the screen.


Rude-ro2769d ago

Yeah, but they are intelligent and actually have all the equipment so they do not count. :/

xDealtwithIt2769d ago

So is upscaling okay now? No one seems to mind it anymore and yet for other games on another system it was completely unacceptable.

Where will the goal posts be placed next?

Utalkin2me2769d ago


Your comparing 2 machines that was out against each other, so yeah we need to compare. So are we going to compare PS4 Pro against the Xbox1 or the S? You can only compare things that are out and in consumers hands.

Maybe you should also educate yourself on the pixel density of 4k and upscaling vs 1080p.

candystop2769d ago

Yeah there seems to be way to much bs from those that once deemed X1 Inferior. Now all of sudden it's ok and doesn't matter to them lol. Anyways not important and the games will speak for themselves.

Utalkin2me2769d ago


First it's a known fact that the Xbox1 is inferior. This is not a opinion. Secondly the PS4 pro is the most powerful console on the market, and 2 times more powerful then the next closest console. So why should what it does not be ok?

I honestly dont get at what you guys are trying to get at. I mean if you're that upset that the Xbox1 is only the 3rd strongest console. Thats not my fault. I mean hang tight for another year.

Muzikguy2769d ago (Edited 2769d ago )

@candystop and dealwithit

Why is it when people state true things that people like you guys complain about goalposts being moved? The X1 is inferior and there are reasons why it upscaled games as opposed to putting them in 1080p naively. Quit playing the victim and "deal with it".

Kingthrash3602769d ago (Edited 2769d ago )

@ dealwithit
Xbox one at launch 499.99
Ps4 at launch 399.99
Xbox one Call of duty ghosts 720p upscaled to 1080p
Ps4 native 1080p
That was the problem.
And when more and more games had this difference the bigger the issue becomes.
What's crazy is the same may well happen to the scorpio. The ps4p might have more native 4k games at a cheaper price. Simply due to the massive amount of games for it.

GamingIVfun2769d ago (Edited 2768d ago )

Their are going to be true 4k at 30 FPS games on PS4 pro, even triple AAA games, and the games that use the other techniques to achieve 4K (it's not basic upscaling) look virtually identical to true 4k. it's amazing that PS4 Pro with much less power than what a single PC graphics card has, can do this, I have a GTX 1080, which is a 9 teraflop GPU and it still has a hard time with modern AAA games doing 4k. But people think with Xbox Scorpio having a 6 teraflop GPU, that all the games will be true 4K, it's more than likely that the Xbox scorpio will be doing similar techniques to what PS4 Pro is doing for many of it's games and they will be doing this at a higher price for the console or a loss to the company for each console.

PS4 is taking the better approach to affordable 4k gaming that looks virtually identical to true 4k.

There are many articles and people that are saying the same thing I am saying but they get ignored for this one article that is flame bait.

Note on the update, I think the checker boarding technique used on PS4 is proprietary tech, if it wasn't you would definitely see it done on PC games since the vast majority of PC's do not have the power to do true 4k and the ones that can are much much more expensive than the PS4 Pro. I will also say that at a normal viewing distance you will be hard pressed to see the difference between Sony's checker board technique and true 4k. another thing is HDR, which makes a huge difference also.

freshslicepizza2769d ago (Edited 2769d ago )

@ dealwithit
Xbox one at launch 499.99
Ps4 at launch 399.99 http://n4g.com/news/1980109...
Xbox one Call of duty ghosts 720p upscaled to 1080p
Ps4 native 1080p
That was the problem. "

the problem was exemplified by kinect which added the real reason it cost more so why not tell the whole story now? some games are 900p on the xbox one now and 1080p on the ps4 and it IS STILL something that gets brought up and rightfully so. now the question is will you guys now try and act like the power gap is not significant? OF COURSE YOU WILL. the conversation will then shift gears to exclusives and the amount of sales and if the prices are different all while trying to smother any advantage scorpio will have over the ps4 pro. then if that doesn't work the ps5 will be brought up. this is what you guys do, you move the goalposts because you have issues with the competition and for some strange reason think that by supporting sony it somehow makes you feel better inside. even though they treat you no differently than those who dont waste their time doing fee promotion.

for the $299 you get an xbox one s which is a bit more powerful than the xbox one and it comes with at least one game which makes it cheaper than the ps4. what that means is now both products are priced appropriately because the ps4 is still a bit more powerful than the xbox one s but they are not as wide as you want to make it appear. plus the xbox one s comes with a ultra 4k bluray player but will you tell anyone the xbox one s is a good buy? . of course not so why even partake in the conversation when you will NEVER give a rational response?

