
Digital Foundry: Hands-on with Mantis Burn Racing on PS4 Pro

Digital Foundry:

When we were first invited to go hands-on with Mantis Burn Racing - PlayStation 4 Pro's first native 4K title running at 60fps - it's fair to say that we didn't have to think twice about taking up the offer. It was a chance to see a title running at the new hardware's optimal video output, and to talk directly with VooFoo Studios, the Birmingham-based UK developer behind the game.

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Genuine-User2802d ago

Yep. Just don't go reading the comments section, it's cancerous.

ninsigma2802d ago (Edited 2802d ago )

Well now I just gotta read xD

Meh, I've seen worse on this site (it's really becoming bad here).

As for the game itself, wasn't that impressed. Awesome that they're doing 4k native but game play wise, it's not something I'd play.

badz1492802d ago

Reminds me a lot of Motorstorm RC. Love it. I'll surely give this a shot

IamTylerDurden12801d ago

Great impressions, it's running native 4k 60fps. DF said there are other gpu enhan cements as well. They think Pro has a secret sauce.

corroios2803d ago

Racing game will be possible, because they are the less demanding and if you cut out the real time stuff even.

Princess_Pilfer2803d ago

I've been saying that for years and nobody listens. Only having to actually render a relatively narrow trail, being able to really skimp on the quality of farther away things (because you're going to be blowing by it too quickly to really examine it and/or are physically incapable of getting close enough to see the lack of detail) means racing games can achieve levels of quality on what they do show that would tank the framerate of something like tomb raider.

Not to mention the top-down perspective, pre-rendered lighting and low detail vehicle models with this specific game.

Don't get your hopes up for a 4k/60 AAA game people, this is a minority within a minority, not something you can expect to see turning up in bigger games with more stuff going on.

XanderZane2802d ago

Game doesn't look all that great. What's impressive is the 4 player split screen. I like the dirt trail the cars leave behind them. I would expect some Indie games to be able to do 4K native with the PS4 Pro, but the bigger games will most likely be checkerboard upscaled.

Masta Kaos2801d ago

Wow!! You flip burgers @ McD and yet you know how to develop games...genius

Ju2803d ago

It even impressed DF. Technically, it runs 4x the content of the standard PS4 - with only a 2.5x faster GPU. Maybe the reduction of MSAA is all it takes to push 4x more pixels - with the exact same effects. The pixel density of 4k makes this 4xMSAA on the same size 1080p screen anyhow - without blurry pixels. So, ya, probably not an issue. But the question remains, where is the other ~2x performance coming from. Sure it's an indie title, but yet the baseline is the PS4 version - demanding or not. And this scales 4x to the standard PS4 version. Impressive.

2802d ago
Ju2802d ago (Edited 2802d ago )

Scaling is a 2x2 = 4x factor to the original 1920x1080 = 3840x2160. Its 4x (and hence the 4k) the pixel density and thus it needs to push 4x the amount of pixels. True, MSAA costs you, but not 4x the bandwidth.

Movefasta19932802d ago

The game looks garbage anyways,the ps4 probably could habdle this at 1440/60 locked.

Masta Kaos2801d ago

What gaming studio do you work for ?? Because it looks like you know your stuff...

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2801d ago
2802d ago Replies(2)
LexHazard792802d ago (Edited 2802d ago )

This the games I was talking about in one of my comments yesterday. The PS4 Pro doing 4K native gaming. Although the game is running on a low end side, still its is native 4K.

Chris122802d ago

You can run Pong in 4K 60FPS, it doesn't make it an impressive feat. A Micro Machines clone is hardly a good test for 4K gaming (from someone who will buy a Pro)

Ju2802d ago (Edited 2802d ago )

And the FUD is strong in here. What's wrong marketing this as "4K gaming" when the other side markets "4K entertainment system" which isn't and nobody cries? This holds more truth than the "other one". This runs 60fps (!) at 4K resolution. Deny it more often and we all believe it won't....

LexHazard792802d ago (Edited 2802d ago )

I also bought the PS4 Pro, just waiting. Im not that impressed either but.. Ive also been voicing my opinion that its doesnt do 4K but only upscales. So this was good to see, even if its only a Micro Machines racers running on a low end mobile api.

Edit: I guess it was mistake to show it doing 4K now the fanboys will make fun of it because its a small indie title..


I saw the damn PS4 Pro presentation and know it will do 4K gaming. But we didnt see anything running at native 4K.

And then the whole thing about that checkerboard process and upscaling to 4K from resolution higher than 1080p thing came about. Which had me wondering if it could do 4K gaming, so I based my opinion on that.

I still bought the fucking system so who gives a shit..go bother someone else.

Utalkin2me2802d ago


"Ive also been voicing my opinion that its doesnt do 4K but only upscales."

That's not a opinion that just straight up lies. Sony has already said it will have native 4k games and gave some official games that will support it.

Eonjay2802d ago

Well in most cases Indie games do tend to be less intensive graphically. This has as much to do with actual art resources as it does development budget. Anyway, this video was to demonstrate how the CPU has been enhanced to allow for the FP16 which suits itself to games like this. Also nice to see indies going for 4k, right?

LexHazard792802d ago

I dont know is it? I think it is, I dont care if its indie or not. Im just glad they showed something running natively at 4k.

KickSpinFilter2802d ago

would this work with a steering wheel?

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Jakens1780d ago

An impressive list of racers.

timotim1780d ago

They start with the word Forza

Imortus_san1779d ago (Edited 1779d ago )

"The Best Racing Games on Xbox One" - The best racing games this gen - there it's correct now.


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Team VVV Racing Game Awards 2018: Best Handheld Game

We were initially sceptical about Mario Kart 8 Deluxe. While we knew it would be fun to play, it wasn’t developed specifically for the Nintendo Switch. Instead, it was an enhanced port of the same Wii U game released four years ago. In truth, Nintendo could have easily ported Mario Kart 8 to the Switch without any enhancements or new content and it would have been a best-seller, but the developer took the time to improve aspects that were criticised in the original release. As a result, Mario 8 Deluxe was one of our highest rated games of 2017.

Battle Mode made a triumphant return with new bespoke arenas, and multiple power-ups can now be stored, adding a new tactical element which fundamentally changes the core gameplay. The novelty of playing a console-quality Mario Kart game on a handheld never loses its appeal, making it one of the most fun-packed split-screen multiplayer experiences available. Mixing reimagined fan favourites and new imaginatively-designed environments, the diverse track selection in Mario Kart 8 Deluxe also puts many current-generation racing games to shame. Each track is brought to life with vibrant visuals upscaled to 1080p resolution and a rock solid frame rate running at 60fps - it's a feast for the eyes, particularly in Handheld mode. If you own a Nintendo Switch, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe belongs in your collection. The standard has been set so high, it’s difficult to imagine where Nintendo will take the franchise next in the inevitable sequel.

2258d ago