
One of Microsoft's biggest product failures may not have been its fault

Kinect, the accessory that pairs with an Xbox and allows for input via physical movements, is one of Microsoft's biggest product failures as a company but it was the fault of Rare, a company Microsoft acquired, not management.

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DarkOcelet3092d ago

Kinect might be a failure but that failure lead to the Hololens. I think Hololens could be something really big in the future.

I hope MS really nail Hololens because the concept is really awesome and hopefully it has a reasonable price.

Aloy-Boyfriend3092d ago

Hololens will have a bigger appeal since it is not gaming first device. It will support Xbox One as they've stated, but I bet most will buy it for other purposes. It has more chances to succeed

DarkOcelet3092d ago

I will definitely buy one because the concept is amazing.

3092d ago
3092d ago
Lennoxb633092d ago

I'm buying one so I can game on a big screen on the ceiling/wall.

dcbronco3092d ago

This article and others like it are why business reporters should stay away from technology stories. First I believe Microsoft was making Kinect regardless of what Rare said. Rare may have pushed a gaming aspect but that was probably it. Then for this reporter to miss the very significant point Dark made, Kinect is the father of Hololens. Microsoft has said that and the Kinect sensors are actually built into Hololens. Kinect didn't lose a lot of money. It was sold at a profit and it still sold a ton of devices. The R & D money wasn't a loss because Microsoft spends 10-12 billion a year on R & D and I'd bet most never leads to a product. Look at the Microsoft Research YouTube channel. Its full of stuff.

Microsoft has been getting into CPU design since 2004, Kinect gave them chips besides Xbox to work on. Hololens took it further. And I believe eventually that will lead to phones, Surface and Surface Book all having Microsoft built chips.

Kinect and the other devices like it were the start of a new direction. Evolution takes time. I would also place a lot of the blame on developers for not using Kinect properly. Most of the ideas were a waste. There are better ways of using it in gaming.

As for Hololens only being for developers is that notion stupid or trolling? Ok, common sense. If you have developers who are they developing for. If not for the public then wouldn't they just be testers. Developers make things to sell, Microsoft has their own testers.

Oh, they're selling to each other. I get it.

frostypants3091d ago (Edited 3091d ago )

Trying to focus on things other than gaming is what damn near doomed Xbox One. These are game consoles. Consumers buy them as game consoles.

TheCommentator3091d ago

Well Said Dc Bronco. This article is taken entirely out of context. The quotes in this article are actually reflective of Rare's commitment to games for the accessory. MS was making the Kinect with or without Rare's support but it was Rare who chose to go all in on the software for it.

bouzebbal3091d ago

Hololens reveal videos look so sick, and beyond imagination. But again, Project Natal comes to my mind every time and i am more than sceptical for the final result.
Maybe i'm wrong, but i highly doubt it.

theDivision3091d ago

Can someone tell me why you and everyone else is getting so many disagrees? The hololens is a great concept and I think it's gaming applications are just a small portion of it's ability and as such I agree and think it does have a great chance to become successful.

CartBlanche3091d ago

What other purposes would the public buy it for? It is a niche product, so the "masses" won't have a need to buy it, just to have it on their shelves.
Now if you said this is the next best thing in scientific research, also a niche area, then I'd be 100% behind you. Mass market product, no way. See Kinect/Move to learn from history.

ULTp0ltergeist3091d ago (Edited 3091d ago )

Probably will be in retail by 2020, by then Microsoft should already have many applications and uses. Probably a more stylized version?


Actually I think it's the next big gadget device like the iPhone has been the past near decade. Once it get too retail Microsoft will have many uses by then and they will need to strike the right price.

UnholyLight3091d ago

@dcbronco well said buddy. Spot on. I really do think that even though Kinect was a failure for the consumer...like it was cool for a while, I enjoyed Kinect sports for the time being but it faded out real quick..they still sold a lot and can look at it as a stepping stone to the next project.

I am not sure why people want these type of devices to fail so hard, as the future WILL bring new experiences to gaming. Gaming will not and in my opinion, must NOT remain static in order to create said new experiences. I think the future is very bright not just for Microsoft but Sony as well, as they both seem to be following a vision for the future of gaming that will only bring the consumer more cool experiences (VR,AR etc).

This type of conversation subverts the fanboy aspects of gaming for me, like why would I want to see Kinect fail or Move fail as an Xbox fan or Sony fan? Just makes no sense!