"What's crazy is the same may well happen to the scorpio. The ps4p might have more native 4k games at a cheaper price. Simply due to the massive amount of games for it."

like i said, rational response. nada, not gonna happen. instead you want to imply because the ps4 has more games that suddenly its going to have more native 4k games? how about we talk about games that matter like battlefield and go from there? your whole tactic of trying to downplay scorpio since it was revealed is becoming a joke, even among your own fanbase. people do care about extra power in consoles, if they didn't they wouldn't be lining up trading in their ps4's and driving the used prices down so fast. scorpio will be even more powerful but if it is of no interest then thats fine but dont try and sell us your agenda, its not gonna work. most games sold on the ps4 are games like battlefield, so just enjoy them on your ps4 pro and dont feel so jealous if scorpio plays them better. that's just life, technology improves. but for now the ps4 pro offers great value, is that not enough for you?

MagUk2769d ago

Yes they did indeed but they also said it was on a static image so that makes it really hard to tell the difference.

NXSwitch2768d ago

More work will still result in trash/same gut graphics. This year is the start in gaming history that the Pro is nothing but a fake wanabe 4k player trying to hang out in the wrong hood. Best stay in 3rd place & know whats good for yah!

Muzikguy2768d ago (Edited 2768d ago )


I feel like all those questions you just asked KingThrash you should be asking yourself instead. It seems to me like you don't believe any of that crap you just said. Why do only certain games like Battlefield matter? Why are YOU downplaying the Pro? I'm seeing so many people excited for the PS4 Pro which is great. Then there are people like you and some others on here constantly defending a system that isn't even out yet. Then talk about goalposts being moved??? You're special.....

I wouldn't talk about X1 being a good buy either if someone were to ask me. That doesn't mean I'm moving goalposts. I just don't believe Microsoft's system is a good buy. It could come with a car, a house, a baby girl, and a stripper and I still wouldn't buy one. If you understood the industry you could see why it is that MS keeps giving things away. Bribes don't make things a "good buy".

freshslicepizza2768d ago

"Why do only certain games like Battlefield matter?"

because those are the games people want extra power for, they are not buying the pro for indie games that might get 4k native content. try and stay on topic here. so dont be talking about games like horizon because that wont be 4k. kingthrash said he expect the ps4 pro to have more 4k native games than scorpio.

"Why are YOU downplaying the Pro? I'm seeing so many people excited for the PS4 Pro which is great."

great and i didnt downplay the pro. how do you go from someone who constantly tries to minimize a system not even out yet to me downplaying the pro because i said scorpio will be more powerful? i am simply stating facts. the ps4 pro offers great value, i already said that but king is trying to downplay scorpio as much as possible yet you want to go after me instead? typical.

" Then there are people like you and some others on here constantly defending a system that isn't even out yet. Then talk about goalposts being moved??? You're special..... "

again try and comprehend what has been said and stop playing favorites here because you dont support the xbox brand.

"I wouldn't talk about X1 being a good buy either if someone were to ask me. That doesn't mean I'm moving goalposts. I just don't believe Microsoft's system is a good buy. It could come with a car, a house, a baby girl, and a stripper and I still wouldn't buy one. If you understood the industry you could see why it is that MS keeps giving things away. Bribes don't make things a "good buy"."

bribes? project scorpio is now a bribe? stop bringing your issues with microsoft into this.

Muzikguy2768d ago (Edited 2768d ago )

moldybread.... You are talking about how X1 S comes with a game and is essentially cheaper than the PS4. That's the "bribes" I'm talking about. They keep adding "value" to their systems by giving things away. Those are called bribes. That's also why I say you need to understand the industry. I don't think you do because your vision is clouded or something. I really don't know.

