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Caution: Nintendo prepares for Disaster

Symbiotestudio's Start/Select writes: "My concern is do Nintendo care enough about Disaster? A surprise release in Japan as soon as three weeks with a European and (I assume) an American release to follow is great but doesn't it feel like Nintendo might be forcing this out as a way to keep the 'Hardcores' happy, to give its paper thin fall line up a little weight."

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Mahr5764d ago

"People didn’t take too kindly to Nintendo’s E3 display"

If by "people" you mean "roughly 1% of their market," sure.

"Like Metroid Prime 3 which saw minimal advertising"

Um, can you provide a source on that? I would swear that I saw that silly "Wii would like to play" commercial for it about three hundred times.

"and resulting in pretty poor sales considering its importance in the Wii line up, Disaster looks like it will join the group of sales that fail to sell 1 million"

If it does, it will be because *gamers* didn't want to buy it. I see no problem with this.

"and thus further proving to Nintendo that people care less and less about their real titles and more about the ones that everyone can play, and it’s true because advertising and design has pushed the Wii into becoming what it is"

The Wii's what it is because of the way the current game market is. There's a higher demand for the so-called 'casual' titles than games like Disaster. At least, that's what the assumption is and will continue to be unless it sells really well.

"it is Nintendo responsibility to make this game sell"

I can't say I agree: It is Nintendo's responsibility to make the game and make it as appealing and well-designed as possible, but it is our responsibility as gamers to actually make this game sell by, y'know, *buying* it. If we want.


Top 10 Games Nintendo Should Localize

Alex S. from Link Cable Gaming writes: "..Nintendo revealed that they are fully localizing the original Famicom title, Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon & The Blade of Light and releasing it on the Switch eShop. This got us thinking – what other games could Nintendo localize for the first time and take out of the vault? Well here’s our list of the top 10 games Nintendo should localize."

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Community1322d ago

Nintendo trademarks Elite Beat Agents, Rhythm Heaven, and Disaster: Day of Crisis

Nintendo has registered new trademarks in Japan for multiple games including Elite Beat Agents, Rhythm Heaven, and Disaster: Day of Crisis. The trademarks made recently include their other famous IPs Super Mario, Mario Bros., Yoshi’s Crafted World and Kirby’s Epic Yarn as well.

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Community2092d ago
ozstar2087d ago

A Disaster Sequel would be awesome


10 Nintendo IPs That Need To Be Revived For The Switch

Sid writes: "It’s been a little over a year since the Nintendo Switch launched, and it’s still going strong in terms of game announcements and sales. With that in mind, we’ve made a list of some Nintendo franchisees that have been off the radar for quite a while and would love to see make a comeback for Nintendo’s newest system."

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Community2232d ago