CartBlanche3091d ago (Edited 3091d ago )

@Murk I have to respectfully disagree. The moment you add another peripheral that needs wearing as well as having a controller it will not last. If it involves standing up or any upright position, it will not last.
Let History be your guide...
0. PS Eye - Camera peripheral. Lots of standing and arm waving. Kids loved it, then got tired of jumping around to enjoy themselves. First time i saw this tech, I believed it would change gaming forever.....I was very very wrong. FAIL!
1. Wii - hand held peripheral. Fad. Massive initial sales, then nada. Standing and arm movements. Like the exercise bike your dad bought, they are both in the shed/attic. FAIL!
2. Move - accurate hand held/Camera peripheral. Worked great but I had to hold my hand up to point at stuff in Killzone. My arms got tired. Some standing, but raised arm movements. FAIL!
3. Kinect - Camera and mic peripheral, better tech than PS Eye. Lots of standing and waving of arms. People said gamers wanted a Minority Report interface, not realising just how tiring it is to wave your arms about . Everyone loved the voice recognition, because we can do that sitting on our arses. Ultimately FAIL!
4. 3D TV/Movies - glasses peripheral. if this had taken off, then YES PS-VR and Hololens would be the next best thing. 3D failed because you had to put something on to enjoy it and the technology didn't work flawlessly for everyone. If it had, it would have had a better chance of succeeding.

If you and your friends watch 3D movies every weekend, in your homes, then PS-VR and Hololens is for you. But I bet that all the people who say they love PS-VR or Hololens don't watch 3D movies regularly. It would be the natural progression to VR/AR. So VR/AR fans ask yourself why you don't watch 3D films regularly and you will have the answer as to why VR/AR is not ready for mainstream yet.
Sure you'll rush out and buy it, but 6 months from now you will still be using your game controller while you VR/AR headset will be gathering dust.

Now perfect voice recognition, that would be a game changer, if it could be incorporated well. Why? Because you can sit down , with your controller in hand and just speak. So major addons. Everyone already uses a head set for in-game chat. Imagine Uncharted 4 with the ability to tell the NPCs. where to go, in real time. "Sully flank left, I'll go right" or "Sully protect the girl". Something so small would change the immersion factor much more right now, than VR/AR, IMO.

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Scatpants3091d ago ShowReplies(4)
Kribwalker3091d ago

I wouldn't call the Kinect a commercial failure as the 360 version sold more then 12 million. That's 1 outa every 7 360 had Kinect. With 80+ million that's a pretty good ratio.

Now did it do what they said it would, no it didn't

deafdani3091d ago Show
_-EDMIX-_3091d ago

Just no. 24 million sold, is not a damn failure.


I don't care what anyone states, they did a great job with it. I don't even get what Hololens has to do with this, its not made solely for gaming. It will be years before we see that tech jump off.

jivah3091d ago

Sold or rather bundled with a system and people had no choice?

Volkama3091d ago

Not really seeing how Kinect directly leads to Hololens? The two technologies could pair together well, but I wouldn't say Kinect is the basis, inspiration, or enabler for Hololens.

vegasgamerdawg3091d ago (Edited 3091d ago )

Don't know what the disagrees are about but you're right. AR has a chance at a much bigger audience than VR. People don't want to be cut of from the world for very long, we all have smartphones for proof. YOu can walk around and play without hurting yourself, and the many other applications it has adds value.
Once the price comes down I see AR taking over the VR space.
AR is Kinect inverted, it's the same technology. I think the fanBOY has been hitting the disagree button, sheep decide what to post on this site, not intelligent people. No truth allowed on this site, you must cater to he Sony fanBOY, no adult conversation allowed on N4G.
Hate having all these bubbles I feel like a sheep that got caught up in a Sony fanBOY meeting. I hope the new site doesn't have the same system of letting the sheep decide who gets to talk. The majority is an ignorant mob fed by ignorance.

CartBlanche3091d ago (Edited 3091d ago )

Hololens AR has as much chance of succeeding as a mass market product as the AR Sony released for the PS3? Remember EyePet - https://www.youtube.com/wat... It was niche and never succeeded. Now everyone thinks that by putting something on your head it will somehow mean instant success for AR or even VR.
I'm afraid it won't work that way. The barrier to entry into AR, both from a peripheral perspective and from the value for money perspective, will be too high.

Will Hard Core gamers like you and me buy it and try it out. YES!
Will the Casual gamer and masses buy into it. No. There again proving it is a niche product.
Will it have longevity? No.

As mentioned several times, the moment you have to put something on your head, that isn't already there, to enjoy it, the barrier to entry is too high.

3-4-53091d ago

uhh the hololens is for business purposes so people can demonstrate things around and interact together without having to be in the same room.