And don't tell me "stop bringing your issues with Microsoft into this". I'm commenting on the article like anyone else. Get over it. Just because you don't agree 🙄. I'm not here downplaying Scorpio, let it come release that's fine. I do believe though, that the PS4 Pro will have more games in the long run. I also believe that the PS5 will be out shortly after the Scorpio which will make its life short lived. I also believe that when that happens MS will stop supporting the Scorpio and come out with their next console. Just a vicious cycle. This is why I just play games and not worry about the next thing coming along. There's too much to enjoy in life. Those "beliefs" are just guesses and they may not even happen. Whatever unfolds will in due time. I'm not saying that stuff is 100%

miyamoto2768d ago

Xbone S upscaling is a huge blur fest scam
look at 0:23 of this video

freshslicepizza2768d ago

"moldybread.... You are talking about how X1 S comes with a game and is essentially cheaper than the PS4. That's the "bribes" I'm talking about. They keep adding "value" to their systems by giving things away. Those are called bribes.


hey look, more bribes!

+ Show (14) more repliesLast reply 2768d ago
2770d ago Replies(5)
Muzikguy2769d ago

I really don't like this site. Gamingbolt is such trash

NXSwitch2768d ago Show
Muzikguy2768d ago (Edited 2768d ago )

It's cool if you like the site man, I don't really give a sh!t. Tell you what though, you'd be blind not to notice how bad it is. Unless you work for them or something, in which case you have terrible customer relations. Nobody would like a site if they have people talking like you are to me

ninjazfistz2768d ago

We know they are biased. However, this article I found to be quite acceptable. If they said how PS4 Pro graphical techniques are as good or better would you have liked it?

Muzikguy2768d ago

To be honest ninja, I don't read things from that site. It's not necessarily about being biased, because we all are in one way or another, I have other issues with the site. Constantly they seem to make something out of nothing. Make a huge stink over something so small. Other times it's almost like they try to create a flame war. Then there was a time when anyone they talked to they'd say something like "Sony will win the holiday 'says analyst'". They'd overuse the term analyst to mean pretty much anyone. Clickbait. They do that a lot too (and really almost all websites do this)

OB1Biker2768d ago (Edited 2768d ago )

Its beyond me that so many people still dont get what that site is about. For years its all been about poking fanboys on both sides for clicks and with their obvious agenda in the background.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2768d ago
Ju2769d ago

Funny. That dud who made that statement was actually referring to Mantis Racer, his own game, which runs native 4K @ 60fps on the Pro and his response was in the sense that for his game, he thinks native was more a requirement than on slower paced games using checkerboard. But, hey, creative headline taking this out of context...Gamingbolt. They don't miss a chance lowballing the Pro at every occasion.

butchertroll2769d ago

For people who doesn't know ( gamingbolt too ), PS4 Pro has native 4K games. Here is the list :

- The Last Of Us Remastered (Native 4K@30FPS with the best shadows)
- Smite (Native 4K@60FPS)
- The Elder Scroll Online (Native 4K@30FPS)
- The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition Edition (Native 4K@30FPS)
- Mantis Burn Racing (Native 4K@60FPS / Native 4K@30FPS for 4 player split-screen)
- Wheels of Aurelia (Native 4K@60FPS)
- Futuridium EP Deluxe (Native 4K@60FPS)
- forma.8 (Native 4K@60FPS + 8xMSAA )
- Rez Infinite (Native 4K@60FPS)
- Hustle Kings (Native 4K)
- Thumper (Native 4K)
- NBA 2K17 (Native 4K@60FPS + HDR)
- Bound (Native 4K@60FPS + MSAA x2 upscaled from MSAAx8 in normal gameplay / in VR mode: rendering to 4K internal screen which is then supersampled to 1080P display in PSVR + new effects like volumetric lights + sharper shadows)
- Viking Squad (Native 4K@60FPS).
- Pro Evolution Soccer 2017 (Native 4K@60FPS)

DialgaMarine2768d ago

Love how you're getting down voted for pointing out a fact. Guess people have to try and silence you when you use facts to kill their BS agenda.

lastking952768d ago (Edited 2768d ago )

Not exactly an impressive list. Ppl need to just enjoy the dang games and stop arguing over resolution and sales 24/7

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2768d ago
darthv722769d ago (Edited 2769d ago )

Checkerboard rendering may not look the same as native 4k but I don't think that really bothers people. The games are still going to look good regardless because they will be upscaling from mostly 1080p+ sources anyways. Some games will get patches to yield higher resolution resources to help make the checkerboard rendering more efficient.

I for one never had a problem with upscaled vs native as my 44 year old eyes aren't what they used to be but damn that HDR sure does look sweet. I might not be able to see resolution differences like younger people but i can sure see the difference HDR makes.

PlayableGamez-2769d ago

You ps dudes weren't saying that about 900p vs 1080p...

2769d ago
Aloy-Boyfriend2769d ago

No. They were saying that about 720p VS 1080p

badz1492769d ago (Edited 2769d ago )

900p "upscaled" to 1080p is not the same as 1800p "checkerboard" to 2160p. The former is done by HW upscaler but the later is done through rendering. Closest example we have is QB but it was from 720p to 1080p.

Aenea2769d ago


Checkerboard rendering is used to reach 1800p, the rest, towards 2160p, is done by old fashioned upscaling. Checkerboard rendering is NOT upscaling, but Xbox fans will keep saying it is so it will make them feel better for the coming year...

Errorist762769d ago

and you dudes claimed it didn't matter back then...

xDealtwithIt2769d ago (Edited 2769d ago )

It is strange how a certain fanbase seemed disgusted over the idea of any game being upscaled. Pointing out all the small details of what they saw when comparison videos were released.

But now since Mark Cerny threw a buzzword like checkerboard out there this will now be the defense needed to make upscaling okay by this fanbase.

All it took was Sony to tell them that upscaling is okay, of course only after they sell you another sort of premium console.

Utalkin2me2769d ago (Edited 2769d ago )

@xDealtwithIt, Errorist76

Cause the PS4 is stronger then Xbox1. The PS4 Pro is twice the power of PS4 and almost 3 times the power of the Xbox1. Who cares if double upscales and upcales the upscales, it's still the strongest console. While there is a noticeable difference between 900p and 1080p. It's visually slightly blurry. Its less of the fact considering the pixel density is way higher in 4k. It's left up to the developers how they see fit to use the power, be it Native 4k or checkerboard rendered or how ever.

But on the flip side. The same thing could be said about "games is the only thing that matters" and blah blah. But you know what who cares, i dont and thats the sole reason i very rarely even go into MS articles. I could care less if the Scorpio is 20 times stronger then PS4.

Razzer2769d ago

Xbox dudes sure were.

zeuanimals2768d ago


Spoken like someone who doesn't understand what Checkerboard rendering is.

TKCMuzzer2768d ago (Edited 2768d ago )

I don't give a crap to be honest but I can tell the difference once it starts going below 720p. You know whats worse, stick a checkerboard 4K and a normal 4K in front of 95% of gamers and they would not be able to tell the difference, it's just dick measuring which is quite apt to sum up a lot of these websites who don't really seem to care about the obvious.....games.
If people want to stick their nose on the screen to see 'small artifacts' then knock your selves out if thats how you justify your purchase.

Plus after a certain resolution your eye struggles to notice the difference, but your eye can notice the difference between 1080p and 720p.

extermin8or2768d ago

You realise that there is a massive difference between standard upscaling and the checkerboard technique in terms of image quality. As digital foundry said the checkerboard is near indifferent from native, you can only tell if you stand inches from the screen and have a sharp eye. Standard upscaling is noticeable at a distance,

Chevalier2768d ago

It's more ironic that after 3 years where graphics differences didn't matter, but, now that Scorpio is on the way graphics all of a sudden matter again. If it mattered before you would have owned a PS4 not an Xbone. It's hilarious to see the flip flop.

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 2768d ago
never4get2768d ago

Uncharted 4 still looks like a cartoon no matter what resolution it is. Does naughty dog even live in real life?

Anzil2768d ago

Best looking game on console. You mad bro?

DigitalRaptor2768d ago (Edited 2768d ago )

To all of those trying to equate hardware-intensive checkerboard rendering to 900p upscaling, then please do me a kind favour and leave the conversation because you're utterly disingenuous, you're trying to pull "hypocrisy" from between your buttocks, and you all have no idea what you're talking about.

It's not just "ps dudes" that were being open and honest about 900p not looking as good as 1080p, because not only was 1080p an established standard in 2013, but the Xbox One's built-in upscaler not only crushed blacks and made games look significantly worse than what would be a native 1080p image, but it was done using primitive upscaling methods, that are COMPLETELY incomparable to what checkerboard rendering is and does.