How haven't you figured that out yet ?

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tinynuggins3092d ago

Personally, I love my kinect and I hope they make another one for the next xbox. Maybe just don't make it mandatory.

XanderZane3091d ago (Edited 3091d ago )

I don't think Kinect was a failure. At least not last gen. It literally sold millions of units and had a decent amount of games for it. It easily made a profit. This gen it did bomb however. Microsoft including it bundled with the XB1 and not having hardly any game software to really support it, pretty much doomed it. Not sure what they were thinking. I guess they thought ever gamer was going to use it with their cable box and love it. That wasn't the case. Having only about 4-6 game titles the first year didn't help it either. Its only saving grace now is that it will be used with the Hololens and hopefully the games for that will be incredible.

Godmars2903092d ago

So someone finally gets round to admitting that Kinect failed to deliver, yet puts the blame on Rare rather than MS?

It was announced and shown off too early, by some counts the first version was shortchanged to save on costs, choices one might equate with upper management, yet Rare needs to catch all of the blame.

What about Perter Molyneux, Lionheart and Milo? If anything was proof of concept for Kinect it was that. And I doubt Rare had anything to do with that.

sinspirit3091d ago

Exactly. Why do so many people not hold MS accountable? Especially, when it is their employees, divisions, and companies that they own. Rare owns XBox? No. Rare owns Kinect? No. Did they have the idea? Perhaps. But, what parent company decided to abandon almost all AAA development for 1-2 years and prioritize Kinect with casual titles and never delivering on the talks of integrated Kinect features with big AAA exclusives? Oh, yeah. Xbox.

Yeah. It was never XBox. It was Don Mattrick, Rare, Adam Orth, or Major Nelson? Is it odd that employees that screw up like this resurface from MS a lot? Take responsibility. I'm tired of neglect and not owning up to failures. If Kinect screwed up on 360 who's decision was it to also make it mandatory on the X1? Yeah, it has some potential. But, if XBox is a truly gaming oriented company then they know who their primary consumers are and not to ditch them for it. To debut the XBox not as a XBox but a TV Box or media center? Holy cow. We get it. People like XBox games but to pretend like they've always had their core audience in mind is ridiculous. They've really screwed up and they have been handed chance after chance. If they don't deliver on their new IP's next year and don't have more planned after that then it would have all been for nothing. A lot of fans think supporting whatever they do is how they will come out better. It's not. Next year is their proof of whether or not they can stay standing the rest of this generation and potentially the next. They've sold very well thus far. People compare its sales to PS4, but don't understand that it sells good despite the comparison. Microsoft has royally screwed up many things. I will be distraught if they don't turn it around.

It's just one of those times where, with no experience, you really 100% feel like you could lead a multi-billion dollar company better than their seasoned members. I guess I'm just ticked off primarily over Halo and Fable every time I think of XBox. Do it right and do well because of it.

rainslacker3091d ago (Edited 3091d ago )

Even if Rare is to blame, they are owned by MS, so it's still MS fault. Pretty sure MS would be held culpable for Rare's actions in most places....

Other than that, this article is rather reaching trying to blame a developer who was tasked to make games for a device MS made, and saying they were at fault for it's failure.

That's like saying Sony Worldwide studios are at fault for Vita's lack of sales.

Godmars2903091d ago (Edited 3091d ago )

How are you getting that I'm blaming Rare? By all real counts by the example of the Milo demo, his short stint as head of development, much of the burden falls on Molyneux. Rare never come off as more as secondary. Tasked with making titles that never pushed much. Sports and family games. To say now that they were supposedly leading the charge is insulting.

rainslacker3091d ago

I wasn't implying that you were saying that. Just adding to what you said.

XanderZane3091d ago

Yeah, it's definitely Microsoft's fault that the Kinect didn't take off this gen. No where near enough games for it at launch of after launch. What was released wasn't always great. Only 2-3 titles worth purchasing really. They should have released the XB1 without the Kinect as a separate SKU. Not it seems the Kinect is an afterthought for MS. They haven't announced any new Kinect games or anything else related to Kinect in a long time. Rare didn't kill the Kinect.

InTheLab3091d ago

It's like the author of this article forgot all about Don Matrick who pushed Kinect to the point of making it mandatory on the X1. Rare going all in on Kinect is a product of poor leadership from Matrick, Kudo, mehdi, Phil...yes even Phil, and Molyneux.

Good old revisionist history... at least wait another gen to start changing the story..

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3092d ago Replies(2)
Herbalistic3092d ago ShowReplies(1)
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