Not only this, but we have multiple sources that describe the Pro's checkerboard rendering as "hard to tell", "indistinguishable", "almost identical", and "98% there":

And the thing is, it's the job of gaming media to take information and analyse it fairly and the good thing is, they aren't going to be disingenuous by lying about the reality of the differences that lie between primitive (and sub-par) upscaling from a few years ago, and checkerboard rending (impressive and indistinguishable) right now.

lastking952768d ago (Edited 2768d ago )

Lol smh ive never seen so much flip flop in my life. All in 1 gen by the same ppl lol

You're one of those ppl digital. There has been ppl defending 900p upscaled to 1080 and those same Ppl are no doubt hyped 4k but Im seeing them say 4k native or death. Theyre calling out thise that said native or death last year but now saying upscaled (yes even checkerboard does upscaling) is no noticeable difference. You're already a known flipflopper so I wont waste my time any longer.

DigitalRaptor2768d ago (Edited 2768d ago )

What am I reading here?

Xbox fanboys have been downplaying the established 1080p standard since 2013, and for another year will be absolutely satisfied with how games output on the XB1, and the day (the hour, the minute) the Scorpio comes out..... checkerboard will be a "joke" apparently even though it looks almost as good as native 4K which is already well above 1080p (that was apparently not a big deal with the XB1 not being able to achieve it often enough). That's even worse flip-flop because it will be immediate, more severe and with the sole intention to gloat. & 4K is not an established standard which makes the situation completely different to what you're trying to use it for here.


And you're STILL trying to equate the outcome of checkerboard rendering as if it's the same as XB1 upscaling, which had problems of its own, whereas checkerboard is a streamlined solution that doesn't damage image quality in the process of upscaling.

@ lastking95

There's no proof you've given to support most of your comment, and you ignored the majority of it because you don't have an answer to give. You're just one of those dudes who throws a blanket claim about people and then not end up justifying it. You know exactly what i said is going to happen, but to you this is all about the Sony boys. You're a known time-waster who PM's me to try and disprove known facts in the name of Xbox defense. I don't think I need to be wasting my time on you any longer either. It's ok, I already destroyed you in the comment below.

2768d ago
+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2768d ago
Rimeskeem2769d ago

*Sees the title and looks at source*

Of course it's gamingbolt

DigitalRaptor2768d ago (Edited 2768d ago )

We have multiple source already saying that checkerboard 4K is almost indistinguishable from native 4K....

Where are my sources you ask?


If anyone cares to read/listen to those sources you'll find the words.... "hard to tell", "indistinguishable", "almost identical", and "98% there". Xbox damage controllers really, really think people will care about the differences in something that looks practically indistinguishable... wow...

Yet we are already getting the most insecure Xboxers spreading nonsense around, and getting bitter about 900p vs. 1080p "hypocrisy" that used generic age-old upscaling and trying to equate it to checkerboard rendering as if it's remotely comparable tech-wise. If folks weren't disingenuous and agenda-driven, they would know that checkerboard rendering is not simple upscaling that crushes blacks and makes games look worse like the XB1 did, that's for sure.

@ lastking95

I'm not quite sure what YOU are reading but all of those are editorials from people who played on PS4 Pro and have opinions way more valid that an avid detractor like yourself. There is ZERO input from developers in those articles that talks about whether or not it looks the same or not. And you'll also notice, if you actually ready my comment that I said "almost indistinguishable", which is a huge feat considering that this is only officially a 4.2TF machine. There's nothing inherently wrong with people noticing a difference. ALL OF THEM said that it was so close that it was almost indistinguishable. Sorry to burst your bubble but please try to read better next time.

The thing is though dude. 900p on Xbone was so easy to spot because Microsoft's in-built upscaler made it look worse when it upscaled the image, and 1080p was a standard before this gen even began, so I'm not sure how you're trying to deflect here.

Checkerboard is NOT (and I repeat NOT) the same as Microsoft's sh***y primitive XB1 upscaler that crushed blacks and made image quality actually worse. Although, you guys are actually trying to make it seem like Cerny's extremely impressive solution is comparable to what was a lazy upscaling implementation on an underpowered console for a generation with 1080p standards. You're actually not surprised because you're an Xboy who's desperate to try and make false equivalencies due to the XB1's struggle this generation. And Scorpio is not even out for another year and nobody actually knows jack about it, which is the only reason Xboys are trying to downplay how amazing checkerboard looks next to native 4K.

lastking952768d ago

Not the best sources. 1 by ps4pro dev and another by SOMEONE WHO GUESSED THE UPSCALED VERSION.

"It's hard to tell but we were able to guess the upscaled checkerboard version"......kinda like 900p vs 1080p hard to tell but can be guessed. Stop with the goalpost moving. You of all ppl sh***ed on 900p and upscaling but now saying checkerboard is no noticeable difference and okay 😏why am I not surprised?

At the end of the day any tv less the 60" your wasting your time with 4k anyway if you jocking over it. Well 50" may be some slight noticeable improvement (remember to squint lol)

2768d ago
MasterCornholio2769d ago

Eurogamer said the same but they also said that it looks extremely close. With some games they have to be inches away to spot the difference. They explained that this occurs due to the much higher pixel density.

Mystogan2769d ago

I think the kicker here is that it requires more work for devs.

Teflon022769d ago

From what I hear checkerboard is more work than native but the amount of power it saves is work it apparently, which is why the pro can add stuff like better shadows and effects not on the og ps4. The saved power. Digital Foundry said they think this is better than using native 4K for the trade off. The amount of saved power is worth it for Extras. Example, get a game native 4K. Or 1800 and checkerboard it and throw AA and what ever Extras you want. It adds up to be a fair trade off. One thing though is, this clearly means once scorpio releases, they'll have to figure a way to save more energy and do some new tricks because they've given ms a year to take advantage of these techs etc.

TKCMuzzer2768d ago (Edited 2768d ago )

Not really, it just requires idiots not to sit inches away from their TV, then it takes away all the worry away. It is important for yourself to sit a comfortable distance from the TV, this is how the analysis should be done, because this is how 99.9% of people will view the games.
Create real world viewing situations and feed back, this would then produce useful articles.

extermin8or2768d ago

3 weeks ish to get it running using checkerboard cerny reckoned. I personally think all games should use it going forwards, the difference to native is near unnoticeable, it allows for the saved power to go into better AA, shadows, lighting and/or keeping the frame rate stable or even increasing it. I'd take those things which ultimately are likely to produce a more noticeable increase in image quality of compared to a non-checkerboard image without them.

jer11222768d ago

I mean they're the only developer to say anything and they like some small Studio so I'm not really going to take their word for it. Every other Studio has said that the checkerboard rendering it's pretty easy and only takes a couple weeks to get done. I think this is more for Triple-A games obviously for any developers it's going to be more of a problem but these guys have the game running natively 4k on the PS4 Pro so I don't even see what they're talking about. To me it seems like they're making a big deal out of this because they wanted to look better because they got their game to run natively 4k on the PS4 Pro instead of checkerboard but it's also a small racing game instead of a big Triple-A game

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2768d ago
ONESHOTV22769d ago ShowReplies(3)
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anast1d 5h ago

So far, it doesn't look like it.

dumahim1d ago

I dunno. Might actually be better than Forza Motorsport 2023 was at launch.

dumahim20h ago


Yes. All of the ones on Xbox since the beginning. I even have the original Best Buy demo copy and FM2 limited edition that they didn't even sell in the US.

BeHunted12h ago

Did you actually read the article? They're talking about open world games like Forza Horizon, The Crew, etc. Not circuit racers; otherwise, they'd mention Gran Turismo.

MrBaskerville6h ago

Unpopular opinion it seems. But yeah, Forza Motorsport was the worst game in the series since Forza Motorsport 5. Huge letdown. Did they ever rework it? absolutely hated the campaign progression and the rpg systems relating to upgrading cars. Ended up just going back to 6 and 7 instead, those two also had a LOT more stages.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 6h ago
Jingsing1d 3h ago

Only a competitor if your game works fully offline and isn't some service.

DigitallyAfflicted1d 3h ago

it sounds like this game is stuck in last generation.

Skuletor1d 3h ago

Personally, I wouldn't want my game compared with The Crew at all, I certainly wouldn't be the one making the comparison either.

ElaBosak15h ago(Edited 15h ago)

How so? It's a very successful and popular racing franchise. Any game entering the genre is competing with racing games including The Crew.

Skuletor14h ago

It wasn't very long ago Ubisoft shutdown the original The Crew's servers, making every copy unplayable. I wouldn't want to be associated with that controversy.

gold_drake1d 1h ago

yeeaaa thats a no for me ha

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